Leslie Van Houten, a member of the death cult led by Charles Manson, was convicted of two counts of first-degree murder in 1971 and quite deservedly sentenced to death. But she is not only still alive — outrageously, she was just released from prison.
Van Houten’s life was spared when in 1972, the California Supreme Court ruled it violated the state’s constitution and the state resentenced everyone on death row to life in prison with the possibility of parole. Capital punishment was later reinstated, but not retroactively for murderers whose sentences had been reduced. In 2016, California voters vociferously reiterated their support for the death penalty by passing a proposition to speed up executions of convicted murderers, shortening the long appeals process.
Now, rather than letting Van Houten rot in prison for the rest of her life, the California Court of Appeals ruled 2-1 in May that she should be released on parole because of her “extraordinary rehabilitative efforts, insight, realistic parole plans, support from family and friends” and good behavior in prison.
Van Houten’s prison accomplishments included receiving bachelor’s and master’s degrees, but none of this should matter. If it keeps beasts busy in prison, that’s fine, but the truth is that prisons aren’t in the business of rehabilitation, especially for those who commit heinous crimes. Prisons are in the business of punishing criminals, keeping them off the streets, and deterring crime.
Even if Van Houten spent her years in prison getting three doctorate degrees and caring for sick puppies, she couldn’t erase her monstrous crimes or bring her tortured murder victims back to life. The children of murder victims, like the LaBianca children who found their parents’ mutilated bodies, suffer for the rest of their lives, losing forever the love and guidance of their parents. The death penalty for the monsters who destroy lives is true justice and a benevolent action for the loved ones left behind. For beasts like Van Houten and her pals, life in prison without any possibility of release is the very least society should expect from our justice system.
Van Houten’s murder victims, Leno and Rosemary LaBianca, never had a chance to pursue more accomplishments, happiness, or to be there for their children. Leno was 44, the son of Italian immigrants, a veteran of World War II Army service in Europe, and a supermarket executive. Rosemary, who was about 39, was born in Mexico to parents who either died or abandoned her, and grew up in an orphanage before being adopted at age 12 in Arizona. She worked as a waitress before opening a successful dress shop.
Van Houten held Rosemary LaBianca down with a pillowcase over her head as other members of the Manson cult stabbed their helpless victim in August 1969 after breaking into the LaBianca home. Van Houten testified at her trial that she then grabbed a knife and joined in the attack, stabbing Rosemary about 16 times.
At her trial, Van Houten joined co-defendant Patricia Krenwinkel in trying to disrupt the proceedings by yelling at prosecutors and giggling as the gruesome murders of the LaBiancas were described. Yes, that was 53 years ago, but remember the jury felt the death penalty was the appropriate sentence. Just because you happen to live a long time in prison does not erase your obscene crimes and the debt you owe society.
The appeals court ruling to release Van Houten overturned a decision by Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom rejecting her parole application. Newsom had every right to appeal that decision to the California Supreme Court, but his spokeswoman announced July 7 that the governor, while disappointed, will not appeal the ruling because “efforts to appeal are unlikely to succeed.”
Seriously? What kind of leader gives up on a cause he truly believes in when faced with tough odds? The American Revolution seemed unlikely to succeed in 1776. Ending slavery seemed unlikely to succeed at the dawn of the Civil War. Defeating Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, and Fascist Italy seemed unlikely in 1941. Even figuring out who killed Sharon Tate, her friends, and the La Biancas seemed unlikely to succeed. Pursuing the difficult and yes, the righteous but “unlikely” requires courage and leadership, attributes Newsom simply does not possess.
This debacle in itself is a horrific turn of events. But it is also representative of our much larger political and cultural deterioration. Newsom’s abandonment of the effort to keep Van Houten in prison is emblematic of pro-crime policies promoted and embraced by Democratic officials around the nation, who seem excited by the chaos, violence, and fear they engender.
Ignoring the will of voters, Newsom imposed a moratorium on the death penalty in California in 2019, granting reprieves to 737 convicted murderers, including notorious beasts. Moreover, Newsom’s action exposed how he lied to the voters of California to get elected. As a candidate a year earlier, his spokesman said Newsom would enforce the death penalty law.
Meanwhile, Van Houten was “thrilled and she’s overwhelmed” when she learned that her 53 years in prison would soon end. I bet she is. Yet anyone who truly understood and accepted responsibility for actions like hers would also understand how repugnant it is to fight for release.
I’m far more sympathetic to the reaction of Leno LaBianca’s daughter. Responding to the news that Van Houten will soon be free, Cory LaBianca, who is now 75, said: “My family and are heartbroken because we’re once again reminded of all the years that we have not had my father and my stepmother with us. My children and my grandchildren never got an opportunity to get to know either of them, which has been a huge void for my family.”
The now-elderly children of the LaBiancas must now live with the terrible pain of knowing Van Houten is enjoying a life of freedom, unlike their brutally murdered parents.
Send her to live with the Newsom family…
Evil is on steroids! God help America! How long must we endure this evil that’s everywhere?
Controversial statement, I am always accused of being cold when I make statements like this. May all these criminals you advocate setting free, find you and your family and do their raping, mutilating, robbery, and murder in your home and leave the rest of us alone. It is what wish on us, so only wishing it back at you.
One can only hope that it’s Newsom who suffers the consequences of her release, rather than some innocent person…
He’s a disgrace and should be recalled again, and it should be unanimous.
Leslie Van Houten should have died in the gas chamber long ago. A family friend was one of the detectives that documented the crime scene. It haunted him for many years.
Evil is winning. Two things need to happen for this to occur. Deception on the one part, (we see plenty of that with the courts, and Newsome) and apathy on the other. There just are not enough Americans involved enough to defend TRUTH, JUSTICE and the AMERICAN WAY. This country has lost it’s moral compass and is adrift.
And this is the man the democrats would run for presidents?? He is evil personified. We don’t need more wickedness in the WH.
Now she’ll go out and write a book (if she hasn’t already) become very wealthy, go on speaking tours in Democrat states and cities and enjoy all that America has to offer. She’ll end up living better than us! Damn shame the short-sighted state legislature didn’t make the reinstatement retroactive! This makes me absolutely sick!!!
Newsom will rot in hell for all the evil he and others have let lose in California, from the drugs to abortion when the fetuses can feel pain, to all the homeless on streets, to providing more drugs and needles for addicts instead of help to get them OFF drugs in San Francisco. May God protect the innocent in that state, particularly the innocent children being led into a life of confusion of what gender they are…we all know there are only TWO with the occasional hermaphrodite. Please BLESS the children from this and particularly from child slavery and drug use. Please bless our country. Van Houten is one of the most EVIL of them all, a true Satan worshiper of the Mason clan.
“What kind of leader gives up on a cause he truly believes in when faced with tough odds?”…A coward!! and Newsom is every bit of that!!
Nothing new here……gov Goofy Newsome does not have ANY Ethics integrity nor common sense!
The entire dem agenda is to release criminals and incarcerate the victims. They pass subjective laws so they can decide if you are guilty. By subjective laws I mean they decide what you were thinking and find you guilty. They did it with Trump twice with impeaching him. They are doing it with Trump’s classified documents. For they knew what Trump was thinking what he was going to do with them. Sloppy had them all over the state of Delaware in DC at his house. Only that was okay for his thoughts were pure.
See how they are going about to rid America of the reps and whites. Black reps are not safe either. Only the sheep that follow sloppy blindly.
Her ultimate judgment is yet to come. It is not in our hands, and the sentence will be for eternity, no chance of parole
What is the love story between progressives and criminals? Progressives try so hard to make themselves look compassionate. How about some compassion for the thousands of American citizens whose lives are put in danger every day because of the progressive’s open border policy, and the innocent babies that are killed by abortions.
Dear Ms. Bruce and the world:
I at the age of 83 lived through all of this as a younger person. My friend lived and worked in “hollywierd” at the time. She was working for Michael Evans at the time charles manson and his murderers took the lives of Tate (her friends/baby) and the La Bianca couple. I remember Tate’s husband who had to run from this country to France because of his horrific crimes against a minor child (alleged). Anyone who associated with charles is a monster and a beast!
You hit the nail on the head about “gruesome newsom” also. I call him by other names also to my friends and relatives who have been so BRAINWASHED in CA.I told a very close relative the other day, “PLEASE KEEP NUSIANCE IN CA SO HE CANNOT RUIN ALL THE COUNTRY AS HE HAS CA”. I meant it sincerely!
I have worked overseas in countries that you or other people would shudder at and would not go to or perhaps I should say should not. I have learned so much about oppression and how dictators get hold of a country. We live NOW under a dictatorship and I have tried to tell people everything that is coming to life now is! I have warned people about the mess we are in since my return from working in the soviet union and the middle east in health care (1991-92). That seems like a long time for the people of this country to reject me and all I said. However I remember working there as if it was yesterday.
Now it is all coming to light and I pray only that God who is in charge will take charge and stop these “demonic” useless idiots in their efforts to destroy the wonderful America as I remember her with all her blemishes too.
I believe that life is valuable from the time that a sperm hits an egg in the womb until death. I just saw a thing on TV about the euthanasia that the canadian government is pushing for in canada! I feel for the people up there as they live in a dictatorship also.
Anyway they put down horses don’t they and rabid dogs? I hope and pray this “beast” has truly repented of all she did while under the now DEAD charlie!
Thank you for letting this old lady expound and I hope this country will get back to normal times.
Sincerely, Carol
I’d like to say I’m surprised but I’m not. Hell look what they are allowing to come over the border so go figure. A lot has changed since she was out, she probably won’t last long anyway. Just more proof of how screwed up America really is thank you Democrats…????
I lost count of how many times that Tammy Bruce use the word “beast” in this story. While I agree with her sentiment 100%, varying the verbiage would have added emphasis. I would have used the words MONSTER, FIEND, WRETCH, SAVAGE and sprinkled on a few others that I would have to look up. I would also have used those when describing Gruesome Newsome as well because he just hasn’t been caught and his associated release of this breathing cesspool hasn’t been publicised nation wide.
Doesn’t surprise me since ever since he took office if someone is arrested for almost anything….especially illegals, he has ordered them to be released without bail right after being arrested. He is such a POS.
Itis California. What did you expect?
Newsom . You should be in Prison for the like so many others
Unfortunately, we can only hope karma will take care of this woman. Prayers for the victim’s’ children. May they be safe always.
I’m more concerned about Newsom’s effect on this country. Van Houten is an old lady and will probably not be a danger. Newsom is young and power hungry, he can do a lot of damage.
Californians got what they voted for . . . definitely the land of fruits and nuts.
Disgusting ! Good thing Manson is dead or they would be walking out hand in hand. Where has justice gone?
Van Houten’s lawyer said she has had several job offers and will be “ok.” There is more to it than that. Supposedly, she is worth from $1 million to $15 million depending upon whether she could make money from writing a book It’s unclear. In any event, she shouldn’t be profiting from this to live an easy life.
So many outraged posts but everyone is forgetting.….This is California!
Wouldn’t it just be just a darn shame if some patriotic person treated this monster and Gov. Newsom’s family the same way she and her pals treated the LaBianca’s?
Never forget that the same demon party that is thrilled by chaos works tirelessly to disarm you.
she deserves and should have gotten the death penalty. I usually don’t much like it but her crimes were heinous. How frightening she is being released! At least keep her under lock and key! This is criminal dereliction of duty by governor and jail too.
Everyone responsible for this evil persons release is demented. I hope horrible things happen to them and not other innocent people. What is wrong with people? Newsome is a sicko, and wants to be the president. We cannot allow someone that would let a cold killer out of prison be in charge of anything!
The one thing missing in this pathetic story is it turns out she is descended from slaves and gets paid reparations from California…
Maybe we’ll get lucky and she’ll OD on meth.
California-the circumnavigation of Hope, Promise and Failure.
(A fifth generation Californian)
Typical Communist Democrat. They Hate America and Hate the People.
… white-boy Gavin, using reparations to score points with the soul brothas, using Van Houten to score points with the feminists –
As much as it pains me to say it D**khead did not release her. It was the California Court of appeals that released her. More proof that the state Justice System needs a total overhaul. And more proof that if one wants to get filthy stinking rich you have to be a criminal.
Didn’t our vice president of the the ununited states just say that we needed to reduce our population. Exactly who are they going to reduce. Maybe election deniers. They are mostly law abiding citizens of this great country. Also if we need to reduce our population why don’t we start with illegal immigrants after they are breaking our laws to start with. Oh wait a minute they want lawlessness to be in control so we will have civil war again. We need a miracle to get out of this one. So what are we going to do about it. Pray. Repent from our sins and pray some more. I believe in miracles. If you reading this and don’t believe just move along. And watch what happens.
She should have never gotten out as brutal as those Murders were, and Manson should have sent to the gas chamber..
Newsoms a FOOL…Of course he would shrug at this murderers release from Prison…he’s counting on another vote for himself!! He has no conscience! FOOL! ????♀️
Gavin Newsome should receive her sentence!
By releasing a cold blooded murderer, give more reason for good citizens to carry weapons. Have to defend yourselves as best possible.
The families of her victims should have the final say in whether she should be released or executed! And I would bet that everytime they would ALL be EXECUTED!
This apologetic, all-forgiving attitude toward murderous, inhumane people like Van Houten is an insult to law-abiding citizens of this nation. This woman should have been executed immediately upon her guilty verdict. Only in California does this happen.
Quick and swift, the Death Penalty should be used way more often..
Totally and utterly disgusting. Newsome too.
With all due disrespect, Newsom is an idiot.
Never vote for Newsom for any office (he has his eyes set on being president one day…)