What can be said of Nancy Pelosi’s leaving the House Speakership? Without stooping to sardonic humor, her departure is overdue, damage profound, mark on the chamber a blot. Years will be required to reverse her damage to the chamber’s reputation, practice, and rule.
Some will say that Pelosi broke new ground as first female House Speaker. That is true, and perhaps the only good thing one can say. It shows anyone can advance but it is not enough. Pelosi’s no Golda Meir, Indira Gandhi, Margaret Thatcher, or Margaret Chase Smith.
Contravening all norms, she embraced rank, unmuffled partisanship, taking delight in stuffing the other party, not sharing information, misleading, mischaracterizing, and constantly offering, with mock neutrality, in-your-face one-ups-man-ship.
When the Affordable Care Act, which proved a big step back, came to a floor vote, it did so after secret drafting, unconscionable adds, and the demand Republicans – and Pelosi’s own caucus – vote for it to read it. Ever happened before? Never.
When in the annuls of democratic governing – let alone in the US House – has a leader demanded a blind vote to secure a politically untenable, fiscally ruinous bill pass, and by seven votes? Never.
Even under Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich, legislation that was substantial – such as a yearend “omnibus bill” – got days in the Whip’s office for review. Pelosi changed that, demanding – in the way of autocrats – a vote without reading.
She crippled bipartisanship for the purposes of creating mock divisions for her party to run on, choosing to break the system and confound the Founders’ intent for power. In countless areas, she offered bills that increased federal power “under the table,” stiff-armed openness, honest debate, States’ rights, individual rights, and fiscal discipline.
She did this using tricks like false names on bills, like “Build Back Better” or “Inflation Reduction Act,” to soothe fears, which proved justified. She pushed false narratives to achieve the opposite of a bill’s title, damaging energy access, federalizing state prerogatives, changing culture by fiat.
She mocked Americans’ intelligence as demagogues do, giving “gold medals” to “those who protected the US Capitol on January 6, 2021” (HR 3325), while pushing the end of bail for criminals, defunding police, excoriating border patrol, legalizing drugs, passing private bills to reward illegal immigrants (e.g., HR 1548), and endless anti-police bills.
She blocked police reforms, such as companion bills to Black Republican Senator Tim Scott’s Senate bill (S. 3985), despite knowing they offered advances that would bind wounds, then claimed Republicans were to blame for no reform.
She attacked Republicans and energy companies, then collapsed 23 anti-fossil fuel bills into one, named it the “New Direction for Energy Independence” bill (HR 3220), and proceeded to ignore mass unemployment in the sector, high inflation from loss of energy independence.
On the legislative side, she pushed hundreds of bills that raised taxes on average Americans (directly and indirectly), locked down the country’s economy, degraded domestic, border, and national security, allowed increased drug trafficking, undermined defense readiness, and promoted radical cultural changes, such as gutting Title 9 for transgender primacy.
On the cultural side, she changed the language used in the House, banning references to mothers and fathers in favor of “gender neutral” terms, reimagining illegal immigration was not illegal, ended the term “illegal alien,” wants “amnesty” for all those illegally in the country.
On faith, she ridiculed those who opposed abortion, including a haughty hit at the Catholic Church for daring to be against it, then pushed bills that would allow killing a baby at end of term. In that vein, she called for a venting “righteous anger” against Supreme Court justices after Dobbs, putting them in fear.
Most damagingly, Pelosi’s House and committee rules changed in numerous ways, planting timebombs in the institution – some officially, such as boxing out the minority, some unofficially, such as by weaponizing oversight, subpoenas, and pioneering “flash impeachments,” knowingly, intentionally subverting Constitutional history and protections.
In a leap beyond, she pushed two impeachments with personal animus, driving a Mack truck through the constitutional process, ignoring history, blocking minority participation, selectively pre-releasing information, implying facts never proved, denying fair trial rights, due process, confrontation, 4th, 5th, and 6th Amendment assurances, calling it just a “political process.”
In short, she made a travesty of the honor, dignity, and solemnity accorded the word “impeachment” for 200 years, doing so with glib indifference to the impact on the future. She respected nothing more than herself, her power and status – from violating COVID protocols to ignoring historic practices, rules, traditions, and sensibilities of prior House Speakers.
Much of what she did was behind the scenes, under the table, simply left unaccountable, from allowing insider trading, which touched her family, to disallowing traditional oversight of waste, fraud, abuse, border security, politicized Justice, unready Defense, chaos in Afghanistan.
The breadth of her impact on the US House is hard to underestimate, a fact in which she takes pride, but the impact is not positive. It is an enormous historical blot, a period of “politics uber alles,” “ends justify means,” political outcomes subverting truth, transparency, bipartisanship, and law.
In the end, Nancy Pelosi leaves behind a wrecked House, where trust is thin, bipartisanship a shadow, dignity, honor, and decency sidelined for raw power. She personified the erosion.
Objectively, America will suffer for Pelosi’s missteps, disregard for all who got us here. Lost is the understanding that big things matter beyond a Speaker’s personal agenda and fleeting hold on power. She never got that. Fair winds and following seas to the queen, she left a mess to clean.
Good ridance to bad rubbahe as my mom would say.
What a great summarization of Ms Pelosi.
Look up some of those HR bills she pushed. She was for illegal aliens that came here set up house and had children that have cost us THOUSANDS AND THOUSANDS, just because they couldn’t get the same kind of medical in their home country as here. BUT on the other hand, be an American and you may not get the kind of help illegal aliens have gotten. She is a much hated individual, who insists on privacy for her and her family, while destroying the Trump family. A detestable human being. IF Biden rewards her with an ambassadorship to Italy, I hope Italy says WE DON’T WANT HER!
It would be wonderful if the new House would open investigations of the Pelosi actions while in office and the impact it had on her and her family’s personal wealth. Her actions as Speaker would be considered criminal acts if conducted in private business. While Congress is exempt from the laws of this country, America will never belong to Americans. This MUST change!
RBC, what else can be said after your article—- YOU NAILED IT!
I have to think there is a special place in hell for people like her. Where much is given, much is expected. Instead, she worked hard to tear this country apart. And she did it “for the children”.
Let’s have a drink to her sorry arse leaving.
Pelosi is a legend in her own mind!! She and all of her cohorts have damaged this country beyond repair. This nation is Doomed!! Only God can turn this country around, not politicians!!
She belongs in the Hall of shame not that she has any
AMAC read daily provides important context for the rampant insanity in our government. I always read it, and appreciate the work that goes into preparing it.
Nancy Pelosi totally lost her mind when she actively displayed her hate for President Trump. She lost all her professionalism and proved to be myopic and shallow. I’ll never forget how she actively worked against President Trump, and purposely made our country weaker. Her vindictive ways were/are so strong that she would rather sacrifice the welfare of the USA than swallow her pride and promote policies that actually are good for this country. She was/is a traitor to America and our Constitution.
She is so evil. Allowing the American citizenry to flounder while she and her husband benefitted greatly. God is the ultimate Judge. Nancy you have a few short years in which to atone for your sins!
She will be the biggest black mark in our history since Benedict Arnold, the most destructive and divisive speaker to ever hold the position. Unless we turn things around, she may be credited with the downfall of a nation……..
Good riddance!!! She was nothing but a power hungry over the hill disaster. I still remember her most infamous and brain dead moniker, “We gotta pass this bill so we can see what’s in it” in reference to Obamacare
Don’t forget her husband’s timely trading. $$
It would be nice if the main stream media would publish this commentary but then they’re just as corrupt as she is
The Republicans who knowingly capitulated are as much to blame as Pelosi starting with McConnell and the other spineless jellyfish that shame the Republican party.
Let us not forget the Republicans who capitulated under her spell share at least some of the blame.
Her tenure has been a disaster that may take years to clean up. We Republicans must RESTORE Constitutional and common sense policies and processes to the House, and, when we have the Senate majority, lead it in the direction intended by our founders.
We must be bigger than those democrats who have clearly demonstrated they possess NEITHER the ability nor the desire to lead a Constitutional Republic, and to NEVER, EVER confuse our REPUBLICAN form of government with a “Democracy!!”
We must LEAD!!
The scariest part would be her “retiring” so she can help get her nephew Gavin Newsome elected as President!
Let’s be fair, Nancy Pelosi was, in her tenure as Speaker of the House, all about Nancy Pelosi. With every fiber of her being, her main goal was to acquire power, and influence, which she so successfully achieved. Alas, it was to the detriment of the American people. Her moral values as a humanitarian, leave much to be desired! Anyone she deemed beneath her agenda , never stood a chance of reaching a compromise. We can be grateful she will no longer be in government, the sad part is, her ilk never changes!
Jail time will bring justice for the illegal and immoral travisties done by this vindictive and hateful woman. Salem law should be mandated for her!
I’ve learned something from Pelosi, that congress doesn’t read the bills, they just pass them to later find out what’s in them.
Her reign has been nothing more than a Satanic reign of terror, destruction and untold amounts of economic losses
Amen AMAC, and she groomed her successor who will be worse than she was.
We need to back strong Republicans and fire the weak ones.
And they never even mentioned her bold and deliberate, on national TV, ripping up of President Trumps state of the union address while he was speaking!!! She’s a disgraceful embarrassment to all Americans, including Democrats, and generally speaking, humanity itself! Good riddance, and please let the door hit you in your scrawny ass on the way out!
The Mafioso ways of Nancy Pelosi are finally over at least in Congress! Unfortunately she can’t be tried for the multitude of insider trading that made her millions because she had the perfect pawn to her making millions, husband Paul. Through out her 35 years in Congress, 19 of those as Speaker, Nancy Pelosi did nothing for the Betterment Of The United States And It’s Legal Citizens! Her Legacy Words Of “You’ll Have To Vote For It To Be Able To Read It” showed her Mafioso ways. Over Due Is Not Your Retirement Nancy. Rather You’ve been Chased Out By The Threat Of The Republicans Taking Back The House Of Representatives From Your Greedy Hands For Selfish Entitlement!!
Im sure when the witch dies or before a statue of Nance will some where in California
Nancy Pelosi’s end game was to fatten her pocket, take advantage of her position so relatives could enjoy it too and to HATE anyone who disagreed with her. I think that might include the Pope. She doesn’t like America and Americans. In fact I think she probably hates us. Once she has left the House I’m sure she and hubby will fly off to Italy where she can drink all day long and nobody will care she’s drunk. It’ll take strong folks to undue her damage and right the House.
Pelosy’s leg-assy doesn’t sound too appealing.
She ran it as a mafia don would…
We are just as happy as the “Squad” that the Pelosiraptor is finally going away.
Nancy Pelosi needs to be sent to Quantanamo and stand trial before a Military tribunal court for treason against the USA AND SHOT BEFORE DAWN AS A TRAITOR.
What happens if a rodent like squad member becomes the democratic leader, will we be able to understand the chatter and squealing?
The greatest consolation to the American people is if she spent the remainder of her life realizing what a disaster of a human being she truly is. If only she realized how horrible, nasty and hateful and vile and ugly of a human she is.
She is a traitor to the country, a disgrace to women
Nancy vomit pelosi