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Migrant Crime Turning Cities Into War Zones

Posted on Thursday, February 15, 2024
by Outside Contributor
new york police; migrant crime in the city

Criminals posing as asylum seekers are turning American cities into war zones.

The Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua, feared for how it tortures its victims, is setting up business in New York City, police sources reveal.

Gang members recruit migrants from shelters and as they come off buses from Texas, they put them to work in retail theft rings or on mopeds, grabbing phones and handbags and roughing up pedestrians.

“This is organized crime. It’s just like the Mafia,” says Paul DiGiacomo, president of the NYC Detectives’ Endowment Association.

NYPD Commissioner Edward Caban warns of a “wave of migrant crime.” Democratic pols deny it. New York Gov. Kathy Hochul says migrants “are looking for a better life.” True for many, not all.

NYC Comptroller Brad Lander accuses Caban of “fear mongering” and using a “Republican talking point.”

Believe the cops, not the pols.

Migrants in moped gangs and retail theft rings, some carrying guns, are terrorizing the Big Apple, Yonkers and New Jersey.

Two-man teams snatch pedestrians’ phones and deliver them to Tren de Aragua stash houses, where professional hackers make fraudulent banking transactions and drain cash from all accounts. Then the phones are wiped clean and shipped to South America for resale.

A 62-year-old woman was brutally dragged down a Brooklyn street by one of these moped thieves who made off with her purse. When you see mopeds, step back from the curb and hug the building — advice usually needed in a third-world city, not New York.

A shopper at JD Sports near Times Square was shot in the leg by baby-faced, 15-year-old migrant Jesus Alejandro Rivas-Figueroa when a security guard tried to stop him from robbing the store on Feb. 8. Figueroa whipped out a .45-caliber handgun and shot into the crowd. He has since been apprehended by police.

The next job is to track down the ringleaders who armed him and sent him into the store. The teen had been living in the Stratford Hotel, a city shelter, with his mother and attending school. He is also a suspect in a Jan. 25 incident in Midtown and a Jan. 27 robbery in the Bronx. After his first run-in with cops, the shelter system should have been notified and Figueroa should have been evicted.

Chicago is also being terrorized. There, professional criminals enlist migrants from the shelters to raid luxury stores at the suburban Oakbrook Center shopping mall, 5 miles west of the city. These migrants wouldn’t have a clue where Oak Brook, an upscale suburb, is, or how to get there without the criminal masterminds.

South American gangs are turning suburban malls into danger zones, explains retired Riverside, Illinois, Police Chief Tom Weitzel. “You’re at one of the suburban malls … pushing your kids in a stroller” and you can get caught in the violence, he said in an interview with Fox News.

“A lot more crossing the border are criminals or have criminal intent than is being publicly said,” Weitzel added.

Paul Mauro, a retired inspector of the NYPD, agrees. The claim that Venezuela is emptying its prisons is accurate, he suggested in a separate interview with Fox News.

Blame President Joe Biden’s open borders, but also the soft-on-crime Democrats in New York and Illinois, whose policies almost guarantee that migrant criminals can rob and assault without ever going to jail.

Hochul sweetens the attraction by guaranteeing asylum seekers cash welfare benefits — something the federal government bars so state and local taxpayers have to foot the entire bill.

On top of that, New York City is court-mandated to guarantee shelter to all, something Mayor Eric Adams should seek to overturn. NYPD Chief of Detectives Joseph Kenny observed that “the network of thieves” lives mostly in the shelter system.

That includes the migrants who beat up two cops at Times Square on Jan. 27. They had a string of previous arrests but were still living in shelters, courtesy of N.Y. taxpayers.

Adams is imposing an 11 p.m. curfew at some shelters. That’s window dressing.

Providing room and board to the same people who rob and threaten us makes no sense. Once migrants get in trouble with the law, the shelter system should be notified and they should be evicted. The only shelter they get should be at Rikers.

The Statue of Liberty says, “Give me your tired, your poor.” It doesn’t say your lawbreakers, brutes and gang leaders.

Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York and chairman of the Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths. Follow her on Twitter @Betsy_McCaughey. To find out more about Betsy McCaughey and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website.


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1 year ago

If you’ve never been to a third-world country, now you don’t need to travel overseas anymore. Honestly, what is now playing out in places like NYC, LA and elsewhere is standard fare for what is a daily occurrence in the places where these illegals come from. Now all you need to do is simply travel to almost any major U.S. city run by Democrats to get the experience up close and personal. The thing is that none of this increased crime, chaos and violence will stay in these cities for long. It is only a matter of time, a relatively short amount of time by the way, until these floods of criminals and their violence move outward into the suburbs and even rural areas to expand their territories and influence. That’s how it has played out in the countries where these thugs have come from. So, anyone out that thinks “I don’t live anywhere near any of these cities, so I don’t have anything to worry about.”, lose that notion real fast.

Jim Johnson
Jim Johnson
1 year ago

So, do you think the Democrats are waging war on us yet?

1 year ago

Once again all the crime,violence and chaos brought to American Citizens by the marxist democrat party!

1 year ago

Why are you calling them migrants? Call them what they are … Illegal immigrants. Stop being part of the brainwashing media and the insane democratic party. Open carry is what we are going to need very soon. These criminals have no moral compass and people need to be able to protect themselves and their families. It all makes me sick to my stomach.

1 year ago

Elections have consequences. The Democrats are going to try like hell to blame this on Republicans. Don’t forget where it came don’t forget where it came from when it’s time to vote. That is if we actually have a fair election in 2024. Don’t forget if the Democrats can’t cheat and lie they can’t win, and if their lips are moving they are lying

1 year ago

It’s all about judgment ,we’re under judgment from turning away from God .as a whole I’m sure there’s many many people in this country serving the lord god of Israel, I’m just speaking collectively. this is what we get. I’m from Minnesota I used to live a stone’s throw for Minneapolis Ground Zero I call it when the so-called George Floyd debacle happened ,you don’t think the Liberals use that his funeral? they had a procession with a white Coach and horses .come on man ever since then covid, probably another situation forced upon us. the Deep state is being manipulated through Satan all around the world .I’m not very proud of being a Minnesotan this is as liberal As It Gets I live up north now thank the Lord

1 year ago

Call me Crazy, but they deserve everything that happens in their city/state!!! You voted for the Socialist Democrat Ideology, now live with it!!!

1 year ago

My sisters house was broken into a few days ago by an illegal. He kicked the front door down while she was home. Scared the h*** out of her. He grabbed her purse which was near the front door and ran. The police caught him a few hours later based on the description she gave the police. He was out the next day on a nearby street corner asking for money. The police said they could not do much since he has no ID and is a homeless. illegal immigrant (illegal criminal is more like it). One policeman also told her they have been instructed through an unwritten policy to go easy on homeless and illegals (the policeman asked not to be identified but said he felt sorry for my sister). Welcome to the new world order and a Democrat run city. .

1 year ago

Does any of this surprise us? What did you expect to happen with Biden’s criminal open border policies. It’s bad enough for the US to become the 3rd worlds Welfare State but now we’re the 3rd worlds criminal state. This is what happens when common sense no longer matters. Everything is now political. Well, all of you anti-American, pro illegal alien politicians, this is all on you and I sincerely hope that all American citizens let you know what they think about your agenda by throwing your asses out of office.

Scott R L
Scott R L
1 year ago

So now the rest of the country gets a glimpse of what border states have been facing for decades.
Funny how these “sanctuary cities” were in denial about illegal immigration until they had it dumped in their laps.
How do you say “Schadenfreude” in Spanish?

1 year ago

Is this what the Democrat elite are after?? Do they want to live in a third world country??? Many Democrat states and cities have become dumping grounds for the illegals as we just transfer them around the country instead of out of our country!! So, if Democrat run states and cities are struggling, Joe, what’s the point??? I realize that you don’t give a crap about any red states, cities or people but they are half of the country so your job titles require you to show at least a little concern but no!!!!! I’m disgusted with Democrats and what they have done to this country!!! Imagine where we would be now if Hillary had her 8 years of Democrat rule after Barack – OMG, I don’t want to think about it!!!

1 year ago

In Tucker Carlson’s recent interview with Putin, he admired Moscow and the other cities he visited for their fine architecture and immaculate cleanliness. No litter, no homeless…at least not where Tucker went. Crime isn’t tolerated there (unless Putin is the one committing it). But there you can see the result of strong consequences for crossing the line.

That’s what we need here in America–a strict adherence to the rule of law, an immediate response from the police and the courts, no bail, and consequences that have the desired effect. We need to clean up our act and deport, deport, deport.

1 year ago

When you invite the fox in the henhouse expect some dead chickens. Only the dem administration likes it that way. Defund the police. Buy off the DAs and the judges. And let the criminals in. This is only the beginning. Once they have taken the big cities they will move to a town near you if not your hometown. When is enough, enough, America. I mean every citizen left, right or independent. Save America now.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

Because of these bLibs., the U S is in a sorry state. They should be carried out and shot. They will always be crooks and thieves. Now whine about that liberals. Kyle L.

1 year ago

Yesterday, I spent some time with an older veteran of the Dartmouth Police [MA]. The force is fed up with the immigration issue and policy. It is bad enough that they are here and we are paying for it, but he claims that it is much more important to address the issues of our homeless and veterans who need assistance and are not getting it. But, in my opinion, it goes further than this. 
In addition to receiving unauthorized assistance in the form of various types of government support, these illegals are bringing us their diseases, their gangs and the gang’s objectives, which is to disrupt, steal, cheat and screw everything that is labeled American. Their drug distribution network is operating in full force in this area, the South Coast [MA]. A young woman, stopped by the State Police recently, was arrested on charges of distribution. She was a mule. She said nothing to the police and she was released. Two weeks later, she was found dead. 
They are all here: MS-13, Venezuelans, Mexicans, Salvadorians, etc. The police officer said to me, if you are licensed and have a weapon, never leave home without it. 
In my opinion, the Governor of MA should be impeached. She has violated her oath office and is using funds to support the illegals which were never authorized or voted on by the citizens to do so. Permitting the invasion of the Commonwealth by people who have nothing and owe no loyalty to this country, nor any civic duty to us, its citizens, is treacherous. 
To add to the misery, you have all read recently about the financial travails of one of the health care groups in MA. Another separate group lost $50 million last year. Most of this debacle has one major cause: illegal aliens. Their use of emergency room services is bankrupting the hospital industry. A month ago, a young woman living in Tiverton was taken to a Fall River, MA hospital, in pulmonary distress. She worked at a branch bank in Westport, MA. The hospital turned her away, because they had no beds. That is unheard of during my lifetime. As she got progressively worse, her husband took her to another Fall River hospital, where she died; her lungs were full of fluid; she basically drowned in her own fluids. An avoidable death of an innocent. She leaves a 9 year old daughter. I put the blame for this death directly on the shoulders of this governor. She would rather follow the illegal and misguided course of supporting illegal aliens and the destruction which they are bringing to this country and this Commonwealth, than care for her constituents and local institutions.
It is time that we put an end to this farce and treachery. It is an invasion of our sovereign state [MA] and country by people with no stake in nor loyalty to this country, and who wish only to take everything they can from it. If the legislators do not wake up and take control of and correct the situation, then it is time for we, the people, to exercise our rights as prescribed in the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence. It is time for our legislators to focus on the real issues rather than working on bills that make their own citizens felons in their own state. 

1 year ago

My 77 year old neighbor still votes for Democrats. Why? Well, because that’s who she’s always voted for. Every time she votes, she’s voting for the destruction of our nation and she is too dumb to realize it. Wake up you stupid stupid Democrat voters!

Paul W
Paul W
1 year ago

I so sick of looking at articles with the word “migrant” in the titles; and if I can force myself to read any further, that word is repeated in the body of the story…often repeatedly.
They are NOT migrants! They are COMPLETELY UNVETTED INVADERS from 150+ countries willfully crashing our sovereign borders and despite the claims of the lying left, a LOT of them are felons of all sorts including every kind of trafficking, violent felons and even terrorists. STOP with the “migrant” BS already!!!

1 year ago

Any bureaucrat or politician, mayors, council members, governors, Representatives, Senators and Presidents who authorize this criminal activity by not backing up our laws should be immediately imprisoned for a minimum of 10 to 20 years.It’s time to take our country back from the communists (democrats).

1 year ago

Maybe we should all move to a third world country where it would now be safer since all the criminals are coming to the U.S.

1 year ago

Close the border and catch and deport EVERY illegal that can be found. Also, if somone hires one, fine and imprison him. Enough of this.

1 year ago

The “Democrat Elites” arranged this colossal, national safety hazard by breaking our laws to allow millions of unknown and undocumented immigrants into our country.
When I was young and recently out of college, an illegal immigrant who lived and worked at the farm next door broke into my house and stole much of what I had, including Christmas presents I had just bought. That following night, after the police had come to inspect and check for fingerprints, he woke me by trying to break in AGAIN. I frightened him, and he left. I called the police again to let then know what happened. The robber was soon deported, and I thought there was no chance of a recurrence.
Welcome to 2024. Incidents like these will be as common as crossing the street, thanks to Democrats. The theft, vandalism, assaults, murders, rapes, carjackings, drug dealing, cartel activities in our neighborhoods, all of it will proliferate here… thanks to Democrats. It will no longer be safe to go for a walk at night in many more neighborhoods, thanks to Democrats. More retail stores will be robbed, vandalized and burned, thanks to Democrats.
Democrats have consistently treated many of us, and falsely named us as, “bigots”, “fascists”, and much else, even though we don’t attack them on the street like the people they just let in to attack us. Now, the attacks we suffer will never stop accelerating, thanks to Democrats.
We, our children, and their chilren will suffer into perpetuity, thanks to Democrats.

1 year ago

Just what the Dems want! They use them to get more representation in cities & towns (counted for Congressional seats, they also get to complain about crime, the go after legal guns & basically create an atmosphere where they might use it as a national emergency & then put into use extreme measures against all of us.

1 year ago

I honestly feel our country will never recover from this illegal invasion. My son in law works 2 blocks away from the hotels in Manhattan and can’t believe how the illegals destroyed the area. He admitted that he and my daughter made a big mistake in voting for Biden.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

They came without ID but with cell phones Is there a reason those were not used to identify them Would not shock me if prisons were emptied and now we are dealing with the contents

1 year ago

Is anyone really surprised by all of this??? Allowing ANY persons in this country without LEGAL entry is asking for trouble. All of this started in the Clinton years and has continued since. These so called “migrants” are, for the most part, illegally in this country along with drug dealers and others. They need to be extradited and blocked unless proper legal applications for entry are complied with and approved. Enough!!!

1 year ago

Just keep letting the dems cheat during all elections and these are the end results.

Bob Chase
Bob Chase
1 year ago

“New York Gov. Kathy Hochul says migrants “are looking for a better life.”
Better pickings in the US.

1 year ago

Let me correct the headline “Migrant Crime Turning Cities Into War Zones” to “Illegal alien Crime Turning Cities Into War Zones”

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Secure the borders. Then deport, deport, deport. But it’ll never happen because DC hates the 1/2 the People.

Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
Gabe Hanzeli kent wa
1 year ago

all you hard core leftists sure must be proud of yourselves.

1 year ago

For the innocent citizens that live in these sanctuary cities, I truly feel for them. This is not something they signed up for and many cannot afford to move away. Outlawing guns only allows outlaws to have them. However, if it were me living in one of these cities, I’m pretty sure I’d become an “outlaw”.

Barrett T Smith
Barrett T Smith
1 year ago

Ahhhh, the smell of sanctuary in the morning.

Joe McHugh
Joe McHugh
1 year ago

Amac is gaslighting us with this article. All of the voters in the big Democrat run cities love the criminal activities being committed by the new “asylum seekers”. If the majority of the voters in the big cities didn’t love the increase in violence, they would start to vote for Republican law and order candidates. They don’t and they won’t.
So the occasional whining noises that one might hear from the voters in the sanctuary cities really doesn’t indicate a serious situation. The residents in the big cities believe that the Democrats are better for local government than the Republicans would be. The crime rates in the sanctuary cities would have to rise to hellish proportions before the voters would even think about empowering the Republicans to introduce law enforcement instead of approving of the policy of looking the other way.
Besides that, Americans who live in smaller communities that frown on criminal activities, look at what is happening in the big Democrat run cities and vote for the alternative, i.e. Republican control in local governments.

1 year ago

Do all of you out realize we have 236 FEMA camps in this country. They are vacant at this time . There are fences around them . They are complete and ready for use. But the use they have in mind is for us. Put the illeagels in them. Then we will know where they are so we can put them on busses and ship them out or we can have a good bye walk for them back to Mexico..

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
1 year ago

Not yet. It will be when we start shooting bask.

1 year ago

Mayor Adams, how do you like your sanctuary city now?

Dr. Sam adams
Dr. Sam adams
1 year ago

What intellectual depth and insight, from birdbrain Kathy Hochul. Embezzlers bank robbers and scammers are also looking for a better life. This woman needs to be put in a rubber room. New York State, is the home of a mentally deficient electorate.

Dr. Sam adams
Dr. Sam adams
1 year ago

America the conquered!

1 year ago

We warned the people of this country about voting for stinking democrats and now we see the destruction of the leftist wackjob’s.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
1 year ago

This,in my opinion is a planned agenda by the corrupt entities that are intent to destroy the PATRIOTIC AMERICAN way and instill their corrupt agenda to make their very corrupt democrat and rinos and the entities in their high towers the absolute rulers.Believe me,”it ain’t gonna happen”.

1 year ago

Dear Democrats,
We normal people enjoy seeing your self imposed destruction. Please intensify your efforts to neuter the police and comfort and protect violent criminals.

1 year ago

“Hochul sweetens the attraction by guaranteeing asylum seekers cash welfare benefits — something the federal government bars so state and local taxpayers have to foot the entire bill.” –THIS IS A VERY FALSE STATEMENT! The Federal government may not be giving $$$ directly for THIS use, but they are giving NY a s***load of $$ that they use as they wish including for trespasser’s welfare! NEXT “court-mandated to guarantee shelter to all” – COURT MANDATED? WHEN DID THE JUDGES GET THE AUTHORITY TO MAKE LAWS?? THIS HAS GOT TO STOP – STOP……NOW! Too many lawyers and too many judges!

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
1 year ago

This is a third world country thanks to our great leader and his so called team they sold out America with there stupidity a so called leader that was never any good all the years in Washington. I would never vote for him and his VP dummy that knows nothing This is just the beginning of the murders and riots in this country also when Soros dies that will be the best thing for this country but he funds all the evil in this country he hates this country but he supports the Dems to keep them in power.

1 year ago

more people should carry guns , oh but they have such strict gun laws , so honest people don’t , only the bad guys do .Those bad guys don’t stay in Texas long , guess why .

1 year ago

Gee, who would have thunk Democraps would want this? And it seems no one can or will put a stop to Bidum’s illegal, un-Constitutional abuse of power, while he destroys America. Our beautiful America has become a “Banana Republic” in just 3 years since Bidum stole the Presidency with election fraud. But wait! It is going to get so much worse, before it can get better if it does! Trump is America’s only hope of restoring Democracy, but Democraps are working feverishly and criminally to prevent his return to restore Constitutional Law. And Bidum may have America in WWIII before that, it’s looking worse every day!

jerry d.
jerry d.
1 year ago

But we are a sanctuary city, we love them, you bunch of senile idiots, you deserve them, thank you nobiden.

1 year ago

The crime,violence and chaos from illegals ALL brought to America and a city near you by the hateful,self serving marxist democrat party!
So here’s the additional kick in the teeth that the marxist democrats give you – YOUR BILLIONS of dollars , YOUR MONEY is paying for this INVASION!!!
Better yet , challenge one of these who votes FOR this democrat garbage to defend it at their political rallies!
STOP allowing them to hide and SPEW the lies and talking points.
I’ll guarantee you’ll get the pre- packaged line of PURE BS!
Stand up for America and freedom- ask them the question.

1 year ago

Marxism has a foothold in this country thanks to Joe Biden. [The president that destroyed America.]

1 year ago

This needs to stop! rewarding illegal criminals by letting them commit crimes assaults on police innocent citizens . while giving cash benefits housing food etc we in the U S are being laughed at by these criminals as well as other countries for being so stupid!

1 year ago

Thanks to the influence of money in society today and not the use of intelligence in running America…crime is out of sight. Money has elected crooked officials who make it easy for more and more criminals to flood our streets. Money is the God that too many worship today.

trump and the drug and opioid epidemic
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