AMAC Exclusive – By Aaron Flanigan

During January’s World Economic Forum in Davos, former Vice President and environmental activist Al Gore went on what was described as yet another “unhinged” rant about “boiling the oceans” and “rain bombs,” going so far as to make the preposterous claim that rising global temperatures will threaten Americans’ ability to govern themselves. “We have to act!” Gore shrieked. But after decades of similarly alarmist rhetoric and one unfilled doomsday prophesy after another, it looks like most people just aren’t buying it anymore.
In recent years, no policy area save perhaps “racial equity” has received more attention, more money, or more mass hysteria from the left than climate change. In fiscal year 2022 alone, the World Bank Group spent a whopping $31.7 billion “to help countries address climate change”—a 19 percent increase from the previous fiscal year. In 2019 and 2020, governments and intergovernmental organizations reportedly spent $321 billion, corporations spent $124 billion, and private investors spent $8 billion in the name of defeating climate change.
Yet despite the left’s full-fledged campaign to convince Americans that the world is on the brink of destruction unless they greenlight colossal socialist bills to “reimagine society” like the Green New Deal, most people have responded with a collective shoulder shrug. In poll after poll, climate change falls low on the list of issues Americans most care about. In a December 2022 Gallup poll on Americans’ most important issues, the environment was tied for last, with only three percent of respondents mentioning it among the most important problems facing the country. Meanwhile, issues like dissatisfaction with government and inflation continue to dominate the focus of most Americans.
Likewise, a February 2023 Pew Research poll found that “Dealing with climate change” ranked remarkably low in a list of Americans’ top priorities. Climate change was also similarly seen as overwhelmingly unimportant in last year’s midterm elections. According to CNN, despite last year’s “major climate change legislation, that issue ranked last among the seven issues CNN asked about.” As even the left-wing Los Angeles Times bluntly put it in a fall 2022 op-ed, Americans simply “don’t care about climate change.”
Part of Americans’ apathy toward the so-called “climate crisis” is likely due to the fact that the left-wing expert class has been unsuccessfully forecasting impending environmental catastrophe for more than half a century. In 1970, The Boston Globe reported that “scientists predict a new ice age” by the start of the 21st century. In 1978, The New York Times said there was no end in sight to the then-30-year global cooling trend. Americans were told by various supposedly authoritative sources that oceans would be dead by 1980, rising sea levels would “obliterate” and “wipe nations off [the] face of the earth” by 2000, New York City would be underwater by 2015, the Maldives would be completely submerged by 2018, children soon wouldn’t know what snow is, and Britain would become Siberia by 2024.
But the most well-known example of the left’s climate fearmongering in recent years comes from Gore himself. In his 2006 book-turned-documentary An Inconvenient Truth, Gore warned that global warming is “a true planetary emergency” and claimed that, absent “drastic measures” to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, “the world will reach a point of no return” by 2016.
Ultimately, the left’s failure to convince voters that environmental apocalypse is just around the corner does not mean that Americans do not care about environmental stewardship and safeguarding our planet’s natural beauty. But by now, it has become clear to the American people that the left’s environmental fearmongering is a trojan horse with which to impose sweeping left-wing federal policies like the Green New Deal. As conservative commentator Logan Hall aptly observed on Twitter, conservatives’ concern for the environment is rooted in “beauty, nature, stewardship, [and] preservation,” whereas left-wing environmentalism is marked by “poverty, wind turbines, unaffordable [electric vehicles], [and] gas stove bans.”
In the end, for someone who has dedicated decades of his professional career to warning Americans about an environmental apocalypse that has failed to come to fruition time and time again—and almost certainly won’t anytime soon—Al Gore’s temper tantrum in Davos is perhaps unsurprising.
Unfortunately for the former vice president, the American people are increasingly seeing straight through his act. And after years of raking in millions of dollars off environmental hysteria, it appears Al Gore’s jig may finally be up.
Aaron Flanigan is the pen name of a writer in Washington, D.C.
Did they ever read about the boy that yelled WOLF?
The more they keep screaming the more we ignore them.
The sad part is, as you mentioned, that Algore, the lunatic, raked in millions spouting his lies. His personal gain however, is minuscule compared to the billions of dollars wasted by fools in our government bureaus and many misguided corporate officers who feared being “not with the program” and cost our economy to suffer.
All hysteria on Climate for laffs,
What will nuclear war do to Climate??
Al Gore typical Dem clown with Biden, Fetterman, Sanders
Why has this traitor not in prison?
The demo/socialists might just find one thing to say that people would believe if just once in America’s history they had told the truth. Demo/socialists are inveterate, skilled, practiced liars. Al Gore is at the top of the list of great liars. He only does or says things that will enrich his personal bank account.
Well, WHERE are the environmentalists with the INCREASING population of our country that throw trash everywhere, as they trample our diverse countryside??? Won’t these people be using our energy??? Our land for homes, our land for factories??? Where’s Gore’s OUTRAGE over this???
Well while most Americans may see through the deception currently known as “Climate Change”, that has NOT prevented Team Biden and the Democrats from enacting some of the most far reaching economic and social policy changes for the United States over the last 2 years related to promoting and funding the climate agenda. Virtually every single piece of legislation rammed through Congress over the last 2 years has contained pieces of the left’s Climate Change agenda. Most of the federal departments and agencies have a prime directive to promote the Climate Change agenda in virtually everything they do. The entire Inflation Reduction Act, a 2022 bill intentionally misnamed to divert the public’s attention from the true purpose of the legislation, provided $369 billion in new taxpayer funding, as well as a host of new taxes and regulations most Americans apparently know little to nothing about, to further advance this massive economic and societal scheme.
The entire forced push towards EVs to replace ICE vehicles is one of the many glaring examples of how society is being reshaped to accommodate a political agenda based on debunked junk science, while our economy is being made even more dependent on China as the sole source of many of the vital minerals and products associated with this global financial scheme. The author of this article does the public a huge disservice by focusing solely on the carefully crafted hysterics of Al Gore at the annual WEF gathering. That was pure theater being played for the cameras. The reality is Al Gore has become an incredibly wealthy individual over the last 20 years promoting a scientifically false narrative for huge financial gains. Al Gore has nothing to cry about having amassed a net worth north of $250 million dollars by shilling for the globalist types using “Climate Change” as their mechanism to gain more power and greatly expand their wealth.
The public is far better served if they instead pay attention to what is being done to reshape the country in the name of so-called “Climate Change” and focus less on the actors crying for the cameras and they laugh all the way to the bank.
Someone should slap Gore like they would an hysterical woman. Check out “Milankovich cycles.”
The 100,000 yr cycle where the earth’s orbit around the sun differs; the 41,000 yr cycle when the tilt of the earth axis varies; and, the 26,000 yr cycle when the earth’s wobble on its axis varies as it spins. These three things control the glacial and interglacial changes on earth. MAN HAS NO CONTROL OVER THESE FACTS! Be glad we are in a global warming phase as more deaths occur during cold glacial periods! AND STOP LISTENING TO AL GORE AND THAT GERMAN TEENAGER.
I hope Gore’s jig is up, it’s about time. Climate change is a money scam. The weather constantly changes, the climate cycles more slowly. Read Bjorn Lomberg and Gregory Wrightstone.
AGW has been a scam since the first Earth Day.
It’s funny, we went from calling it Global Warming to Climate Change…why? Because it was hard to convince anyone with half a brain that the planet was warming when we kept having record cold and snowfall. Heck, I remember watching a National Geographic Special on TV where they were searching for a lost B-25 bomber that went down over the Artic towards the end of WWII. Long story short, they found it and it was under forty six feet of ice. So when it went down in 1945 until it was found in 1990 whatever, there had been 46 foot of ice accumulation…now that’s Global Warming. The environmentalist figured out they had to call it something else, now it’s climate change, because look at all the record cold and snowfall.
These people are shameless, if it’s so important we reduce our carbon footprint then why is it that all these so called environmental activist are jetting around the world in aircraft that release more carbon into the air in one day than my pick-up truck does in probably ten years? It’s always do as I say, not as I do. Remember the late seventies when we were all told to turn down our thermostats to save energy? How many of the elite that were telling us to do this actually turned down theirs? I don’t know for sure, but I can give it a pretty good guess…NONE!
There comes a time when a little social disobedience can go a long way. Don’t buy into the hype, make up your own mind as to what’s best for you and your family. The government will change it’s tune when they figure out there’s no money in it for them. One of my favorite t-shirt’s say, “Know this, we are many, they are few, to fear death is but a choice, besides they can’t hang us all.”
May God continue to bless the USA.
“As conservative commentator Logan Hall aptly observed on Twitter, conservatives’ concern for the environment is rooted in “beauty, nature, stewardship, [and] preservation,” whereas left-wing environmentalism is marked by “poverty, wind turbines, unaffordable [electric vehicles], [and] gas stove bans.”
That’s an interesting way to put it, and I agree. We conservatives enjoy our home and gardens, while liberals are intent on controlling the way we enjoy them. They take our tax dollars so they can spend them on projects they deem important, likely toward an unachievable goal. If nature is left alone, it always recovers. It might take time or happen rather quickly, but nature sees to it that organisms will grow again. Dems can’t accept the fact that something can thrive without their manipulations. Too many loudmouths profiting on hot button issues.
As a life-long nature nut and self-employed horticulturist and landscaper, I’ve spent 50 years beautifying my properties and those of my clients. Their primary wish was to reduce the amount of lawn space, and replace it with flowers, shrubs, and trees that attract birds and butterflies, have fragrance and fall color, and increase property value. In order to support biodiversity, I plant lots of native species and rarely use pesticides. At the same time there’s less grass to mow, there’s also less damage to the environment in terms of applying fertilizers, pesticides, more seeds, and fuel for the mower. Leaves that fall on my property stay on my property.
While we have the right to live as we please, to an extent, there are assaults on the environment that any reasonable person, regardless of party affiliation, would agree should be addressed. If we can avoid polluting the environment, we should. If we can find ways to consume less plastic, we should. As a homeowner, it’s up to you whether planting a tree on the afternoon sunny side of the house to save energy is warranted.
In many conversations with acquaintances and customers, if we ever approached the subject of politics, they always assumed I’m a Democrat because I love the environment. I’m happy to explain that I’m also a businesswoman, and that I support policies that keep businesses thriving. In other words, a conservative.
I am a firm believer that those who predict something as this should be the first to act like it is happening. These people do not act accordingly.
From your mouth to God’s ears, I pray, “Flannigan.” Al Gore has become the Paul Ehrlich of the early 21st c. And Greta is standing just off-stage to take over his rhetorical position.
Check the “multiple layers of questions” letter to the editor of Chemical & Engineering News from Jan 23, 2012. Four questions needed then to be answered before throwing trillions of dollars at the “problem.” 1) are global temps rising enough to cause terrible change if continuing unabated and are there natural forces adequate to check them? 2) is global temp enhancement desirable or not? (with historical citation) 3) is the global temp increase man-made? 4) most importantly, can intentional government-driven changes in human activity able to ameliorate the “problem” if there is a problem? The answers to all four questions must be “yes.” And that’s before we spend a bunch of money.
We don’t know the answers, and we are throwing good money after bad in bankrupting amounts.
He has been a joke since like forever¡¡¡
Global Warming LIE is just that, a LIE.
The Sun, Solar Flares, earth’s magnetic field, Space weather, shifting of poles, and the earth’s core CONTROLS our weather.
Volcanoes affect our weather on a daily basis. Volcanoes put out MORE pollution in one day than humans do in one year effecting our weather constantly.
The earth’s core has currently quit spinning which effects our weather not to mention that the poles are shifting that effects our weather too.
If Global Warming was real, then why is England colder than Finland? Why is California having its first Blizzard warning in history in Los Angeles. Why has this and past winters set Record cold temperatures?
Follow the REAL SCIENCE and NOT the Fascist liberals lies of Global Warming.
The LIES of Global Warming are the same as the LIES told about the China Virus and the Borders are secured which are ALL BS LIES by the Fascist liberals.
The only thing that is Global Warming is the BS coming out of Fascist liberals mouths.
This man has made millions off the backs of America. he should be in jail. No such thing as climate control except to fill the pockets of the democrat party
This may be the biggest (and most brilliant) hoax ever perpetrated on the American people. All you have to do is follow the money and know the common ideology of these people (who should have zero credibility). Nearly all, if not all, of their doomsday predictions have proven false and will continue to do so. Who is so arrogant as to think they can actually control nature, when we can’t do a darn thing to change the temperature ( short of nuclear winter, but that’s another topic)? Unfortunately, people like the despicable Al Gore have fooled lots of people. A major red flag should appear both when the term “consensus” is used in science and when dissenting opinions are disallowed.
Amazing…I left a letter with “Contact” a few minutes ago, and BOOM! Here’s my comment.
How dare you for questioning the lefts hypocrisy? The statistics speak for itself, oh wait, nevermind.
Al also claims he invented the internet. Now that that’s debunked who’d believe anything he says, especially since he flies his private jet to his meetings. Doesn’t he think he’s adding to the problem? Oh wait he’s above the little people and they’re the ones contributing to the problem. Take a hike Al off a short bridge.
Every one of these losers that Lie about Global Warming fly around in their Pimp Jets spewing out more pollution than a commercial airliner jet.
Look at every flight that Flip-Flop Kerry and Hollywood Losers take…In a Pimp Jet.
And these LOSERS lecture us on their 2-Faced LIE.
Ask them why they aren’t flying in a Totally Electric Jet or Solar Power Jet.
California is sure glad “global warming” is alive and well tonight….right? We are still in an ice age…. going on 2+ million years with many interglacial periods. We are over due for 5,000 feet of ice on New York City (or however much the last one brought.)
The World Environment changes every 100 years, remember for years they never knew about an El Nina etc – 1 Earthquake eruption also sends more contamination into the atmosphere than all the vehicles in the World- 2nd when Earthquake in Indian Ocean NASA noticed the earth moved slightly were parts of earth was closer to Sun
Al Gore is a real idiot .
Every time there is a perturbation in the Earth’s climate, a mournful alarm arises to frighten the population so as to allow the politicos in power to cover up and hide some of the wealth and political power of some faction of politics. Years ago, global cooling was the rage of concern, follwed by concerns about glacial warming (and sea level rises predicted). And now it is global warming taking center stage. What utopian fear will be highlighted next ?????
Unfortunately, this censorship has been going on for some time. I agree though, there seems to be employees that enjoy using the censor method against certain comment authors.
All I need to know about climate change is that Gore has an oceanfront mansion in California and Obama has an oceanfront mansion in Martha’s Vineyard.
When I see solar panels on my house or a strong windmill which will not damage wildlife
in my yard I will then pay attention.
God is in control of the climate/weather!! To think that anything we do, on this earth, will change that is completely insane. He is the all powerful, sovereign King of Kings and Lord of Lords!!
What a waste of time and resourses to reduce the carbon footprint . Carbon dioxide is not a driver of climate.
This all about revenge from Gore for not electing him President. He lives in a house 5 times larger then mine. He uses 100 times more gas and ten times more electricity then me. Not to mention his jet setting around the world. But, he says my pickup truck is the problem.
I don’t like Al Gore but climate change is real and it will impose economic costs on all the nations. It already does. Obviously, we cannot shut down the economy but we need to gradually transition to greener sources of energy. If we do nothing, the costs of inaction will be astronomical for the future generations. And even though I do not have kids nor do I plan on fathering them, I want the future generations to do well too.
One thing the “climate experts” fail to have an answer for is even IF we could adhere to all of their requirements to “turn the climate around” and save the planet, how long before we could see any progress? The “climate experts” like Gore think of themselves as God and don’t see the link between God’s judgement and us turning away from Him. Only God can save this world because HE created it. Yes we have a responsibility to take care of this planet but saving it from a climate disaster is like trying to save the sun from burning out. Put your faith in God, not a government or climate elitists that have a great deal of money behind their agenda.
In the 1970s, the same “scientists” of today were screaming that an ice age was coming! By the year 2000, central states, like Missouri and Iowa, would be under 35 feet of ice! I was just starting college then and it scared me. Their story was in every major magazine, Time, Newsweek, etc. that we couldn’t stop the ice age because of pollution.To get the climate of Missouri by the year 2000, we would need to live in Mexico City, Mexico!They make their money by getting grants to study climate. Here it is 2023 and no ice age. No 35 feet of glacier ice. Lies to make millions then and now billions of dollars.
I wish the Algore would have a permanent case of aphasia.
Climate change is real! The way these political morons are handling it is Wrong !
Good, it’s all a scam. Just read hot talk cold science. It makes it perfectly clear that it’s simply not happening and that global warming is a big big lie!
I have always thought Al Gore was a money grabber! Have never had any use for him! This Pretty much sums it up! Thank you. I wish I could copy it so I could show it to my like minded friends and no minded others!!!
I’m glad to see that Americans have woken up and see the truth that the new green deal is just a scam big tax scam.
It’s no wonder Tipper kicked Al to the curb.
Libs are always looking for issues that will fund their politcal party coffers or their personal wealth.