In a slap to Muslim girls at Stuyvesant High School, the school is cancelling single-sex swim lessons, even though swim instruction is required to graduate. That forces the girls to choose between preserving their modesty and getting a diploma.
Count on Muslim families to fight back and likely prevail. Nationwide, Muslims are taking up the battle in schools to protect traditional religious values, including modesty.
Move over, Roman Catholics, evangelical Christians and conservative Jews. Reinforcements have arrived, and they’re turning the tide.
Even in the Ivy League. After weeks of protests by female Muslim students, Yale University is switching its campus housing policy for the coming academic year to offer single-gender dorms and bathrooms.
From Michigan to Virginia, Muslim parents are showing up at local school board meetings to oppose graphic sex education and gender fluidity indoctrination. Their engagement is impacting politics. More Muslims are voting Republican, concluding that the Democratic Party is trampling Islamist values.
In Dearborn, Michigan, left-wing Democrat Rep. Rashida Tlaib opposed the Muslim parents in her district protesting sexually explicit materials in school.
Meanwhile, the Biden administration continues its lurch to the extreme left. President Joe Biden’s Department of Education announced double-barreled rule changes last week, one favoring transgender athletes in elementary and middle school, and the other revoking a Trump-era commitment by the department to protect religious clubs and associations on college campuses. Flipping the bird to people of faith twice in a single week.
The Democratic Party is blowing off traditional values.
Sexual modesty is a core value in Islam. Muslims observe a dress code and guard against physical contact between sexes once students reach adolescence.
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 protects an employee’s right to practice religion in the workplace, but there is no comparable statutory protection for students. Muslims are waging the battle one campus demonstration and school board meeting at a time, often winning.
Muslims are powerful at Yale. In 2021, undergrads elected a Muslim woman to be student body president. And on March 10, Yale acceded to demands from the Muslim Student Association, Orthodox Jews at Yale and other religious groups to provide single-sex campus housing. Muslim women students had protested that with men in the bathroom, they couldn’t even remove their hijab.
Modesty is the issue at Stuyvesant High School, too. Brian Moran, assistant principal of physical education, told the student newspaper that the girls’ single-sex swim classes clashed with other scheduling priorities. He made it sound like a mere scheduling inconvenience was justification enough for the change, and told the girls to wear full-body burkinis. Sorry, but those still cling to the body when wet.
New York City’s Board of Education website promises trans students “alternative arrangements” for anyone with “a need or desire for increased privacy.” Why should Muslim students get less? One in every 10 students in the city’s school system is Muslim.
Last September, Muslim women at Syracuse University waged a battle for swim time without men in the college pool and won a concession that starts next fall.
In Utah, the Muslim Civic League worked with the Sikh and Jewish communities to pass a state law in February allowing school athletes to wear turbans, hijabs and modest pants and tops in competition instead of the regulation form fitting uniforms.
Luna Banuri, the league’s executive director, said: “All faiths have modesty standards. We believe this affects multiple communities.” Maryland and Illinois recently passed similar laws.
In Bethel, Ohio, a coalition of Muslim and Christian parents are suing to preserve single-sex bathrooms and locker rooms and halt a rule change that would allow biological boys to use the girls’ facilities.
Most Muslims still vote Democratic, but the shift is beginning. According to a Wall Street Journal exit poll, 28% voted Republican in the 2022 midterms, a double-digit increase over the 2018 midterms.
Republicans are gaining ground as more Muslims conclude the Democratic Party doesn’t show regard for Islamic values.
Tell educators to respect families with faith-based values instead of shunning them.
Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York and chairman of the Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths. Follow her on Twitter @Betsy_McCaughey.
Muslims, Jews & Christians unite!
In public places we need men’s and women’s bathrooms and locker rooms to preserve privacy issues
glad they are fighting back and winning. Crazy it is even an issue!
What a great blow to the ignorant WOKE, TRANSGENDER, and SOCIALIST agendas.
Well at least Democrats believe in real equality in one aspect: The are against all forms of religion-based expression of values in any form. As any such expression runs directly counter to socialism’s / communism’s view that nothing is more powerful than the power of the government. Will it be enough to change the minds of any Muslim voters in 2024? That is a coin toss at this point.
Remember, the Muslim community in Michigan elected and re-elected Democrat Rep. Rashida Tlaib to Congress. So one has to question if the same Muslim community is willing to show their displeasure with one of their own by voting her out of office. I’m not holding my breath.
We need to vote those people not respecting religious cultural traditions out from elected official seats. Since AI technology is able to hide manipulations of voting machines, we need to change voting system that truly reflect voters choices. Only way to do it is “in person with ID” on the day of voting. Not several days, not absentee voting, not anybody and everybody.
Voting needs to be set up so all eligible voters can vote anywhere they have happened to be on that day. Otherwise We will lose our country if we do not change the current voting system with unreliable outcomes.
Believers in God from all faiths must unite to fight the evil Left which is led by the Biden Administration. The Democrats and their Leftist members must be stopped if any morality or values can be preserved. Christians should take a lesson from our faithful Muslim Brothers and Sisters and stand up for what is right. God expects us to defend what is right regardless of the cost.
Now we need a transgender male who thinks he is a woman, decide he wants to swim when the Muslim girls are swimming. I wonder how this inept administration will handle this situation?
So basically Muslims get better treatment in America than Americans. How about that
Thank you Muslims that are peaceful. I am grateful to you. We who are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints applaud you.
Apparently, Muslims will not take a backseat to their religious rights, time other faiths stand up for their rights as well instead of just rolling over! IMO
Time for a Jihad on US schools OK
Wonderful to see people of all faiths standing up against the imposition of leftist philosophy in our schools and society!
? only thing I could understand is muslin and that is cloth?
The Muslims are listened to and white Christian’s are still being beat up for being white and Christian. That racism is okay.
Glad to have the help but isn’t it ridiculous that it takes Muslims to get the attention of school administrators while they simply ignore the much larger portion of the population that is Christian or Jewish.
This will only continue as long as the leftists fear them.
The far left wing Marxist heathens are afraid of Muslims. Why? They carry through on their threats to punish those who encroach upon their values. You threaten to cancel them, they just might CANCEL you. Jews and Christians are not as radioactive hence get pushed around by the same Marxist heathens,
Perhaps everyone should push back on groups, organizations, etc that are pushing us around. They get enough people pushing them, they’ll back down.
Muslim culture and religion does not do “woke”. I give them credit for at least being uniform and true to what they believe. Wish we could say the same about America.
Christians have given into societal values over so many decades that we are unable to stem the tide of hedonism in our country. It’s always easier to go with the tide than against, and it is now up to the Muslims to carry the water alone, as Christians will still not get it.
sad day in USA, when we have to depend on Muslims to fight for decency in our schools
If this continues the United States will bend over and name schools after Mulums leaders
we are a christians nations
Wonderful news, Muslims have family and moral values like most Americans, excluding the Progressive Marxist Democrats who have taken over their party.
MAGA 2024!!!!!——Americans-Jews-Muslims——anyone with an ounce of brains and values.
Muslims are starting to realize that Talib and her ilk are Marxists posing as Muslims. They do not honor the religion they profess.
I pray what said in this article is true, it will certainly make life interesting to see the transformation
Figures. They don’t get infiltrated by the chinese so easily.
Christian U.S. citizens hold no sway over all this nonsense because we are invisible and of no account, but Muslims hold the power of racism and discrimination on their side.
Muslims came to a non muslim country voluntarily and expect to be accommodated to their standards Separate sexes etc. American parents expect girls sports team to be girls and get accused of what not Something does not add up Either we are all Americans and are treated the same and same law applies to all or we are compartmentalized and there is chaos Different ways for different groups does not work
I pray that all faiths expose and defeat the radical anti American Marxist democrats!
These anti religion,greedy, corrupt and immoral whackos must be removed NOW!
These LOSERS work FOR the Citizens and ONLY God gives us our rights,NOT politicians.
It’s been a long time since we’ve had strong Christian leaders. Where are the brave Men and Women who used to stand up to government when they imposed things contrary to our Constitution and religious freedom? During COVID, they collapsed like a cheap deck of cards! I lost a lot of respect for a lot of institutions in that time period.
It’s called school choice and it should be demanded. People should join together and quit paying school district taxes until that is done.
Meanwhile Americans are letting and pushing for their children to transgender, so no more Americans, soon an entire muslim country, without firing a shot!
Christians!!! do you see what Muslims are standing for?
problem with muslims is bombings and with christians is shootings, but to be honest jews and hindus arent much better, somebody should invent a universal religion which doesnt hate every other religion, what a stupid system we have now