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Politics in Sports – Disgusting

Posted on Friday, July 30, 2021
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Why do we watch people at play, kids, and adults swinging bats at balls, throwing the pigskin, running fast, putting air-filled spheres in hoops and sails on sloops? Why do we tune in for comedy, drop the madcap world for escape into movies? To get slapped with more politics, intrusive virtue-signaling, anger, indignation, and instigation? Hardly, so we are tuning out. A signal is being sent.

Incredibly, Americans are – by tens of millions – sending a blunt signal to the “politically progressive,” “woke” crowd that now pushes accusatory, angry, hostile to history, all-politics-all-the-time, anti-American messaging into sports and other venues. Americans are saying, “Enough!”

Data is pouring in.

Already, left-pushing newspapers and television shows were suffering, readership and viewership down, credibility lost, people finding other sources, or just foregoing news altogether. In 2018, newspaper circulation was the lowest since 1940; left-leaning cable television similar. See, e.g., Fast facts about the newspaper industry’s financial struggles as McClatchy files for bankruptcy; CNN rattled after Trump mocks network’s dismal ratings drop.

But now, the specter of media mayhem, collapse of interest in political media is creating new disaffection. People are saying, “Forget it, I have enough of being force-fed political garbage.” You think I am kidding since so many love sports and entertainment, but we are turning them off.

Here is the latest. Early summer, politics invaded major league baseball, as it has other sports, leading to false allegations about Georgia’s voter integrity law, the pulling of July’s All-Star Game from Atlanta by left-leaning white owners, which ironically devastated black minority businesses across Atlanta.

Result? All-Star game viewership bombed – fell 18 percent.

People are sick and tired of being politically manipulated, even the fan base. MLB All-Star Game bombs in ratings again. Here’s why; NBA All-Star Game viewership falls 18% to 5.94m.

With baseball getting taken over by politics, people are disgusted. They are saying, “count me out.” If baseball cannot respect our flag, anthem, tried-and-true veterans, proud history of sacrifice, ideals, promise, and place in the world, pound sand. See, e.g., Politics Invades Baseball Again; Baseball Is for Democrats Only; MLB’s Rogue Commissioner Must Resign.

Even attendance at games, independent of media leftism, is dropping like a bad bunt. Since 2015, attendance is down more than 15 percent, and in 2019 attendance plummeted to the worst level in 16 years. From Terrible Teams To Rising Costs: Why MLB Attendance Is Down Over 7% Since 2015; Baseball had its worst attendance in 16 years.

But baseball is just the latest victim of leftist politics invading sports, with basketball, football, and soccer already infected. Overall, public viewership of sports is down by 34 percent – specifically due to the left-leaning political messaging pushed. See, e.g., As NBA Ratings Decline, Poll Shows 34% Watched Less Sports Over Social Justice Messages.

Take professional basketball – where even some players admit, politics destroyed the fan base.

The reality is so clear that many are backpedaling the way Democrats who pushed “defund police” now (comically) say that was Republicans. See, e.g., Clay Travis: NBA Has Destroyed its Fan Base With ‘Woke’ Politics; With National Anthem Edict, NBA Indicates It Wants To Back Off Politics;

But the crisis of politics infecting sports is not over. Our non-political escapes are being burdened by radical ideas. Twisted thinking often gets worse before better. Professional football is hemorrhaging viewership and attendance, now pushing two national anthems, one black one white. How about the other ideal, aspiring to be “one nation under God?”

To satisfy the arch-left, the NFL in 2021 will push an “end racism” message that is innately racist, a black and white anthem, no more unity, just more division. As their fan base shrivels, this will surely lead to even more plug pullers. See, e.g., NFL 2021 season will include Black national anthem, social justice messages again: report.

Already, NFL viewership is in freefall. The NFL may find itself replaced by a new league, maybe the LAL, the Love America League.

Who knows? But they seem intent on division – and ratings reflect revulsion.

See, e.g., Why are the NFL’s TV ratings declining? Here’s what our survey data tells us; NFL Ratings Drop Leaves Networks Scrambling to Make Advertisers Whole.

Nor is the infusion of leftism just in pro sports. Tokyo’s Olympics are infected, which produced a jaw-dropping loss of viewership – worst viewership for an Olympic Opening in 33 years. Politics destroyed our escape. See, e.g., NBC has 33-year low viewership for Tokyo Olympics opening ceremony: ‘Not a happy’ benchmark.

Likewise, the Oscars this year were a political mud fest, and it cost them. Actors attacked one American institution after another as if Hollywood were an island defended by special effects, not the American military, police, and real people. Viewership was underwater. See. e.g., Get woke, go broke: Pious, political Oscars crashes, loses tens of millions of viewers.

Of course, the real question is whether those who run sports programming, movie honors, Olympics, or any other “happy escape” for Americans realize that “progressive politics” are killing them. Will they say, “Hmmm, our profits are down, antagonism up, rebuilding hard, America good, we should rethink”?

Or will they keep indulging the Marxist left, running scared of boycotts, bull horns, and other bulls?

Will owners and players – paid handsomely – honor the American Dream that put them there? Promote it? Or continue to deride it? Will they honor liberty and equality or push division and resentment?

The answer is – who knows? What is emerging is public disgust with divisive politics in sports and entertainment. That may reverse the trend or create competing organizations led by those who love America.

Maybe alternate media will emerge, focused on college, high school, and pro-America.

Net-net, Americans watch sports – and entertainment broadly – to escape politics, not to find themselves slapped about by anti-American, Marxist, and inflammatory messaging. We are tuning out. Maybe that is good, as it sends a clear signal. If the signal is seen, things could change. Let us hope so.

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3 years ago

Professional sports in this country is dying. All sports viewing used to be about escapism from the reality of people’s lives for a while. An enjoyable break from the day to day. Now most professional sports owners are clearly more concerned with not offending China, because they see a potentially more lucrative and larger market than the United States. The American market for professional sports is almost an after thought.

People here are tuning out professional sports in droves. Look at the Olympics and so-called athletes that can’t even perform, because they have devoted so much time to being “woke”, that they cannot compete at the level needed to win. People will, over time, probably gravitate towards watching amateur sports and completely give up on professional sports. If amateur sports begin to adopt “the woke culture”, then most people will just drop watching all sports altogether. There are many other ways to enjoy a weekend rather than being glued to a TV set watching a bunch a spoiled millionaires protesting the country that has afforded them the freedom and privilege to make a living playing professional sports.

3 years ago

I gave up on any Professional Sports! Even gave up my season tickets to thee Green Bay Packers!
My dad and I had them since 1963. I refuse to support franchises that place politics over American Values is sport entertainment! NO money from me…. anyone else???

3 years ago

I used to be a huge Nascar fan but when they started promoting BLM and the LGBTQ that was it for me! They were on the decline anyway with so many old drivers retiring and the young ones want an easy path to the top. So sad that our American sports like racing and baseball are so woke that they are driving away fans. They will pay with less income and eventually drive themselves out of business.

Tommy Molnar
Tommy Molnar
3 years ago

The way I see it, racism was pretty much gone – until Obama came along. I think he took us back to the 50’s in short order. Now the left-wing America haters keep pushing and pushing as if racism never left us. It’s everywhere, and they are indoctrinating kids to believe this crap. To believe that America is the worst country on the planet. That Socialism is the right way, and hard work (or ANY work) is of no value. God help us. We’re going down!

3 years ago

Because of the disrespectful idiots in professional sports I will not watch them anymore MLB was the last straw and now the Olympics I wouldn’t give a quarter to watch any of them anymore they are dead to me and I will never watch them or buy any of their products ever again!

3 years ago

I stopped watching the NBA totally after they went “woke” . I stopped watching 90%of the NFL and MLB over “woke” . No Nielson ratings survey has ever asked me why but I would tell theM- they killed one of the last bastions of escape from the day to day grind!

3 years ago

Well lemme tell ya, this 87-year old great-grandma has been scoring EVERY game (even the few I had to recreate from the next day’s sports page). I’ve been called a baseball nut by a few. LOL

I haven’t so much as watched a game on TV since I saw that vile BLM garbage on the field at Busch stadium, turned off the TV, gave away at least $500 words of t-shirts,sweatshirts, jackets— you name it and said so long Nearly broke my heart

I figure that if they lose one like me the. Redbirds wily lose 100; that’s what the statistics say.

Myra Trent
Myra Trent
3 years ago

The critical race Theory. I wish to give my thoughts and feelings about this.
For one is not theory is a true fact mere words of the Constitution a many years and even to this day does not give equality to those other than those lighter complexion. It was good was that Mr Paul Mooney those born with the protection of the complexion for the collection has benefited most from all this country has to offer and now that the truth is coming out that was definitely save us some wish to hide in a hole somewhere. The truth will and shall set you free.
First truth this country does not belong to you it was stolen from the people that were here first. Country has never given anyone else and equal opportunity without stars and penalty and death. This country has risen up on the backs of so many people that they didn’t even want to consider as people. Need we say more for example Rosewood for example Villages and towns that were supposed to have equal opportunities that was swallowed up in lakes rivers along with blood and yet you want to talk about a critical race Theory I beg to differ there is no Siri the truth is plain for all to see you should be taught as such not as a spirit what is fact

3 years ago

It is astonishingly disgusting

3 years ago

After I fired the NBA the NFL and even change the channel on March madness I thought I would least be able to watch baseball this year but to no avail they decided to act stupid also and go along with the far goof balls so I refused to support or watch them also but you know folks anything the far left touches it screws up and annihilates professional sports has pretty much lost me forever and I don’t understand why anyone watches them at all!

3 years ago

I no longer enjoy watching sports. This is reverse discrimination! More división than ever! I have already fired the NFL and the NBA. MLB might be next! Disgusting!!!

3 years ago

Thank you for excellent reporting!! The picture cover on your August magazine titled “Critical Race Theory” tells it all about the leftist agenda and it is very disturbing!!

3 years ago

I’m a 69 year old Hispanic male who was born into a very poor family. I studied and worked my butt off and was able to comfortably retire 2 years ago. For anyone that feels oppressed and hates this country, I say pack your bags and Get Out!

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
3 years ago

We also had athletes cry as their US flag raised and the Star Spangled Banner played-check out the swimmers! The female wrestler so proud to be an American, and multiple others in the Olympics!

Grace Lukkes
Grace Lukkes
3 years ago

We will not be watching NFL football because of this ridiculous idea of a black national anthem! We are all Americans under God. Let’s not change this status.

3 years ago

I have been avid sports fan for 60-years & I have quit watching almost all NFL teams, MLB, and NBA pro sports due to them pushing POLITIC issues & disrespect for our flag. The owners are letting the players run the teams & agenda to divide America. March Madness is my favorite time of the year, and I am now worried that NCAA has opened up door for college players to go where the money is & ruin college sports like the Pros are today. Just look at both Pro/College teams & tell me that you do not see equality in the races on the teams & probably leaning heavy to black players. They should be thankful that the Lord gave them the talent to play & not bash America.

3 years ago

I’m having more fun watching, enjoying the shuffle board & corn hole tournaments at my local American Legion post. Even there, a tv or 2 may have a pro ballgame on, hardly anyone is watching.

Nobody’s Business
Nobody’s Business
3 years ago

People watch sports to get away from the news and political crap. By putting politics in sports you make people turn away and turn the TV off and they are so stupid they can’t figure it out. Also you take some spoiled brat kid competing for their country which used to be for pride of their country now to put their phony platform to disparage their own country . Anyone that can’t show respect for their country should be off the team and told to go straight to hell. Sports is not the place for this phony US is bad baloney!

Aloys Notzon
Aloys Notzon
3 years ago

It used to be that political differences were in our discussions of Sports, Religion, Entertainment and that those common discussions without political overlays gave us a groundwork of understanding areas of agreement which led to discussions to try to find common ground where we disagreed and we were predisposed to civil discussions since we had so many areas of agreement. Now there is no framework left to lead us toward civil discussions. Our sports, religion, economics and neighborhoods all have political overtones. We have firmly divided our nation and a “house divided cannot stand”….

3 years ago

Politics in the classroom – disgusting. Politics in the office – disgusting. Politics in our church, in our stores, in our music – disgusting. Politics anyway other than the political arena – disgusting.

3 years ago

People had better wake up. In case you haven’t noticed our country is being destroyed by Obama’s (and many others) communism. All of our government, D.O.J, Intelligence agencies are corrupt to the core, top to bottom, inside out. I cut the cable long ago, avoid the MSM and social media as much as possible. There are a few good social platforms other than Facebook, Twitted, and the likes. Search and find some worth while away from the slimestream.

3 years ago

I could not agree more. I no longer watch pro sports, Hollywood award shows, or even go to the movie theaters or live theaters. Politics are in our faces daily, and I’ve had enough! Entertainment and sports should remain politic free, not to mention schools, churches, etc. STOP THIS NONSENSE! I am very aware of what’s happening in our country and follow the political arena, keep it out of our social livelihoods!

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