
Newsline , Society

Media Covers Up For Biden’s Migrant Invasion

Posted on Wednesday, March 13, 2024
by AMAC Newsline


President Joe Biden standing in the window

Even as President Joe Biden attempts to reassure the public that he is taking the ongoing border crisis very seriously, his administration is quietly continuing to use every presidential authority available to them to import mass numbers of migrants with virtually no screening process or safeguards in place. The corporate press, predictably, has run cover for Biden up every step of the way.

One representative recent example of the media’s intentional obfuscation of the true extent of Biden’s culpability in the immigration disaster gripping the nation is a March 6 Associated Press “fact check” article on Biden’s use of the presidential parole authority.

As the American Immigration Council explains, the president is allowed under a 1952 law to “parole” people into the country “on a case-by-case basis for urgent humanitarian reasons or significant public benefit.” The Wall Street Journal reports that, with rare exceptions, such as after the fall of Saigon in 1975, the parole authority has historically been used only in “rare instances,” most often “to allow a foreign patient to quickly receive specialized medical treatment or to bring a foreign witness to a trial.”

But as former President Donald Trump warned in his Super Tuesday victory speech, Biden has used the parole authority more than any president in history to skirt U.S. immigration law and avoid the border entirely by simply flying in migrants.

“Today it was announced that 325,000 people were flown in from parts unknown – migrants were flown in airplanes, not going through borders… It was unbelievable,” Trump said. “They flew 325,000 migrants. Flew them in over the borders and into our country.”

The AP claims that these comments amounted to Trump “elevat[ing] false information that had gone viral on social media.”

But later in the very same piece, the AP explains that U.S. Customs and Border Protection are required to disclose how many people are admitted under the parole program. And, on Jan. 26, “the agency reported 327,000 were vetted and authorized for travel” and those migrants were then flown to undisclosed airports throughout the country.

In other words, Trump was exactly correct.

Moreover, the AP acknowledges toward the end of the piece that Biden “has exercised his parole authority far more than any of his predecessors.” Although final numbers for 2023 are not yet available, it is estimated that Biden paroled approximately 1.2 million migrants last year – right on the heels of paroling nearly 800,000 migrants in 2022.

For reference, Presidents Obama and Trump paroled just over 5,600 migrants per year on average. That means Biden has led a 35,700 percent increase in the use of parole authority.

While Republicans in Congress have rightly sought to limit or eliminate entirely the president’s parole authority, Democrats have steadfastly pushed back – no doubt recognizing that illegal border crossings would likely skyrocket even higher if Biden is unable to let migrants in through a legal back door. Disagreement over parole authority was one of the reasons a high-profile border bill collapsed earlier this year.

But abusing presidential parole authority isn’t the only way Biden is trying to pull a fast one on the American people when it comes to importing mass numbers of migrants.

As the Wall Street Journal has also reported, Biden has been “allowing approximately 1,500 migrants a day to enter the U.S. at legal entry points along the southern border, so long as they make appointments in advance using a government app called CBP One.”

Applicants are not screened in any way before making appointments on the app. If a migrant is selected for admission, he or she is allowed to remain in the country legally pending a court date – which can often be up to 10 years in the future.

The CBP One app was also supposed to be paired with higher penalties for migrants who didn’t follow a legal process to enter the country. But since the unprecedented flood of illegal border crossings and drug trafficking has stretched law enforcement past its limits, “the government hasn’t had the resources to enforce those higher penalties.”

Then, of course, there is the Biden administration’s continued egregious abuse of the asylum system. Under Biden’s policies, anyone who enters the country, even illegally, can claim asylum. They are then allowed to stay in the United States until their asylum hearing – again often scheduled years in the future.

This system represents a stark departure from Trump’s “Remain in Mexico” policy, which required asylum seekers to wait in Mexico until their court date. In effect, the simple reclassification of millions of illegal aliens as “asylum seekers” allows the Biden administration to keep them here and avoid mass deportations.

The corporate media, of course, has not reported on the deceptive nature of any of these policies or made any effort to expose Biden’s blatant lies. Instead, they have dutifully repeated the president’s claims that he needs an act of Congress to secure the border – a border that he made unsecured in the first place via executive fiat.

As the recent tragic deaths of Laken Riley and Washington State Trooper Chris Gadd show, the consequences of Biden’s open borders extremism and the media’s attempts to shift blame anywhere but the White House are severe indeed.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on Twitter @ShaneHarris513.

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M. Forte
M. Forte
6 months ago

Biden has proven he is a criminal. Putting our national security at risk for nothing more than a pure power grab by the left. I’m sure a President can be removed under the constitution. He’s also unfit mentally and is nothing but a “hand puppet” for the left. God Bless America.

6 months ago

The media is not our friend.

6 months ago

This illegal immigration situation Is not by any means a temporary problem. Our schools, our cities and towns will be forever changed by this thoughtless administration.
We are spending our tax dollars and our future , our childrens future carelessly.

6 months ago

Nothing new disclosed in this article. Yes, the media is running cover for Biden. That is NOT going to change any time soon. So, what is the point of the article other than stating what most people capable of seeing reality already know after nearly four years of this administration?

6 months ago

We have an overwhelming immigration problem because we have degenerate Democrat leadership. These Democrats have not hesitated to engage in destructive “governance” for the sake of more power and political leverage (for themselves only) from having illegally imported over 9 million unknown and unqualified immigrants.
Our President Biden is obviously senile, and, has the damaged personality of a troubled, habitually-lying adolescent. I see no indication that he EVER developed beyond his adolescence. He is an eternal child, not legitimately elected, and playing “chief executive” like a 5-year-old trying to fly a 747. ENOUGH.
It’s time for our Democrat voters to help our country survive by NOT voting for this lying degenerate, Joe Biden. We haven’t been on an even keel since he entered office, and his tenure must stop.
You all are in this with us, so how about voting like responsible adults… and helping us remove this illegitimate, disgusting filth from our highest office???!!!!

6 months ago

I’m sickened that our rhinos and weak republicans haven’t helped to stop this invasion. Disgusting what is happening to our great country.

6 months ago

It’s proven that Brandon and the Communists are guilty of extreme dereliction of duty regarding the unsecured borders and has put the entire US population, our national security and innocent people at extreme risk. Presidential Immunity should not extend to such circumstances. The only way this changes is if there are criminal and financial repercussions for ‘elected’ leaders who enable and/or promote such conditions. Media complicity should also be included in such repercussions, especially when it’s readily apparent they are engaging in propaganda in such instances.

6 months ago

The MSM lulled the American people in believing that all these migrants are families who have come from poor countries seeking asylum. If we take away the young men and women who are the greatest block of migrants, undocumented but entering the country illegally. Including criminals. The numbers would drastically drop. Every time you see a mass of people at the border very few are families with children. Why allow all these young men mostly, into our country? When interviewed they all say they don’t want to work. Ole Joe will take care of me. Has the MSM reported about the NGOs that have camps and food stations along the route to the So border? Including govt stations. Where transportation is available, food and a bed to help them to the border. These NGOs are supported by ole Joe. He could close the border today but O and the rest of the deep state say no. They will all be able to vote come November ole Joe will see to that. People who are trying to get here legally been waiting for years to be allowed in. And people who came here in the 50’s and 60’s legally could not hold their hand up for the first 5 years. Had to pay hundreds of dollars to gain citizenship or renew their green card every 10 years. Report their address every year to the INS. After 9/11 it became even easier to get into this country, the restrictions on the citizens became stricter. Does anyone see a trend here? They want a citizenry that is beholden to the regime in power. Only that regime is a dictatorship.

6 months ago

this shows the deep state taking care of its own this is why we need the swamp drained we need agencies and gov employees fired it is the only way or the us is finished it might already be too late

Jimmy Page
Jimmy Page
6 months ago

What American citizen … of a minority background … would ever vote Dem again? This administrations intentional and illegal actions are a SLAP IN THE FACE to every American… but ESPECIALLY any minority that lived and played by the rules.

6 months ago

It is the media I hold the most responsible for the state of our country today, more than the evil and traitorous demagogues in our government. It is the media that kept Americans ignorant, even manipulated and deceived. The Leftist media is our worst enemy and is the most deserving of retribution.

6 months ago

Biden is a two bit piece of swamp poop. He should have been jailed many years ago for the mishandling of highly classified material. It seems that it doesn’t matter which political party politicians belong to because they all let each other get away with gross violations of their sworn oath of office and we dumb voters keep putting them back on the taxpayer payroll (reelected).
Every licensed media in America who have not brought the government corruption to their listeners should lose their FCC license.The 1st Amendment was also to protect news reporters who reported corruption immunity from political enemies.
Our Founders gave American citizens the legal tools to keep our Republic running honestly, but, corrupt politicians and bureaucrats found a way to subvert that. The communist democrats are not stupid: we voters are.

6 months ago

no matter how much you hate the msm it isn’t enough.

Robin W Boyd
Robin W Boyd
6 months ago

The problem is an unchecked invasion of immigrants from all over the world coming into the U.S. primarily through the Mexican border.
The only rational solution is to stop the invasion into the U.S. at its source, the Mexican border. This is what President Trump had been doing with success prior to Biden having been installed as president. This is what Biden destroyed by rescinding every action President Trump took to protect American citizens from illegal immigrants.
We don’t need another solution. We need to reinstall the solution that was working prior to the Biden regime taking control.

6 months ago

Not shocked in the least but when our economy completely collapses and everything falls apart to the point of not being able to lie about it anymore to cover up our demise what will they report on?

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
6 months ago

The sky is blue, water is wet, and the media covers for Biden. Next I’ll learn China is not our friend.

6 months ago

Thank you Shane for noting Trooper Christopher Gadd. Another senseless casualty due to Joe Biden.

6 months ago

And RINO Ken Buck is leaving congress, so the GOP will have an even smaller majority. The deck is stacked against us.

6 months ago

In all his yers in public office Biden has done nothing well or right. He is a disgrace, devoid of ethics, principles or patriotism. The man is self-interested in the extreme and could care less about anything but $ and power.

6 months ago

I heard this morning that the media does not like Biden, but they are covering for liberals, and Obama (who despises Biden). Dan Bongino said that Biden is a delusional, sociopathic narcissist, and I believe it.

Bacon Nivison
Bacon Nivison
6 months ago

The demonicrat party is by far the worst enemy American independence and freedom has to face. The “media” (propagandia) are just a tool of their nefarious design. The demonicrat weaponization of almost all aspects of government is disastrous! The FBI is now a crime syndicate, the Justice department couldn’t see justice through a telescope, adding thousand of agent to the IRS and on and on it goes… Sadly, a five minute investigation of any social platform out there reveals that a huge number of Americans have swallowed the hook. There are still a huge number of Americans who see Peddo-Joe as some kind of hero in spite of his decades long history of dishonesty and abuse of power.

Papa John
Papa John
6 months ago

They’re not just illegally importing them, the next step is to make them a voting machine for the Democrats.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
6 months ago

The number of countries with a population less than the ILLEGALS who have entered the country under Biden is nuts. This is one reason I refer to the national “Democrats” as the slime at the bottom of swamp.

6 months ago

Bidum has flown in 325,000 illegals all over America. Even worse he has welcomed 8 or 9 million more and counting. And he has moved veterans out of housing to move illegals in and provided their food, clothing and education for their children even though they cannot speak English. All American citizens will see the staggering cost of this for many years to come. Bidum’s only reason, is to allow millions of illegals to vote for and re-elect him. He absolutely does not care about American’s laws or the cost to taxpayers, or the loss of American jobs his actions will assure. America has to stop Bidum’s election frauds and vote Trump in 2024!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
6 months ago

Cartels own DC & Media or wed see more News

Herb S
Herb S
6 months ago

We have not bought a newspaper since our parrot died and we got rid of her cage.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
6 months ago

If people in this country get lied to every day not only from Biden and his people but you have a media that does not care about the people of this country. Biden is a liar and all those that are for him that look at the people of this country and care noting about us only there own wallet. CNN is the worse followed by others they lie for Joe and his team in Washington. We need change many do not like Trump but we had better when he was president at least we had better conditions in this country.

6 months ago

Target Main Stream Media and the government!!! People are fed up and planning!

6 months ago

The fact that American citizens are being forced to pay for Biden’s corruption is infuriating.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
6 months ago

It really is an invasion.They are not migrants,they are invaders.How do we pick and choose.It isn’t easy.If there are one in a hundred that are criminals it’s bad,but it is many more than that.We have absolutely no control over what the democRATS are letting into our country and their ulterior motive is vote for the liar behind the podium.It will not work democrats,be very careful about your decisions,VERY,VERY careful.

6 months ago

No one can “cover up” the murders and rapes.

Brenda G
Brenda G
6 months ago

Yet,Biden is again not held accountable- nor his behind the scenes partners (Obama, Clinton’s,among a few criminals that are so egregious in their actions).It wouldn’t bother me so bad,if they affected only themselves- but they are affecting everyone and our beautiful country. Even our few allies left are feeling their criminal behavior.

6 months ago

Not a mistake or bumbling or sympathy and compassion …It’s the plan.

Alan Whitmoyer
Alan Whitmoyer
6 months ago

Not only this, but according to Grady Judd, sheriff of Polk County, FL, the sex trafficking victims are reporting that sex slaves fly for free on our Airlines as long às they carry the proper papers, they fly free to anywhere in the US, make the $3,000 to pay off their Johns and fly home for free. They keep everything over the $3000 fee they make. This is very troubling for the victims as well.

David Block
David Block
6 months ago

How any educated person could ignore all Biden’s illegals is beyond me.

6 months ago

I pray that Trump gets elected, and he can roundup and deport this illegal crime trash without interference from the ACLU, democrats, civil rights groups, etc.

6 months ago

Biden doesn’t understand the term “case-by-case;” individually or by a DNA related family. He wants to be seen as the benevolant father but he will gladly disinherit the American people who sadly elected him and then pay their taxes so he can do the stupid things he does.without any care for those that are “suppporting him” and his madness.His goal is to “give them the fish” so that they will depend on him—he is not a teacher—he doesn’t believe in helping/teaching people to be independent, self-sufficient, responsible and doing for themselves. Glad he isn’t my father or brother or uncle or husband. I think he believes in “barefoot, pregnant in the kitchen” for ALL people.Keep ’em ignorant and helpless and totally dependent on him—I think that is emotiona abuse. Not for me.

6 months ago

Any other country would have impeached our president years ago, but he just keeps rolling along. How he got to be president is still unbelievable to me and with our Democrat media he might get in again. If not, my guess for impeachment of Trump, there will be hundreds

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