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My Blessed Mother

Posted on Friday, July 26, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Life is hard, but we are blessed by those who show us love, at our best when we pass it on. In 2023, my 86-year-old mother finished a book. It was a remarkable book, entitled “Heavenly Music, Light, and Fragrance: One Man’s Journey to Heaven,” retelling how she and her husband of 25 years, her beloved Berne, navigated the final years of his life.

Her lessons came in simple chapters, reflecting good times, then the evolution of health and how they managed that evolution with humor, flexibility toward one another, and deepening faith.

In detail, based on journal entries over three years, she wrote about “ordinary people with an extraordinary story” of faith, fortitude, and love. Per the Bible, “The greatest of these is love.”

In 230 pages, she took readers on a shared journey, perhaps one day ours. Her book, having just reread it, is clear, and uplifting, about faith. In a moment of despair, it lifted me, just as she intended.

The short is that Berne, always a strong man, wonderful singer, jazz musician, accomplished teacher, professional plumber, and father of four wonderful kids that he himself raised, met my mother nearly 30 years ago, with four children she raised largely alone … one day at church.

From small acorns do mighty oaks grow, and theirs did. They talked, sang, and walked beaches together, became soulmates, as if – after adversity – God gave them each other, love and faith.

They traveled together, my mother a retired, four-decade teacher and watercolor artist, Berne a professional plumber who was also an artist, craftsman, and honest, cheerful soul to his core.

My mother would paint everywhere they went, and he would then mat her pictures, frame them, adore them, and in that – and in all ways and at all times – he adored her, as she adored him.

But time passes, too fast. When he became sick, starting a gradual process of decline, he chose humor and lightness, music and faith over self-pity. He lived for her, and she for him.

Contrary to what you might think, they grew closer and their faith grew. They met challenges as one, not separately, and felt added love with changing needs and responsibilities.

On more than one occasion, they felt a closeness to God that neither had felt before, miracles occurring over and over, and my mother recording them all in as much detail as life allowed.

When things seemed dark, those troughs of life between crests, they were taken by what seemed impossible outcomes, blessings that guided, lifted, and reaffirmed them, the way battlefield warriors are often guided to some truth, and lifted by it.

People appeared in their lives who were angelic, who made possible the impossible, and offered meaningful comfort, accompanied by what seemed real angels, a gathering of the heavenly host.

When Berne finally departed her, taken by circumstance, not wishing to leave her, it was after three years of reaffirmed love for each other, in all adversity, and with a clear love of God.

That is why, after the loss began to be digested, she felt – call it divine intervention – a need to share what no book seemed willing to share, details and high points of one’s last journey.

What she knew was that they had not taken that trip alone. Needed was a book to help others understand, navigate, and accept. To many, the ideas conveyed may cause a nod, to others wonder.

In April 2021, after all was done, she wrote, “I have come to believe that God is in control even though we think we are. We want to be, but He is the one who guides us through our lives. We pray and often He answers our prayers which makes us grateful. Sometimes our prayers are not answered, but there may be a reason we do not know why they are not answered. Something better may be in store for us… If we allow God to guide us, we become happier …”

Backed by hard life experience, if her sentiments ring a bell, they should. Her book is a wonder because it validates the truth and reward, here and Beyond of living by faith. It teaches a reader how to navigate the approach to death, especially the death of a loved one.

This week, unexpectedly, I discovered that her truth is not just comforting, it is profoundly instructive; her insights and faith teach, her words plainly given by a loving God, for me to reread.

This past week, without warning, after longing for Berne and life in alignment with all she wrote in her loving, lovely, giving, priceless book, we lost her. While the shock remains, I write because my mother wrote, and in writing she offered comfort, a comfort worth conveying.

The truth is we lost her to her loving God, who called her home, who must need her – angel among angels – more than we do here, although that seems impossible… and where she is with Berne.

In Corinthians 13: 4-13, Saint Paul writes “Now these three remain, faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love.” She lived that core truth, knew that truth, painted with it, wrote with it, and never lost it, so we would know it.

She wrote a book that comforts me now, helping me understand my own loss of her. Life is hard, but we are blessed by those who show us love and are at our best when we do that too. She was the centering force in my life, my blessed mother; and her love will live forever.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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Amy Easterling
Amy Easterling
7 months ago

What a beautiful tribute to your mother. I lost my mom almost two years ago. I understand your grief and sorrow, but I also understand your gratitude and even joy that she is with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Nothing is better than that! May God bless you and your family with the comfort, strength, and peace that only HE can give now and in the days to come.

7 months ago

Very touching tribute to your mom. The best tribute is you, a son she raised well. Although I’m sure she didn’t credit herself for that, she (and your father) certainly laid the foundation for your own life of service. My mom died in 2000 at age 95 and I still miss her at times, especially when I need advice. I’m 84 now and still don’t know everything, but I never will.

Deborah Goodwin
Deborah Goodwin
7 months ago

What beautiful lives. Both now with our Lord. Thank you for sharing them with us.

7 months ago

Your Mom and Bernie are one of God’s blessings for you and your family. Rest knowing they are together resting in peace.

7 months ago

What a fitting tribute to an angel mother. You have inherited her gift of writing, and bless all readers with your wisdom and insight. Thank you for sharing your talents and heartfelt feelings!

Pam Meger
Pam Meger
7 months ago


7 months ago

A beautiful story of life. Well written.

7 months ago

RBC, excellent and wonderful personal article. Indeed, that our HEAVENLY FATHER is in charge and knows everything — NOTHING IN THIS WORLD CAN SURPRISE HIM. He uses both good and evil to accomplish HIS agenda.
Have a nice weekend.

7 months ago

So sorry to hear that you’ve lost your mother. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Keep up your good work.

7 months ago

Amen brother Charles, and again Amen. I am praying for you ????

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
7 months ago

This is a very reverent tribute to your mother, and your feelings are respected Robert, the entire story is a great , uplifting, guide to having the right spirit , and the last paragraph especially so. With respect .

7 months ago


Terry Alger
Terry Alger
7 months ago

Thank you for sharing this beautiful tribute to your mother. It’s a story based on God’s love and human faith which we who remain on this earth can use as an example to live more Godly lives. May God bless you and protect you upon the loss of your dear mother.

7 months ago

How lucky you are to have shared a life with someone so dear to you. And I’m sure that before she’d passed, she knew you would write such a glowing tribute. You’re a good son!
My condolences to you and your family.

Pat R
Pat R
7 months ago

A beautiful, loving tribute to your Mom. All your readers feel a bit of your heaviness in grief. This reader sends a gentle but understanding warm hug. May God give you comfort in this time.

7 months ago

My sincerest condolences upon the death of your mother. I thank God that she knew him and now is with him in heaven. May the God of all comfort grant you peace that passes all understanding. Thank you for sharing your mother with us, especially with regard to her love for Berne. What a beautiful woman!

Bruce Curran
Bruce Curran
7 months ago

Bruce and I send our condolences, and feel sorrow at your loss, and joy at the love and example your mother set for all of you, along with her beloved Berne. May the angels comfort and guide you through the coming days.

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