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Mandating “Climate Crisis” Lessons Is Latest Leftist Push in the Classroom

Posted on Thursday, January 19, 2023
by Andrew Abbott

AMAC Exclusive – By Andrew Abbott

This July, Connecticut will follow New Jersey to become the second state in America to mandate the teaching of human-caused climate change theories in school. While much of the state already teaches climate change in classrooms, the new law will require a climate change curriculum for all schools. The measure has left many parents concerned about both the continued influence of left-wing special interest groups in education and the erosion of local control over education policy.

New Jersey’s experience is instructive as to how Connecticut’s law – as well as similar measures being considered in other states – might look in practice.

In Garden State schools, students begin learning about the supposed apocalyptic implications of human-caused climate change as early as kindergarten. In one example of how climate change is taught to young students, as detailed by the Washington Post, third-graders at Lawrenceville Elementary School in central New Jersey read a story called “No Sand in the House!” which tells the tale of a man whose Jersey Shore home is destroyed by Hurricane Sandy. Then, students are asked to draw connections between the book and real-life events. The clear implication is that human activity causes natural disasters like hurricanes – a highly contentious notion advanced by many on the political left.

Even Physical Education in New Jersey schools hasn’t escaped doom-and-gloom climate change lesson plans. At Toll Gate Grammar School in Pennington, New Jersey, students are directed to toss balls of yarn representing carbon dioxide molecules to their peers stationed at plastic disks representing forests. In successive rounds of the game, the instructor remove the disks to represent deforestation. At the end, students are unable to move all the balls of yarn to the disks in the allotted time, supposedly representing how “global warming” occurs.

The common thread throughout all of these lesson plans is a determination to indoctrinate children with beliefs about political policies. Not only are the lessons untethered from science, but the political aims themselves are not appropriate for elementary school classrooms.

Many of these lessons are created and provided to teachers by outside groups – many of whom are also lobbying state government to pass laws mandating climate change instruction in the first place.

One of those groups is SubjectToClimate, a nonprofit that provides lesson plans for teachers on climate change. Margaret Wang, the group’s chief operating officer, has stated explicitly that climate change should be a central topic in every educational discipline. “There are elements of math [such as] being able to calculate and grasp its effects over time using statistics and science,” she said. “And there’s art as a way to mobilize collective action.” The latter comment clearly reveals the group’s political goals.

The “Next Generation Science Standards,” which is what New Jersey and Connecticut have based their requirements on, are themselves a product of left-wing activist groups – a fact reflected in sample lesson plans. In one of these lessons, titled “Youth Climate Heroes,” the “heroes” listed are not brilliant young minds or young inventors, but activists and protesters. Another lesson, titled “Gaming and Climate Change,” focuses on teaching kids how to use video games to “bring awareness” to the “climate crisis.” In so many words, the lesson suggests structuring video games around activist heroes and corporate “villains.”

We are already seeing the concerning effects that indoctrination into the left’s climate cult is having on American youth. A comprehensive study published in The Lancet in 2021, for instance, found that children were suffering from high levels of “climate anxiety.” Of 10,000 children surveyed, 59% were “very or extremely worried” about climate change, and a majority said it was negatively affecting their daily lives. 68% further reported feeling sad or anxious about it. Considering the relentless media onslaught forecasting the imminent doom of the human race, these results are hardly surprising.

Parents and community leaders have also raised concerns that state and federal actions are usurping local control over education. Following passage of the Connecticut law, state representative Christine Palm, a Democrat, explicitly stated that she voted in favor of the bill because “I didn’t want local boards of education to have the power to overturn the curriculum.”

If advocates of Connecticut’s new law were actually interested in “solving” the climate crisis, one might think they would be chiefly interested in molding future innovators, engineers, and scientists. Instead, the predominant focus seems to be scaring children into compliance with far-left environmental policies while also inculcating future generations of climate activists. Once again, it seems that it is politics, not science, that is really at the heart of this education fad.

Andrew Abbott is the pen name of a writer and public affairs consultant with over a decade of experience in DC at the intersection of politics and culture.

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Steven Coughlin
Steven Coughlin
2 years ago

All you have to do is examine the ideology of the people pushing this hoax to understand what it is all about.

Freedom USA
Freedom USA
2 years ago

There is no climate crisis.

Michael J
Michael J
2 years ago

When I was in school, it was the Cuban missile crisis, as we were programed to hide under our desks and hate the communists. What better way to brainwash society than government indoctrinated public schools. The climate change agenda is the perfect platform to impose draconian rule with pre-processed participants that won’t question their demise or loss of fundamental rights in exchange for a feel good mindset.

2 years ago

As a resident of the Peoples Republic of New Jersey, I can confirm this is the sort of BS being spoon fed to young minds in the public school system. The purpose is to teach younger generations to hate anything to do with providing the basic building blocks of a modern, prosperous, self-sustaining society. To use so-called “climate change” as the Trojan Horse to indoctrinate young minds into thinking the threat can only be solved by adopting all the tenets of Marxism and completely surrendering all your rights and freedoms to a government that knows what is best for you. Things like basic power generation and the energy grid, that is essential to creating all business and commerce. Things like farming and ranching, that provide the food society needs to live. Things like commercial transportation (trucks, trains, pipelines, etc.), that move goods and services all around the country have to be completely eliminiated. It’s a long list to things to be banned and eliminated. In short, it is a blueprint of how to deconstruct society and remake the world according to a Marxist ideology all in the name of climate change.

As an example, business and commerce are considered very bad for the climate of the planet. Modern society is “evil” and destructive and it all needs to be torn down in order to return humanity to the lifestyle and populations that existed in the pre-industrialized era of the 1760’s. That means roughly 95% of this nation’s population has to go. That means all the major cities have to be downsized to a small fraction of what they are today. All suburban and most rural housing and infrastructure must be eliminated, so the earth can be returned to the state of way things were in the 1760s.

Along the way, capitalism must be replaced with socialism, so that everyone is ensured an equal outcome and “everything is fair”. At least deemed “fair” by those ruling over this new world order. Again, all in the name of climate change. To safeguard the planey from the plague known as humanity. Ownership of property, like homes, cars and just about everything else, is bad for the climate. So private property ownership must be banned for the good of the planet. You will all live in government supplied ghettos or work camps similar to what exists in most Marxist style countries and be content that it is all “helping to save the planet”. In other words they are teaching Claus Schwab’s “You will own nothing and be happy” Marxist ideology of the Great Reset under the guise of climate change.

2 years ago

By the way AMAC, why don’t you do a few articles about the WEF that is going on this week in Davos, Switzerland? There are certainly some newsworthy stories coming out of the annual meeting of those that seek to enslave all of humanity under their thumb. It’s just a suggestion of course. While it is nice to focus on the local players in this global cabal, you should also cover the annual plans being formulated in Davos.

The number of Democrat Senators in attendance, all spouting the WEF message, is certainly worthy of your attention. So are all the heads of the major Banks and investment firms. Also the fact that the likes of Brian Stelter, that ignorant hack that used to portray “a journalist” on CNN and now is a Fellow at Harvard was given a speaking session at the WEF is certainly noteworthy for no other reason than to demonstrate how the MSM and the so-called Ivy League colleges and universities are all linked at the hip to this Marxist ideology.

George Allen
George Allen
2 years ago

I invite all readers to look at this if they are interested in climate change realities:

2 years ago

Earth Day & Lenin’s BD are the same darn day; pure coincidence of course~
This nation can’t survive treason from within so I hope other believers are
praying Ps. 70 against all the “swampers”. It’s too massive for just
mortal man to fix now.

2 years ago

Whatever happened to teaching the basics – reading, proper writing, easy and simple mathematics, spelling, science, American history (taught properly not the ideals that some people want our history to be), good citizenship, American government so they know when things aren’t being said and done right, kindness, thoughtfulness, compassion, how to handle finances, how to manage a household, how to sew, how to cook, how to save money, how to plan for a family. I know some of you reading this are going to say, “But isn’t some of that the obligation of the parents?” and I reply, “Not all parents know how to do this because either they, the parents, weren’t taught as youngsters or they didn’t have school opportunities or, the biggest in my mind, the education system is failing them.”

2 years ago

I hope they will “educate” our children on who was to blame for the global warming after the Ice Age.?.? Apparently, according to the left, the earth’s changes are all man made. It seems the earth has not changed on its own and we are the sole cause for any changes in the earth.

Ann S
Ann S
2 years ago

Education should be directed at the local level.
At the federal level it becomes political. Teacher unions are contributing to those in power. And businesses that profit from this climate change hoax are all behind this education curriculum.
I see no scientific instruction books are being used in these states. Just an opinionated person own ideas that just happens to agree with the WEF plan to depopulate the world.
First the COVID scare and now this scare. And starting with the kids. Like the trans sex education in school. It is nothing more than brainwashing of these children and take the raising of children away from their parents.

2 years ago

Nothing but pure Marxist indoctrination. Why do parents even tolerate this? The schools need to be prosecuted for child abuse. Davos check out Al Gore his latest rant of insanity says the oceans are going to boil seriously Al the only boil any place insight is the one on your ass

2 years ago

Such utter nonsense. Control, power, and wealth…

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
2 years ago

Marxist Democrats are experts at creating conflict and stress — both mental and physical. They enjoy drilling the worst-case-scenario talking points into the minds of trusting and ignorant children.
The left wing knows that helping people become more insecure and fretful will strengthen the government’s hold on the general population. A dysfunctional central government needs to increase the dysfunction of its citizens in order to more easily control them. The entire process is dehumanizing and degrading. Individual freedoms and liberties become luxuries instead of basic and natural rights given to all men by God the Creator.

2 years ago

Insanity, Control, Power & Greed.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 years ago

Remember the second paragraph of the Declaration of Independence, especially the clause about usurpations and abuses.

Ben Ray
Ben Ray
2 years ago

So many things wrong with how this Democratic agenda is being rammed down our throats. 
– Climate Change is Debatable; how much man is causing it is even more debatable… for the moment I’ll not contest. 
– What is the strategy and plans for any of this? Other than spending Billions… soon to be Trillions. What is the plan?
– I have seen NO PLAN! Zero!
– Why are we not putting whatever the new solution is going to be in place BEFORE we pull the rug out from under existing energy? 
– Basic question: When we eliminate all fossil fuel use (cars, home heating, power plants) – how much ‘clean’ energy do we need? This should be the starting point for any plan. How much? 
– How will this be generated – wind, solar, nuclear? 
– Solar farms take thousands of acres… how many square miles of land and sea is required? Where will they be built?
– How will cars in urban areas with on street parking get charged? Charging stations all along the streets? Will they be private or government managed?
– Has any environmental studies been done?
– How many batteries? Where will they be manufactured? How will they be disposed? More environmental concerns!   
– No basic answers, No strategy and No Plan.
– The start of this hysteria was a 2018 UN report (the science) which states: ” Without increased and urgent mitigation in the coming years, leading to a sharp decline in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, global warming will surpass 1.5°C in the following decades, leading to irreversible loss of the most fragile ecosystems, and crisis after crisis for the most vulnerable people and societies.”
End of World! 2030!
This ‘science’ was used by AOC as the basis for this madness – see AOC’s 2019 R.Res.109!  
So the final question: Will all of these Billions of dollars and mandates on our freedoms meet the 2030 date or are they just trying to scare you into a vote that will keep them in power? Remember there is Trillions in play here… what are the real motives?
We need to end this before it destroys the nation. Demand to see the plans! 

Jay Morgan
Jay Morgan
2 years ago

Amac needs to be printing for the public, one chapter per week from the book, The Truth About Energy, Global Warming & Climate Change, by Jerome R Corsi. I always thought the Climate hustle was a fake but when they lead with 100% of scientist believe in it I knew it was fake. You never get a 100% of scientist to agree with anything. If you step back, it sure looks like a Marxist – anti capitalist movement to destroy our economy and civilization. An early chapter in this book showed the earth climate is directly controlled by the Sun intensity and cosmic ray. The increase on the earths temperature results in an increase in CO2, not the other way around and for the past 175 million years the atmospheric CO2 has been dropping.
I have been asked if the “Green New Deal” is government sponsored dis-information just like the recent pandemic?
I suggest you get a copy of the above book and read it a number of times so you can counter the government sponsored disinformation propaganda your children are getting in school. Climate Change, CRT, 1719 project, when will we get back to Reading, Writing, and Arithmetic in our very expensive schools.

Steven Tapper
Steven Tapper
2 years ago

Mandating Climate Change in schools is called Indoctrination. The theory itself is controversial as many scientists and climate experts disagree with those advocating Climate Change.

First it was “global cooling”, the earth was cooling and we were expecting another Ice Age. Then came “global warming” where the ice caps were going to melt away. Both apocalyptic scenarios were proven wrong. Then came “Climate Change” which conveniently covers every possible scenario of hot or cold cycles.

News flash! This is called naturally occurring changes and has been going on for billions of years!

Follow the money to see exactly who benefits from “Climate Change”!

2 years ago

Climate activist should tell the truth, if they know it. Tell the kids how many millions of birds are killed by the wind farms and the sea creatures that die around the ugly wind farms.

AL Koppen
AL Koppen
2 years ago

This teaching one side of a subject without exposing students to the other side is malfeasance by the politicians, school boards and unions. It’s reminiscent of schools teaching evolution without giving the intelligent design advocates a chance to give an opposing viewpoint.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

Brainwashing the New ‘DUH 2’ generation. And the ‘DUH’ generation parents allow it.
This will end with these children learning nothing and living at home for the rest of their lives because they won’t have a job.
Watch and see.
All because they believe the braindead WOKE liberals.
This will make the 3rd generation in a row lost to STUPIDITY from believing the democrats.
Pretty sad and a great loss not only for our country but for the children who will ultimately pay the price.
By then, it will be too late for them.

2 years ago

Instead of all these ‘woke’ idiots pushing their beliefs on our kids, how about getting back to the basics….reading, writing, spelling, math, geography and history so they can actually find jobs and live normal lives instead of staying with their parents until they die???

james carlyle
james carlyle
2 years ago

This sounds like indoctrination thru the use of propaganda, not education. There is extensive & interesting science that deals with climate and climate change but I haven’t seen anything that concludes there is a crisis of any sort, now or pending. Neither the US Government nor the UN IOCC are scientific entities-they are political to their core.

2 years ago

This almost sounds reasonable compared to seeing Al Gore popping a gasket on the stage at Davos The constant peddling of this fabricated religion is getting old. It changes description every time the weather changes. Leftisim is constantly searching for something new to be uneasy about.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
2 years ago

To Andrew Abbott, You have done a great service ,for all who value truth, and freedom, in writing this very important article. The political indoctrination involved is really very much of an indication of what all this climate change fanaticism is all about. A British writer , Dennis Bloodworth , who spent many years in and around China when Mao was in power, wrote a book entitled The Messiah and the Mandarins – Mao tse Tung and the Ironies of Power. It described how the Cultural revolution operated and I was reminded of this book in reading your article here about the climate change so-called education , that sounds as if there is no regard for building anything of a positive, productive nature, that would be of benefit to building a strong country, that would include respect for the environment. Instead these examples of extremist views are being forced on young students who have not had the chance to understand how to see these matters in the proper perspective, because they simply have not been around long enough to develop the knowledge needed , the knowledge from the experience of just living, that enables someone to make comparisons with different views of things such as climate issues.
So, regarding the Dennis Bloodworth book mentioned above, the Ironies of Power referred to in the title had to do with Mao having spent basically his whole life trying to be the leader of China , and make improvements needed, actually caused much damage to China due to extremist political and economic policies shortly after gaining power.
The climate change so-called education programs , based on left wing extremist views are not sensible, and this is an important matter because having an understanding of the climate is important to having knowledge of geography, agriculture, meteorology, the economy . It needs to be presented in a truthful manner , a manner that respects a variety of opinions not just those of the political left.

2 years ago

here is an idea, don’t teach B.S. science … let’s teach the U.S. Constitution, start each day with the Pledge of Allegiance using a U.S. Flag and not the LGBTQ “flag”, in fact remove all of that junk out of our primary education. Boys use Boys bathrooms and locker rooms … Girls use Girls bathrooms and locker rooms. Stop teaching any part of the CRT bull. Teach children to treat each other in the manner they would like to be treated. I suspect this post will be vilified by people who know best for our children …. stay away from our children, let children be children !!!

2 years ago

Some kids can’t read but they will know all about the liesof the left?! Teach, reading writing and arithmetic to begin with stop pushing the let’s lies!

2 years ago

The front page of the Hendersonville NC daily newspaper today had a photo on the front page
showing three middle school students who wrote winning essays on US history. This was
sponsored by the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR). That is how we restore
the teaching of history. Shine a spotlight on historians. Sponsor a 24 hour daily national
cable tv program on US history. Have a national US History bee just the world spelling bee which
gets huge attention. We act. Our complaints mean nothing

2 years ago

Once again the Davos conference is merely an event for those who perceive themselves as elite
to discuss their dream of one world government. Their problem is that no one cares. When they
finally figure out how to cloak their goal with words of deception ( that’s how change is sold) in
ways that are heard ( ie address congress) the Davos crowd may become a problem.
Davos consists of plotters who are ignored all year other than their 4 days of meetings before or
after their ski trip.

Barrett Smith
Barrett Smith
2 years ago

Home schooling is looking better and better.

2 years ago

The climate has changed for as long as archaeologists started to tell the earths secrets. We need God back in school, not more climate control freaks. The humans don’t cause climate change, only some humans think so!

2 years ago

If it weren’t for the continued warming over the past 14,000 years, I would not have been born on the shores of a Great Lake. That man is the cause is a ridiculous notion.

2 years ago

Climate has changed on earth for millions of years….do you really think some cars and plastic bags are going to make a difference?? The earth will shake us off like a bad cold and go back to being the big blue marble plus plastic. The earth isn’t going anywhere!! We are!! Paraphrased from the late great George Carlin. Truth !!

James Popielarz
James Popielarz
2 years ago

Oh Great..It’s that time of year again. The Federation of Angry Globalist are meeting in Davos again.

James H
James H
2 years ago

They call “climate change” a theory. That is misinformation! A theory is based on facts. So called climate change is a religion–ancient pantheism, void of facts. This foolishness is what takes place in third world countries. When are we going to go back to educating children versus indoctrination?

2 years ago

This whole administration is a genuine Kakistocracy,and I really think that is what is fueling all this nonsense!

2 years ago

Throw it out it should not be allowed. It’s all a sham to make a few people rich.

Letts Brandon
Letts Brandon
2 years ago

We are living in a time where lies are prevalent everywhere. They know if you believe the truth you will not support their lies. So the media, the advertisers, the government, even school teachers are all lying to you so that you will not know the truth. Satan is the father of all lies and the biggest lie is that he does not exist. All truth is within the Bible and soon you will not be allowed to own one. If you are not spreading the truth then you are supporting the lie. Do not support the lies of evil.

2 years ago

Commie leftists thrive on inventing and/or exaggerating a crisis appeal to the public! It gives them a coverup for what their taxing and spending goals truly are … as well as recruit a bunchj of gooney brains to do their dirty political work.

2 years ago

When is the majority of honest American citizens going to realize that TERM LIMITS (for Congresspeople and Exec heads) are becoming increasingly and direly needed if the governance of this Nation is not going to succumb to some brand of Communism.!!???

Loy Davis
Loy Davis
2 years ago


2 years ago

These schools are teaching a THEORY, not proven science. And the believers of man-made climate change refuse to tell about the findings of different models by other scientists. Public education today is nothing but a cesspool of leftist ideas, not truth or facts. It is not doing anything to inspire “inquiring minds.” just words on progressive brainwashing which suits the goals of the Davos-type elites who are getting very wealthy off “climate change” and love the idea of automatic world government.

2 years ago

You know it amazes me how golable the left is on this climate hoax , because all it takes it for a couple of volcanos to go off and the atmosphere is jacked , the world has a way with correcting the atmosphere with the magnetic field.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

Amazing that the Mayan children had an higher I.Q. thousands of years ago than our children today.
The Mayan children were taught math, science, astronomy among other intelligent subjects.
Today, our children are taught nothing except lies and what color you are (like what color you are is more important than learning).
Very sad and such a waste of minds all because of stupidity and lies.
What discoveries our children could have made we will never know.
Such a waste.

2 years ago

As I keep saying, when the elites start living in caves and eating berries I will believe they have the courage of their convictions regarding the climate change hoax! Until then, they can pay for all the marxist equity crap they are pushing until their fortunes are depleted; then I will start paying taxes!!!!

Freedom USA
Freedom USA
2 years ago

Education decisions should always be made locally and school boards should be held accountable by the parents.

David Whitton
David Whitton
1 year ago

So, Biden is a moron who never should have been elected and the media and corporate world should be ashamed at being complicit in trying to destroy the very country that gives them so much. I don’t think the Democratic Party is evil, I think they have a small majority of members that have a completely different goal for America, with a very loud voice who appeal to people who want a guaranteed life provided by other folks that actually work for a living. The biggest problem is the Republican’s are terrible at campaigning and are too nice. Politics is a dirty business, best performed by the Democrats. A government big enough to provide everything you want, is big enough to take everything you have. We are close to that tipping point. WAKE UP AMERICA. And as Margaret Thatcher said, “socialism is great until you run out of other peoples money”.

1 year ago

We all can do more to help our environment but there is no climate “crisis”. There are folks who stand to make a lot of money by pushing this “sky is falling” agenda. We need to make changes gradually and the smart way, by not ruining our economy and not being dependent on foreign resources.

1 year ago

wait. I thought you had to insert Critical race theology into the school before you could demand
climate change. Lets don’t forget the priorities here. After climate then teach reparations, then
Davos one world govt, then war on women, then legalization of all drugs. Do we have to cram it all
in this year ?

1 year ago

Why are we complaining ? We didn’t have to vote for Biden but we did. So live with it.
And , as much as I hate to say it, we will continue to underestimate him and watch him
thrash our ass in 2024.

President Donald Trump reviews the troops in Emancipation Hall of the U.S. Capitol during his Inauguration ceremony at the U.S. Capitol on January 20, 2025 in Washington, DC. Donald Trump takes office for his second term as the 47th President of the United States.
President-Elect Donald Trump gestures to the crowd after his victory rally at the Capital One Arena on January 19, 2025 in Washington, DC. Trump will be sworn in as the 47th U.S. president on January 20.
September 13 2021, Los Angeles, CA: President Joe Biden speaking at the VOTE NO event.
Jared Isaacman; NASA astronaut

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