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Larry Elder, Giant of Conservative Radio, Hopes to Save California as Governor

Posted on Monday, August 2, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive

Conservative talk radio giant Larry Elder recently announced his candidacy for Governor of California to replace Gavin Newsom in the Recall Election on September 14.

Born in Los Angeles in 1952, Elder has all the makings of a strong candidate. As a graduate of Brown University and Michigan Law school, no one can dispute his intellectual prowess, and indeed Elder has, over the course of his career, solidified his status as a leading conservative thinker. But what is perhaps most appealing to long-suffering California Republicans is Elder’s reputation for dismantling Democratic arguments day in and day out on his nationally syndicated radio show.

Undoubtedly, the Democrat attack machine – which loves to leverage a candidate’s racial identity against them – will also find it particularly difficult to slander Elder, an African American who happens to be incredibly intelligent, charismatic, and conservative. In California, the “woke” capital of the world, Elder’s life defies the liberal narrative on race. Rather than play the victim role Democrats would prefer to cast him in, Elder has risen through sheer hard work and determination from a modest background to become, in addition to an accomplished radio host, a bestselling author and recipient of a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.

Elder has frequently told the story of his father working hard in various janitorial positions to make sure his son could enjoy opportunities he never had. He believes that is the essence of the American Dream: freedom to work hard and benefit from the fruit of your labor. As Elder himself says, “My two brothers and I were motivated by the dreams and goals of my mother and my father—who always taught us this great truth: hard work wins. You get out of life what you put into it. You cannot control the outcome, but you are 100% in control of the effort. And finally, my parents taught us that no matter how hard we worked, how good we were, how we deal with bad things that happen will define our character.”

That used to get you places in California. The “California Dream” drew many to the West Coast. But that dream is increasingly out of reach for the average Californian—and Newsom’s policies have only made it worse.

That’s why Elder has had enough. As a lifelong Californian, he loves the state, and has seen how it has been run into the ground for decades, but especially under Newsom and his COVID regime. In many ways, Elder presents a formidable challenge to Newsom. And it seems Newsom is aware of this, because after Elder announced his candidacy, there was a last-minute attempt to remove him from the ballot by California’s Secretary of State that was eventually denied by a judge. In a statement following the incident, Elder said, “We fought the shenanigans of Sacramento’s politicians and we won. If elected governor, I will fight every single day for this state. This is just the beginning.”

Elder provides a clear contrast to Newsom on a host of issues—beginning with Newsom’s COVID response. Despite some of the most draconian measures in the country, California does not have significant better case or death rates compared to states like Texas and Florida, which allowed individuals and businesses to operate with far greater freedom.

California was also one of the worst three states for small business closure, with the number of small businesses in the state decreasing by nearly half since last year. To add insult to injury, Newsom was spotted eating at fancy restaurants with lobbyists (many of whom he’s awarded with juicy no-bid contracts) while regular Californians were on lockdown. And while everyday citizens couldn’t send their kids to school, Newsom’s were enjoying in-person instruction.

Conversely, Elder believes parents should be able to send their children to school, and that the schools themselves (which are among the lowest performing in the country) need to be amply reformed, including extending school choice to every Californian.

Newsom has also continued and expanded policies that essentially allow illegal immigrants to receive the benefits of American citizenship more than many actual citizens. Elder believes California needs to stop welcoming illegal immigrants who undercut California jobs and who studies show have contributed to a rise in crime and poverty.

Newsom’s crime policies have been particularly disastrous. He stands by a “no cash bail” system that has allowed countless violent criminals to return to the streets. Conversely, Elder has unashamedly voiced his opinion that violent criminals need to be in prison, not on the streets.

Elder has also repeatedly called for a shift in regulatory policy that would help alleviate skyrocketing housing prices in California. Under Newsom’s environmental policies,  the average cost of purchasing a home in California is now 150% higher than the rest of the nation.

Perhaps worst of all, Newsom has strengthened and given no-bid deals to lobbyists and cronies in the Sacramento pollical class that have only increased the vast income inequality in the state and led to scandal after scandal. Throughout his career, Elder has called out that very behavior, and has no connection with any of the existing elites. Under Newsom, the big corporations (including big tech) have only gotten more and more powerful, while millions of Californians, and thousands of small businesses, have been impoverished.

But can Elder really unseat an entrenched Democrat like Newsom? The political establishment in California would like voters to believe that because there are so many candidates running, it will be impossible to beat the current governor. And that might very well be true if Newsom were running against every other candidate individually – but he isn’t. Every voter will have to respond to two questions on the ballot. First, should the governor be recalled? Second, who should replace him? If more than 50% answer yes to the first question, then whoever gets the most votes on the second question wins, even if that person gets far short of a majority. However, if fewer than 50% answer yes to the first question, the second question is moot, and Newsom remains in office.

This means it is actually easier for Newsom to lose than most people realize. Recent polls show that Californians are now roughly split on whether he should be recalled. Just a few months ago, he was ahead in those same polls by almost 20 points.

If that momentum continues, someone other than Gavin Newsom has a real shot of becoming the next Governor of California. And it might just be Larry Elder.

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Hooray signed petition to remove Newsom

3 years ago

Elder is a breath of fresh air in Socialist California. If Newsom remains governor after the recall election, California will never come back to being conservative. That I’m sure will make Pelosi happy.

Patty L
Patty L
3 years ago


Wayne Peterkin
Wayne Peterkin
3 years ago

I wish Mr. Elder great success, but I think California is far beyond saving. The Governor can’t fix the problems in that state alone. The people elect the horrid state legislature as well as the local governments, and they are at least as responsible for California’s problems as any Governor. Newsome is horrid and needs replaced, but California’s problems go beyond him. Look at San Francisco and Oakland as examples. The population centers are cesspools.

3 years ago

I’d move back there, just so I could vote for him. He’d be a GREAT Governor for that wonderful State and he might even bring CA back to its glory days. Let’s put it this way. We’ve seen how much damage the dem govrner has done there. Give a Republican a chance. Bet everyone in the country would see the difference.

3 years ago

I pray you win. Like you end your show on Epoch Times…’We’ve got a country to save!’ And now..’We’ve got a state to save!’ I hope by now a majority of Californians are sick and tired of Democrat rule and will overwhelmingly come vote Larry in.

Lawrence Greenberg
Lawrence Greenberg
3 years ago

Mr. Elder is a man to be admired and respected. Good luck and G-d bless!

Steven Meisels
Steven Meisels
3 years ago

Larry Elder is a true American hero. He walks the talk and then some.

3 years ago

I hope and pray that Larry Elder becomes the Governor of California. He will make some real changes that will help the poor and so much more. Go LARRY!

3 years ago

Californication is a lost cause. The commies have won thanks to feckless Republicans that are in it for self interests only. Jerk offs like Adam Kinzinger, a vet my ass, Paul Ryan, a total fake RINO, Mitt Romney, a company busting and job killing plastic man, too many to list……

David Spade
David Spade
3 years ago

I have listened to Larry Elder on many occasions, and his knowledge, demeanor, and common sense is just what California needs right now. He has more going for him to help the residents of California than all the other candidates, combined. All the best to Larry for providing the leadership that the state needs right now!

3 years ago

I currently live in California and enthusiastically endorse Larry for Governor! … And yes, the state legislature will be a problem but Larry only needs to play the game that the Progressively Communist Democrats play and that’s to use his “Executive Powers” and just bypass the legislature as the Commies do all the time. And because he’s African American, he will garner African American voters from the Democrats. The real problem is that this election because of Covid will strictly be mail-in. So now you see what the biggest problem will be!

David Brown
David Brown
3 years ago

Larry E is just what Kali needs! We fled communistic Kali 10 years ago, and have watched it “circle the drain” ever since. Larry is a great guy in so many ways, but he’ll have his hands full dealing with all the crazies there. Good Luck, Larry!

3 years ago

We’re rooting for you Larry.????????

3 years ago

I will be praying for Newsom’s recall and Larry Elder’s election. I don’t enjoy going to California anymore since it is such a messed up state and it saddens me.

Myrna S Wade
Myrna S Wade
3 years ago

I hope there are enough plain people left in California to elect Larry Elder governor. Plain people are what is left when separation is made between woke elitists and the rest of humanity. If plain people still dream the American dream, they will rally and surprise the rest.

Norman Streeter
Norman Streeter
3 years ago

Hopefully, Mr Elder can begin to break the stranglehold that the four millionaire families of California has had on the state for many years.

Tom C
Tom C
3 years ago

California doesn’t deserve Larry Elder. I would like to see him come to Florida when Governor DeSantis moves into the Whitehouse in 2024.

3 years ago

congrats…go get’em mr. elder!

3 years ago

Larry Elder would be the best thing for California since Reagan left to be President//Any conservative would be a plus for the people other than the sleaze ball Gavin Newsom/Also it would be great to put Pelosi in a tent since she ruined San Francisco/ Go Larry Elder in this quest to make California as beautiful as it was approx. 30 years ago and hope the liberals move to Hollywood/

3 years ago

I am not from California but I would love to see Larry Elder become the next governor. He is talented, smart, conversive and cares deeply about the people he would represent.

3 years ago

About 10-years ago I read that if California was a country, it would be the 8th largest economy in world. What about now ??? Judges or City of SF have made shoplifting a crime if you steal +$950 worth & media is showing these thugs openly walking in/out of stores with stuff & therefore these stores are shutting down. What is wrong with that picture.

3 years ago

Love this man Larry Elder he is a true patriot he is just what California and a lot of other blue states need is a good patriot to run for Governor.

3 years ago

Great for Larry Elder, good luck and God Bless!

Peter Erenfeld
Peter Erenfeld
3 years ago

Larry you are awesome. We need more people like you in this country. Good luck????

Pete from St Pete
Pete from St Pete
3 years ago

Newsom has proven to be totally incompetent to govern and California is paying a heavy price for their mistake in electing him. Larry Elder is a breath of fresh air who could be counted on to put the state back on the right track. However, never underestimate the California masses ability to demonstrate their stupidity and repeat their mistakes.

3 years ago

All I can say is good luck. The state of CA is sanctuary city heaven and that needs to end immediately, and all the illegals need to be deported. Of course, that would lead to a huge decrease in its population but in the long run would increase CAs attractiveness to true Patriotic Americans and that would be a blessing for the whole country. Once again, good luck, you’re going to need it!

3 years ago


Steve R.
Steve R.
3 years ago

I started listening to Larry just after the LA RIOTS. I came upon his show while flipping stations. He was a Libertarian then. His message to the black community in south central was quit blaming everyone on else for your problems. Pull your head out, and take responsibility for your actions. No one else is going to do it for you. Of cottage so called black leaders did not like this and started the Uncle Tom name calling.
I have watched Larry evolve from libertarian to “Republitarian” to Conservative. He always stayed the course. I enjoyed when his Mother, the First Lady,” would call in. A very feisty Lady who pull no punches. His Father was the same way.
Being and endangered species, a native Californian nor in East Los Angeles, I too have watch a once great state fall to 3rd world status at the hand s Democrats in my 65 years hear. It is to the point that I am considering leaving. ( I am very conservative) Larry would be great for California but with a majority democrat legislator, he will hav a hard fight ahead of him but I think he’s up to the battle. Go Larry!

aluminum head
aluminum head
3 years ago

May the FORCE be w/ you, Sir.

Michael A Marra
Michael A Marra
3 years ago

glad to see him run…..has conservative values…straight forward speaker..appears to mean what he says and says what he means…I wish him well… I hope CA. has had enough of the PC nonsense ruining a once great state….streets now overrun by defecating drug addicts…can<t say or do anything without some splinter group calling you names etc. Good luck …..will be a tough road but he just might be the man to turn the tide….

Janet Poling
Janet Poling
3 years ago

That’s wonderful!!!

3 years ago

Larry Elder would be a great gov. However, no human can change the race to better behavior. We are all sinners, and because so many disobey God’s laws, He is and will judge us. Many are concerned about climate, but even no carb emissions from today wouldn’t help. God is in charge and predicts a day when the sun will scorch the race to the point people will shake their fists at Him. This was predicted 2000 years ago. Revelation chapter sixteen verse eight. Google it. The only people who will escape this and other tribulation are those who have asked Christ Jesus to save them.

3 years ago

If anyone can Larry can!

3 years ago

We need to pray for a fair election, in the recall, primary and general. It was by miracles that this nation was formed. It will require them to keep it.

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

He is a good and decent man and the people of California should give him a strong consideration, he will have the people of California in his heart and mind as Governor .
Elect Larry Elder, he will be great.

Carol Holzman
Carol Holzman
3 years ago

One of the best things that can happen to CA is for Larry Elder to become our Governor. The man has good sense, an intelligent mind and perseverance for what is right. Mr. Elder’s beliefs in “school choice” may begin to turn the tide on our dismal failure in educating the youth of CA. I am praying that CA is smart enough to elect Larry Elder!

3 years ago

I’m rooting for you Elder

Barbara Stricker
Barbara Stricker
3 years ago

God Bless Larry Elder! California needs some common sense and law obeying before it’s crippled…prayers for a successful win and governorship

3 years ago

IF Elder cannot do it the best thing for The Land of Fruits & Nuts would be for the San Andreas fault to separate and slide into the Pacific Ocean!

Richard T. Trow
Richard T. Trow
3 years ago

Hate the loos of Larry Elder on the Radio and the left will tearing him apart with his every word. As Rush always said that he was stronger on the Radio than he would be in a Elected office wish that Larry had remained on the Radio. He is a Great Voice with a Good understanding of the Left Wingers.

Dail Jordan
Dail Jordan
3 years ago

Letter to Mr. Larry Elder,
Although I’m a Nevadan, it is so refreshing to find that you will run for governor of California,
I am truly hopeful that you will crush Newsom as he is a loathsome gangster and kin to “the joker” Poor California has the possibility of being a great leader among the states, again; but not with current leadership,

3 years ago

If i lived in California , i would vote for Larry Elder. Larry has plenty of common sense . He has great memory . He’s on the right side of the moral divide . He would definitely be better than Nuisance .

3 years ago

Go Larry!

Ed J
Ed J
3 years ago

I currently reside in the Peoples Republic of ☭alifornia here on the Left Coast.
We are hopeful that Governor Gruesome will be recalled, and the greater the landslide vote, the greater to message to the Libtard mob. Recent letters to the editor in left leaning newspapers (sorry, Fake News-papers) from several left leaning liberals state they are getting on board the recall because of Governor Nuisance’s failings in so many areas that adversely affect our citizens. Gee! A novel concept! Democrats FOR Recall!
This recall will be successful if a lot of the “woke” folks do, in fact, WAKE UP! It will take a wide coalition of citizens across the political spectrum to make this a successful recall.
There are so many wannabes running to replace the Gov. A good number are doing it for their own ego trip, others for the opportunity to get visibility before the voters for their possible future political ambitions, and refreshingly a few like Larry Elder who would be a genuine “solution” to many of the “problems” here in our State.
I did not know about Larry Elder until his court fight to be placed on the ballot was publicized.  Thank heavens a judge saw through the politics and directed California’s Secretary of State to place him on our ballot.
I will be voting for the recall and for Larry Elder to become our next Governor.

3 years ago

Larry, I’m prayin’ for ya. There should be more Republicans like you. Sure we would be in a better place.

Henry Crum
Henry Crum
3 years ago

Save California, I don’t think he is God. If he could make it just a little better it would be a great accomplishment.

3 years ago

“Woke” up to the the best news…Larry Elder has Defeated Gavin Newsom.
Theres’ hope for the Golden State.

Edna Gorman
Edna Gorman
3 years ago

Mr. Elder, I have been listening to you on the radio for years. I find your views & experience exemplary. I wish I was able to vote for you, I strongly hope CA makes the right choice. All the world must strongly, firmly, openly, “peacefully & patriotically make our voices heard” & we must support everyone who is fighting for the entire world’s Freedoms.

May God bless you always Mr. Elder,

3 years ago

The dems are starting to sound desperate with the LAT now calling for changes to the recall process and demonizing Elder as an enemy of democracy in order to “scare” people into voting for Newsome.

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