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One-Party State Governments

Posted on Friday, June 7, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Maine is emblematic of a phenomenon occurring nationwide. States controlled by one-party Democrat governments, intent on pushing radical agendas, and are simply ignoring the majority. They think they have license. That is why populism, distrust of government, and anger are growing.

Hundreds of bills introduced, many passed during that one State’s recent sessions, contradict the majority’s values as well as testimony and polling of Maine citizens. Democrats do not care.

The state’s one-party legislature, governor, and attorney general act, as in other one-party states, like the majority is irrelevant. Once in power, they ignore the people, focus on big donors, political action committees controlled by party leadership, and special interests.

Dozens of hours spent reviewing bills, Maine’s one-party government pushed and passed (in the past two years), changing words to trick the public – minimizing illegal aliens, felony detentions, drug trafficking, woke grammar, claiming higher taxes are lower, only prove one thing: No accountability.

Coast to coast, Democrat governors and legislatures, like the president, are viewed as out of touch. Eighty-five percent of Americans think they “do not care about them.”

On one hand, that is shocking – that those in power are abusing power once they get it, believing they can do so without consequences. On the other, the bell is tolling for those now in power – who seem to think they are beyond reach, can stretch their authority, impose mandates, overspend.

What did the deep dive into Maine’s legislation show – countless examples of legislation pushed and passed as if the people mean nothing, power all that matters, a lockstep national agenda.

Maine people? They are viewed by their low Democrat lawmakers as stupid, inattentive to the bills, easily manipulated with Democrats who use innocuous titles, and then do egregious things.

Proposed in the last two sessions – by Maine’s Democrat House Speaker no less – was legislation to allow illegals to vote in all Maine elections. Absurd.

When that failed, the Democrat legislature – like 17 other states – pushed another radical idea, a work-around to get illegals into voting position, 75,000 invited to be “New Americans” in Maine. Representatives for the effort met with Biden, making the agenda only more clear.

Outrageous, not least because average Mainers strain under high inflation driven by misconceived energy policies, senseless overspending, mandates and subsidies, things no one wants?

What else? The list would take days to recite, but it is also – like much of the government’s overspending, mismanagement, and insider deals – hidden bureaucratic language.

Consider one example, among hundreds. Maine, like all states, produces a “legislative digest,” to which citizens can go, one assumes, for understanding of what their legislature did.

When you go there, what do you get? Bill titles and summaries, typical of other states. What do you learn? Almost nothing. You get titles, definitions, committees, lots of money shifting, and summaries that tell say next to nothing, self-serving, useless, more “woke” spending.

Worse, you get deception. Maine’s one-party government in recent years has become notorious for low integrity in national analyses, back to 2015. Like the national mind about public office, those in Maine are viewed as serving themselves first, no grasp on life’s strains, sense of history or service.

How bad? A summit could be held on how Maine’s Democrat legislature – content to abuse its monopoly power – has disserved the state, from students (worst public schools in America), parents (disenfranchised), and teachers (stripped of social security, low morale, pay) to small businesses, lobstermen (overregulated, down two-thirds), seniors who see their life savings vanishing to the young, with no affordable housing, unable to make ends meet.

One of the Democrat tricks is bureaucratic gobbledygook. While 80 percent of so-called asylum seekers – illegals looking for an illegal way in – disappear or get ruled unentitled, Maine Democrats invite them up and spend millions defending their claims, using Maine citizens’ money.

How many dubious asylum claims does Maine defend? In 2021, if you dig deep, you will find that under the Maine Civil Legal Services Fund Commission, with seven spending categories traceable to Democrat one-party government, not a pretty picture – more indefensible by the year.

In 2021, already 1,535 cases brought by illegals were in effect paid for by taxpayers, people just scratching out a living. By 2023, Democrats were defending 4,547 illegals, and that before the Democrats’ passed their “New Americans Office.” Fair? Hardly.

Where does all this lead? Two places, whether in Maine or Michigan. It leads to public action, throwing unaccountable and arrogant incumbents out, new accountability and limits on government, or … we lose the chance for that, lose accountability to entrenched abuses.

Representative democracy is hard work. If “We the People” give up on it, give in to abuses, get tricked, bought, or do not care, abuse becomes pervasive. Bottom line: Abuse by one-party Democrat states is a matter of record, a call to action – restore integrity or loss control. 

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.   

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3 months ago


Please give specific details for those of us-standing firm in prayer but needing more directions for overt ACTION. Thanks in advance.

I think many are not saying President Trump can do no wrong – they are saying – We need to get involved for doing what is right, supporting what is right, praying for what is right and recognizing that God used David- with all his flaws- but with contrite and repentant spirit So HE can use President Trump.
He can use others too but they must be available- willing- loving God and country.

Vicki G
Vicki G
3 months ago

Democrat voters are nothing if not loyal to their party. It’s apparent they’ll keep voting for Democrats no matter how bad things get. They utterly refuse to connect the dots. Is there a way to get through to them? Doubtful. The reason I switched sides is I found out I was being lied to. Most Dems don’t care. As Dennis Prager often says, “Truth is not a left-wing value.”

3 months ago

The word “democrat” is a cloaked word. It actually stands for socialist/progressive. Their ultimate goal is to flood blue state cities with people that need to be taken care of. We’re seeing it unfold right under our noses. Biden’s open border is in affect trying to wipe out our present form of government.

3 months ago

Interesting to read some on here that complain about Republican government. First of all I dont think that most Republicans think they are all perfect its just that given a choice between a Love of pedophiles, Rampant promotion of homosexuality over our countries Christian heritage in schools, a flagrant desire to not follow laws, over taxation, forced into the newest environmental trends dedpite no viable evidence, forced to take medical treatments despite evidence to their potental harm, a destruction of the dollar forcing many to give up one necessity to have another. All of these things tell me why democrat states are oppresive and have NO concern for most of their citizens. It is also why I am thankful states like Texas and Florida exist.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
3 months ago

Directly after reading this important article, I decided to read the Declaration of Independence — in only the relatively brief period of 248 years ( some humor there ) it is evident that some people think that a representative form of government, is not to their liking. So, what next — with these misguided people — establish a monarchy, have a King instead of a President ? Who knows what goes on in the minds of those with values that are contrary to the ideas ,the principles , the heart and soul of a system that values Liberty , that respects the rights of the individual and Integrity. Actually a monarchy with King, Queen the whole Royal bit would be preferable to the Communist system that these one party State governments seem to be wanting to emulate. .This one party State government stuff is a wrong that needs to be stopped. If it were said that they are “for the birds ” then vultures would be the appropriate description of the sort of bird compared. This article is a call to action Robert, As you suggested restore Integrity – a system Of, By and For the people is something not to lose but to hold on to . This time in history has great significance, it can and should be a pivotal point for strengthening Faith, Family and Freedom for the United States of America.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 months ago

IN CA we have tried to vote in new blood IE Larry Elder But Nothing done
System rigged by Govt Unions & Dems

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 months ago

If you need a cautionary tale of what Democrats do to a once thriving state just look at California: $65B in debt and its (saner) population running away to other states… unfortunately voting the same way.

James Dowdell
James Dowdell
3 months ago

Far too many elected officials at all levels fail to read, understand and embrace the principles established in the national and state constitutions. Many rely on the guidance of lawyers who fail to embrace the letters and spirit of the constitutions that they are bound to uphold. If we are to “Throw off the yoke of tyranny” imposed by many legislative bodies, me must first understand the guarantees embodied in our constitutions and then vote ONLY for candidates who respect and uphold these constitutional principles. As a politically active conservative, when I engage a candidate I frequently ask:’What do you believe is the first responsibility of any elected public official?” If they do not respond to the effect of:”To understand and adhere to the guidance and restrictions of the United States Constitution: I advise them they do not deserve my vote or the votes of others.

3 months ago

Sounds like a carbon copy of the demon-crats and liberal “reformists” in Vermont! Extreme taxation, uncontrolled and unregulated spending, ludicrous laws and burdensome regulations AND also complete reverence and worship of the DEI insanity and enabling and supporting of illegal aliens, while lawful citizens are going hungry and in debt. Time for a move!!!!!

3 months ago

So, as I have stated in an earlier post, why do the Mainers and fed-up voters in other blue states continue to tolerate these bad seed politicians? Throw them out on their tails!

3 months ago

Republicans care more about responsibility. I hope we care enough.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
3 months ago

It’s not just Maine that is a disaster under democratic one-party rule. New York (Where I live- full disclosure) and California are two other states that the democratic party has ruined with their “progressive” policies and, as a result have driven people and businesses away. Democrats in power will not learn from their mistakes unless and until they’re the only one living in these states under their terrible policies.

3 months ago

They’ll keep voting Democrat though.

3 months ago

My state of Michigan has fallen under the same tragedy. They’ll eventually ruin this state to if they are not challanged.

3 months ago

Washington state has a one party government. It’s also a sanctuary state. It’s mail in voting (Dominion machines) only. We have voted against the progressives and their far left policies here but the deck is stacked against us. We have seen the results of what one party can do. America can’t become this.

Michael Christopher Johnson CLXVIII
Michael Christopher Johnson CLXVIII
3 months ago

Robert Charles is a big time bully.

Michael Christopher Johnson CLXVIII
Michael Christopher Johnson CLXVIII
3 months ago

I officially give AMAC an F for freedom of speech.

3 months ago

And Mike, there is no way on God’s green earth that you are or ever have been a “conservative Republican”.Save your BS for your socialist buddies.

3 months ago

No sir,you are that simple!

3 months ago

Then Michael, you have shown to the country that you prefer being raped by democrats Ang giving them the right to be the real tyrants. If that’s want you truly want. See ya, change your allegiance to “loser”.

David Campbell
David Campbell
3 months ago

“…that those in power are abusing power once they get it, believing they can do so without consequences.”
They are absolutely right as long as the voters are stupid enough to keep voting them back into office. This is the purpose of divisive politics, which seems to work particularly well on Democrat voters. The sentiment has become “wow, things are really bad, but we CAN’T let Republicans get control”. On the rare occasion a Democrat voter exposes themselves to who Repblican voters really are and the actual policies we want, they are often shocked at the difference from what they are told by their leadership and what they actually observe, and then are in danger of leaving the Democrat party.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
3 months ago

Evedently , these people forget history. This country was built on revolution and can be again. These dems of today dont realize a force cajn show up with guns and kill a bunch of them. And the dummies will say ,that cant happen in todays time. Kyle L.

Winners everywhere
Winners everywhere
3 months ago

So much winning! Just not you! Lol

3 months ago


3 months ago

Hang in there with your research- be sure to really check sources- even beyond letter head.

And re: “congratulating” , How do you know???
You don’t.

Like I said- hang in there-
And do careful, source checking research.

3 months ago

robert charles, why not mention one party texas and how ken paxton has abused his power and gotten away with it and one of the people in the government that has helped him get away with it is none other than his ultra corrupt wife in the texas senate, angela paxton, absolutely pathetic

3 months ago

you go on and on with the problems of democratic governments but never once mention republican governments, well here are a few of the problems

if someone is 99 percent conservative that’s not good enough, they are branded a rino and hated as much as democrats, and why should these conservatives be hating even democrats?

to republicans, trump is some kind of supernatural figure, that is never a good thing to feel that someone can do no wrong, especially someone who commits felonies just about every waking hour

rephblicans purport to be for freedom but they are obsessed with banning books and abortions and freedoms of speech in general, so much for freedom

every american of age that’s not in jail should get to vote, but republicans get in the way of that

both sides have always had some problems with this but you always congratulate the winner of an election when you lose, and trump has still not congratulated biden four years later, i don’t like either one, but that’s pathetic

3 months ago

oh and everything wrong with one party democratic government is wrong with one party republican government, why doesn’t robert charles even mention an example of one party republican control, how about idaho, texas, and florida for example? there are actually more one party republican governments than one party democratic governments and they stink, mixed party governments are far better

3 months ago

one party state governments are a big problem, but boy oh boy, you never mention that one party republican state governments are just as awful as one party democratic state governments, so another meaningless hyperpartisan article

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