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Open Borders Subject Women and Girls in the US to Rapes and Wanton Violence

Posted on Wednesday, June 26, 2024
by Outside Contributor

The United Nations calls it “femicide,” the wanton assault, rape and murder of girls and women. It’s a cultural epidemic in Latin America.

Femicide is visible every step of the way from South America and the Northern Triangle countries to the Mexico-U.S. border. Rape trees, where women’s panties hang from branches, and rape tents, where girls and women are dragged by smugglers, dot the route. Do you think the rapes stop when illegals cross into the U.S.? No.

Now women are being victimized by migrants bringing femicide to your neighborhood. Where are the women’s rights groups? Silent. They couldn’t care less. It’s politically incorrect to criticize Latin American culture — even its tolerance for violence against females.

Last week in Queens, an Ecuadoran illegal, Christian Geovanny Inga-Landi, allegedly attacked a 13-year-old girl walking home from school, held her at knife-point and raped her, recording the assault for his own future pleasure as he proceeded.

Yet “Squad” member Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) laughed off news coverage of the crime as “fear-mongering.”

Inga-Landi has a history of abusing females, including beating his pregnant wife, according to police reports. He crossed the border illegally in 2021 and was ordered to leave the country by a New York City immigration judge in Feb. 2022.

And what about the 13-year-old victim? Her father adamantly opposes President Joe Biden’s “open border policy” because “it invites a lot of things that we don’t need,” adding, “Look what came in. Look what happened to my daughter.”

Sexual violence against females is rampant in Latin America, reports the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean, a division of the UN.

In Mexico, femicide is soaring, according to the George Bush Institute at the Wilson Center, a nonpartisan Washington, D.C., think tank. “Gender-based violence remains one of the most significant yet overlooked drivers of out migration across Central America and the broader region.”

On April 24, UN official Alice Shackelford warned of an “emergency situation” in Honduras, where she said violence against women is being normalized and the femicide rate has risen to the highest in Latin America.

Also reporting on the “degree of hatred and contempt against women” in Honduras, Migdonia Ayestad of the National Autonomous University of Honduras explained that “men believe they have the right to women’s bodies.”

The UN has its own far-left ax to grind. And most illegals from Latin America are not violent criminals. Even so, dangerous anti-female attitudes are invading our country because of open borders.

Leftists deny the problem. They’re horrified that Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein raped women on a casting couch, but they’re in denial when Latin American illegals rape. CNN political commentator Van Jones said on Saturday, “There’s no culture south of the border that celebrates rape. … You are insulting people below the border.”

Sorry, facts are facts. Political correctness be damned.

The incidents are piling up. A Honduran illegal was arrested on Feb. 25 in Kenner, Louisiana, after he allegedly raped a 14-year-old girl at knife-point.

Mexican illegal Eduardo Sarabia was arrested on May 16 for allegedly kidnapping and raping two women in a white van outfitted to be a “rape dungeon on wheels.”

The El Salvadorian illegal arrested this month for allegedly raping and murdering Rachel Morin was also wanted for assaulting a mother and her 9-year-old daughter during a Los Angeles home break-in.

Venezuela is supplying a hefty share of femicidal criminals. That country refuses to provide the U.S. with criminal background information about migrants apprehended at the border. Here are a few of the consequences.

Laken Riley, a Georgia nursing student, was raped and murdered on Feb. 22, allegedly by a Venezuelan migrant.

That same day, Venezuelan migrant Renzo Mendoza Montes allegedly sexually abused a 14-year-old in Virginia.

Last week, 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray’s lifeless body was found in Houston; she was murdered allegedly by two Venezuelan migrants. They lured the girl under a bridge, stripped her naked below the waist, bound her hands and feet, and raped her for two hours before killing her.

Too many deaths and life-shattering assaults. Tell women’s rights groups backing Biden that safety from rapists and sexually motivated killers is a right.

Leftists object to the word “illegal.” They prefer “undocumented.” Let’s not mince words. Some are rapists and killers. Monsters. Close the border to stop the femicidal madness.

Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York and chairman of the Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths. Follow her on Twitter @Betsy_McCaughey. To find out more about Betsy McCaughey and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website.


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8 months ago

WHEN WILL IT END? Higher authority has hand cuffed local law enforcement from doing anything especially in “BLUE” city states. District attorneys and judges continue to let offenders off where they commit crimes again but only worse. Evil is running amuck just like the Lord Jesus stated 2,000 years ago — Welcome to the days of Noah.

Fed Up
Fed Up
8 months ago

Rep. Pramila Jayapal (D-Wash.) needs a rude awakening! She would change her attitude if it were HER FAMILY being violated! Any woman who is vulgar enough to laugh at reports and make excuses of rape among Latin women is a typical disgusting politician.

8 months ago

These atrocities ( very demonic and evil ) are to be laid at the feet of President Joe Biden and lackeys.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
8 months ago

Praise for you writing this article Betsy . By identifying those here in the United States who actually look away from the circumstances that make it possible for these despicable crimes to take place should have some influence in helping to stop it. I am referring to those you mentioned in the article who are well known and in positions of influence who should be looking at every opportunity possible to respect the rule of law, respect the will of God and realize that not trying to stop this femicide situation contributes to having barbarians destroy civilization Those of us who are of good character,who believe in living by a code of conduct, believe in God and have the integrity, the courage needed to defend what is morally right — we will do whatever is required to stop this open borders policy that is at the foundation of this situation. Exchange of information and ideas for doing that will surely be aided through forums like this with AMAC . Well done with this article Betsy

8 months ago

The liberals care more about letting illegal immigrant rapists and murders in our country than they do about all the women, and especially children, now being sex-trafficked. They’d rather spend dollars on gun control than trafficking. Shame on them.

Ray Doyle LFP, WA
Ray Doyle LFP, WA
8 months ago

all part of the democrats war on women.

8 months ago

Democrats value cheap, ignorant illegals for their votes more than they care about the safety and security of women and young girls being trafficked into the country.

anna hubert
anna hubert
8 months ago

And yet Biden has over 37% approval and “Latinos” are still going to vote for him When the feminists were hammering into everyones heads how ugly unfair and dangerous life was in the 60ties for women Oppression and practically a slavery That was the time women should have told them to shut up Now there is not a peep out of them They have lot to answer for and in their heart of hearts they are misogynists

8 months ago

There will be revenge killings because of this…..prison be damned.

Elizabeth Cheever
Elizabeth Cheever
8 months ago

I am really tired with the language war! The immigrants flooding our borders, particularly the southern border are “illegals” and in that particular classification are unwanted in America by the American “legal” citizens! We do not want these “animals” coming here to plunder, kill, rape and destroy the American women, never mind coming at the open invite from Joe Biden and his sidekick Mayorkas! What does Joe think that he is some godfather of a criminal enterprise vs President of the United States of America? This is sick stuff. This is all on Joe because he does have the power to stop it! It should never have started. Joe and his administration have done a lot of “illegal” stuff since taking office. We need to get him out and then keep an eye on him (along with his cabinet sidekicks).

G Morgan
G Morgan
8 months ago

Hang a few of them as a example of what American Men do to those who Rape & Kill our Children & Women !

James DeBona
James DeBona
8 months ago

Just one more small cog in the machine created by the far left (liberals included) to bring this magnificent country to its knees! Destroy everything economically and socially so that they can step in and take over! What’s that you say? But we have the 2nd amendment to protect against these sorts of things! Now you know why they are so hard-pressed to kill our 2nd amendment rights!!!

8 months ago

Carry. Head on a swivel.

8 months ago

This is so horrifying what is happening to our country, when do we stand up as citizens and protect our children?

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
8 months ago

When it comes to Dems in power they all think that they have done nothing wrong. All the Dems in Washington will back Biden & Harris they allowed anyone to come into this country they do not know what is loose on our streets time to get a lot of these people out of office more citizens will be murdered What is true is a lot of the Dems up in Washington if it was there family members being violated and killed they would do something but if nothing happens to there family members they could care less.

John Burtis
John Burtis
8 months ago

Berlin in June of 1945 where every German woman of any age was ripe for rape. The USA in 2024, every American woman of any age is ripe for rape as the 23 million illegal aliens fan out into the hinterland to “wet their beaks.”

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
8 months ago

Nobody is surprised that they don’t care: murder, rape, robbery, DUI, etc. “Acceptable losses”!

8 months ago

We can no longer afford governmental judicial immunity for those in government involved in aiding and abetting these crimes against against humanity, especially for those who initiate the policicies that facilitate, and solicit these crimes. The same goes for those in government who arbitrarily enforce our laws, picking and choosing which laws to enforce, and which to ignore, or those who “stand down” and follow the illegal orders they received. There needs to be accountability for the perpetrators in our government whether in the political sector, or civil service!

John Shipway
John Shipway
8 months ago

Someone needs to prove to these various invaders that there is a LOT of vacant and easily dug soil in this country. One does wonder though, when considering how these scum breed, if you plant one will a new one sprout?

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