America cannot allow political violence to be legitimized. But the plague is growing, pushed by reckless voices who think it serves their ends. It does not, as long as we believe in stable, secure, representative democracy – pursuit of “life of life, liberty and…happiness.” As mobs grow, we need to oppose all political violence. That may sound tough, but in historical context it is true.
The left wants to redefine what is permissible, just as they have redefined boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, mothers and fathers, blurred legal and illegal immigration, legalized illegal drugs, car-jacking, and other felonies, defunded police and left many to fend for themselves.
That approach – ever and always – leads to chaos. Pick your period of history, it is always the same. Legitimizing political violence produces an abandonment of learned norms, mass heartbreak, ricocheting injustices, random and targeted crimes, a breakdown in the civil order.
Think French Revolution, Bolshevik Revolution, rise of Brown Shirts in pre-WWII Germany, the normalization of thuggery, skullduggery, and destruction of property and peace from Kosovo and Lebanon to Venezuela and unstable African countries, from Sudan to Afghanistan.
Moreover, redefining street violence as political speech violates every legal and historical tenet for which the flag stands. It is utterly unconstitutional, violates hundreds of federal and state statues, and cannot be allowed wing. Giving political violence a nod is a fast track to anarchy, splits republics from within.
What political violence does is create a vicious cycle – based on public fear, distrust, and self-preservation. It represents a turn to darkness, away from constitutionalism, to the view that government and rule of law are failing, self-help, vigilantism, and private justice justified.
Permitting political violence to go unchecked corrupts society, erodes public trust in government, which ignites resentment, defiance, and a sequence of private and public actions that accelerate the mayhem.
Failing to deter political violence – with a clear, nonpartisan, unified political voice – creates wild social oscillations, fear and chaos to crackdowns and suppression, then back, until a state of regular disorder, personal terror, human exhaustion, and society-wide lawlessness dominate.
In this vacuum, abusive leaders rise, along with opportunistic criminals. A normalization of the abnormal, immoral, and lawless occurs – until the entire social order is in chaos, awaiting more chaos, a strongman dictator, or ideological (or ethnic) blame-casting, followed by horrifying acts of villainy and retribution.
America has long labored to stay out of that snake pit, consistently and proportionately deterring and stopping political violence, political corruption, and actions that sow fear, distrust, and spawn violence.
We must sit up straight and take stock of where we are. We remain – for now – a largely safe, secure, and stable representative democracy – or republic. But crime, disrespect for police, borders, and law, public corruption, lack of accountability, and excusing criminality on crazy social theories – has an effect.
We are sliding from longstanding norms that kept society cohesive, safe and free. The urgent need is for all political voices – in rough harmony – to say clearly: Political violence is not permissible, not legal, not American; respect for laws, law enforcement, and our Constitution is what keeps us safe.
Bottom line: Political leaders who permit, encourage, or turn a blind eye on political violence – from the riots of 2020 and 2021 to wilding in urban centers – and attorneys general, governors, mayors, or prosecutors who fail to enforce the laws – are promoting the rise of chaos, undermining society, and are fundamentally anti-American. That may sound tough, but in historical context, it is absolutely true.
Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.
True words, indeed. And the present day Commie infested DemocRat Party has morphed over the past century (or longer) into a nightmarish set of political abuses, lies, and betrayals to the American citizenry … with few excerptions throughout the aforementioned time frame. Americans need to go out and vote to insure overcoming the precision DemocRat rigging of elections if we want out Nation’s political and legal rights to return to and remain democratic in form and truth.
So true but I’m a Afraid that we are slipping into it.
There was political violence from the right. There has been continuing violence from the left and most of it is political. The Civil War was not civil. What is needed is a tall, calm, smart USA president. Reading about how Abraham Lincoln handled his time in office helps us understand what could happen. Let us pray for improved leadership.
Notice how almost all your historic examples are from socialist, communist or other authoritarian style regimes? That’s NOT a coincidence. These types of governments have long relied on the directed or targeted use of political violence to achieve their political objectives. It is certainly no different now in a number of Democrat run cities and states across this nation today. On any given day, there are multiple examples of the some Democrat politician or Democrat supporter in the media or community activist community advocating for the use of violence as a means to obtain a desired objective.
To date, the response from our side has been tolerance to the extreme with many victims along the way. However, as a strategy, that only tends to encourage more aggressive and frequent acts of politically motivated violence as the left experiences no downside to their actions. You are correct that a lack of a proper response to this engineered chaos is actively undermining society as whole. That is the specific intent of the left in this country in order to create the conditions favorable to the wholesale transformation of this nation into the socialist ideal they crave.
See the 2020 riots the Floyd riots alone did same thing & J6
Goes Both ways
Great story, truth rings out soooner or later. It’s hard for me to understand what people see at the end of this tunnel. All I can do at this point is stand. My advice to all that would listen. Is to pray. Now.
Democrats/leftists are just violent people. they can not defend their ideas so they resort to violence instead.
When someone quoted the pope to stalin, he asked ‘how many divisions has the pope’? In like manner the demon party is well aware there is no strong force arrayed against them, so the romp will continue. Moral suasion has zero effect on the amoral. Only fear of consequences does. We can be sure that armies of orcs stand ready to act as needed.
Political violence at Capitol on Jan 6th is the worst example of some people thinking that this was just a peaceful protest. What happened on Jan 6 was wrong & was not the Left.
Pretty obvious that political violence is only allowed by left wing groups. ANTIFA is still doing its thing in seattle, BLM and ANTIFA were allowed to run for weeks without much push back from the police and NONE from the DA or their cities, same went for everywhere else too. Its clear it open season when they get rolling. I expect the next round will be targeted at the suburbs this time. That where eveil whitey and his evil whitey family live making evil whitey plans to enhance his whiteyness
Although it won’t happen. IF the rule of .308 is applied The riots will be short and sweet. But it won’t and therefore they won’t.
If they stay on public roads and don’t mess with anything or anyone. and cause no trouble It will be fine, they can yell and bang drums all they want. But these are easily steered and not very smart people
If they are peaceful? Well we can;t have that can we? The Government will insert people ( Like ray epps) amp it up to get whatever narrative they want,anything up t o killing people if they have to.
However this time NONE of it WILL EVER be live streamed. You will ONLY GET THE OFFICIAL NARRATIVE.
This is no longer a free country. Prepare accordingly
It looks a lot like communist revolutions of decades gone by.
Without God and. Spiritual revival, it’s only going to be chaos.
Amen to your post, RBC!
Excellent article.
charles has no issue with the j6 political violence led by trump and thousands of his minions, charles sucks