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Medicare Meltdown Is Here: We Told You So

Posted on Thursday, October 3, 2024
by Outside Contributor

Two years ago, liberals rushed through their first installment of the Green New Deal (aka, the Inflation Reduction Act), which raided Medicare to pay for Biden’s weird obsession with windmills, solar panels, and batteries.

This summer, the Biden-Harris administration acknowledged the impending financial distress for Medicare drug plans that UP senior fellow and University of Chicago economics professor Casey Mulligan and his colleague Tomas Philipson warned about. The administration proposed a temporary bailout for insurers to prevent huge premium hikes from hitting before the election. They labeled the bailout with the Orwellian title of “demonstration.”

We expect the cleanup to be almost as messy as the original. Half of seniors are in Medicare plans that are ineligible for the bailout. So far, the Biden administration has been tight-lipped on how exactly each of the Medicare Advantage plans will be adapting to their administration-inflicted wounds.

The small bit we know as of October 1 is that benefit cuts are on the way, such as the dental benefit cuts just released by one of the major insurers in Florida.

Reprinted with permission from The Committee to Unleash Prosperity. 

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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Cate W.
Cate W.
51 minutes ago

What and WHY??
UKRAINE (endless wars) funding has absolutely taken from the needs of the US?

29 minutes ago

Ultimately, the Democrats mean to find ways to accelerate the bankruptcy of Medicare to provide the necessary pretext for their so-called Medicare for All single payer solution, that will put the government in complete charge of all aspects of medical care. After all, it’s all about more power in the hands of unelected bureaucrats that know better what you need than you or your doctor. If you’ve never seen how single payer works up close, you’re in a real treat…and NOT in a good way.

Months delay for getting access to most critical care situations. Routine denial letters from the government after waiting weeks or months for any sort of expensive medical care or procedure. Must keep costs down after all, even if it causes needless pain and suffering or death. So-called primary care doctors will be dispensing prescriptions for cheap pain pills like crazy, so their patients can hopefully endure the weeks or months of pain before the government approves or denies access to more advanced medical care.

34 minutes ago

I hope the Democrat loyalists will wake up before their Medicare coverage is gone…bankrupted by dole outs to illegals and the green new deal of the Democrat’s flawed governance.

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