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Leftists Defend Those Who Won’t Allow Conservative Parents to See Them or Their Grandchildren

Posted on Wednesday, December 28, 2022
by Outside Contributor

My last column, “Why Many Conservatives Won’t Be with Their Children or Grandchildren This Christmas,” dealt with the issue of parents whose left-wing adult children have cut off all contact with their parents because the parents are on the Right — children who will not even allow their parents to have contact with their grandchildren.

One would think that any person with a functioning conscience and a normal human heart would feel for these parents. As I wrote in the column, if the roles were reversed — that is, if a right-wing child severed all contact with his or her parents because the parents were on the Left, I would feel awful for those parents and condemn any conservative child who did such a thing.

Here are three of the many typical comments from conservative parents and grandparents (from

Vermonter: “Sadly this is a nationwide trend. Neither of my college educated children have contact with me anymore. Yes it’s painful, especially regarding my grandson. I have apologized for offending them, to no avail…”

Dmckinleyp: “Dennis, this is so timely. Things were bad enough between me and my two daughters, first after I volunteered for the Tea Party and then when I supported Trump. Then my daughter and her husband — who was raised by Leftists working for the federal government — had a baby. She wrote me a farewell email saying she never wanted any contact with me again. I will never see my lovely granddaughter. I am sending her presents and hoping to proceed without confrontation, but prayer is about all I have left.”

GS69: “Yep. I’m in that boat. My youngest daughter — a graduate of Evergreen State College in Washington(!) and my sister, who went to Harvard and volunteered for John Kerry years ago, stopped talking to me when I voted for Trump…”

The column was apparently forwarded to many leftists and discussed on various left-wing websites.

Even though I believe that the further left one goes, the more likely one is to be mean, I admit to having been surprised at the cruelty, even sadism, that characterizes left-wing reactions to my column.

I assumed that the dominant left-wing responses would be either that I exaggerated how widespread this problem is or that many conservative children act the same way.

My assumptions were wrong.

Nearly every one of the many left-wing responses I read — both on right-wing and left-wing sites —supported the left-wing children who deprive their parents of contact with them and with the grandchildren.

Here are some typical left-wing responses (from a conservative site, American Greatness):

yung god money stax: “… conservatives are whiny, mean little people and their kids don’t want to listen to their racist, homophobic, sexist bs any more or let their kids be around that crap.

Dennis Prager’s butthole: “This might be the dumbest article I’ve ever read anywhere.”

Loona Chan: “I’m sorry Mr. Prager, you cannot claim after 6 years of Trump being the leader of the Republican Party that ‘meanness’ is not a central component of the current Republican project. Republicans now make being as offensive and disregarding of other’s humanity paramount to their political rhetoric… When a parent on facebook ‘jokes’ about inflicting violence and even killing trans people and their children or grandchildren happen to be gay or trans, I think it is perfectly reasonable to no longer want to associate with that person…”

Austin Tucker the_dster694: “There is not an ounce of tolerance in conservative circles. Tolerate the intolerance is what you’re asking, and we won’t.”

BartonsInk4: “I’m pretty sure I speak for all of the children who’ve cut off their parents when I say: 1. We don’t f—ing miss you. At all. 2. We should have done this years ago.”

Of the nearly 1,000 comments on American Greatness, most of them are like the ones quoted here.

Then there are left-wing websites. I’ll cite two examples.

The first is the feminist site, Wonkette, which headlined:

“Won’t Someone Think Of All The Bigots Who Won’t Be Invited To Christmas This Year?”

The article goes on to say: “People who vote Republican right now…(hold) views that are hurtful to actual human beings, who may or may not be their children, their grandchildren or friends thereof…it is quite easy to imagine that conservatives would freeze out any relative, parent or not, who belonged to one of the various groups they are currently mad at. We know for sure they have a tendency to throw their LGBTQIA+ children out on the streets…

“…apparently ‘parents’ are the only people God demands conservatives be nice to…”

“…conservatives who just go around believing everything Tucker Carlson and Dennis Prager tell them are frequently very angry and thus perhaps not the world’s best dinner guests at Christmas or any other time…”

“It seems highly unlikely that the parents being frozen out of Christmas dinners are those who ‘just happen’ to vote Republican, but rather those who insist upon torturing their relatives with QAnon conspiracies…”

Then there is an atheist website called OnlySky, which in its own words, “explores the human experience from a secular point of view.”

Its headline read: “Conservatives are upset their kids don’t want to spend Christmas with them: Dennis Prager believes we’re all obligated to spend the holidays with parents who embrace right-wing cruelty”

The author fully defends left-wing children who break off contact with their parents and prohibit the parents from seeing their grandchildren. For example: “If you care about your health, then people who reject vaccines and spread conspiracy theories about COVID…are literally putting lives at risk. All of that’s before we get into banning books, denying election results, whitewashing history, denying science, demanding more guns in more hands in more places, and believing whatever other lies FOX hosts shove into their heads…”

“Why invite people with dangerous views into your home voluntarily? That’s especially true if you have kids. Parents want to protect their children, and that may mean protecting them from their grandparents’ cuckoo bananas beliefs.”

The author of the piece is identified as “the founder of, a YouTube creator, podcast co-host, and author of multiple books about atheism.”

If you have a woke child who talks to you, give him or her a hug.

Dennis Prager is a nationally syndicated radio talk-show host and columnist. His commentary on Deuteronomy, the third volume of “The Rational Bible,” his five-volume commentary on the first five books of the Bible, was published in October. He is the co-founder of Prager University and may be contacted at


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1 year ago

What ever happen to not talking about politics or religion at family gatherings? It seems, by these comments, that these Leftist children feel no “responsibility” towards their parents, at all, no forgiveness for parent’s “short comings”, no love toward their parents, not thankful for what they were given as children, and my list goes on… The comments talk about hateful thoughts of parents, which mainly revolves around what they see as “religious intolerances”, as if, what their parents “have no right to have,” but many of the comments I read were very hateful. If the parents are Christians or biblically religious and no not think, LGTB+ and abortions are all “OK”. The Left is Tolerant of Sinful people and actions, but not tolerant of their parents’ right to their own feelings and biblical/religious beliefs!

Michael J
Michael J
1 year ago

The destruction of the family is on full display. Divided on invisible lines, the lefts agenda of breaking what God has made is undeniably obvious. Redefining marriage, male, female and ultimately family has finally mutated into reality.

1 year ago

So sad that so many are so blind they cannot see how blind they are in their ignorance! The left has destroyed a person’s ability to understand truth!

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

To keep children from seeing their grandparents over differences in politics is the most ignorant thing.
Only the STUPID do that.
Children must hear Both sides of the story so they can not only THINK for themselves but also to LEARN
lessons in life.
Otherwise, you have ONLY the Braindead thinking from INDOCTRINATION and your children will continue to go ‘DUH’ with parents supporting their children going ‘DUH’ just like them.

Letts Brandon
Letts Brandon
1 year ago

Ironic that those who have thrown out all the norms of civility and nature would accuse the up holders of truth of cruelty.

GT Patriot
GT Patriot
1 year ago

Obviously, as usual, We need to get a case to the Supreme Court to solve this. If congress could get off its butt ( and it can’t) we could pass a Family Rights Act.

1 year ago

The irony of them saying conservatives are intolerant so they can be intolerant. The left has always been the party of narcissists.

1 year ago

A wise man once said “If you could reason with a Democrat there wouldn’t be any Democrats”. This is especially true today!

tom B
tom B
1 year ago

isn’t it always the case that the left accuses the right of things the left is doing. The childish comments speaks volumes about these people. Very sad.

1 year ago

These folks will eventually pay the price for their intolerance. After, they are raising their children to be intolerant, and what do these parents think their kids are going to say when these parents need some help? Good riddance, you won’t be missed…we don’t need you any more!!

1 year ago


Norman Keller
Norman Keller
1 year ago

i had a friend, known him for 70 years. when he found out i supported Trump he ended the friendship.

1 year ago

I see the dead hand of far left university indoctrination in this. Send a mostly normal kid away to college at great expense and get one of these back. It’s heartbreaking but we did it to ourselves by letting college and even high school ‘authorities’ poison our kids. That and yearning to be juniors buddy. This tragedy is much less frequent in old fashioned families where the parents are judgemental. We must learn from this in the time we have left.

1 year ago

Wow!! Many people have bought into the idea that we conservatives are enemies of the state. Unbelievable!!

1 year ago

This is really very sad when parents & their children are so worked up over politics that they do not want to bury the hatchet. This is another example of the division in US & has gotten worse & worse in the last 20-years. This was a goal of Communism in the 1950s & many are falling in to this trap.

1 year ago

Several thoughts come to me after reading this. Leftists live in constant fear of their thought pattern being challenged by common sense. The children will grow up to dislike if not hate their parents for depriving them of their grandparents. Find a great right leaning charity/organization to leave everything to in your will. I am so sorry that this is happening to you, but think about the kind of people that practice and encourage this kind of behavior. Their very souls are being eaten alive by hate, anger, vile, frustration and disgust with self. I guess we need to say a prayer for them and feel sorry for them.

Thomas G McGiLL
Thomas G McGiLL
1 year ago

I never talked politics when my children were grown. They would ask me who I voted for and would tell them that’s private. My son is liberal and two daughters are conservative. Voting should be private and don’t tell your feelings on social media. Talk to your friends who think alike, Put God in your life and show your children the way they should go and when they are old they will come back to their roots. God Bless and Blessed New Year!

1 year ago

Agree with one statement, that Tucker Carlson is a very angry person & seems to think everyone should follow his views. I guess that is what $30 million dollars per year does to some people.

1 year ago

It is heartbreaking to read some of the stories of family discord. If you don’t hear competing or differing sides of an argument it is very difficult to arrive at the truth. A good example is the issue of covid treatments which were available but discussion banned as well as the side effects of the so called vaccines. One other sorrow is that the children shunning their grandparents are setting the example for how their children will treat them when they are grandparents. As you sow, so shall you reap. Sad

Robert Dapper
Robert Dapper
1 year ago

Just sad to have such division. I tried to include my own liberal siblings with my children, but they chose their politics over our family. I now have 11 grand children they’ve never met. I would never exclude them from my family, but liberals simply cannot be inclusive.

1 year ago

One thing that liberals don’t like is to hear the other side of the story. Only their opinion matters. If you don’t agree with them then you are evil. End of story for them.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
1 year ago

Leftists are deaf and blind to their own corruption. And the main constituency is not “gay” in any sense of the word. They are vicious and use violence and intimidation to achieve their goals. At least some of them use the correct word that describes them; the Q in LGBTQ.

Ralph S
Ralph S
1 year ago

The fault of this new reality unfortumately lies with the “Greatest Generation”. Those who lived thru the hardships of the Great Depression of the “20’s & 30’s” then the rationing during WWII.
They came to follow the credo “I don’t want my kids to ever have it as bad as I did growing up…”
Consequently, they neglected to teach their kids, the meaning of “NO!”. Now, we have multiple “ME” generations completely devoid of tolerance or basic common sense. They have little knowledge of the sacrifices our forefathers made and little use for our Constitution or other laws. .Our “new” version of TRUTH. JUSTICE, and the AMERICAN WAY is “Do unto others before they do unto you!”
Heaven help us, for our politicians can’t/or won’t!

1 year ago

There are just too many Pharisees and not enough Publicans on the left these days! The self-righteousness in these responses is just sick!

1 year ago

Funny thing about those “conspiracy theories”…. They’re all proving to be true.

1 year ago

Luckily I have no ‘woke’ children or grandchildren….or even my great grandchildren so we all enjoyed Christmas together. And have much better things to talk about besides LGBTQXYZ or any of that other ‘woke’ crap.

Don G
Don G
1 year ago

These leftists’ quotes, once again, reveal their projection of their own character disorders onto others. Example: Their intolerance in “cancelling” those with whom they disagree – in this case, even their own parents.

1 year ago

When you speak of “… If the rolls were reversed …”. Foks on the so-called Right do not behave as the Left does. Why send your children to schools that preach such nonsense? We, in the USA, are losing our country and Western Civilization as well. look at the left’s behavior – hardly civilized.

Gabe hanzeli Kent wa
Gabe hanzeli Kent wa
1 year ago

All leftist deserve a two minute trial and five minute hanging.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

One sad thing is all us right wingers are dying off and leaving more of the lefties. . I know of a case in my own relatives that happened . Her kids has been brainwashed. Kyle L.

1 year ago

This is a terrible thing and it’s happening all over. I got my 2 grandsons just about every 2 weeks, I so looked forward to those weekends just getting to know the great outdoors. The last weekend I had them when we sat down to eat they said to me that they didn’t Ike president Trump ,I asked why? Their response was because he was building a wall to keep people out. Then I asked them some questions about their home. Do you have locks on your doors? Answer yes. Do you have a security alarm on your home? Answer yes. So I asked why don’t you remove your locks,throw away your alarms, and leave your doors open? Their answer was that the bad guys would come in. (Good answer even a 9 tear old kid understands this). Then I told them that we had immigration laws for our country it allowed us to let people immigrate legally. If they come here illegally they start out breaking the law first. That’s why they call them illegal immigrants. We want good people to immigrate here instead of just opening it up to bad characters to come here and do bad things to us. Their reaction was that’s a really good idea. That happens going on 6 years ago. I hardly ever see them anymore in spite of my pleas. One hardly talks to me the other one gives me a hug that lasts for a minute or more and says I love you papa I just smile at him and tell him I love him too. When I leave this 73 year young papa cries like a baby. I understand the pain all too well. I can’t hardly see to finish this. My daughter went off to college and came back different. I know what happened. All I can do is pray.

Todd Van Noordt
Todd Van Noordt
1 year ago

Very insightful

1 year ago

I grew up believing free speech, is only free if you accept the fact you might not like what someone says. everyone had a right to there opinion and beliefs. weather we agree or not didn’t matter in the past.Now just being a Christian, sets some people off.its not just what we “might” say that can set them off ,its what we think and believe now.I’m sorry this is effecting so many grandparents. The grandkids are the biggest looser.

1 year ago

The Bible tells us of these things.

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