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Media Runs, Trips, and Falls with Hamas Propaganda

Posted on Thursday, October 19, 2023
by Tammy Bruce
air strike from Hamas with banner that says media over it

A disturbing Left-wing media narrative has infected coverage of the war against Israel launched Oct. 7 by bloodthirsty Hamas terrorists. The barbarous attacks on Israel haven’t stopped media bias from indirectly doing the bidding of Hamas by trying to make Israel look like the villain in a war it didn’t start.

There have been many shocking revelations since the terrorist attack on Israel, and many are lessons for us right here at home. The moment of an explosion Tuesday at a Gaza hospital immediately served as an opportunity for legacy media to turn and accuse Israel of the heinous act. And from whom did they get this information? The Hamas “Health Ministry” in Gaza. For too many in American media, that was enough. The equivalent would be credulously believing a Charles Manson or Jeffrey Dahmer explanation that some other nefarious group was responsible for all those dead bodies.  

Simply put: Hamas terrorists falsely claimed Israel had bombed the Al-Ahli Hospital and killed 500 people. Sympathetic journalists initially swallowed the terrorist lie and reported it around the world. NewsNation anchor Dan Abrams criticized the media for not waiting to hear from Israel, noting that “as news of the explosion broke, there was a disturbing rush to judgment by mainstream news outlets, including the AP [Associated Press], New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, all immediately taking a statement by the Hamas terrorist-run health ministry in the Gaza Strip, putting the blame squarely on an Israeli airstrike.” For example, The New York Times reported in a headline: “Israeli Strike Kills Hundreds in Hospital, Palestinians Say.” A headline on the CNN website said: “Israeli Strike Kills Hundreds in Hospital, Palestinians Say.” The BBC reported: “Hundreds feared dead or injured in Israeli airstrike on hospital in Gaza, Palestinian officials say.”

As they perpetuated the fake news of a terrorist group know for pathologically lying about everything, someone at least thought they should throw in a ‘journalism’ wink-and-nod with “Palestinians say.” The reports, in fact, look like templates, as though they’re stenographers. With the media giving them an alibi,  certain world leaders then jumped on the Israel-bashing bandwagon.

Israel took a few hours to investigate and then presented voluminous and incontrovertible evidence that the explosion was caused by a malfunctioning rocket fired by Palestinian Islamic Jihad, a smaller terrorist group allied with Hamas.

The U.S. Defense Department did its own investigation and also found that Israel was not responsible for the strike. President Biden endorsed this view on his visit to Israel on Wednesday. In fact, evidence now shows the failed Islamic Jihad missile fell into a parking lot, damaging a part of the hospital but not destroying. There were likely civilian deaths but apparently much to the chagrin of Hamas, a massive tragedy was avoided. As the Israeli Defense Forces were in fact being strategic about their response to Hamas, these monsters decided this was the opportunity to create one, perhaps knowing worldwide legacy media, run by the left, would assist them without asking questions.

If legacy media was even remotely interested in the truth as opposed to servicing propaganda they would have waited a few hours for the results of actual investigations. The Israel Defense Forces released a recording of an intercepted conversation between two Islamic Jihad terrorists who admitted their group launched the rocket that hit near the hospital. U.S. officials said infrared satellite data showed a rocket fired from a cemetery inside Gaza landed in the hospital parking lot.

As usual, the Palestinian terrorists fired from an area packed with civilians, using them as human shields — an action classified as a war crime under the Geneva Conventions. Mosques, schools, hospitals and high-rise apartment buildings serve as rocket launching pads for Hamas and Islamic Jihad. Unfortunately but unsurprisingly, The Times of Israel reported that “Media outlets in the Arab world have almost unanimously attributed the disaster [at the hospital in Gaza] … to an Israeli airstrike.”

The terrorist propaganda spread by the media turned the tragedy of the hospital attack into a victory for Hamas and Islamic Jihad, which have no regard for any human life and use the deaths of Gazans to cynically generate sympathy around the world. Tens of thousands of people demonstrated against Israel and its ally the U.S. in Egypt, Jordan, Iraq, Morocco, Turkey, Bahrain, Iraq, Lebanon, Tunisia and elsewhere Tuesday and Wednesday. Some protests turned into riots that had to be broken up by police as crowds blamed Israel for the hospital attack and chanted “Death to Israel.”

Moves by Saudi Arabia to pave the way for establishing diplomatic relations with Israel have been abandoned.

In another victory for Israel’s enemies, a summit meeting scheduled for Wednesday in Jordan between Biden and the leaders of that nation, Egypt and the Palestinian Authority was canceled by the Arabs because of their outrage at the supposed Israeli attack on the hospital.

The ultimate goal of Hamas is to establish Muslim control of the entire world. Mahmoud al-Zahar, the Hamas co-founder, said in a 2022 video: “We are not talking about liberating our land alone. … The entire 510 million square kilometers of Planet Earth will come under [a system] where there is no injustice, no oppression, no Zionism, no treacherous Christianity.”

The above facts about Hamas and Islamic Jihad rarely get covered outside conservative media. It’s time for the liberal media to expose the terrorist groups for what they are — the latest in a long line of Jew-hating murderers stretching from ancient times to the Nazis to today’s Iran-supported psychopathic terrorist groups.

The people of America, Israel, and the world deserve the truth and a media with enough decency and discipline to at least refrain from spreading terrorist propaganda. If that’s asking too much, we’re in a heap of trouble.

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A Voter
A Voter
1 year ago

There was a guy some time ago who had a term he used to describe these propagandists. I wish I could remember his name…….OH YEAH! TRUMP and he called them Fake News. How accurate he was.

1 year ago

There was even some audio recorded between 2 Hamas terrorists. One reported that the bomb was one of their own. “What?” replied the other. Even in another language, it was easy to hear the incredulous tone. “We did that?!”

When I first heard the news that 500 were killed when a bomb hit a hospital, I had a little trouble believing the “500” part because I had already seen the video of the damage to cars in the parking lot.

I’m going to change the subject and ask someone at AMAC to write about bold new legislation signed by Arkansas Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders. One prevents certain countries or companies with strong ties to those countries from owning farmland in her state. Syngenta and another Chinese company must divest their land. The second concerns state usage of woke gender terms–no more “birthing persons” and other ridiculous terminology when the word “woman” is the correct one.

1 year ago

Where is equal justice? Why is not Rashida Tiaib not charged with inciting insurrection, like President was?

1 year ago

Yet the radical leftist creeps in congress known as the “squad,” continue to blame Israel for the attacks. How vile! These scum bags should be removed from congress. The American people must call, text and email their elected congressional members and DEMAND that they be censured and removed from office.

1 year ago

The media wants so badly for it to be Israel they would run the story the way they hoped it was. They were wrong, Tlaib was wrong but don’t expect either to acknowledge or apologize for their “misinformation”. Facts matter. The truth matters. Search for the truth, don’t believe anything the media says.

1 year ago

Muslims have been trying to control the world since before the Crusades. They haven’t yet succeeded, but they will keep trying. We can never wipe them out because evil people have long existed, we can only hope to contain them.

1 year ago

People need to cancel the liberal media. Massive email campaign to the companies that advertise on them. We will not buy your products as long as you advertise on xxxxx fill in the network. Only way to control the liberal media is through their wallets

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

“Liberal” media are pacifying which is same as enabling They are afraid to speak the truth Mohamed cartoons? Where were they? That was the time to stand up instead they cowered not wanting to offend but offending and mocking Christians always first Brave hearts that they are This attitude is not a bias but blatant turning away from and twisting the truth the scariest part is that they know that we know it and are not ashamed This emptiness this lack of character is beyond pathetic They, same as our elected reps have a duty to speak the truth They lie instead and expect and demand to be believed What does that say about any of them

1 year ago

Here, here, Tammy. And yes we are in a heap of trouble, or as an old timer used to say “we are up s—t creek without a paddle!

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

I’d like to see one journalist or protester screaming stomping demanding justice for palestine ,denouncing Israel for the audacity to defend itself ,to go to live under hamas rule No return

1 year ago

We all know that all the national news media’s ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, MSDNC are fake news media’s that lie to us on a regular basis, what is hard for me to believe is that the local network affiliates across this country for the most part follow suit and repeat the same lie’s that the network spits out. The local stations don’t even have the decency to tell the truth to their friends, unless maybe this was what they were taught in journalism school, to lie for the cause.

Mary Channell
Mary Channell
1 year ago

Why does anyone believe a single word that Hamas or the deplorable media say? Many are blinded. If I didn’t see them with my own eyes, I would never believe that people could be so programmed.

1 year ago

Remember MSN is controlled by Foreign powers that wish the end of American culture as we know it. The ignorant continue to be swayed by the propaganda mission of the MSN. Very few try to find out the true facts which for the most part is suppressed by the MSN and the Left.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Richard Jewel… the Duke Lacrosse boys… the Covington Catholic kids… Russia, Russia, Russia,… I’m sure I’m leaving tons out where the media either gets it wrong or just plain lies. Yellow Journalism is alive and well.

1 year ago

The reason the media is favoring Hamas, I believe, is because the Biden administration has at least 3 Iranians in top positions of our government directing the whole thing, placed there by either the Biden Crime mafia, of the Banana Republic Marxists government we are now living in, OR It is the plan of Obama – It’s difficult to know where one begins and the other ends.

1 year ago

It’s a shame that the media is more stoked by getting the story first and getting it wrong than it is to get it right after everyone else got it wrong!!! I would rather they say nothing than to lie to me and that is exactly how I feel about all of the media right now!!! None of them are trustworthy to tell the truth!!!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

Guess it’s no coincidence the term “proportionality” isn’t applied to the War in Ukraine, huh?

1 year ago

The media runs, trips and falls with every story they produce!! They don’t wait for the facts to be discovered, they want to be the first with the story even if it’s wrong!!! There was very little about this story involving the hospital that was true in the first several stories that came out!! Israel didn’t send the bomb, a fringe terrorists group did!! It didn’t hit the hospital, it hit the parking lot!! How many were killed – not sure we know the answer to that yet but it probably wasn’t the 500 first reported!! This is why Trump started calling them out on it and calling it “fake news”!! The American media cannot be trusted to tell you the truth – period!!! I’m disgusted with all of those media people who get paid so damned much to tell lies to the American people!!! You will all suffer the same fate as CNN if you don’t change your ways!!!!

1 year ago

Whoever said war is hell was absolutely correct. Innocent people will die especially when the yellow belly scum bag terrorists hide their rockets in public places with human shields. The only way to eliminate Hamas and their war capability is to take all of their rockets out. Even though Israel does everything in it’s power to reduce the number of citizen casualties the corrupt media will run their ad campaigns to declare Israel the war monger. We have enemies on two fronts but one is not Israel.

1 year ago

Love Tammy Bruce!

1 year ago

The media sucks and were it not for the billionaires who support/own them, they would go broke and their rat crap messaging fade away with them.

Gee Pee
Gee Pee
1 year ago

Excellent Summary of the event highlights the leftwingPress support of Hamas.

1 year ago

Reading some of these comments leaves me thinking we have some Hamas terrorists posting here. Most notable is Greg

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
1 year ago

I wouldn’t believe Hamas if they told me the sun was shining. Why would anyone else?

1 year ago

In a rhyme and repeat of history, to justify the invasion of Poland to set off WW2, the Nazis killed some prisoners and outfitted them in Polish and German uniforms, attacked a German radio station near the Polish border, seeded the area with the bodies, and broadcast inflammatory rhetoric as though a threat emanating from Polish forces. Hamas took a lesson with the hospital attack but unlike the Germans who killed undesirables, the Hamas sacrificed the most vulnerable of their own people, the sick, wounded, children, and the elderly. What valiant warriors !

james carlyle
james carlyle
1 year ago

All Muslim news sources are basically propaganda generators with no credibility for truthfulness.

Robin W Boyd
Robin W Boyd
1 year ago

It’s to the point that only complete fools and hateful Progressives believe what main stream media claims. Alternative media sources have a habit of being just as bad in the opposite direction. We must question everything any media outlet tells us while subscribing to as many different types of media outlets as we can possibly stomach reading or listening to. Only when we have information from various opposing sources should we attempt to make any sort of rational decision of what is reality. “We don’t ask for much, we only want to trust, and you know it don’t come easy…”

1 year ago

The media in this country? I wonder if they realize WTSHTF how they will be affected when Americans die by the thousands at the hands of terrorist? My guess they will be attacked. Everybody pays for their sins.

1 year ago

Christopher Columbus was the discoverer of America in 1492. He would have never approved this because he invented freedom.

Casey C Matt
Casey C Matt
1 year ago

We are at the point where propaganda is used to fight…….propaganda. So, no hospital was hit yet both President Brandon and Netanyahu blamed HAMAS for the hospitals destruction by an errant missile those super duper evil folks used……..
Someone is lying, could it be Brandon and Netanyahu or the author of this or any other corporate spin based article.
Down is up….up is down.Barnum and Bailey are back in town.

Barb wilkins
Barb wilkins
1 year ago

This is just your opnion and it doesn’t make it right. I trust no one in this made up war. Quit pushing all the same propaganda the Elite use to get us to take sides. They fund both sides. They did it in WW2 and now again. United we win, divided we fall and that is what they want to accomplish their world rule. Open your eyes and then, maybe, you will see the truth. That is what ypu should be writing; the truth. Forgot how to do that? Join the rest of the sick media.

1 year ago

Since Jews control most of the leftwing media, why are they following Hamas’ propaganda rather than Israel’s propaganda?
When it comes to propaganda and lying, Hamas is an amateur when compared to the US and Israeli governments.

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