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Make “White Supremacy” and “Racism” Make Sense Again

Posted on Sunday, February 12, 2023
by David P. Deavel

AMAC Exclusive – By David P. Deavel

It’s the day after Super Bowl weekend, and America is dodging a bullet. Philadelphia Eagles quarterback Jalen Hurts and Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes are both black. Mahomes is actually biracial, but according to both Confederate and Woke values, one single drop of black blood determines your black identity unless you are a Republican. Whatever. In any case, we will not be subjected to the absurd suggestion that a white quarterback should have lost the game.

Think that’s crazy? Well, two years ago, Patrick Mahomes and the Chiefs faced Tom Brady. Brady’s Tampa Bay Buccaneers won the contest… and social media was filled with the claim that Brady’s defeat of Mahomes during Black History Month was racist. Were some of those making the claim joking? People who’ve been alive in the last decade may hope so but will fear that all too many were serious. The cry of “racism” and even “white supremacy” in America has become the equivalent of the cry of “wolf” for the little boy in Aesop’s tale.

But what did Aesop know? Though the seventh-century B.C. storyteller was a slave, no one is calling for reparations for him because he is one of the dreaded and no doubt racist Dead White Males.  

Over the last few years, the number of things labeled racist in America has probably come to outnumber those things that are not racist. In addition to Tom Brady’s team defeating Patrick Mahomes’s team in 2021, the professional race mongers have told us that farmers markets, Dr. Seuss books, fireworks (the disparate impact of smoke, you know), dieting, France’s food, recommending the Mediterranean diet, bicycling, automatic soap dispensers, calling sweet potatoes “yams,” mispronouncing an Asian person’s name, specific fonts people type in, classics, professional wrestlers saying race does not matter, software monitoring students’ honesty taking tests, Princeton University’s honor code, the Thin Blue Line flag, roads and bridges, gas stoves, tough-on-China rhetoric, Johnny Mathis’s Christmas song, not postponing a football game sooner after a player is injured, casting black actors as bullies, the word “field,” English grammar, math, science, statistics, and technology are all racist.

Though the answer is no doubt obvious, a Norwegian study will determine if white paint is racist. 

This list is clearly not complete. But since, as professionals such as Ibram X. Kendi have told us, there are only two categories: “racist” and “antiracist,” we will eventually have to admit that all aspects of life that are “not racist” are really “racist.” That doesn’t leave very much of life.

It is tempting to laugh at such absurdities simply. After all, such claims are clearly nuts. What is even more nuts is the application of “white supremacy” to acronyms, urgency, eye-rolling, eating meat, the scientific term “quantum supremacy,” astrophysics as a whole (it’s also racist), bungling snow removal in New York, white people quoting MLK, working while sick (even if it’s Joe Biden doing it), being a white fan at a basketball game the day after black people were murdered, the viciousness of the Chinese Communist Party, 2+2=4, and Bernie Sanders’ mittens.

But while we should laugh in derision, we must firmly reject such ridiculous labels every step of the way. Simply observing that if racism and white supremacy mean everything, they mean nothing is accurate logically, but that’s part of the problem. This isn’t about logic. Labeling everything racist or white supremacist softens people up to more severe charges and follows from the larger message.

The L. A. Times, which published an opinion piece calling black talk show host Larry Elder the “black face of white supremacy,” recently published another essay co-authored by the first’s author, Erika D. Smith. In the second, she explains that white supremacy comes in all colors, not because non-white people can accept that whites are superior. No, it’s the old “systemic” business: “White supremacy is an ideology, a hierarchy of racial power that has been an integral part of this country since its founding, whether Americans want to acknowledge it or not.”

In other words, America, in both its founding and all its history, has always been a white supremacist. While she would probably deny the explicit statement, the logic of all these positions is clear: if you don’t want to be a white supremacist, you have to hate everything about America, for America is an irredeemably racist and white supremacist.

And it’s not just soap dispensers and Bernie’s mittens. It’s declaring war with Japan after Pearl Harbor; it’s the open carry of firearms; it’s black and Hispanic voters pulling the lever for the GOP; and much, much more. A few years ago, a leaked document from a teacher training in Iowa revealed that teachers were being instructed to treat “Make America Great Again,” colorblind approaches to race, and the denial of white privilege—among many other things—as “white supremacy.”

All of these are attempts at labeling not only conservative Americans but all things distinctively American as racist. Think this is too much? Last week, an Indian immigrant appointed to Virginia’s Board of Education by Governor Glenn Youngkin was voted out of her position for “white supremacy.” Her crime? She defended the U. S. Constitution and the Declaration of Independence while speaking out against socialism.

The Virginia vote was hot on the heels of the Disney Corporation’s release of a cartoon that claims that America was built on slavery, that Lincoln did not free the slaves, and that the country has not “atoned” for its racial sins. It also repeats the debunked “hands up, don’t shoot” narrative regarding Michael Brown of Ferguson, Missouri.

And given that it’s not just America that’s a problem but every aspect of western civilization, we can see why French food, math, academic honor codes, fonts, math, and science must all be demonized and abolished.

Americans are tired of this racial obsession for good reason. It’s divisive, disheartening, and self-destructive. Kids of all colors need to know 2+2=4 and learn English grammar. Scientists need to learn that scientific principles are not white supremacy. And Americans need to be able to see not only the dark sides of our past but also its glories. No nation can survive if its citizens are taught to see her as irredeemable and racist. And she certainly cannot thrive when her citizens of all colors and nationalities are constantly called names that represent natural evils simply for being human and American.

We will most likely not be subjected to foolish accusations of racism because of this Super Bowl’s quarterbacks. All the same, we need to work toward a society in which such absurd and destructive folly is unthinkable.

David P. Deavel teaches at the University of St. Thomas in Houston, Texas, and is a Senior Contributor at The Imaginative Conservative.  

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2 years ago

America has Alouettes kind on nonsense to go on to long. We have a hole generation of millennials who think this kind of thought is acceptable.

2 years ago

So true.

2 years ago

It’s a game,,,, do we really need this crap before the game!!!

2 years ago

Everything is racist, nothing is racist. Billions of dollars has already been spent welfare etc. So no more repartitions.

2 years ago

yes… sounds like you may 😉

2 years ago

“White Supremacy”, “racism”, etc, are dog whistles for people who constantly lose arguments due to their liberal left-wing leanings.It’s necessary to put them in their place and move on with life, because we have more important things to accomplish without all the “victim-speak”.

2 years ago

AMERICANS are fed up with racializing of everything! Thrilled for Mahomes – and Eagles QB! THEY’RE character shows in their play. Ok, they may have physical gifts, but they have worked their butts off to get where they are.


Enjoy your day!

2 years ago

I agree it is just a game. Guess being born an Italian, Albanian, Scott English American male
makes me racist and a white supremest. So be it.
My DNA test show I an 6% Nigerian. Guess that qualifies me for reparations. Still waiting to be cancelled.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
2 years ago

This is a very important article David, So many analogies can be made to help get a clear understanding of what all is going on with this leftist strategy of weaponizing the language in order to promote their corrupt agenda. The fundamental ideas that the leftists are presenting in every area of human endeavor , every opportunity that they see open , are as twisted as a corkscrew
I sincerely believe that they will not achieve a takeover of every aspect of life, and that those of us who think straight, who value and use good sense, and respect truth and the will of God , we will prevail, it will be a victory for us, not them. If an analogy is made with a ship accident and the ship is sinking, then getting into a lifeboat is not a choice, it becomes a necessity for survival . It is a very serious situation, there would be no time for any political propaganda, no time to complain about anything, The intelligent , responsible way to do things would be to do what is necessary to keep the lifeboat in proper order, to promote safety practices , to use good sense and respect the rules that are accepted for handling that sort of emergency in order to survive the situation. That would include keeping a spirit alive that would promote positive thinking .
It is very encouraging that it is possible
to make these comments to articles
such as this article through this AMAC forum. This is one way that intelligent, patriotic, responsible men and women can do their part in keeping the country on the right course. Having Faith in God helps, maintaining a clean sense of humor helps, overall those of us who have a sense of purpose and live by a code of conduct , who respect ethical principles, and respect a duty to the United States of America, to do what is right,we will prevail.
In the spirit of respect for truth, and for honor, honesty, integrity, courage and loyalty.

charles miley
charles miley
2 years ago

awesome, so grateful.

2 years ago

Sorry, stupid is as stupid does! I know that is a Hollywood statement, but it does have some basis, in fact. Also, you can’t fix stupid. It’s like being an alcoholic. The more stupid you drink in the worst, the circumstance until you hit rock bottom.The article is factual and outlines the situation; however, the stupid won’t understand it, and the only rationalization they will glean is its not my fault. You need to develop a common sense system that flags stupid every time it is displayed.The difficulty is we have stupid in office. Brandon actually said, “You can not confuse truth with facts,” and “You’re not black if you don’t vote for me!” How about that for STUPIDITY! The sad part is that he is the leader of the band.We have to call these statements and actions out every day with names, organizations, and contact information so they can hear some common sense and get a dose of hard reality!

2 years ago

Oh my goodness too much

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

Pushing their FANTASY WORLD on Racism and White Supremacy crap just like their FANTASY WORLD on
Green Energy crap.
Funny how we didn’t have this problem with PRESIDENT TRUMP or President G.W. Bush, or President Reagan.
ONLY when Clinton, Obama, and
DICTATOR Beijing biden started their Lie and turning people against each other for political gain using race as a tool for their narrative.
And DICTATOR Beijing biden preaches unity when all he does is intentionally tear our country apart.
As for the National Fascist League (NFL), I don’t watch that garbage since they are nothing but a tool for Fascist liberals political narrative and
NOT professional football.
Bottom line: NO Politics in Business and Sports.
ALL businesses and sports must be politically neutral if they expect to stay in business.
WE have had ENOUGH of this garbage.

Jillian Gordon
Jillian Gordon
2 years ago

Aesop was a black man.

Dr. Sylvia W.
Dr. Sylvia W.
2 years ago

Identity Politics is tribal Politics — and we know what happens to tribal societies, don’t we? Historically, they are doomed to fail. Yet, this divisiveness by race, color and ethnicity is systematically taught in our schools and universities under the banner of DEI and anti-racism. Its goal is the “fundamental transformation of America.” America, pay attention to this nefarious, anti-freedom agenda — because make no mistake, your constitutionally, God-given individual rights are in jeopardy.

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

There is ONLY 1 National Anthem and it sure isn’t the Black National Anthem.
Football like all other sports SUCK because they play WOKE politics which has NOTHING to do with sports.
When sports becomes actual sports again then maybe I’ll start watching again.
Until then, GOODBYE WOKE sports.

2 years ago

I stopped watching pro sports a long, long time ago in world far, far away place. I knew it as the home of the free because of the brave.

2 years ago

Although everything is not racist. But there’s a small amount that won’t see that and that’s a fact. I’m getting up in age so I know that I’m not racist and I’ve got a lot of black and Latino friends that are not racist , they feel like I do. So we as a nation should quit trying to divide us.

2 years ago

Gosh , and don’t forget how Spartucus was made a slave as mentioned by that one Senator. Oh, and also the Irish whom have been dropped from the slavery column . That is reverse racism at its finest.

mike schenck
mike schenck
2 years ago

So who actually wasted their time watching a WOKE NFL promote more racism? By watching you are essentially agreeing and paying the salaries of those racist, woke, NFL players and employees. Used to be extreme sports enthusiasts, now 3+ years later, HAVENT watched a minute of any sports on TV. While flipping channels, I saw the end zone marked with the “End Racism” quote, so continued to change channels. ITS sad, that 1. corporations are still promoting the BIG LIE 2.

2 years ago

It’s snowing outside this morning. Snow must be racist. Lol!!! Pure insanity.i should spray coloring over my whole yard so I don’t offend anyone. But what color would be acceptable? Again, it’s pure insanity.

Dennis Belotti
Dennis Belotti
2 years ago

Patriots, As a progressive white male I have to agree that “White Paint” is indeed rascist ! I have it on good authority that the Socialist Biden Administration is deeply involved with enacting Federal laws the will forbid walls from being painted white. To insure this end all homes and public buildings must re-paint to black or brown . This will be enforced by the FBI who will conduct unannounced mass home inspections after hours. America will have all of 7 days to comply.
We must move forward and stamp out “White” paint.

2 years ago

I haven’t watched a pro football game in 7 years now. I haven’t watched a super bowl for more years than that. I quit super bowls when the half-time shows became porn and even trashier than the previous shows. I have never missed them.

James Kehoe
James Kehoe
2 years ago

By declaring everything is racist and white supremacy reigns, then it gives you an excuse for not trying to make it in our society. That is what Systemic Racism really is. The people that preach systemic racism what to keep it that way.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

Were it possible to turn the clock back how many would like to live in pre Colombian time That he was white says something that no one now would dare to point out

Corbin L Douthitt
Corbin L Douthitt
2 years ago

this is getting old. White men are ‘racist’ until someone who is NOT white wants a job, a loan an OPPORTUNITY. If we ignore everything that WHITE MEN have done- we are then living in mud huts, tents and caves. We walk everywhere. We kill animals for their skins for clothing and eat the meat, while cooking over an open fire made from buffalo dung. This all a part of the Left- keep us divided into small, loud, ineffective, groups- angrily shouting at each other while the Left is creating a new world order of Socialism, in order to achieve their goal of total Communism for the planet.
Voting Democrat is treason.

Ann S
Ann S
2 years ago

It’s a way to eliminate the white race. They are already claiming that the blacks build America.
Everyone did black white brown yellow red.
This brainwashing is increasing suicides among our young people en de COVID vaccin dies the rest. Young men are fallen down dead and no one is noticing it. Their plan is to eliminate the white race that way they can rule unopposed over the blacks brown and red.
The elite have a plan. Hitler started it and they are finishing it.

George Washington's Admirer
George Washington's Admirer
2 years ago

‘Song of the South’ netted Disney more than $17 million when it toured theaters a second time. People are still buying it. Amazon is selling ‘Song of the South’ DVD Deluxe Edition. Seems like when something is censored it is wanted and bought more!

David Slaughter
David Slaughter
2 years ago

Bold, true and uncomfortable. But we have to face it and work hard to destroy the attempted indoctrination of a nation that is a leader and example of industry and respect for human beings.

Jan Satterfield
Jan Satterfield
2 years ago

It’s all a plan to divide us into as many groups as they can. We are all AMERICANS or are we?Being AMERICAN was and should be standing up for your fellow countrymen because we all have GOD ,FAMILY AND COUNTRY AS our foundation as a given to everyday life. It’s suppose to be helping each other make this the greatest country in the world to live in.It’s because we were all so lucky to be blessed by GOD to let us live our lives in freedom. ALSO EACH DAY WE THANK GOD WE SHOULD THANK THOSE MEN SOME AS YOUNG AS AGE 15 THAT ON DDAY GOT ON THOSE BOATS KNOWING IF THEY GOT OFF THOSE BOATS ALIVE THEY WOULD DIE BEFORE THEY GOT TO THE BEACH. WE SHOULD EACH DAY NEVER EVER FORGET THOSE MEN THAT DIED SO YOUNG AND NEVER GOT TO LIVE THEIR LIVES ALL TO LET US LIVE OUR LIVES IN FREEDOM.

Terri Matson
Terri Matson
2 years ago

Well, I am sure glad to know how many ordinary objects are racist. I suspect that someone somewhere would be happy to call me a racist for any number of my opinions. So, what happens when every white person is automatically a racist no matter what they do, say or don’t do or say?

Perhaps all the “racists” stop caring about being called a racist? Maybe they stop donating to causes that call them racists? Maybe they don’t hire that person of color because the employer prefers to hire people who doesn’t automatically hate him or her? Maybe when a white person wants to buy a car or a house, they pick a white or Asian salesperson, so they don’t have to deal with someone that hates them for being white. There are consequences for being a hate-filled name-calling fool.

Abe Lincoln
Abe Lincoln
2 years ago

The good news, the Marxist Democrats have pushed this baloney so long, we are all finally fed up with it.

MAGA 2024——-take back our great country from the Leftist Crazies!

Walter Rose
Walter Rose
2 years ago

WOW! I am amused that all the cries of racism comes from those who support Professional Sports which is essentially the Modern Plantation System. I watch no sports anymore due to the racist you vs me attitude and unsportsmanlike and improper behavior. Why is a separate ‘Black National Anthem’ necessary? If you want inclusion you can’t demand separate conditions.
We live in one country, one flag, one anthem! We pledge allegence and fidelity to these and should be proud to do so. If you cannot, GET OUT! Go find a place that you set up your Utopia. At 73 , I am truly impressed but greatly saddened buy where we have fallen to.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
2 years ago

Ease off and let the Black quarterback and his team win. ??? Why have the game. ??? Kyle L.

2 years ago

if the left didn’t hate the constitution so much they would realize it says ALL men are created equal.

2 years ago

Fifty years of progress in racial relations and harmony have been destroyed by BLM, woke mentality and the Obama presidency (which is actually in its 3rd term). In the 60’s blacks rightfully wanted equal rights, opportunities and integration. That has evolved into separate national anthems, tv stations and programs, holidays, etc., etc., etc…….. Instead of integration they are demanding reparations. Many blacks have become more racists than confederate slave owners, they no longer want to be equal and united, now they desire to be separate and superior.

Fred Lor
Fred Lor
2 years ago

And don’t forget academic excellence in say mathematics is racist! Being uninformed, ignorant, or just stupid and dependent on government handouts is not racist. And become A willing comrade

2 years ago

Light hearted approach to difficult and true situation. My questions are: if we are a nation of racists why are so many illegals coming into the country (disregard terrorists and cartels folks) and if these non racists folks hate America and true Americans why don’t they pack up and move to the countries the illegals are vacating. Seems like a solution to me.

2 years ago

The term “racism” has been used to describe people, bridges, streets, highways and anything else the race baiters and liberals disagree with. In fact, I pay no attention to it. It now has no meaning whatsoever.

2 years ago

The real racists are the hosts and commentators on msnbc.

2 years ago

We have been working on our supposed racism for centuries now and, according to some black people, it will never go away and whatever we do is never enough!!! I am anxious for the time to come when even the most generational anger will be gone!! I’m especially concerned, though, by those who basically refuse to let it go!! They are the ones like Al Sharpton who only want to profit from the racism that they scream about and they only scream about racism is to keep it going, keep it as a source of income for them!!! But I fail to see how highways or mathematics are in any way racists!! That is going to the absurd!!!

Deb Rockwell
Deb Rockwell
2 years ago

We should offer a “renounce your American citizenship” status. You can immediately be paid out on all the SS money you paid in, but must forfeit your SS card, leave the USA, are no longer entitled any benefits of being a citizen, and can never re-apply for citizenship again. Wonder how many “USA haters” would jump in? Call their bluff. Once and for all.

2 years ago

I’m so sick of being discriminated against because I’m “white” and it’s been going on for a long time! . . . Back in 1974, I got discriminated against on a job interview with Southern New England Telephone for a yellow page sales position that was top of the Union pay scale $120. I took a test with at least 70 people and was the first person “interviewed”. I got the highest mark, a 96, but didn’t get the job because of “Affirmative Action”. They had to hire a minority who got a 70 on the test. That job would have changed my life completely! It just shows you what happens when you let “government” dictate what’s best for a private business! So today at 75 years old, I’m still working! And as long as I’m healthy, I’ll continue working!

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
2 years ago

Along with the word equity, these terms are part of the American communist, better known as “progressives” effort to divide us which will make it easier to conquer. The word equity is their word for making everybody the same which was part of Marx’s tenet, a classless society. That means everybody except the rulers are poor, not better. See the USSR.
I started studying communism decades ago but when I tried to read Mark Levin’s “American Communism” for more than 5 minutes without wanting to rip somebody’s face off.

2 years ago

I’m just sick of the democratic corruption, Donald Trump was a good American president that loves this country and it’s people. All they did was harass him constantly and unfairly. Now we have a senile president along with his corrupt puppet commie administration finding the best way to destroy this country and the middle class. I wonder how many terrorists have entered this country unknowingly and God knows who else. As if this country doesn’t have enough crime and homelessness as it is. Criminals are let loose to terrorize innocent civilians only to be let out time and time again unaccounted for their actions. This country needs Republican leadership to bring back some sanity to this country as well as law and order. The highest crime rates occur in democratic run cities and they keep on voting for the same corrupt candidates every time to repeat the same behavior. Insanity is voting for the same democratic candidate and expecting different results.

2 years ago

I had the pleasure of attending some classes at the University of St. Thomas in Houston many years ago. It is an institute devoted to universal truth and learning. I am delighted to see that Mr. Deavel is a member of the current faculty.

2 years ago

Blind acceptance of these notions is only pushing the USA into becoming a third-world country and the only ones who will be happy then are the same ones creating this mess. There’s no equity in their goals just a takeover of all resources for their benefit. They created problems in those Central American countries which in turn caused the mass migration incentives to come to the USA. As long as there are communities of the “Haves” this will never end.

Steven Coughlin
Steven Coughlin
2 years ago

Who in their right mind cares what skin color Hurts and Mahomes are? Can they play? That’s all that should natter. Thankfully, sports remains relatively based on meritocracy.

donald a colongeli
donald a colongeli
2 years ago


2 years ago

Very good article, thank you

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