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Our Ruling Class Feeds the Flames Inside and Outside the U.S.

Posted on Sunday, June 2, 2024
by David P. Deavel

They aren’t pretending anymore. As he walked away from the podium on Friday, Joe Biden was asked by a reporter what he thought about Donald Trump’s claim that he is a “political prisoner” and “blames you directly.” Biden turned, looked at the camera and gave a broad grin.

It wasn’t a denial. It was a reminder of the power our regime wields today. That power is being wielded in an incredibly foolish and destructive way. Fixated on destroying internal enemies at the cost of destroying our common life, its reckless foreign policy threatens us with a dangerous multinational war.

The Trump prosecution was at the behest of “The Big Guy.” Well, unless you are given to believe it likely that prosecutor Matthew Colangelo, seen sitting just behind Alvin Bragg as he announced his “victory,” is an ambitious fellow who had reached the number three spot at the Department of Justice and suddenly felt a divine call to join a local prosecutor’s office in 2022.  

Democrats have been setting fire to the rule of law for a long time. Now, they are pouring gasoline and aiming a blow torch at it—all while bragging about how they are the ones bringing justice. The New York verdict is so horrifically bad that a CNN legal contributor named Elie Honig, writing in New York Magazine,could dissect in a few paragraphs this “Frankenstein case,” cobbled together by prosecutors who “contorted the law in an unprecedented manner in their quest to snare their prey.” Too few on the left and too few politicians on the right are willing to say it.

And Joe Biden’s Friday tweet boasting about that case—“No one is above the law”—came a mere day after his boast about his own refusal to respect Court decisions against his own unlawful behavior: “The Supreme Court tried to block me from relieving student debt. But they didn’t stop me. I’ve relieved student debt for over 5 million Americans. I’m going to keep going.”

            Americans are told we must respect the decisions of a New York court presided over by a judge who donated to Biden (in clear violation of New York law) and prosecuted under charges Honig calls “bespoke, seemingly crafted individually for the former president and nobody else.”

But the Supreme Court’s decisions on loan forgiveness, about which even Nancy Pelosi once acknowledged the President has no authority?

The Biden Administration will do whatever they damned well please.

            Americans revere the Constitution, but we must face the fact that only parts of it have any force with our elected leaders. And the vast, unelected bureaucracy that is nominally under the executive branch (but really reports only to itself) only cares about it as a “living” document, infinitely malleable and changeable according to the whims and theories of the managerial class. All this is breeding the conditions for…well, we really don’t know. National divorce. Civil unrest. An even broader lawlessness than the one that reigns in too many parts of this nation.

            To set fire to the rule of law and all Constitutional checks is akin to burning all one’s furniture in the living room. Yeah, nobody will challenge your authority. But you’ll rule over ashes.

            Too little discussed this weekend, however, are the foreign policy fires the Biden Administration is also seemingly intent upon making bigger. The continuing mess of the U. S.’s position on Israel’s war with Hamas is perhaps the most obvious one. A potent symbol of all Biden-era foreign policy is the $320 million pier built to receive U. S. aid for the Palestinians after it was revealed that Hamas was simply taking it. The pier broke apart after a mere two weeks.

            Now, again in the name of Palestinian people—or, more accurately, Biden’s electoral support among the far left—the U. S. is pushing a ceasefire that has been dubiously represented as being proposed by Israel but has the backing of Hamas. It seems fairly certain that this will go nowhere, and Joe’s attempt to buy off the votes of the far left will leave him stranded and things worse than before. As Daniel McCarthy argued in the Spectator: “Biden is an anti-leader, and the voters who rejected him all the other times he ran for president have proved to be right to doubt his abilities. He facilitates Israel’s war but lectures the Israelis about how they conduct it; meanwhile, he puts US troops in harm’s way with a humanitarian pier—of all things—on the edge of the warzone.”

            But Middle Eastern foolishness is nothing compared to the continuing mess that is Russia and Ukraine. “Soon,” liberal Politico warns, “Ukraine will be using U.S.-made weapons to strike inside Russia—a nuclear-armed power—with a U.S. president’s blessing.” Though the U.S. decision only allows certain weapons to be used in particular geographic areas and for defensive purposes, we read, “for a man who entered office seeking to stabilize relations with Russia, and then directed his staff to avoid World War III after Moscow’s all-out attack on Ukraine, that’s quite the risk to take.”

            Though the article duly notes Fiona Hill’s excuse that “War has found them,” it’s not clear that the risks of this escalation are worth it. Escalation is what this is, for, as Politico notes: “Biden’s choice to cross the line on striking inside Russian territory is likely to lead to pressure to go further. Inevitably, Ukrainian and other European officials will clamor for Biden to change his policy once again, this time allowing Kyiv to attack the whole of Russia.” “In fact,” as the article continues, “it’s already happening.”

            Being tough at the beginning of the Russian action might have made sense. The quick victory predicted in Ukraine did not happen. Pushing for a negotiation last year might have made sense. Instead, we have weakness alternating with recklessness inspired, it seems, by pressure from allies. We pushed for Ukrainian membership in NATO. Now, we are supplying weapons to attack inside Russia’s borders.

As close observers point out, Russia holds the strategic advantage over Ukraine. What is their position vis-à-vis the U.S.? We are sticking our necks out and risking direct conflict with a country whose nuclear arsenal is competitive with our own and whose conventional weapons are being produced much faster than ours are. To add to our problems, we are now looking at an economic fight with China over their supply of goods to Russia—the results of our sanctions on Russia that were supposed to “cripple” them.

David P. Goldman warned in late March that “America Has No Ukraine Plan-B Except More War.” At a time in which our own military seems more fixated on Pride Month than defense, and Russia’s economic and military capability seems even, if not ahead of us militarily (as Goldman details), it seems that this horrific prediction is coming perilously close to coming true. He’s not alone. Elbridge Colby, like Goldman a sober defense strategist, tweeted on Friday: “It is very concerning how blithe people are about the escalation risks. People in 1918 wished the people in 1914 had been more deliberate and prudent.”

Are we ready for a multinational conflict over Ukraine? Are we ready for World War III?

America’s house is threatened by fire from the inside. There is perhaps a greater fire from the outside. We feel the flames ever closer, yet our own leaders seem oblivious to the dangers of both fires. In fact, they seem more fixated on raising the internal fire by imprisoning the man whose presidential term saw peace in Israel and no Russian aggressions akin to those seen under Bush, Obama, and Biden’s—and then smirking when asked if he’s a political prisoner.

Our Democratic leaders may be deliberate, but only about the wrong things. They are not prudent at all. Nor are many of our Republican ones. They need to be removed from power. And we need to pray that it’s done before the flames engulf us.  

David P. Deavel teaches at the University of St. Thomas in Houston. A past Lincoln Fellow at the Claremont Institute, he is a Senior Contributor at The Imaginative Conservative. Follow him on X (Twitter) @davidpdeavel.

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Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
9 months ago

Well done with this article, David Deavel, I was eleven in 1961 when John F. Kennedy became President. Even at that age I remember I could understand there was something significant going on in the Country. ( Politics in my family was always something to give thought to , my Mom was a Democrat , Dad was a Republican ) In 1963,I started to read the book President Kennedy wrote. ” Profiles in Courage “. – about the Senate and Senators who took stands on controversial issues .Had very little interest in politics during Johnson and Nixon administrations . I sensed something truthful about Gerald Ford. And started to become interested in politics then. Not much to say about President Carter – I felt very good after voting for Ronald Reagan and started to identify with the Conservative outlook in 1980 .No regrets about that. Still identify myself as a Reagan Conservative. whenever asked about political affiliation.. Just mentioned this personal political history so as to approach the topic that has to do with things at the root of so much unrest in the United States today. Principles are what hold a Nation together .The principles that were established when this Country was founded have plenty of room for difference of opinion, it is good, to have a left and a right . It is healthy to have a system that allows difference of opinion in politics. There are limits to everything – to have movements that are trying to disrupt law and order and turn the Nation into something that is totally against the idea of what is found in the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights of the Constitution – that is a wrong that needs to be stopped. How it came to be that nearly half of the citizens who vote could not see the wrong involved in supporting corrupt candidates, who disrespect the values that the founders of this Country established has to do with several reasons all interconnected in many ways. A culture that disrespects the importance of the qualities that make for good character is headed in the wrong direction. Those of us who do value the qualities that make for good character , we will be the ones to defend Liberty, to keep the communist system out of the American system and we will be victorious in upholding the principles of Faith, Family and Freedom.

9 months ago

This so-called ruling class also knows they are absolutely reviled by millions, and they don’t care. You have God-given rights, and those magnified from our excellent Constitution. The elites will press on all sides (and this includes those who are not in the elite set but psychologically pretend to be), but do not give in. No one takes your rights unless You comply with thir demands and give them away yourself out of fear and intimidation. The day will come when they will show up to detain us. When You know You have done nothing wrong, do not succumb to their soft approach that day. You will not be free again. So, fight like hell for heaven’s sake.

9 months ago

That was not a court of law. It was political lawfare to try and stop a political opponent who disagrees with the destruction of our country and constitution. It is a shame perpetrated by unethical, immoral and dishonest individuals. I am embarrassed for people who still can’t see what is happening in America.

9 months ago

Hi Lieutenant Beale,
Nice summation of where we stand. Liberty, individual rights and personal freedoms are neither free nor guaranteed to persist unless the American people are willing to defend them against those that want to impose their beloved socialist / Marxist Utopia on everyone.

When only one side is fighting for the destiny and future of the country, and it sadly isn’t most of our side, you can’t really call it either a battle or war for the country. More like we’re passively watching a movie as the left goes about doing concrete things, both big and small in terms of impact and many of which our side rightly sees as bad for the nation, but then really doesn’t push back against in any meaningful way. I expect the left will continue to step up their obvious game of lawfare and show trials, use of strategically placed “peaceful protestors” that will become violent again when called to be so to be used to try and intimidate the public into submission once again. As well as a repeat of most of the ballot manipulation tactics they were allowed to get away with in 2020, 2021 and 2022 without either consequence or legislative correction. Why should the left relent, if they suffer no consequences for their past actions?

The GOP political class in D.C. and in a lot of places elsewhere is indeed basically just talk, talk, talk with no meaningful follow through of substance. The small percentage of worthwhile members of Congress are too small in number to be able to effect change. We had two great GOP Presidents in the last 50 years: Reagan and Trump. Virtually every other one was basically a placeholder until a Democrat could be placed back in the Oval Office.


I see the Democrat troll of many names continues to be allowed to post ad nauseum by AMAC. I guess he does provide a value add by showcasing what the other side of the aisle is made up of and also highlights the accomplishment of the left to crank out a couple of generations of useful idiots via the weaponized public education system.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
9 months ago

Ppl give Biden too much credit; he’s an empty-headed puppet without someone else’s hand up his backside to manipulate him.

9 months ago

Laws for thee, but not for me. The democrat creedo.

George Westcott
George Westcott
9 months ago

See what happens when a Jackal and Hyena are running the white house.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
9 months ago

Good comment Lieutenant Beale, what needs to be done in order to get the Country right again can be compared to a ship salvage operation for sure. Several pieces of.machinery , having knowledge of the vessel being salvaged , and being able to react very quickly if conditions change with little warning. In short, a task for people who know how to be resourceful, and are responsible in their approach to each step, each facit of the project to accomplish the salvage of the vessel. As you wrote in the last paragraph of your comment it will take people who still care about our Constitutional Republic to do what needs to be done, – with Faith , with dedication , and a belief in Principles – those people will be able to keep the United States of America afloat for many years And possibly stronger due to the lessons learned about how things got to this point. In the spirit of good prevailing over evil – remembering the ,1941 song ” We did it before and we can do again”. Courage Hope, Truth .

Ken Pepper
Ken Pepper
9 months ago

I do not understand why the Supreme Court is doing nothing about this, and about how the President and so many Democrats in Congress are defying the Constitution.

9 months ago

Let’s get one thing straight!!! There is no ruling CLASS in America.
There are only servants to “We the People” and we need to demonstrate that on Nov 5th.
All government employees at all levels of government now think they are the ones in charge and are no longer “Public Servant’s” in fact they will get pissy real quick if you address them as such.
We pay there salary’s so they are be holding to “We the People” not some higher up politician.

9 months ago

Convicted under a corrupt New York system of that state’s law. BIG difference!
These people were out to destroy a person who contributed much to the economy of New York and their fear was so palpable that they inflated the number of charges for an alleged affair. This unbiased? judge (whose daughter is a very prominent leader in the Democrat party), would not allow Trump to speak out against these accusations in public and even mandated him to be in court to prevent any political campaigning.
It definitely would put an average citizen on the run rather than face their court system. The jury was carefully instructed to choose from the judge’s instructions of what their choices were to render their verdict. Of course “not guilty” was not a prominent choice. After 5 weeks and 2 requests of instruction clarity, funny after the 2nd instruction of their choices how quickly they came back with their verdict, hmmm!
I refuse to accept this as any proof of guilt!

9 months ago

God is able and he is not asleep

9 months ago

This is all too true. We live in perilous times, thanks to the Biden administration’s lack of knowledge and expertise in both foreign and domestic policy. They my be doing it on purpose, but they will also go down with the ship.

Lisa Skinner
Lisa Skinner
9 months ago

Vote on November 5th like your life depends on it. Because it truly does!
Trump 2024

9 months ago

Calling the regime the ruling class is correct. They must be betting that Republicans would never stoop to an eye for an eye. I think they are right.

Bob L.
Bob L.
9 months ago

Furnishing arms and munition played a role in our becoming involved in both WW I and WW II.

9 months ago

LT Beale, as Paul E cited below, great summation.

9 months ago

Biden and his staff sb indicted for treason IMO. And then the rest of their party should be, along with their RINO and US foreign enemy allies.

9 months ago

Yes he was, by a kangaroo court who did not follow legal principles.

9 months ago

Your comments reek of Neville Chamberlain type wisdom, when we need a Winston Churchill; not understanding that Russia will not stop with Ukraine, so if rewarded by any sense of a victory such as keeping what was stlen by force, they will just rebuild to expand their military destructipn of nations.

9 months ago

Amen. Agree 100 %

8 months ago

Peaceful resolution of this seems less and less likely. And I don’t mean the Proxy War the US launched on Russia in 2014.
I am talking about the subversion of most US institutions and the capture of them by enemy worse that anything ever seen in the US. How to peacefully negotiate with them to give up power and control?
Can’t be done. Except by Civil War, martial law..
If anyone disagrees, tell me how the weaponized US government that started under Bush-Cheney but was fully captured by the Left when Obama took power can be stopped. Don’t say “our Trump God is the Cure for All”.

8 months ago

Excellent article, and we are indeed careening toward a national divorce. The DC culture is too Democrat and too corrupt for there to be any other outcome if the criminals imprison President Trump on July 11. If a national divorce isn’t obvious by now, this will bring that message home to skeptics like nothing else.

9 months ago

“ronald reagan “ how old are you……12?

9 months ago

Demonstrated clinical brain death is not an attribute of leadership or evolution.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
9 months ago

Convicted of what crime? Do you even know? Doubt it. Remember to “respect the court” next time you take your mom to Planned Parenthood after 13 weeks and find out she can’t abort your incest baby.

9 months ago

You are delusional. Go away!

9 months ago

Now he’ll go back to his trainers and sit up and beg for a treat. And, by the way, his higher-ups never told this imbecile that the MAGA movement wasn’t around a decade ago. Shows you just how bright lefties are. Hahahahahahaha!

9 months ago

Shut up you race baiting ,homosexual, Biden whore!

Kay L Martin
Kay L Martin
9 months ago

The political parapus stinks to Heaven and will Eternally be punished. Until then, Father God pours out Grace and Mercy to those who are abused AND to those unworthy of forgiveness. Eternal Heaven will take care of the sinners. That end is Eternal.

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