WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, the House Ways and Means Committee voted to release 56 new pages of evidence showing that then-Vice President Joe Biden used multiple email aliases and private email addresses to communicate with his son’s business associate and main financial architect, directly refuting previous public statements the President has made that he had no knowledge of his son’s business dealings. The President appears now to not only have had knowledge but also been intimately involved in Hunter Biden’s business dealings. The material released today further corroborates the previous testimony of IRS Agents Joseph Ziegler and Gary Shapley highlighting the incredible level of access Hunter Biden and his business partners had in Joe Biden’s public office while working for foreign businesses.
At today’s Ways and Means Committee Executive Session hearing with IRS whistleblowers Joseph Ziegler and Gary Shapley, Chairman Jason Smith (MO-08) highlighted the credibility and breadth of the whistleblowers’ testimony:
“Through months of testifying for hours and producing hundreds of pages of documentation, and just as many months of baseless attacks against them, their story has remained the same and their credibility intact. The same cannot be said for President Biden.
“So far, our witnesses have produced over eleven-hundred pages of evidence, sat for 14 hours of closed-door testimony with counsel from the majority and minority on this committee, testified publicly before the Oversight Committee, and today, have provided us with new evidence.”
Chairman Smith also provided a detailed account of the scope of involvement Joe Biden had in the Biden family’s business dealings as well as lengths to which Joe Biden went to cover his tracks:
“Vice President Biden appears to have treated Air Force 2 like a corporate jet, traveling to Ukraine and Mexico, to advance Hunter Biden’s business interests. Evidence from today’s documents show right around the time of international trips like those to Ukraine, Joe Biden was emailing his son and his son’s business partner from private email accounts using aliases while Vice President.”
Read Chairman Smith’s complete opening statement here.
Joe Biden’s Aliases
Among the pages of new evidence, provided to the Committee and released by a vote of the Committee during today’s markup, was a document with data on 327 emails showing Joe Biden’s correspondence – via email aliases – with a key Hunter Biden business associate.
- 54 of the emails were exclusively between Joe Biden and one of Hunter Biden’s business partners, Eric Schwerin, who was in charge of structuring the family’s various shell companies that launder money around the world.
- 38 were emails from the White House to a Joe Biden alias with a copy to Hunter Biden.
Architect of Biden Family Shell Companies
The newly released information shows that direct emails between Schwerin, the architect of the Biden family’s shell companies, and then-Vice President Biden increased dramatically during times when Vice President Biden traveled to Ukraine. This is relevant because at the same time, Hunter Biden was appointed to the board of a Ukrainian company, Burisma, which previously released evidence has confirmed was an appointment entirely meant to throw the “political weight” of the Biden family brand behind the company’s interests.
- Prior to Vice President Biden’s June 2014 trip to Ukraine, he and Schwerin exchanged five emails. After that trip and before the Vice President’s November trip back to Ukraine, he and Schwerin emailed 27 times.
- Vice President Biden subsequently threatened to withhold $1 billion in foreign aid for Ukraine if the prosecutor looking into corruption at Hunter Biden’s company was not fired. The prosecutor was fired.
Biden Family Fixer
Among the materials released by the Ways and Means Committee today is an email from Hollywood lawyer and Biden family fixer Kevin Morris who in the process of paying out $2 million to cover Hunter Biden’s back taxes was expressing to a Biden family accountant the need to reconcile Hunter Biden’s unpaid taxes because it posed a “considerable risk personally and politically.” This came in February 2020, mere weeks before the Super Tuesday Democrat primary election in an attempt to clear up one of the single biggest political liabilities to the Biden campaign.
China Payout
Joe Biden – who professes to know nothing of his son’s business dealings – attended a luncheon in Washington, D.C., with employees of a Chinese company that paid Hunter Biden for access to the Biden family. In fact, evidence provided by the IRS whistleblowers to the Ways and Means Committee show multiple meals with Hunter Biden’s business associates and White House meetings between those associates and Biden advisors.
One such Chinese business associate was Patrick Ho, an official at Chinese energy company CEFC, whose primary, and documented, role at the company was to bribe world leaders to advance the company’s interests. He was convicted in 2018 for doing just that in Chad and Uganda.
Documents provided by the IRS whistleblowers show Ho gave Hunter Biden $1 million in exchange for legal services that were never provided. But, underscoring the close relationship with the Biden family, Ho’s first call when he was arrested in New York in 2017 for attempted bribery of African officials was to James Biden, the President’s brother.
Click here to read the whistleblower evidence.
Reprinted with Permission from US House Committee on Ways & Means – By Chairman Jason Smith
It doesn’t seem to matter how much evidence there is, Democrats still seem to be above the law, I don’t care what you say, Nancy!! They never seem to have consequences for their criminal actions!! Disappointing and disgraceful!!! No wonder we have so many criminals in this country since the criminal behavior starts at the top!!!
And yet, still nothing will happen. There are too many Uniparty .embers and not enough patriots in government to do anything about it.
The amount of evidence that indicates that Biden is severely compromised and totally unfit to be president is mind dizzying. No matter how often the media protects Biden and unfairly attacks the integrity and accomplishments of President Trump, any fair minded person, even a partisan Marxist Democrat, should want to learn as much as possible about the Biden Crime Syndicate. Those who keep on pretending that their hatred for President Trump is justification for their refusal to take interest in Biden’s corruption are actually ethically bankrupt and/or mentally brainwashed.
I may be naive, but I still hope for a good outcome, in which JB gets his just desserts. It takes a long time to amass the kind of evidence the committees need to impeach. They are not rushing this process, but being thorough and careful. Even if the Senate doesn’t convict, the information will be public and provable (unlike the Trump impeachment that didn’t succeed).
Oh yes Speaker Johnson, force the old crook and his party to spend a pittance toward doing nothing at our border then cut loose the billions for Ukraine, of course 10% of that going “to the big guy”.
Why on earth are we supporting perhaps THE most corrupt country on earth that also is heavily influenced by Nazi ideology? Take Ukraines chief General Zalushny. Look at whose little statue he has in his office and who is featured on at least two large framed photos in that office. It is a nice fellah named Stepan Bandera……..a demon so cruel the German SS recoiled at his actions.
What the hell are we doing? The highway from my area to “the big city”, looks like a highway inside Dresden Germany in late 1944. Fix that and remove the invaders our brain dead leader allowed to flood into this largely destroyed nation and then start talking about sending BILLS to Ukraine to try to get some of our wasted money back. Sending additional funding to a nation like Ukraine is Satanic.
So what? What’s gonna be done about it (like the trail of wrongdoing, uncovered and we move on to the next…) Discouraging and disheartening.
Excellent article telling the TRUTH.
The Biden family sure use a lot of shell corporations and aliases to pay off “car loans” to each other, huh? I wouldn’t worry, Joe,mthe press will protect you! Better to have a corrupt, paid foreign agent of a moron in office than Trump: he’s a “threat to democracy” because he might do what Biden and Company have been doing now! They always DO what they warn Trump MIGHT DO if he hpgets elected so does anyone not think if Trump wins they’ll find an excuse to not leave office themselves?
the US is even paying for the top Government officials retirement program in Ukraine
Something I don’t hear discussed much is that Joe Biden isn’t smart enough to know what an email alias is or how to use it. Someone had to manage this for him. I say find this person. He probably knows a lot. Also, does a “.gov” email server allow the use of aliases? I would think not! If these emails were sent from a private server, then where was (is) this sever. Who managed it. Isn’t it illegal for government employees to use a private email server or did Hillary Clinton make this legal? Just saying.
It’s actually refreshing to watch the communist/democrats squirm and cry as the evidence increases and continues to mount against them. They say it’s somehow unfair that the republicans are attacking the Bidens when the left has been doing this for years against our rightful president. We can sit back and smile but the facts are painful. Only God can save this nation. I for one am anxious to see how He does it. This next year will be interesting to say the least. Pray for America to be saved.
Yes because China will protect us, right?
This is same old Was there not a Mueller something or the other ? What happened with that The fact that Obama spied on Trump Hilary’s scrubbed computer the list is endless No consequences Are we supposed to believe this is different? The house if cards would collapse like in the game of loo
Truly amazing how corrupt people like Biden end up as President. As Professor Jonathan Truley of GWU said, ” everyone in The Swamp knew he’s been corrupt for years”. I’m 75 and Biden is by far the most CORRUPT President I’ve witnessed. The swamp is the most corrupt place on earth, disgusting we have to pay taxes for this behavior. What’s needed is a nationwide personal/business TAX REVOLVT !
The United States (we the Taypayers) are even paying for top Government officals retirement program
Yeah, who needs the military. And, if you have any guns give them up also comrade.
I would like to see the fired Ukrainian prosecutor come testify. I hope he is protected as his life may be in danger.
RE: E Mailes. The idiot should have called Hillery. Kyle L.
Nothing will ever happen all the “Swamp” And the Republican
Party will not let it happen. I was a registered republican now there is no difference between both parties . They win I will never vote as it doesn’t make a difference anymore
How many conspiracy theories does this debunk?