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Nancy Pelosi Profited as Luxury Napa Resort Won COVID-19 Bailout

Posted on Saturday, December 21, 2024
by Outside Contributor

The Auberge du Soleil, a five-star hillside hotel and spa with a panoramic view overlooking the vineyards of Napa Valley, appears to be first-rate in all ways but one.

While the glamorous resort, an hour’s drive from San Francisco, fills rooms that routinely go for $2,000 a night with A-list celebrities and tech titans, financial records suggest it did not provide much of a return to at least two of its investors—Rep. Nancy Pelosi and her husband, Paul. That changed when it received millions in congressionally authorized COVID-19 relief in 2020 and 2021.

The Auberge du Soleil investment, held for decades by Paul Pelosi, has rarely turned a significant profit, according to Nancy Pelosi’s financial disclosure forms. In some years, he has recorded a loss or a profit of between $50,000 to $100,000. But the year of the bailout money stands apart. In 2021, Nancy Pelosi’s ethics forms show that her family’s income from the resort surged to a range of $1 million to $5 million. 

The French Riviera-themed resort may not be most people’s idea of a struggling business in need of a government bailout, yet the Auberge du Soleil—which shuttered briefly at the outset of the pandemic before swiftly rebounding—received about $9 million from a series of special taxpayer-funded emergency relief programs.

The previously unreported windfall is among several COVID-19 bailouts that flowed to Pelosi-backed restaurants, hotels, and properties, including several Courtyard Marriott hotels.

A RealClearInvestigations analysis found that Pelosi’s profits spiked from a variety of holdings that won significant government rescue funds—which amounted to $28 million, a total more than previously known. For their family’s stake in the Auberge du Soleil, the Pelosis received more income in 2021, when bailout funds channeled to the resort, than any other time over the last 10 years.

Pelosi is hardly alone among lawmakers whose businesses reaped awards from pandemic-era financial programs designed for small businesses. Rep. Greg Pence, R-Ind., the brother of the former vice president, received $79,441. Rep. Dean Phillips, D-Minn., who briefly campaigned in the Democratic presidential primary, is an investor in a small event production company, Geniecast, that received two forgivable loans that totaled $373,185. Other members with investments in car dealerships and restaurant companies also received scrutiny over COVID-19 rescue funds.

Yet Pelosi’s personal stake in the unprecedented taxpayer gusher has never been fully explored. Pelosi, during her previous stint as leader of the House of Representatives, shepherded all federal COVID-19 stimulus measures, which totaled about $5.5 trillion—one of the largest domestic spending efforts in U.S. history outside of wartime.

“These Republicans seem to have an endless tolerance for other people’s sadness,” said Pelosi at a press conference in December 2020, admonishing her opposition for delays in passing additional pandemic spending programs. The programs were touted as disaster measures designed to save the economy and help needy businesses and families.

The exact amount of Pelosi’s profits from the Auberge Du Soleil is unclear. The hotel is a privately held company, and the lawmakers file ethics reports that show a range of income and assets rather than a precise amount. Her office did not respond to a request for comment.

The former House speaker has gained notoriety over her husband’s well-timed stock trades. Her husband, Paul Pelosi, 84, is an investor who has long dabbled in real estate. Fortune magazine, among other outlets, has reported on his unusually high gains from trading call options for technology-related stocks.

The Pelosi household earned over 65% on trades last year, according to an analysis from Unusual Whales, one of several sites that track congressional trading activity. That record outshines even the most successful hedge fund managers. 

Nancy Pelosi’s wealth has surged over her time in office. Disclosures show her net worth went from approximately $18 million in 1991 to nearly $250 million last year. “The Speaker has no prior knowledge or subsequent involvement in any transaction,” Pelosi’s spokesperson has told outlets in the past over questions about the trades. Her office did not respond to RealClearInvestigations’ request for comment.

The COVID-19-related relief lavished on the Pelosi family’s private investment holdings has gone largely unnoticed. 

Early in the pandemic, there were scattered reports about lawmakers from both parties who stood to gain financially from the initial Paycheck Protection Program. The small business rescue fund, reporters at Roll Call noted in July 2020, awarded forgivable loans to Piatti, an Italian chain, and a firm tied to the El Dorado, a small hotel in Sonoma County, both owned in part by Pelosi. The Pelosi-linked PPP loans disclosed by the media totaled around $2.4 million.

That figure scratches the surface. Newly discovered government disclosures show that Pelosi’s private holdings, such as the Auberge du Soleil resort, received upward of $28 million in pandemic-related taxpayer funds, including the PPP, the COVID-19 Economic Injury Disaster Loan, and a special grant program for restaurants.

Much of the additional funding came from the second and third wave of pandemic stimulus legislation, passed in December 2020 and March 2021, that authorized an additional $2 trillion in cash and forgivable loans for needy individuals, businesses, and local governments. The additional rounds of spending effectively doubled the initial $2.1 trillion of CARES Act funds that began in March 2020. The new legislation authorized a second wave of PPP loans, along with billions of dollars in grants to theaters, restaurants, and travel companies impacted by the crisis.

After the initial outcry over lawmakers reaping financial awards from the bailout programs they had authorized, Congress tightened the eligibility standards. These rules included a prohibition on PPP loans extended to companies in which lawmakers or their spouses owned a “controlling interest,” which the Small Business Administration has defined as an ownership stake of at least 20%.

It is not clear if Pelosi violated any of the ethics rules. None of her family’s holdings in businesses that received PPP loans is mentioned in her ethics disclosures—suggesting the family’s stakes fell below the reporting threshold.

Nevertheless, the Pelosis profited handsomely from the bailout funds she advocated for as speaker of the House. The Restaurant Revitalization Fund, one of the additional programs launched by the new round of pandemic spending, provided $5 million to the Auberge du Soleil in June 2021. The funds were not restricted by congressional ownership of the underlying business entities. The resort also won a second PPP loan that totaled about $2 million in 2021. The first PPP loan, awarded the previous year, provided $2.9 million—helping the Pelosis earn millions on an investment that has rarely turned a significant profit, according to Nancy Pelosi’s ethics disclosures. 

This was also the case for the Piatti Restaurant Company, the California-based pizza and Italian restaurant chain owned in part by Pelosi, which ended up receiving about $15 million in a mix of PPP and Restaurant Revitalization Funds grants and forgiven loans. The Pelosi household, in turn, received up to $1 million in partnership income distributions from their investment in the restaurant in 2021, the year that the company received the bulk of the government assistance.

The investment return that year from Piatti was also the highest in over a decade for the Pelosis. In previous years, they typically earned less than $50,000 from their stake in the pizza chain.

The taxpayer assistance to the Pelosi-backed resorts and restaurants may have come at the expense of other struggling businesses. In total, the Auberge du Soleil and Piatti won over $14.2 million in Restaurant Revitalization Fund grants, money that was shepherded through Congress by Pelosi and authorized by President Joe Biden’s signature American Rescue Plan legislation. Most applicants were not as fortunate. Less than a third of the eateries, pubs, and diners that sought funding from the program were approved, and the fund was quickly depleted after it opened.

The billions of dollars in COVID money was cast as a targeted measure to save the economy. More recent analysis has found the rushed programs were poorly designed and were a significant factor in the high levels of inflation experienced over the last four years.

Estimates of how much government money was misspent widely vary. The Associated Press reported that fraudsters potentially stole more than $280 billion from the assorted pandemic relief programs. A Senate report noted that wasted and abused pandemic funding ended up in the form of “Lamborghinis, luxury vacations, extravagant jewelry, and even an alpaca farm.”

“The sheer amount of taxpayer losses due to pandemic relief fraud and abuse,” noted Craig Eyermann, a fellow at the Independent Institute, was on the “order of hundreds of billions of dollars.”

There is no indication that the Pelosis did anything illegal. But Eyermann and other ethics experts argue the funds posed conflict of interest issues. He’s not surprised that wealthy lawmakers tapped COVID-19-related largesse. “To even pursue it,” he added, “they put themselves ahead of those who truly needed it.”

Leighton Woodhouse is a writer for The Daily Signal.

Reprinted with Permission from The Daily Signal – By Leighton Woodhouse

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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Michael J
Michael J
2 months ago

Laws, especially the special interest ones tend to benefit those politicians who crafted them. All these rich old people will die with their money and then the next inline will take their place, then the whole thing starts all over again. Career politicians are America’s curse and special interests keep them in office.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 months ago

The government is doing everything excerpt it’s job, that is to keep the country and it’s citizens safe.It is unbelievable how many people a re profiting at the expense of a taxpayer and are getting away with the theft. In private business they all would face prosecution.

2 months ago

Nooooooo! Don’t tell me Pelosi’s corrupt! Like we didn’t all know already! This witch needs to be in prison!

2 months ago

She didn’t become a multimillionaire because of her good looks and talents. She made her money grifting and scamming you and I, the American taxpayer. Reality.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 months ago

Wuhan Plague for profits while small business suffers
Thanks Dems

Marie Saqueton
Marie Saqueton
2 months ago

Democrats audited Trump, devalued his property to charge him with fraud when it was the Bank that valued it much higher, when they gave him the loan which is now fully paid in full,( no victims here) yet they don’t investigate the inside trading & funding of Pelosi’s investments? Is this justice or corruption?

Jimmy P
Jimmy P
2 months ago


2 months ago

And she was commenting on SCOTUS ethics issues? Something about this HAS to be illegal. Did she ever list this as a disclosure? That sort of place should NEVER qualify for COVID relief funds. Claw the money back!!! Or sue them for it.

2 months ago

I’m always concerned about the insider information that Congress might get and use for their own personal gain and you can’t tell me that they don’t do that but it’s illegal for anyone else to do that!!
There should not be any such thing as a career politician!! Congress doesn’t need to be in session as much as they are!! Politicians should have a regular job in their home town to make their money AND stay in touch with their constituents which they don’t now!!

2 months ago

So you’re telling me that in 2021 when California was closed down tighter than a bug’s bottom, the Pelosi’s made millions on their RESTAURANTS??? Nothing to see here folks, move on…again.

Roger L.
Roger L.
2 months ago

You have to feel sorry for people of her age, still chasing the almighty dollar rather than enjoying their success and sunset years. However, the overriding concern here is to protect the citizens from the unethical, perhaps illegal actions of those we’ve elected!

Bryan K
Bryan K
2 months ago

Corruption at it’s best. Flat out stealing from the American tax payer for their own gain.

Paul Scott Desillier
Paul Scott Desillier
2 months ago

Nobody is above the law – Remember. Lock her up

2 months ago

She is as corrupt as the Biden’s. Term limits please

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 months ago

Fox News was showing “newly released” (meaning someone had to sue under FOIA) photos of Joe and Hunter posing with the Chinese businessmen Biden claimed to have never met. Think we’ll see any accountability for that too? They’re openly mocking us…

2 months ago

And the IRS completely ignores then, no doubt.

Terry Materna
Terry Materna
2 months ago


Nick Murphy
Nick Murphy
2 months ago

A democrat scamming the American taxpayer? Say it isn’t so . . . The guy that attacked her husband got life in prison. The guy that assaulted a conservative congresswoman got probation . . .

Richard A
Richard A
2 months ago

They need to be held accountable….for everything they did wrong! THE CONSTITUTION SAYS THEY BROKE A LOT OF POLITICAL LAWS! They need jail time, stripped of all there money/stocks/houses/cars/paintings and retirement funds.

David Yborra
David Yborra
2 months ago

As a Bay Area resident, I have enjoyed many a long weekend in the the Napa and Sonoma Wine Country. I stayed at the Eldorado Hotel in Sonoma at a pretty decent price point a year or so after Covid started to wind down. Shortly after my stay, the hotel (and the Pelosi’s) must have gotten the Covid windfall from the taxpayers, because they started a major renovation to upgrade the hotel. Now, the cost of a room there is way out of my league. So, my guess is the Pelosi’s yearly cut on this property has gone up a tad.

2 months ago

We need term limits for senators so people like Pelosi and others like her don’t make a career of living off taxpayers and living WAY better than most taxpayers. Lets vote her sorry butt out of office for good. What has she done besides mooch off taxpayers for years.

Bil Smith
Bil Smith
2 months ago


Charlotte Mahin
Charlotte Mahin
2 months ago

The reason our country is in this financial mess is because many in Congress and in particular the Senate want to feed only their agenda for power and money. I am 80 and politically aware. Have never seen such corruption and evil at work in our government and not just from the Democrats. One thing that would end this practice is to set term limits. The longer these Congressional people are in office, the richer and more corrupt they get. This is the only true way to “drain the swamp”!!

2 months ago

Will her voters ever get enough of her shenanigans? How can such a deceitful woman stay in office as long as she has? Does anybody in her state care about how she’s representing them? When it comes to Nancy Pelosi, I have no answers, and only one statement. Disgraceful….

Ken Paul
Ken Paul
2 months ago

Doesn’t surprise me at all. The great Peter Schweitzer has written prolifically about Nanking Nancy’s crony capitalism and sticking us with the bill. She recently broke her hip, but her character suffered a compound fracture decades ago.

2 months ago

And Nancy was heard to exclaim: “Let them eat cake!”

Kenny C.
Kenny C.
2 months ago

If not actually “illegal”, this blatant form of self-dealing is absolutely unethical and exposes the unrestrained avarice of corrupt people, many of which are supposed to be “public servants”. The only solace I derive from any of this news is that one day, we all will stand before our Maker and have to give an account of our actions while we lived on this planet. It will not go well for people who unrepentantly abused and misused their positions of authority. They may live well on this side of the veil but death is a great equalizer and God will not be mocked.

Stephen V
Stephen V
2 months ago

January 20th can’t come soon enough.

2 months ago

It is WAY PAST TIME for all of these bailouts, subsidies and other “free” money from the taxpayers to END! NO more taking money from us to give to others – NONE< ZERO< ZILCH —-!!!!

Marta Alvarez
Marta Alvarez
2 months ago

So, Pelosi owe the tax payers millions of dollars in ‘loans’. Right?

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