It was May 28, 2021, when a 15-year-old girl was sexually assaulted in a Virginia public school restroom. Details revealed the girl was attacked by a boy wearing a skirt who was legally allowed to use the girls’ restroom at Stone Bridge High School in Loudoun County, Virginia, because it “matched his gender identity.”
Under the pseudonym “Jane Doe,” the girl and her parents filed a lawsuit after the school allegedly covered up her assault. Incredibly, the boy went on to attack another girl in a different school. But because he considered himself “gender-fluid,” the violence was denied by both his mother and teachers.
In response to incidents like these, which resulted from school policies allowing boys into girls’ restrooms and locker rooms, a growing tide of high school students across the country are walking out of class in protest.
On Wednesday, Loudoun County students held a second walkout protesting Policy 8040, which allows biological males to use girls’ bathrooms and locker rooms. The first walkout occurred after the sexual assault incident in 2021.
In Pennsylvania, hundreds of students from Perkiomen Valley School District ditched class to protest the failure to enact a policy requiring students to use the bathroom that matched their biological sex.
“[It feels] as if it’s me and my sister and the rest of us students’ rights are now compromised and not a priority to this school whatsoever,” Pennsylvania student Brandon Emery said. His mother, Melanie Marren, added, “They are making these policies without taking into consideration how they affect the students and how uncomfortable it is … to be faced with the invasion of their privacy in those areas where they should feel safe and private.”
In Baltimore, a group of parents involved with Parental Alliance for Safer Schools in Baltimore County (PASS) planned a protest of the county and its policy that allows trans-identifying students to use whichever bathroom or locker room they please. However, the Oct. 10 protest faced opposition when parents supporting transgenderism also showed up.
In Canada, groups have also gathered to protest policies that allow biological males in female-specific spaces. Students from Longfields-Davidson Heights High School formed a group called LDHSS Students for Change to push back against the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board by hosting their own walkouts.
One of the students from the group told Newsweek, “The main thing we protested for was for us to be able to say what we want and to keep gay teachings out of our schools.” As a way to fight the policies, these students want the school board to establish gender-neutral single-user bathrooms, a compromise some states have put in motion.
“American adults and parents should be ashamed of the fact that students are forced to protest for the right to not undress in front of someone of the opposite sex,” Meg Kilgannon, senior fellow for education studies at the Family Research Council, told The Washington Stand. “The students and staff are protesting because the Left is forcing progressive adult sexual priorities on children as a way of justifying their own adult actions, and it’s not acceptable.”
Kilgannon acknowledged that “when students leave school in protest for gun control or climate change,” it may be that “kids [are] taking an opportunity to leave class,” adding that “some may have the same attitude towards these examples.” However, she emphasized that “when the cause of the protest is something as intimate as access to bathrooms or locker rooms, or is in protest of compelled speech, we should pay attention.”
Kilgannon concluded, “[I]f these kinds of protests continue, it’s going to make the release of the Biden administration’s redefinition of Title IX and sex itself much more charged.”
Originally published at WashingtonStand.com
Reprinted with permission from The Daily Signal by Sarah Holliday.
It’s shame that our country has come to this. We can’t protect our daughters or wife’s from this kind of abuse and violations. I am proud of the kids that are standing up to these crimes.
I saw someone above said families always share bathrooms. I think you are confused. They share a bathroom, but not at the same time. My 12 grand daughter and 8 year old grandson don’t use the bathroom together. The school is having boys and girls in the same locker room at the same time.Big difference.
Where have all the feminists gone They will not shut up about the ugly white male and abortion but about the vulnerable young girls and women sports they are like three monkeys
There is no limit to the perversity of the left. Nice people may think this stuff is a form of temporary insanity but rest assured this is all done on purpose, by design, to weaken the country.
Mental illness should be treated and not coddled like a small baby! We should never accept it as normal!
It is total BS to let males into the women’s bath
So stupid that this is an actual “issue” in this country.
Great to hear kids are siding with us normal people!!!
As long as their parents keep on voting liberal progressives and socialists school district officials and politicians, they will get this outcome.
Any Biden policy is tainted with progressive ideology. The puppet masters were Not elected. The appointed president is merely a figurehead. Nothing he endorses or proclaims should be heeded.
What is this country coming to? We need to fight for what is an was right. Never would have heard of this 25 years ago
When I am outside of my home and in public places I demand to know who I am sitting next to pee. Sorry for the graphic, but believe that is a right I have.
Social social correctness is taking away the civil rights of students. You go students. If necessary protect your peers by whatever means needed.
Good information from Amac!
God bless the students standing up to this stupidity.
Scrap Public Schools ALL
When it comes to this subject and what has previously occurred, I just wonder “What did these liberals think would happen?”!!! Did they really think that all people are honest (that’s an oxymoron when talking about Democrats) so when they say that they identify as a woman that they are actually going to act like a woman OR are there some demented guys out there who would find this an easy avenue to get their peeps or, worse, actually rape some ‘forced into this situation by liberals’ young woman???
It’s exciting to hear some young people who are not afraid to speak up about this and other deviate subjects!!!!
What’s the problem, families ALWAYS share bathrooms! Now the Democrats just want to do away with “men’s or women’s” bathrooms and just have Public Restrooms shared by whoever!
When we have to fight to have our girls protected from boys claiming to be women, something has definitely gone wrong with the moral compass in our country. Any sane person has to know this fact. It is a calculated distraction to bring down our country. This country was founded by God fearing men and women. Not perfect people but they had a moral compassion. We have a dark Satanic spirit invading every corner of our society now. We have to stand up and say NO to this evil. It didn’t start yesterday but we need to start today to return this country to God.
This is just one of many issues being orchestrated by those that want to destroy our country and we need to stand firm and strong in fighting back.
So if one person is gender fluid they don’t have to accept another’s NO. What an excuse.. Boy oh boy! What a messed up world this is.
I’m glad that enough is enough and there are brave kids standing up for what is right. Continue to stand firm.
Never did I think that our country would turn into this. Stop the Biden insanity!
Comrade, your STUPIDITY is amazing! Jackass Joe Biden LIES EVERYTIME HE SPEAKS but you’re TOO STUPID to know it!