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Poland’s New Left-Wing Government Shocks World With Attacks on Democracy

Posted on Saturday, January 13, 2024
by Ben Solis

AMAC Exclusive – By Ben Solis

Donald Tusk Poland Prime Minister

Upward of 100,000 people took to the streets in Warsaw on Thursday, January 11, just hours after Poland’s top constitutional court prohibited the country’s new prime minister, Donald Tusk from arresting and prosecuting Poland’s central bank governor. These shocking developments come amid a move by the new Polish government to arrest opposition leaders – a scene that bears alarming resemblance to the tyrannical behavior of Polish communists government forty years ago when the country was under occupation by the Soviet Union’s Red Army.

The drama began on January 9, when, in an action unprecedented in the post-Cold War democratic era, the new left-wing government appeared to violate the country’s constitution by sending police under its control into the presidential palace to arrest two members of the opposition party.

The two officials arrested were former Polish Home Affairs Minister Mariusz Kamiński and his deputy, Maciej Wąsik, who were waiting for President Andrzej Duda to return from a meeting with the Belarus opposition leader. Kamiński and Wąsik are members of the Polish Parliament and Duda’s conservative Law and Justice Party and, until recently, were senior officials in the government.

But recent parliamentary elections radically shifted the composition of power in Poland after eight years of a center-right majority coalition. Because executive authority in Poland is divided between the president and the prime minister, it is possible that the Presidency and Prime Minister can be from different political parties and have dramatically different domestic and foreign policies. While President Duda is a staunch conservative who favors strong borders and Polish independence, the new leftist coalition is led by Prime Minister Tusk – a former president of the European Council – who is a liberal who favors mass migration and far greater submission to the authority of the European Union

Grażyna Ignaczak-Bandych, Duda’s chief of staff, said that when Duda learned about what was happening, he attempted to return to the palace, but “a Warsaw public transport bus blocked his presidential motorcade.”

Hours later in a post on X, the president of Warsaw’s city council mocked President Duda for not being able to return to the palace, further suggesting that Duda was intentionally delayed. Other sources also revealed that the Tusk government jammed Duda’s communication lines to prevent him from contacting the former ministers.

After the arrests, Duda conveyed his anger at the brazen violation of the law, emphasizing that he was “deeply shocked that people who are honest and who have always fought for a free Poland have been arrested.”

Indeed, Kamiński was a key figure in freeing Poland from Soviet rule and has always been a strong advocate for Polish sovereignty from the European Union and other globalist powers – which surely explains the new government’s hostility toward him.

These recent events in Warsaw bring to the fore the competing claims of a thirty-year struggle to define Poland’s identity in the post-Cold War European order, as represented by lives and views of Kamiński and Tusk.

Kamiński grew up in a family that cultivated the deepest patriotism and religious values and traditions. Born in 1965, he believed, as many fellow Poles did, that his country would one day be free from Soviet rule.

After the Berlin Wall collapsed, many Poles believed that by cutting ties with Moscow and exposing the Polish collaborators with the Communist-era secret police, Poland would raise morale and strengthen its institutions. However, the first government that tried this strategy was forcibly dismissed by political groups that wanted to ignore the past and sacrifice Poland’s sovereignty and identity by subsuming the country within European Union. They refused to pursue justice for the victims of communist oppression.

The communists and their collaborators in Poland saw in Brussels an opportunity to escape accountability for more than forty years of exploiting Poland on behalf of their rulers in the Soviet Union.

Kamiński opposed such a vision, fearing that failure to punish and remove communists would lead to malaise, corruption, and the collapse of public morale.

Most of the massive corruption in Poland in the early post-Cold War era was perpetrated by former senior members of the Communist Party, who acquired signficant wealth. Until the early 2000s, Poland regularly ranked high on the list of the most corrupt countries because the habit of bribery had developed deep roots during the decades of socialist rule.

While the West misread this corruption as the “free market,” Kamiński co-founded an anti-communist group, the Republican League, to expose the involvement of top communists and secret police functionaries in the financial scandals, the source of the nation’s disgrace. Kamiński, with his colleagues from the Republican League, then established the Central Anticorruption Bureau. Only after the bureau exposed embezzlement of public funds and abuse of power for private enrichment in the political and business spheres that led to many court convictions did Poland regain its honor.

However, Donald Tusk and his allies fiercely opposed Kamiński’s vision. When Kamiński launched anti-regime protests and taught his young peers patriotic traditions, Tusk opposed them. Tusk criticized the past aggressive fight against corruption, suggesting that it would scare off potential investors.

In an essay published in 1987, Tusk expressed his preference for being seen not as a “Pole” but as “a man,” while replacing God, Honor, and Country with vague notions of “culture, civilization, and money.”

Concurrently, at the time when the Solidarity movement and Pope John Paul II tried to revive and rekindle the best of the Polish traditions that encouraged freedom by cultivating Christian culture and a healthy family, Tusk offered an entirely different perspective. For him, the Polish fight for liberty, in the spirit of “For Our Freedom and Yours,” was senseless. Instead, his vision of Polish life was about “building, loving and dying.”

Tusk is now focused on aligning Poland with the European Union while distancing it from the United States, since he has more faith in the German bureaucracy than the representative government by the Polish people. He is ready to sacrifice as much of Poland’s identity and interests as European countries demand. In this context, he once even said “Polishness is abnormality.”

Tusk abhors “America First” and Donald Trump, whose foreign policy he called “unprofessional and chaotic.” He does not believe in the legal, cultural, religious, and even economic traditions that differentiate Poland in Europe and block it from moving with the rest of the E.U. toward more radical progressivism.

Tusk’s new Polish government, which most of the worldwide mainstream media uncritically cheers, wants to portray the case of Kamiński and Wąsik being arrested as a restoration of the rule of law.

But nothing is further from the truth.

As President Duda reminded the Tusk government, three courts and the Constitutional Tribunal had already confirmed the legality of his previous presidential pardon for both ministers back in 2015 – the last time they came under legal attack by left-wing elements inside Poland.

Instead, the new fabricated court case against Kamiński and Wąsik by Tusk’s coalition is yet another attempt to weaken and isolate the Law and Justice Party and the patriotic groups that represent a “Poland First” political approach. Tusk wishes to give up Poland’s economic sovereignty by adopting the Euro currency while aligning the country’s foreign policy with Franco-German interests, and he views Duda’s party as a threat to that. The prosecutions of Kamiński and Wąsik are a warning to others to stay in line.

During the demonstrations on Thursday, Law and Justice Party leader Jaroslaw Kaczynski warned that Poland has not faced such a grave threat since 1992, the year of its first free elections after the end of the Cold War.

Kaczynski cautioned that Tusk and his allies intend to destroy the independence of the Polish state’s institutions, including the office of the President. Moreover, they plan to deprive Poland of its sovereign foreign and economic policy by consenting to the new Constitution of the European Union, which has European Union institutions superseding the powers of member state government regarding financial, defense, and foreign policies. “The final goal is to turn Poland into a region less attractive for investors than Germany,” Kaczynski said.

He added that Tusk represents not Poland’s view but the view of elites in Berlin and Paris. “It is a German plan and also a French plan. It is a plan against us,” Kaczynski stressed.

Ben Solis is the pen name of an international affairs journalist, historian, and researcher.

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8 months ago

Eye-opening editorial!
Thank you. As many will realize, this left wing action in Poland is part of the global movement to crush “independent patriotic countries” and “globalize them” under the communist rule of the world elites. This is the same reason that the elites/Uni party hate Donald Trump and his supporters (the Americans who have realized what is actually happening in the USA). We, the people, must tell our neighbors and friends what is underfoot here; and pray that the scales will fall from their eyes. And all of us must earnestly pray for God’s help, if our country is to be saved as our founders intended.

8 months ago

This all sounds so familiar. Corruption, one world government, open borders, arrest the opposing party leaders in Poland. Of course this could never happen in the good old USA.

8 months ago

The actions of Poland’s communists parallels exactly the ideology and actions of America’s Democrat (now communist) Party. Saving America requires US voters to wake up an learn the choice is between communism and freedom and also implement protections against the election interference and fraud perpetrated by the Democrats.

JoAnn PajunS
JoAnn PajunS
8 months ago

God tells us all this will happen. A battle of human good against human evil and really a battle of God against Satan.God wins!

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
8 months ago

The earlier anti freedom movements are identified the better for the freedom to be defended . This article is important , Ben , Well Done ! The fast moving enemies of freedom need to be stopped and having the facts, the truth about these developments in Poland is a great reason to have hope to take a stand for what is right. Respect for the independence of Poland is a right cause, truth will help provide victory for all those who are defending freedom.

Joseph Meyer
Joseph Meyer
8 months ago

Thanks for an excellent, informative article.The lawless left always despises their own countries. We are experiencing this in the United States right now.This is so disappointing. After having played a critical role in the dissolution of the “Evil Empire,” Poland had finally, again, become a leading light of freedom.

8 months ago

This story further confirms my suspicions that this is a global agenda by communists and socialist alike to o er throw freedom world wide.

Calvin Johnston
Calvin Johnston
8 months ago

One more European nation rolling back toward tyranny.

8 months ago

Horrifying! I did not see this coming; and it’s sickening it’s already here. Keep your oil burning in your lamps—-the last trumpet will sound and the true King (Jesus) is coming back!

les Tarlton
les Tarlton
8 months ago

Looks like they must of used electronic voting machines in the last election!

Letts Brandon
Letts Brandon
8 months ago

This should have been been written 3 years ago and titledThe New AmericaOnly the names have been changed to protect the author.

8 months ago

Arresting and prosecuting political opponents in … Poland?…Hmmm…at least Poland’s high court had the sense to stop it…Let’s see if the SCOTUS is as honest as Polnd’s high court…

L. Catalano
L. Catalano
8 months ago

Thank You!!!

8 months ago

You vote for a left wing government you get a left wing government.

Phillip Nagle
Phillip Nagle
8 months ago

No one should be shocked by a left wing government trying to imprison the opposition, whether in Poland or the US. It is part of the Left’s playbook.

8 months ago

While conservatives were complacent and playing along to get along for self-entitlement and enrichment, the globalists were orchestrating their sinister plans to take over the world with their one world order suppressing individual rights. These tyrannical and freedom suppressed leaders will not stop, because countries who represented the intrinsic rights of the people are not threatening their survival of dignity, freedom, and self-determination to exercise those rights.

James L Bashore
James L Bashore
8 months ago

If they are part of NATO then remove them and let then defend them selves. Sounds as though they are going communist.

8 months ago

I guess they’ve forgotten about Nazi occupation 85 Years ago.

8 months ago

Wow! Very interesting and informative. I never knew much h about the European union and stuff but this gave me a clearer view of the Liberal, Progressive greed factor on both sides of the pond. It’s no different than the Democrat machine here

Helen R Corey
Helen R Corey
8 months ago

Now I understand why Hillary Clinton sold US uranium which ended up in Russia. She also displayed a reset button. Obama/Biden r playing this game. Trump is not.

Loves Dogs
Loves Dogs
8 months ago

Poland is a Right leaning country. If a Left leaning politician was elected then the Polish Government must still be using the election machines to allow them to cheat.

Michael Burke
Michael Burke
8 months ago

The Polish people have overcome the Tartars, the Nazis and many other invaders. I believe in the Polish people, they will overcome this latest threat!

John Shipway
John Shipway
8 months ago

WOW………..Poland is anti Democratic. That means the US will back them 300%. I mean look at all the money we have thrown, without audit, at the Nazi regime in Ukraine.
God bless America

Casey C Matt
Casey C Matt
8 months ago

What? You mean both Ukraine and Poland are fascistic tyrannies? Weird. I wonder if both Houses of Congress will clap like zombie seals should the presidents of both nations appear before a joint session? Man they sure went full blown seal clapping for the midget green Nazi………they would probably hold a torch lit parade if both showed.
We are NOT on the right side of things folks.

1 month ago

Please , don`t mention -“After the Berlin Wall collapsed” , because has no reference to the fall of communism in Poland and Europe , it was Polish Solidarity that overthrew communism in Poland, and all other countries could peacefully remove communists, because Poland paved the way for them .

Robin Walter Boyd
Robin Walter Boyd
6 months ago

Such a shame. Poland had held out pretty well until now. One would think that Poland would never want to become so Leftist again after what the Nazi regime did to Poland. History keeps repeating itself.

8 months ago

Why would that shock the Polish? That’s what happens when the left control anything. Look what they have been doing to Trump – the same thing. The globalists use whatever they need to in order to gain control – to murder if they feel threatened by their passion to rule – to make the world their step stool. From their thrones they will rule!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
8 months ago

Arresting opposition leaders? I wouldn’t worry about it. They must be “saving democracy” just like Dark Brandon.

Deeply Disturbed
Deeply Disturbed
8 months ago

Good thing this can’t happen here! “C’mon man, we’re the United States of America” after all!

8 months ago

The first thing I look for when I open these articles is to see if the author is using their real name and not a pen name. So guess what I did with this article? Sorry. I recently mentioned that I’m a proud & paying supporter of Amac, but I cannot support authors who won’t tell us their real names. I read a lot of articles online, and by far Amac has the largest quantity of pseudonym & imaginary writers than I have ever seen anywhere else. Why?

Andrew Kotula
Andrew Kotula
8 months ago

Utter nonsense. It’s NOT a left-wing government, but a broad coalition of left, centre and moderate right. Also, the two men were CONVICTED df serious offences which in countries like the UK are punished by years of prison. They produced materials and evidence against their political opponents (which led to one suicide), ordered Pegasus surveillance for political reasons, etc, etc. Their nationalist far right political faction, which ruled Poland for 8 years, destroyed the rule of law, placed their families and friends on top positions and gave grants worth billions to their buddies. “Public media” were full of hate and so one-sided that all respectable organizations investigating media gave the public mThe current government needs to make sure this is all fixed and the rule of law and order, ethical behaviour of officials are all restored. The mess in all the public institutions which need to work property for a country to work and respected in the world has to be cleared lawfully. And this is what’s going on.

Steven Coughlin
Steven Coughlin
8 months ago

Coming to a city or town near you.

John Shipway
John Shipway
8 months ago

Gee……..what a surprise. A country that has been rabidly supporting the Nazi infested regime in Ukraine with its always begging tiny little green man…… actually not democratic in action or deed? Wow, who would have known?
I do hope the Polish government doesn;t slaughter its farmers for having the audacity to push back against their government destroying their livelyhood so as to sell cheap, unsafe and low quality Ukrainian grain.
Europe cannot collapse soon enough. A collection of whiny woke wusses.

8 months ago

there is no left wing government attacking democracy in Poland. The two men in question were convicted by the court of law, under PIS government, of the abuse of power. The remedies available to them are both legal and a possible pardon by the President.
The accusations against them are serious. They were in charge of a government anti-corruption bureau (CBA). The accusations are that they used the bureau to illegally harass citizens which, in one case, ended in suicide.
Nobody is above the law. Neither these two in Poland, nor Trump here. This is all there is to it.
PIS, with other right wing, nationalist parties, ruled Poland for 8 years. PIS came to power, in large part, through a brazen political lie about the cause of the air accident which killed the president of Poland, Lech Kaczynski, a twin brother of Jaroslaw Kaczynski ,still the leader of PIS. PIS presented this accident as assassination, allegedly covered up by the Polish government and engaged in absolutely unconscionable propaganda campaign of brazen lies mixed with innuendos. In reality, the tragic accident was a result of catastrophic lapses of discipline and training in the military unit responsible for VIP transport,. combined with bad weather and pressure on the crew to land anyway. The unit was dissolved after the accident, judged to be beyond salvage.
The methods used to bring PIS to power (above) were straight out of fascist political playbook. Not surprisingly, when in power, PIS degraded the rule of law in Poland and created a cesspool of corruption which will be slowly (or not so slowly) coming to light. It took over public media and turned them into a propaganda outlet that rivaled what some of us remember from the days of communist Poland ,or worse.
Wake up, “Mature Citizens”. We are witnessing re-emergence of fascism throughout the western world. Think long and hard, which side of history you want to be on. In 1930-ies the world did not have nukes, which would be widely available today on day one, if the fascist revival gets out of hand.

8 months ago

This is low-grade journalism, the new gov’t is 4 parties: centre-right Peasants’ Party, centre-right Poland2050, centrist PO (that rules 2007-2015), and centre-left Lewica.
Get rid of this Russian “pen name” Ben Solis

8 months ago

As a Pole living in Poland, this article is laughably biased. Kamiński and Wąsik broke the law and were convicted of what basically amounts to entrapment (although the definition is slightly different in Polish law). Many people they went after turned out to be innocent, targeted only because of their political affiliations. I’m not saying that Wąsik and Kamiński were evil masterminds, rotten to the core — people are rarely this one-dimensional — but they DID commit crimes and they are being lawfully punished for them.
Also, our president has the power to pardon them. He just doesn’t act on it, because it’s more beneficial for the Law and Justice party (the party he comes from) to keep them in jail for some time, so that they can spew lies about them being “political prisoners”. Thankfully, less and less Polish citizens believe that. Wąsik and Kamiński will probably be tried in court (and probably convicted) at least once more, because they used a military-grade surveillance system (Pegasus) to spy on the opposition and journalists. That trial hasn’t even started yet.

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