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Powerful Arguments To Keep ‘Trans Ed’ Out of Schools

Posted on Wednesday, April 20, 2022
by Outside Contributor

School districts are embroiled in a battle over whether to teach children from kindergarten to third grade about being transgender. Advocates recommend teachers read their young students “Introducing Teddy,” a book about a boy teddy bear who transitions to be a girl, calling it a heart-warming story “about being true to yourself.”

Trans advocates make changing genders sound like a cakewalk. It’s easier for teddy bears than for people.

For honest answers on what belongs in public schools, follow the science and the U.S. Constitution.

First, the science: A staggering 99% plus of the population do not have the physical traits that cause someone to become transgender. People with gender dysphoria — a condition that causes extreme distress — deserve empathy and respect. But only 0.6% of the adult population have it, according to UCLA’s Williams Institute, an LGBTQ advocacy group.

A classroom lesson proposed for New Jersey 6-year-olds called “Pink, Blue and Purple” says children should be taught that “You might feel like you’re a girl even if you have body parts that some people might tell you are ‘boy’ parts … No matter how you feel, you’re perfectly normal.”

Normal, no. It is a rare condition. Most gender dysphoria manifests in early childhood, according to a 2020 study at Cedars Sinai in Los Angeles, so guidance counselors and teachers should be trained to offer families help. But there’s no reason to incorporate it into the curriculum, inviting children to choose their pronouns and confusing the 99% who don’t have the condition.

The Human Rights Campaign and other LGBTQ+ advocacy groups ignore this science and insist that someone with “boy parts” can become a girl and vice versa.

These groups are teaming up with the National Education Association (NEA) to steamroll schools into disseminating this false claim, even designating national reading days when school kids are indoctrinated with lessons about transgender characters like those in the books “I Am Jazz” or “Born Ready: The True Story of a Boy Named Penelope.”

Scientists are still debating actual causes, but a consensus is emerging that people with gender dysphoria have “a brain structure” that does not match their genitalia at birth.

Transgender individuals process the sex hormones estrogen and androgen differently from other people. According to Exeter University researchers, gender dysphoria is caused by androgen insensitivity syndrome, where “the testosterone receptor is mutated and faulty, and thus cannot function.”

The LGBTQ community is adamant this condition not be labeled mental illness. When the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual used by American psychiatrists was updated in 2013, gender identity disorder was changed to gender dysphoria.

Trans advocates want greater acceptance. But instructing young kids that it’s normal for boys to become girls and vice versa is going too far. Parents rightly fear their kids are being “groomed.”

In the last two decades, the proportion of minors saying they’re transgender has soared to 1.8%. Gender dysphoria used to be a condition experienced primarily by young boys. Now, it has suddenly shifted to teenagers born female. Brown University’s Lisa Littman calls this “social contagion,” meaning teenage girls are mimicking their friends and claiming to be transgender, without displaying the classic signs of gender dysphoria that emerge in early childhood.

Children need to be protected from gender hysteria and moving headlong into transitioning.

What does the Constitution say? We have the freedom to practice our own religion. Many Christians and Jews believe God created man and woman. They don’t want their kids indoctrinated in a belief system that claims a person born with “boy parts” can become a girl. Parents in Ludlow, Massachusetts, are suing to stop the public school from teaching transgenderism.

They’re likely to win. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the 6th circuit ruled March 30, 2021, that Ohio could not force a public university teacher to address transgender students using their chosen pronouns contrary to the teacher’s Christian beliefs.

Transgender advocates have a right to their views, but they don’t have a right to force them on everyone.

Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York and author of “The Next Pandemic,” available at Follow her on Twitter @Betsy_McCaughey.


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Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
2 years ago

Thank you, so glad people are suing over this!

2 years ago

Genesis 2: God made MAN AND WOMAN. Romans 1:26-28. Lev;18:22. 1Kings;14:24.Lev.20:13.
Romans 1:24,26,27. God will forgive those who ask forgiveness for their perversion and turn from it, but those who not only practice perversion , but force it on children will be held to a much higher and painful accountability.
Even hardened criminals in prisons, have for decades, been known to destroy any inmate who preys on children; sometimes leaving pieces of their bodies around the prison.
Those who poison children are as evil and ugly as mass murderers.
No one will escape the judgement, either for good works, or for evil, of Holy God, no one.
P.S. Hell is a very real place, and it’s eternal, agonizing and never ending,not some “Hollywood” movie producers imagination.

2 years ago

I agree completely with Mrs. McCaughey, but would add that we should push back against the very idea that ” transgendering ” is even a valid medical practice. It is simply not possible to change a person into the opposite sex. Our medical culture should be focused on helping people learn to love the body they are born with and love themselves in the process so they do not harm themselves in any way !

2 years ago

The tail is being ‘allowed’ to wag the dog in today’s politically correct world, and that’s NOT okay.
It takes only mere ‘common sense’ to know that the responsibility for sex education… unquestionably & across the board… belongs solely to the individual child’s parents. Over the last 10+ years, I’ve grown impatient about how some
segments of society have continued to push their view point on others whose viewpoint is different from theirs and now it’s becoming governmentally legislated??? I THINK NOT!, What makes their viewpoint any more ‘correct or valid’ than others? NOTHING! I have no interest in “understanding theirs” anymore than I care whether or not they understand mine. And I think most people would agree, regardless of there sexual orientation. There is a minority whose SOLE MISSION is to divide the people of our nation as much as they can, using every “tool” they can “invent” to do it. THEIR MISSION MUST BE SQUELCHED, if we are all to remain free.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
2 years ago

To encourage transgenderism in the schools is illogical and abusive, both emotionally and physically. Only a fringe of the student population is truly transgender. Pre-adulthood is often naturally full of self-conflict and self-doubt. To force transgenderism down the throats of impressionable young people is actually very confusing, and can lead to medical operations and procedures which will be regretted later on in life. It’s best for the nuclear family to be responsible for the complex business of changing one’s natural sex to an alternative sex. Again, very few people are naturally inclined to change their natural physical sex..

Vera Grant
Vera Grant
2 years ago

Sex should not be taught to children until they are in middle school only in Scientific Ways . How babies are created. The child has to understand what they have to go through to become transgender, the operations and how it will affect them in their future life. All aspects scientific or Biological that exist in the human species. By no means should children from Kindergarten to Six grade be indoctrinated with sex programs. Let them learn their ABC’s and how to do their math before messing their mind up with other things.

Bill Blake
Bill Blake
2 years ago

It’s mind boggling that we are even having this discussion….

2 years ago

Schools are way out of hand! They’re poking into issues they have no business engaging in. Certain personal things are meant for families to handle, not a schoolteacher. Considering what I know of the lifestyles of those who are promoting this issue I’d say they better mind their own business & stay out of how we raise our children.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

Just another taredown of society ,to pte-pare us for the New World Order. Kyle L.

2 years ago

Well in the Peoples’ Republic of New Jersey, our illustrious “Progressive” (Socialist) Governor just signed a bill into law that will be teaching this stuff to grade school children starting in September. First, he came out with a big speech touting this “progressive win” and then when the inevitable public backlash started pouring in, he suddenly went quiet on the subject. I still fully expect he will be announcing he will be running for POTUS in 2024 sometime in 2023 and this was yet another bow to the “progressive” left (the hard-core socialists that run the Democrat Party) to show he is fully on board with whatever they want. In the meantime, the new law stands and the teacher unions in the state are all saying their members will be indoctrinating…er I mean “teaching” their young 5,6-, and 7-year-old students the course material now authorized by state law.

For all you residents of Republican run states that think none of this will ever happen in your state, just remember that at one time New Jersey and even New York and Connecticut were once Republican controlled states. The Republican Party in each of these states got lazy and apathetic, thinking there was no way Democrats would ever pose a serious threat to them. They could sit back and cruise to victory forever. Sound familiar? Well not only did the Democrats take advantage of the lazy and apathic Republician Party in each of these states, but the Democrats have rendered the Republican Party nearly extinct in all three states. So keep the politicians in your state on their toes and push them to pay attention for potential threats. Otherwise, you run the risk of joining the list of socialist strongholds called Democrat run states.

2 years ago

why is it that in years past there were NO transgender people, NO gay people, & NO autism? Trans & gay must be pushed in school because they aren’t that way until they get in the school system. Home-schooled are not gay or trans either. I never thought autism was vaxx related until recently, when every grandbaby that’s been born suddenly is determined to be autistic by their first birthday. They had NO autistic traits until they got their first shots….. Why are we allowing the schools to ruin our children’s childhood?????

2 years ago

The LGBT, when given an inch, will demand a yard. There was a time when these people simply begged for tolerance and acceptance; now, they vie to pervade the lives of all, even dominance if we allow them. Because of our society’s departure from God back in 1962, our populace has lost its moral standards. Would anyone tolerate prostitution being taught as a valid profession in our colleges and universities? Why then would we tolerate homosexuality to be induced/encouraged in our children?

2 years ago

Is there any way to prove that this wokeness regarding sex, the climate and defense of drugs is the religion of the leftist mob? If so, we can use their own bastardization of the Constitution “freedom of (not from) religion” against them.

2 years ago

What a crock of BS. For the last 50 years we have bent over backwards to appease minorities. Some of it was needed but we have overdone it. Affirmative action was supposed to level the playing field but it has lowered all standards, education being a major one. Now, because of the “woke” movement we are poisoning our children who are barely old enough to read with the idea that abnormal is normal. They are also told that being white is something to be ashamed of. I can honestly say I was never a racist and I have never cared about another person’s sexual preference unless it was harmful to others. BLM, LGBTQ, CRT, etc. etc. has changed my attitude toward minority groups. We are being force fed BS. Next thing we know, pedophilia will be normal. This has to stop.

Deb Rockwell
Deb Rockwell
2 years ago

This movement is totally out of control.

2 years ago


2 years ago

IMHO: The Trans pushers are simply persons who want to stir up trouble. Some claim to be Christian and some don’t. When a Christian promotes this behavior, they are saying “God” has made a mistake by making a boy with girl parts and vice versa; then they will tell you that “God” never makes mistakes. Which is it? Well, it is a bunch of extremists trying to use mass manipulation psychosis techniques (brain washing) to train their “Pavlovs Dog” young subjects and gain control.

Brain washing is not new, it has been used for centuries by many a dictator and war monger to get the support of masses of people. Look at CoVid-19, and how many people bought into the so-called pandemic with the totally ineffective mask mandates used to control the masses. I’ve never seen so many people subscribe to the fear of catching a bad cold or the flu, with a morbidity rate that is statistically insignificant, in my eighty plus years of life. The coronavirus is not new either, the common cold is a coronavirus; I used to catch colds frequently when I was getting flu vaccinations years ago. I try to keep my immune system up and running well with food, vitamins and exposure to whatever I happen to run into. When I was pre-kindergarten, I played house with a little girl down the street. She made mud pies, I ate them, no problem, I’m still here. The Omicron was the only thing I’ve caught in years other than a mild case of shingles. Our GMO foods have lost about 50% of their nutritional value, thanks to Big Agra, so the vitamins are now a necessity.

I had Omicron about three months ago, and didn’t even know it until it turned into pneumonia; my butt was really dragging due to low blood oxygen, so it cost me a week in the hospital to get the pneumonia under control, but had they not told me I had had Omicron but was over it when I went into the hospital, I would never have know I had it. I’ve not been vaccinated, and haven’t been but once for the flu about 15 years ago when my doctor insisted I get a flu shot to go on a cruise to Panama; it gave me a light case of the flu, but I’m not against all vaccinations, other than untested and unproven fast tracked vaccines like the experimental genetically modified mRNA shots they now erroneously refer to as vaccines. I’ve had bad cases of the flu even though I had been vaccinated years ago, but seldom even get a cold after I quit getting vaccinated many years ago. But, that’s me and my story, and I’m not you, so you do what you are comfortable with, not what I do. Follow the money (not on MSM or government reports, they lie like rugs covering a stubborn stain in a carpet) if you want to know why they push the CoVid vaccinations so hard; they are real cash-cows, billionaire makers, for their promoters and manufacturers.

2 years ago

I am 74 years old. When I was in grade school in the mid 50s and early 60s we would start the day with the pledge of allegence and the Lords prayer and sometimes a Bible reading. Times were much more peaceful in those days.

Mic J Palazzolo
Mic J Palazzolo
2 years ago

Sifting thru the tumult, ‘tudes’, and agenda-driven blather, it is my understanding that:

The cells responsible for sexual identity are located in the hypothalamus. Prenatal exposure (in utero) to synthetic endocrine disrupting chemicals that are feminizing (90%+), feminize these cells
in nascent male infants. The same chemicals, but are masculinizing (10%+), masculinize these cells in nascent female infants [I call this, and only this, ‘incidental transgenderism’ that is a rare, but growing unnatural anomaly subsequent to ever increasing amounts of and exposure to synthetic endocrine disrupting chemicals in the Earth’s environment. I call transgenderism exclusively resulting from indoctrination contrived by an agenda-driven dystopian cabal ‘non-incidental or
deliberately contrived transgenderism’.] Transgendered males are artificially feminized males and not females (this is impossible). Transgendered females are artificially masculinized females and not males (this too is impossible). The artificial trangenderation of males and females, incidental and non-incidental, occurs by way of synthetic endocrine disrupting chemicals and/or by way of the contrived corporate “educational” and medical establishments.

Patty L
Patty L
2 years ago

At this point in time, if at all possible, homeschool your children.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

Much ado has been made about native children forced to learn the 3Rs screaming about abuse was endless what would the very same people call what is going on right now in the schools where kids are being destabilized deliberately, their, young tender brains messed with this is mental abuse of the worst kind their brains are assaulted, is that not a mental torture , where are all those who would not shut up about Guantanamo there were no children involved there

2 years ago

I’m sure the transgender advocates would not like it if the board of education said they were going to teach Christian principles to students from K-3.

2 years ago

The LGBTQ community is only 3%-4% of the population in America yet there is so much press and news about this issue. Parents should have the right to teach their children about this matter when they feel its approriate not when the education system deems appropriate. To indoctrinate children at this age is abuse. To flood childrens innocent minds with this at this age is unacceptable. All of a sudden the education system cares about what children are taught. They didnt seem to care much during covid, with zoom and keeping the children out of class for so long let alone keeping masks on their faces for eight hrs a day. Its time for the 96%-97% of this country to push back. The left has an agenda…..its control an ultimately a Marxist gvt. To each his own but to force feed an agenda down everyones throats who dont agree with it is unconstitutional. Remember this….the left does whatever the left wants they dont believe in the constitution and somehow they get their way. If we the people dont start holding the line and standing our ground thete wont be a free country left for our children to enjoy. The Marxism agenda is fed into a society little by little, hardly noticabl until it becomes the norm….then its too late….Wake up parents wake up churches, wake up America! For your childrens sake

El Ey
El Ey
2 years ago

Thanks for your input Patricia. I applaud you saying that Momma Bears (and Papa Bears too) need to really wake up. I hope and pray that ALL parents with young children be vigilant and never tire of being involved in their children’s lives.
All parents must ask their children what they learned from school that day, and show the kids their genuine concern(s).
I always include all young families in my prayers. These children are the future.

Larry W.
Larry W.
2 years ago

Remember the good old days when they told people not to ram their religion down other peoples throat. Well it’s time to stop ramming this LGBTQ religion down peoples throats. Stop the social engineering agendas in schools and get back to basic education. All this stuff is an unnecessary distraction for children too young to be exposed to adult stuff. They need to focus on learning skills that will help them to be adults so they can make decisions for themselves when that time comes, not be indoctrinated by the school systems.

2 years ago

I was hoping that Joe Biden would enroll in the 2nd grade in Delaware Middle School (sorry his intelligence level is Kindergarten) and the teachers could explain to Joey he might be a girl named Josephine// However it would be a waste because Joey has the problem fixed already//Has anyone ever noticed his movements are very feminine and he likes all the queer and lesbian liberals that he touches in the party of democrats// ///so Joey will graduate to the 1st grade immediately and his teacher will be the former Mayor of South Bend who is the Trans married to a wonderful queer//Joey will fit right in //So will Jill/

teresa Ann d'alessandro
teresa Ann d'alessandro
2 years ago

first of all, you have children under ten and half of them tell their parents they think they are a dog that day. they go around the house barking like a dog, or a cat or a horse. the thing is they don’t really want to be a dog, etc so let these kids just be kids!!!! it’s ridiculous to try to tell them about something that will confuse them. when they are mature then they can make their own decision. this is nonsense that the left try to impose on young ones –

2 years ago

How about it’s immoral, stupid and ludicrous to teach this garbage!
These marxist democrat politicians and the evil they spew, failed policies they promote are purely attacks on Real Citizens Freedom and decency!
REMOVE these morons and the STUPITY they shove down decent people’s throats!
WHY does anyone put up with their CRAP??

David D
David D
2 years ago

Liberal Dems have been trying to destroy the family for many decades and this is just the latest effort. It’s good to see more people standing up to fight such evil endeavors.

Myrna Wade
Myrna Wade
2 years ago

There so much effort to force gender “fog” on the entire populace.

Bill T
Bill T
2 years ago

Watching Jen the actor crying about the Republican Party being only political about children being taught that it’s not only normal but literally being taught (actually brainwashed buy the Marxist teachers union) is disgusting, this entire administration is not only sabotaging our entire country but now it’s completely normal for men to decide at 19 years old to change identity and within a few months complete with women in college athletic sports, it’s simply sickening and unacceptable for this travesty to be allowed, yet there doing just that and not a peep from our media or politicians. There diabolical and evil destroyers of our society and our constitution.

2 years ago

I think the gender hysteria comment is right on target. Remember, if you’re old enough, the anorexia hysteria that happened in the 70s? A popular pop singer had a problem with anorexia and suddenly, out of nowhere, half the young girls in America were learning to throw up their food in order to gain attention and be hip. It’s the same thing here and if you’ve worked around children very much, you know they’re prone to this kind of group think. It’s the same place silly clothing trends and hairstyle changes come from. Justin Beiber hair, anyone? Climbing on their bandwagons don’t do them any good. Parents are supposed to be the clear thinking adults in the room, not blindly and thoughtlessly following the childish whims of…well, children.

2 years ago

Let parents decide what is best for their children. Teaching kids sex education at ages 4-5-6-7-8-9-10- is too early for the majority. Think back on how you learned about this. Our public schools must go back to teaching the three R’s in grade school in order to get this country back on track. The morality in USA has gone downhill the last 60-years & just analyze the reasons why.

2 years ago

Only 12% of Republicans actually vote! That is why we have all of these nut jobs changing our country! Ask your Republican party what volunteer work you can do to make sure we get the votes needed to make a change this November and any elections between now and then. George Soros throws so much money towards the Democratic party that they actually hire people to do the same jobs that Republican volunteers do. No one is throwing that kind of money our way! Don’t wait and be sorry that you did not get involved! Please!

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