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OPINION: ‘Birth Day’ Abortions Don’t Bode Well For Future Seniors

Posted on Thursday, February 7, 2019
by Anthony Sellitti

abortions birth day seniorsProgressives have gotten cocky in recent months and are letting it all hang out, not so much of the good but a lot of the bad and the ugly. Want proof? The states of New York and Virginia recently cast a bright light on their obscene views on life that progressives there have.

New York managed to enact the country’s first “Birth Day Abortion” bill and Virginia’s Governor Ralph Northam got a little too graphic about his take on efforts in his state to legalize extreme third-trimester abortions.

Northam riled the country and the mainstream members of his Democratic Party when he graphically described what many interpreted as the proposed legalization of infanticide in new abortion legislation.  The bill, which has been tabled in the Virginia House of Delegates, would allow abortions to take place right up until the natural birth of a fetus.

A broad-based backlash ensued when Northam described for reporters how a “born alive” abortion might proceed.  “If a mother is in labor, I can tell you exactly what would happen. The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that’s what the mother and the family desired, and then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother.”

The Democratic Governor of New York, Andrew Cuomo, meanwhile, defiantly basked in that state’s socialist limelight as he signed a new law ironically labeled the Reproductive Health Act.  This ill-conceived decree is not about health; it’s about death.

Cuomo, who calls himself a Catholic, incurred the wrath of Timothy Cardinal Dolan, the Archbishop of New York, who described the law as a “ghoulish radical abortion-expansion law.”

Dolan called the new law an insult, pointing out that it “allows for an abortion right up to the moment of birth; drops all charges against an abortionist who allows an aborted baby, who somehow survives the scissors, scalpel, saline and dismemberment, to die before his eyes; mandates that, to make an abortion more convenient and easy, a physician need not perform it; and might even be used to suppress the conscience rights of health care professionals not to assist in the grisly procedures.”

The insanity of it all is alarming.  The new generations, the Millennials and the younger Generation Z, as they are called, seem to choose extreme positions on social issues, including abortion.  And, they applaud such laws that help them thumb their noses at mainstream Americans.

Are these youngsters, who were lucky enough not to have been aborted before or at birth, adopting a cavalier view of life, in general?  Will they be in the forefront of a movement to allow what is called Organ Donor Euthanasia [ODE]?

Wesley J. Smith is an author and a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute’s Center on Human Exceptionalism.  He recently published an article in the National Review about the notion of legalized killing for the purpose of collecting organs to meet a demand for transplants.

Lest you think ODE is the stuff of science fiction, Smith notes that: “The world’s most respected bioethicists have published serious articles in influential medical journals urging that doctors be allowed to harvest cognitively disabled patients while they are alive.”

Smith concluded his report with the chilling hope that “the public never be ready to accept doctors’ taking a living patient — who may not even be physically ill — into a surgical suite, anesthetizing him, and then harvesting his beating heart.”

If newborn babies can be murdered at birth, what chance will old folks have in their twilight years?  None of the developments I’ve described bode well for future senior citizens.

But, perhaps there is a glimmer of hope that our lawmakers can come to their senses, at least some of them.  Senator Ben Sasse [R-NE], for example, tried to introduce a bill to protect babies born alive after an abortion attempt.  Despite the fact that the measure was co-sponsored by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, Democrats managed to block it.

But, the message came through loud and clear: pro-abortionists face a ferocious opposition among lawmakers and voters.  Especially if they engage in efforts to lift all restrictions on procedures to kill fetuses and live babies.

Meanwhile, the right to life movement appears to be getting a boost in spite of progressive attempts to make murder legal.  In fact, we are encouraged by the hundreds of thousands of pro-life young men and women who participated in this year’s Right to Life March in Washington. And, we were proud to sponsor attendance by the University of Idaho branch of Students for Life, a national organization that that boasts 1,200 branches at colleges and universities across the nation.

These members of the new generations and the perseverance of lawmakers like Ben Sasse give us hope for the future.

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The Freezing Senior
The Freezing Senior
6 years ago

DEMOCRATS – The Cult Of Death Worshippers personified.

6 years ago

First abort un-borns, then just-borns, then mentally or physically handicapped, then people who do not conform, then the over 60’s (they have been trying this for decades with their “assisted suicides”). Remind anyone, who actually read the history books, of any other Countries?

Marion Hargett
Marion Hargett
6 years ago

We are slowly becoming a country of SOULLESS BARBARIANS!!!!

6 years ago

Soylent green… is that where we are headed

Kathie Makowski
Kathie Makowski
6 years ago

Where are the psychiatrists, the doctors, and the fathers (notice I didn’t say baby daddies or sperm donors and)…has everyone had a drink from the ilth koolade? This is insanity. Life means nothing? Ok, then get rid of all of the shrinks, rename Drs murders, and let the state take control of all babies at birth. There will be no longer family units. Just the govt and people.

Joyce Hartnett
Joyce Hartnett
6 years ago

There is such a thing called “BIRTH CONTROL”, which I diligently practiced for all my re-production years. We planned 2 children and had 2 children for a variety of reasons. This latest issue is disgusting to me, so unacceptable. Why would anyone in their right mind let a baby die at birth. They are so many couples out there who try many ways to have a child and cannot. I believe with my whole heart, these people should have the opportunity to adopt these babies. This is manslaughter, murder, whatever you want to call it. How could anyone with a conscious, compassion, or a loving heart take part in such an act. This precious infant to grow up and contribute such positively to this “crazy” world.

Bradley Smith
Bradley Smith
6 years ago

Do they sing happy birthday before or after they murder the baby? These people are pure evil! God bless us all.

6 years ago

You know where this is going. You’ve served your purpose. You’re just a burden on our economy. What good are you at 80? 70? 65? I suggest you send a few dollars to “Students for Life” to help them in their fight against infanticide and abortion.

6 years ago

The NY law law (“Reproductive Health Act”) is a intentional misnomer.

Abortion results in NOT reproducing and pregnancy is not a disease that needs to be cured, as “Health” implies.

The INGSOC Party in Orwell’s “1984” would be gratified at how it fits the practice of “New Speak.”

6 years ago

Isn’t it amazing how fast America is falling.
I’m a registered Democrat. I will not vote for any of the current President participants. If the party continues to go socialist, we’ll be a Socialist Nation.

6 years ago

The DEMONcrats cater to anybody they can get a vote from. Babies don’t vote so they are expendable.

Walt Millet
Walt Millet
6 years ago

I find it interesting that the ultra-socialist liberal left has often referred to President Trump and other conservatives as Nazis while they support and cheer many of the same inhuman atrocities the Nazis used 75 years ago.

Diana Erbio
Diana Erbio
6 years ago

Sent this as a Letter to the Editor at my local newspaper. They usually publish my letters that are often opposite of their ideology…BUT not this letter? I believe it’s because they know if more people realize what the New York Bill was they would be disgusted and angered! Here’s my letter that wasn’t published. I will continue to submit it…
So, in this brave new world, the term “women’s reproductive health” has replaced “third trimester abortion”. It is legal in New York, thanks to Governor Cuomo and Democrats in our state legislature, to take the life of an infant seconds before birth. The new law, that Cuomo & Company passed also allows nurse practitioners and midwives to perform an abortion all the way up to the moment of birth. No longer must it be a medical doctor.
In celebration of this breakthrough, Governor Cuomo & the Democratic legislators that passed the Bill cheered, and Governor Cuomo ordered the Freedom Tower and the Cuomo Bridge lit pink. How truly evil is all that comes to mind. Perhaps he should have ordered baby blue as a coordinating color to the pink to “celebrate” all the baby boys & girls that would never get to live their life.

6 years ago

The socialpathic mindset of the liberals will extend to the old and anyone disabled. Anyone HEARTLESS enough to kill a child will kill for any reason!!!! A vote for such infanicide can be used on them. A woman’s right to choose will soon be a Child’s right to choose.

Voting for murder – Will it be yours!!!

Adele M Gill
Adele M Gill
6 years ago

Great article, however, I have read that abortion rates are down and that most millennials are Prolife. Cross ref: Students for Life. Late term abortions are a travesty and should never be allowed. Under any circumstances. God bless Cardinal Dolan for speaking truth into this diabolical practice of extreme abortion. Human life is a precious gift from God to be protected at all costs.

6 years ago

D-destroying E-education M-morals. O-opportunity C-Christianity R-rights. A-ambition T-truth S-Supreme Court …….. and the unborn!!!

Sunny Turner
Sunny Turner
6 years ago

We have become no less Barbaric than Ghengis Khan and his raping, mutilating, thieving hordes. Money, filthy Lucre’, Mammon, whatever you want to call it, rules and reigns the hearts of the people in our nation. What you want now and no other consequence. Not caring who they hurt or the damage they cause any more. They have really seared over their consciences. God help our country.

Gravis Armaturae
Gravis Armaturae
6 years ago

For democRATS, abortion should be legal up to the 300th trimester.

6 years ago

The harvesting of baby body parts can now be done on full term babies which “has been the Progressive plan all along”!!! This has always been a BIG business for the Democrat party and evil doers. Their mouths must be watering over their ‘successful marketing’ in this area and the fact that they have mesmerized their Party & so many VOTERS into lock step with anything they attempt to do against humanity or against the good of our country. Satan is definitely free and roaming to & fro mesmerizing all that are & will become HIS followers. Dangerous times along the many fronts and agendas that every Democrat panders in front of the cameras, and through the news media, which has been in their back pocket for many years! Our children are being brainwashed from pre-school through college and beyond … leaving a bleak outlook for our Country. All those of SANE mind need to WAKE UP and get in motion. STOP this insane notion that ‘my vote doesn’t count”. If you don’t like what IS and HAS been happening, stop being lazy, and remember that NOT voting is allowing all this to happen. Oh yes, please pay attention … have your noticed how certain Democrats can boldly stand in front of a camera and point to some one else about a laundry list of issues and disgraceful conduct that THEY themselves are guilty off and boldly apply their own disgraceful issues on to someone else … the old SHELL game. As we have ALL seen, M-A-N-Y “SENIORS” many have been led astray also to support them and do their bidding.

John C Cannon
John C Cannon
6 years ago

These people are murderers and should be treated as such.

Edgar Martinez
Edgar Martinez
6 years ago

The govenor of New York and Virginia should be forced out of office. They state that an illegal emigrant has the right to live well in thr United States, why doesn’t a baby (legally born in the United States) have the same right to live well also here. These liberals are hypocrite, liers and muderers. There should be a special prosecuter investigating them.

6 years ago

I don’t believe a woman would carry a baby to term, then murder her child.

6 years ago


Carol DeF
Carol DeF
6 years ago

Wait a sec. Aren’t parents who, due to religious beliefs, are being imprisoned for not providing proper medical care for their children? How is this different? Sometimes I think these liberals are more concerned with animal welfare than the welfare of children.

6 years ago

“Cuomo, who calls himself a Catholic, incurred the wrath of Timothy Cardinal Dolan, the Archbishop of New York, who described the law as a “ghoulish radical abortion-expansion law.”
Come on, Reverend, stop feinting your indignation and show us some action by excommunicating Cuomo. Otherwise you are no different than the Jewish leaders during the life of Christ. More interested in “the Show” than actually practicing what you preach.
I’ve had it with the Church’s leaders, Pope Francis on down.

6 years ago

Stop Murder of Human’s. Life begins when the sperm impregnates the egg. From that moment on life is demonstrated by the dividing of cell’s forming a viable human. Their is human life from the time the sperm impregnates the egg. Abortion is murder, plain and simple. There is no magic in this process. It is a process that made you and I, a process developed by God almighty.
To destroy what God has created is Murder. A Chicken is formed in the same way, but is not a human, but a bird developed for the purpose of providing food.

Ed Schrade
Ed Schrade
6 years ago

They are already too eager to want to pull the plug on patients to harvest their organs. This is the reason I never signed the donor part of my drivers license.

6 years ago

Ten years ago, this wonderful, free, mostly conservative country died. No amount of resuscitation will bring her back. I thank God that I was born early enough to be old now. There is no bright future for anyone any more. Rest in peace United States of America.

Roger Lamore
Roger Lamore
6 years ago

Conservatives or Democrats, who is more like the Nazis? No doubt about it, Democrats!!!!!!!

6 years ago

Where the hell did these people come from. I am for the wall, but these people will do more damage than anyone can imagine. Where is their soul, their morals, their compassion, their humanity or conscience? They truly are brainwashed by the left. I am 71 and I have the energy and alertness of a 41 year old. I am assuming there will be a certain age where we need to turn ourself s in or they will come get us. If it happens I will want some of them to accompany me to the promised land.

6 years ago

It is nothing short of murder,anyone involved in this bill has been visited by the devil themselves,Sadistic at best.

Chuck Steen
Chuck Steen
6 years ago

Why don’t we cut the prostitution of our language and call it what it is – murder!

6 years ago

I fully support the right of a woman to choose when to bear a child…..BEFORE conception. (“If you don’t want babies, don’t spread your leggies!”) When Planned Parenthood fought for legalization of the birth control pill, they used the argument that access to convenient birth control would virtually extinguish the need for abortion. Instead, it seems to have desensitized us to the point that we feel life is no longer sacred. Personally, I believe chastity is the healthiest and most effective option to avoid pregnancy, However, the self-discipline and self-respect needed to control sexual impulse is sadly lacking in our current society – thus the need for artificial birth control. Despite the easily available, widely varied methods, and nearly 98% effectiveness of artificial birth control, only conscientious and responsible people use it. That leaves a plethora of irresponsible, self-indulgent, ignorant and desperate people who feel abortion is the answer. It is a sad reality.

Lee Ozias
Lee Ozias
6 years ago

What if a mother has a 2 year old child going through the “terrible twos”? Will these pro choice leaders draft a bill that states it is alright to kill that child also? The current direction our country is headed is scary. All I can think of is the fall of Rome.

David Brollier
David Brollier
6 years ago

I heard one man make a remark that made my blood chill. “They won’t kill murderers. Why do they kill the unborn babies?” That’s right. As a former correctional officer, getting a death penalty to actually stick against a monster in society is made super difficult, I’ve had an inmate tell me that life imprisonment is “cruel and unusual punishment.” So why are people finding so easy to kill babies? You’ll laugh when I tell you, but one of the reasons is that those serving Satan need a blood sacrifice, and babies can’t fight back. Even their mother can’t. nd we’re supposed to believe this is for the health of the mother? Don’t insult us.

6 years ago

So when does the next step rise up, eliminating the disabled and elderly and only allow the beautiful and rich to survive. Sounds like a repeat of history to me.

6 years ago

Our Pastor mentioned the film Logan’s Run (circa 1976) in his sermon on New Year’s Eve this year. Excerpt taken from Wikipedia —
It (Logan’s Run) depicts a utopian future society on the surface, revealed as a dystopia where the population and the consumption of resources are maintained in equilibrium by killing everyone who reaches the age of 30. My husband and I are 70 and 75 respectively — we would have been wiped out by now!

6 years ago

In today’s world, men AND women (boys and girls), are having intercourse without thought of consequences. Pregnancy occurs, just abort it. One thing that seems to not be discussed is who pays for the abortions. Usually is the taxpayer. BOTH parents need to be held accountable for these costs. If the parents can not afford it, Go after the grandparents and the rest of the family. I am pro choice, however once the pregnancy has happens, the choice has been made. Abortion should not be a legal option. Each unwed person (male and female) should be allowed 1 baby. Then sterilization (temporary or permanent) should be required. That could end abortion.

Rob Hartop
Rob Hartop
6 years ago

Monty Python did a (prescient?) skit about removing a healthy man’s liver because he had initialed to be an organ donor and now they needed one. Hilarious then, but now?

6 years ago

It is astonishing that the people who think this is okay don’t see that it’s murder.
We live in a Country of Me’s who don’t want anything messing that up ever,especially a baby!Oh and very proud of all their ABORTIONS.Brag about them.Now they can get rid of a full grown baby at birth thanks to that Governor.
Well America won’t survive this one.It won’t be America anymore.It is gone.It is officially the land of Molech.Party on You worshippers of that false god.See what happens after you fall under that one.Truly absent of God.He turns away from you.

steven jacobs
steven jacobs
6 years ago

I am sure the Pope is just fine with these new laws.

Beverly Grace Fletcher
Beverly Grace Fletcher
6 years ago

It is murder to kill life and a newborn baay is life. What does it say about one that would kill a baby ” it is murder.

6 years ago

This has to be a great boost in the #WalkAway movement.

Thomas H
Thomas H
6 years ago

democrats are SO counting on us to stay home on election day 2020!

6 years ago

If an illegal alien gives birth to a child in the United states the child is immediately a citizen. and they are constitutionally protected. Why are the antiabortionists permitted to end the life of a living child simply because some doctors said they were not worth living?

Stephen Osborn
Stephen Osborn
6 years ago

Make no mistake, senior citizens are next on the hit list. Other countries with government run healthcare are already telling seniors it is too expensive to treat them and they need to go home and die of natural causes. We need to vote these people out.

Janet Kaszer
Janet Kaszer
6 years ago

It is blasphemy the idea of late term abortion and killing and murder is what it is ! It has become an issue of money making ! Abortion is backed by the immoral and greedy! Seniors are and have been denied proper health care in USA ! I was a nurse for forty years and have witnessed the decline in care ! Willingness for insurance to cover or assume risk ! They are the main problem !!! They NEVER lose ! I was diagnosed with esophageal cancer in 2013 ! Now I am a survivor and 65 my care has declined and MD’s were hesitant to admit me to hospital! I developed type A flu Christmas Day ! Went to ER given meds and sent home! Returned to ER January 1 with fevers 102 103 and CPU’s not breathe! Given meds sent home ! Called nurse line with life threatening signs and symptoms directed to take me to hospital ER on January 8th ! Did Ct this time and found pneumonia behind heart and collapsed lung and pneumonia at bottom of left lung !!!!! I was finally admitted ! Only treated for four days ! Discharged with antibiotics injections ! Readmitted five days later with aspiration pneumonia in right lung !!! In dangerous shape close to septicemia! All a result of care directed by insurance directed care DRG ‘S ! I almost lost my life to this careless observation and treatment of the attitude by md and insurance ! Two reasons for their decisions age and cancer diagnosis !!!!!!! I am a unique cancer patient give six months to live going on year six survivor! If I fight !!!! I think my doctors and insurance should help me fight ! My insurance is Kaiser Permanente Senior Advantage Gold Plan!

Stephen W Kennedy
Stephen W Kennedy
6 years ago

I am in favor of passing the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act.

I also think that is highly ironic that Members of Congress honor veterans from World War II for their bravery in fighting to liberate Europe from Nazi terrorism and free the Nazi concentration camps, which exterminated over six million Jews. Americans were horrified to learn of the atrocities at these concentration camps. Since 1973, nearly sixty million (60,000,000) babies have been killed in abortion procedures.

There is a fundamental flaw in the legal thinking in this issue. The Unborn Victims of Violence Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-212) is a United States law which recognizes an embryo or fetus in utero as a legal victim, if they are injured or killed during the commission of any of over 60 listed federal crimes of violence. The law defines “child in utero” as “a member of the species Homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb.”[1] The law is codified in two sections of the United States Code: Title 18, Chapter 1 (Crimes), §1841 (18 USC 1841) and Title 10, Chapter 22 (Uniform Code of Military Justice) §919a (Article 119a).

How can an unborn or born-alive survivor be treated as a human being under many federal laws, but as a collection of cells without life under federal abortion law? As a constituent of yours, I would like to know your thoughts on this issue.

A Proud Member of National Write Your Congressman

Archie Higgins
Archie Higgins
6 years ago

everyone should OWN 2 devilcrats

6 years ago

This country is becoming worse than China with these barbaric practices for killing infant children. What is shocking is the speed at which some people seem to be jumping on board for any practice which does not value life for the young, old, or disabled…As Mother Teresa said, “Wat is left?!”

president trump and joe rogan
Trump signed an executive order on price transparency requirements for the health care industry.
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President Donald Trump delivers remarks before signing an executive order on expanding access to IVF regarding birth rates

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