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“Laptop From Hell” Book Reveals The Dangers Of Big Tech & The Biden Family

Posted on Tuesday, January 4, 2022
by AMAC, Parker Bono

Miranda Levine’s top-selling book “Laptop from Hell” contains many shocking revelations that reveal the dangers posed by both the Biden family and “big tech” organizations such as Twitter and Facebook.

To begin, emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop reveal that Hunter’s business associates have bragged about their relationships with “senior political figures” in America. According to a leaked document regarding a proposed multi-million deal between Hunter Biden’s SinoHawk company and the China Energy Fund Committee (CEFC) titled “Key domestic contacts for phase one target projects,” Hunter agreed to utilize the contacts that he developed due to his relationship with his father, Joe Biden, to advance his personal investments. As Miranda Devine points out in the book, the leaked list of Hunter’s domestic contacts includes Democrat Senator Chuck Schumer, Democrat Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, Democrat Senator Amy Klobuchar, Democrat Senator Dianne Feinstein, and then-Senator Kamala Harris. The document also lists the then-Mayor of San Francisco, Gavin Newsom, as a “key domestic contact” and “Hunter’s friend.” 

As the book explains, Hunter Biden helped to expand the influence of the Communist Chinese in the United States by offering services to the CEFC. In exchange for “introductions alone,” Hunter was rewarded with an annual salary of $10 million and a massive diamond ring estimated to be worth $80,000 by Ye Jianming, founder and chairman of the Chinese-linked CEFC. It is important to note that Jianming was arrested in March of 2018 for economic crimes in China. Jianming’s lieutenant, Patrick Ho, was also arrested by the FBI in November of 2017 for allegedly bribing government officials in the countries of Chad and Uganda, as well as laundering money. 

Lastly, Devine’s “Laptop from Hell” book confirms that Joe Biden did indeed seek a 10 percent stake in a proposed deal between Hunter Biden and the CEFC. Leaked emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop show that Hunter sought a 10 percent equity stake “for the big guy” in a proposed business venture. To quote the email, “At the moment there’s a provisional agreement that the equity will be distributed as follows: 20 H, 20 RW, 20 JG, 20 TB, 10 Jim, 10 held by H for the big guy.” According to Hunter Biden and Jim Biden’s business associate, Tony Bobulinski, “the big guy” is Joe Biden. To quote Bobulinski, “Hunter Biden called his dad ‘the Big Guy’ or ‘my Chairman,’ and frequently referenced asking him for his sign-off or advice on various potential deals that we were discussing.” During a meeting between Bobulinski and Joe Biden’s brother, Jim Biden, Bobulinski asked Jim, “How are you guys getting away with this? Aren’t you concerned that you’re going to put your brother’s presidential campaign at risk? You know, the Chinese, the stuff that you guys have been doing already in 2015 and 2016, around the world.” Jim Biden laughed at Bobulinski’s questions and responded by simply saying, “Plausible deniability.”

Hunter Biden’s laptop also allegedly contains evidence of Hunter committing a multitude of crimes. For this reason, the laptop has been dubbed the “laptop from hell” by Donald Trump. To quote Trump, “The laptop from hell…you look at that thing, there’s more criminal activity on that laptop than Al Capone had if he had a laptop…He was a baby compared to what I was able to see.”

Despite the above facts, Hunter Biden’s wife, Melissa Cohen, recently claimed that Hunter’s “laptop from hell” does not exist. Back in November, Hunter and his wife were confronted by a reporter who asked, “Hunter, did you get your laptop back?” Cohen responded by saying, “It doesn’t exist.” It should be noted that Cohen’s claim can be easily refuted as the FBI seized possession of the laptop in question, and multiple emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop were independently verified as authentic earlier this year. 

Even though Hunter Biden’s laptop is real, mainstream media outlets and “big tech” organizations such as Twitter and Facebook have worked to censor and discredit all references to Hunter’s “laptop from hell.” In fact, Facebook manually limited the reach of posts by the New York Post leading up to the 2020 presidential election, and Twitter locked the New York Post out of their account in October of 2020. Twitter also blocked all Twitter users from sharing links to articles from the New York Post that reported on Hunter Biden’s laptop. After the election, the then-CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, admitted that the company made a “total mistake” by censoring the New York Post. Big tech’s censorship of the New York Post and those who attempted to share their reports was nothing short of election interference. 

White House press secretary Jen Psaki was recently confronted with the revelations outlined in Devine’s “Laptop from Hell” book when she was asked to “confirm that the laptop is indeed authentic, and not Russian disinformation, as you seemed to suggest on Twitter last year.” Psaki snarkily responded by saying, “As it relates to the book, I’ve neither had the time or interest in exploring or reading the book.”

Regardless of the mainstream media’s overall refusal to cover issues relating to Hunter Biden and his “laptop from hell,” the matter is extremely important. As AMAC has previously argued, Hunter Biden deserves to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law for his corruption and the multiple crimes he has committed. 

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Ken Westenkirchner
Ken Westenkirchner
3 years ago

I read the book…if true, the Biden crime family should b in jail..influence peddling, illegal ownership of a weapon by a convicted felon, borderline incest etc.Connect the dots with the current world situation

3 years ago

Good book and well worth a read. The laptop has been in the FBI’s possession for over a year now and neither the FBI nor the AG seem to have any interest in either investigating or prosecuting any members of the Biden family for any of the various crimes that were documented by Hunter. Yet another example of the two-tiered justice system that has taken root in our country. That alone should be frightening to everyone that keeps calling for “the government to do something” about anything related to various Democrat politicians who have broken the laws over the years and just escaped any legal consequnces.

One also has to remember, as it seems AMAC chooses to forget in the closing paragraph of this article, that everything Hunter Biden did was in service to his father. No one was offering Hunter Biden any of these lucative deals, because he was either well qualified for the job or had any unique incite to offer. The sole reason any of the various “business opportunities” were offered to Hunter Biden was because Joe Biden was selling the influence of his office and Hunter acted as one of the the glorified bagmen in the family (Joe’s two other brothers also raked in money on shaddy deals) to collect and distribute the funds to Joe and the rest of the family.

Last time I checked, it is still illegal to sell one’s public office in exchange for deals where you will benefit financially. The contents of the laptop clearly shows Joe Biden was getting his cut of the money being collected. So just to be fair AMAC, you should be calling for not only Hunter to prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law, but the rest of the Biden family, Joe included, that also shared in this money. It seems AMAC pulls too many of its punches. I guess this is how AMAC plans to stay out off the Democrat’s hit list of lobbying firms to shut down.

3 years ago


Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Biden wanted Big Tech “Federalized” for censoring etc dont know if it occured but scary
Me Im for busting up Big Tech: Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Amazon
(AWS) etc
See Ma Bell model

3 years ago

why isn’t this family behind bars!

3 years ago

   “Fact Checkers I have a Small Chore for you”
   ( Why was there so many people at the CAPITAL Jan, 6th??? )

( 1 ) The story is Vice Pres Biden flew his son to Ukraine, and his son was slam dunked into a CEO of the Energy Company there. Ukraine started to question it with an investigation, but was forced to stop the investigation???

( 2 )Trump was elected US President, he started to check on it, and democrats of the house stared impeachment procedures on Pres Trump? So was democrats legal for the impeachment President Trump???? “1st reason for so many people Jan 6th was at the CAPITAL” 


( 3 ) Democrats rallying the “BLACK LIVES MATTER MARCH” business’s being destroyed and people losing their lively hoods!!!!! 2nd reason for Jan 6th ( OH AND IF ALL BLACK LIVES MATTER ) There was an off duty BLACK LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER died trying to save a friend’s business, with very little talk about it?????   “ 2nd reason for why so many people Jan 6th was at the CAPITAL”

( 4 ) The democrats across the United States Voicing TO DEFUND LAW ENFORCEMENT ????? 3rd reason for so many people Jan 6th was at the CAPITAL”

 Democrats pushing the rights of “NONE CITIZENS BEING ABLE TO VOTING” OK! hold on a minute before you jump, we have a few states that allow Democrats rallying none citizens to vote in city and state elections, ABC, CBS, NBC had clip it seams New York is looking at doing the same thing.

The $64,000.00 question is, if any of these NON CITIZENS just happened to vote in an election for a US President, (WHAT RED FLAG WOULD POP UP????) They are state registered voters!!!!!!   

From a concerned citizen and vet that took the same OATH of OFFICE as all City Elected, State Elected, and Federal Elected take to PROTECT OUR CONSTITUTION (AGAINST ALL ENEMIES) (FOREIGN ) ( DOMESTIC )  


3 years ago

The whole damn family needs GITMO, not just the “Big Guy” or dopy Hunter. Lock all of them up!

3 years ago

Just notice the difference between how Trump and his family were treated. Now all of this is virtually ignored. Our whole society is infected with evil on the left.

3 years ago

It’s a shame we don’t have a working judicial system that should be going after the people involved. Sadder still is the behind the scene blocking, covering and sneaky controls in place that are shamefully being used against this nation. I am surprised, the lap top has not been destroyed or dumped (not that I know it has not)…and that everything verifiable in that lap top has not been published some where, some how. The FBI, DHS, and U.S. Attorney General are failing this country on so many levels now, we as a nation will soon be a mere ghost of it’s former self. Why are the republicans, and others who say they are soooo concerned not doing something? My guess is they have a chip in the game. Pure politics. Nothing more, nothing less.

Spade David
Spade David
3 years ago

Slime balls…. Hunter, Joe and all of the Chinese contacts. It is disgusting that the DOJ has done nothing with this information. These are things that make democracies collapse. The bid tech companies should be held accountable for deceiving the country by lying on the O’Bidens’ behalf, and censoring people who know the truth. It would not surprise me that this laptop is in the ocean off the China coast placed there by our own FBI. No wonder no one trusts this federal government.

3 years ago

Those of you who are hoping the Republicans (If they flip the house) will do anything to make this a priority and lead to the arrest, and impeachment of the “Branden” family, will be extremely disappointed. They like Hillary will likely escape any punishment they deserve; the swamp is deep and devours those who try and drain it.

Sharon Ormsby
Sharon Ormsby
3 years ago

Just bought the book. After I read it, I’ll loan it to my mom, who voted for that slimeball. I still can’t believe she voted for him just because she bought all the hoopla from the media. I told her they were altering the news stories, but no, she wouldn’t believe me. Doesn’t matter, I majored in journalism. Doesn’t matter, I went on and became a nurse. Doesn’t matter, that I recognize ethics and can tell ethics. Doesn’t matter, that I saw the full stories and told her where to find the full stories. Oh well.

Donald L Schmidt
Donald L Schmidt
3 years ago

Hunter deserves to be prosecuted for the laptop, unfortunately as a democrat he will not be.

Jim Whitney
Jim Whitney
3 years ago

I really wish I could buy this book, I can’t find it anywhere and I tried to pre order it and all the book sites said not available for preorder and it sold out immediately.

Rebecca Johnson
Rebecca Johnson
3 years ago

Well if you have the evidence, why is this allowed. Why aren’t they being arrested for treason. Or colluding with the enemy. How much do have to find before something is done.

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

We have lost America, it has been put on the trash heap by the Democrats, the Attorney General, the FBI, and the News Media, the news media has become little more than a mouthpiece for the Democrat Party and all that work in Big Tech. and the all-powerful Teachers Union, who are educating your Children and Grandchildren. When children of people like Senator Ted Cruz can be turned against their father, we no longer control the direction of America, and the sub-enablers like BLM (Black lies Matter) ANTIFA (Arrogant Nurds, Turds, Idiots, Freaks, A$$holes) Plan not to be a Parent. If you think that America is still a free Country, you just watch and see the results of next year’s Election, the fix is in, and Chief Justice John Roberts and his gang will not do one damn thing about it because they will not get invited to parties for free cocktails any longer. When you have one political party that is allowed to make up the rules as they go along, they will just change the rules.
Then we have the freeloaders that will vote away their God given rights and Constitutional rights just so they can set around and use dope all day and make more freeloaders too keep the system going, you tell me just who on this Earth is going to come to our aid.
All that’s left is God and Guns, be prepared to defend yourself as the police are being ham strung.
God Save America!

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

AMAC, don’t bother approving my comment, by the time you approve it will be buried in the comments and have no impact!

3 years ago

I have read all the comments below, I could add so much more but all it becomes is words as nothing will ever happen “law-wise” to these crooked people. Makes a person wonder from the daughter’s own words in her diary what the “family drama” was–pull it up on Google, read the diary in it’s entirety, I did. Sounds to me like the Biden family is mental, drugs, sex, and scamming the American people. I would change my name if I was related to that family.

Victoria Kramer
Victoria Kramer
3 years ago

Why can we share some article on FB and not others AMAC?

3 years ago

We already knew the Bidens were in bed with China.

3 years ago

The attoney general of New York state issues a subpoene for Ivanca and DonJr to be questioned about Trump’s business dealings, there are hundreds of January 6th trespassers in the DC jail held without bail or due process guarenteed by 6th amendment of the constitution “to a speedy and public trial”, while Hunter, Joe and the rest of his family live the life of luxury with obvious criminal activity being totaly ignored by the FBI and the Biden’s Justice Dept..
Why/ Because the MSM and social media Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Google have the power to ignore and lie. They along with the corrupt Democrats should be targeted and held accountable.

Kim J B
Kim J B
3 years ago

It don’t matter….Nothing is going to be done.

Rallying America
Rallying America
3 years ago

Hunter Biden, Jim Biden, snd most importantly, Joe Biden are all criminal traitors and should be put in front of a firing squad!

Alice P.
Alice P.
3 years ago

OK, I am a little confused after reading the link connected with the laptop under ‘seized possession’. The article seemed to be referencing the link of Hunter Biden with China Energy Fund Committee (CEFC) but in the last paragraph there seems to be a disconnect and mention of ‘no wrongdoing’ by President Joe Biden regarding policy with Ukraine. Is this somehow related to China or a misprint?
(“Investigations by the press, during impeachment, and even by two Republican-led Senate committees whose work was decried as ‘not legitimate’ and political by a GOP colleague have all reached the same conclusion: that Joe Biden carried out official U.S. policy toward Ukraine and engaged in no wrongdoing. Trump administration officials have attested to these facts under oath,” Biden campaign spokesman Andrew Bates said in a statement.)

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
3 years ago

I get mcensord on all comment articles on AOL. Kyle L.

3 years ago

The Biden family can be easily summarized in one work (“crooks”) and embellished by a bunch of negative adjective found in the English language (liars, creeps, thiefs, misdrepresentatives, cheats, Democrats, embezzlers, frauds, lawbdreakers , untrustworthy, unreliable, greedy, copy stealers…. to name a few).

3 years ago

I suspect you’re referring to a possible impeachment of Joe Biden. Don’t expect the likes of McConnell and McCarthy to go that route. I already heard a couple of sitting Republican members of Congress state today that neither congressional leader is in favor of that option. Both are telling their members that should they get control back of both houses of Congress, they should just plan on returning to normal order and NOT seeking to remove Biden from office for any of his unlawful actions.

3 years ago

When the News Media blocks anything that they cannot source or identify its creator, it is propagandizing … in favor of the Commie Democraps.

3 years ago

Any honest rational reader of this article is simply bias blinded if they can’t understand why most citizens in this Nation have come to an honest belief that “crooks” pretty well defines the character and honesty of the Delunaware Biden family. It is going to become more and more apparent .. and I predict Buck Fiden will not be POTUS for much more that one year from today. The general voting citizenry of the Nation is becoming aware of Joe Hidin’ Biden and his family and their deceit, crookedness, and deception. Biden is a near perfect example of how bad things can be in a rigged election’s result.

Douglas Hess
Douglas Hess
3 years ago

No surprises here

3 years ago

What about all his senate and governor friends and the big guy? Let’s go Brandon!!

3 years ago

I don’t know where soros found jen sucki but he must be paying her well for her misdeeds

3 years ago

Joe Biden is so corrupt, it is scary. He and his family have been stealing from the American tax payer for far too long. Let’s face it, he thinks we work for him. Hmm, we work for them?

3 years ago

Why has our government leaders become corrupt. It is called money and until we have Term Limits and put a cap on salaries and benefits we will continue to have the same . Look at the wealth in Pelosi and Finestine. It is disgusting and we as the poor American tax payor is going broke trying to support government and illegals.

3 years ago

i am thinking the people in power are all part of organized crime, using lawyers and the law to steal the truth. They have had decades to refine their methods. Funny how it seems to link to old Chicago politics.

Sean Richman
Sean Richman
3 years ago

Why not call the big guy”chairman biden”as an honorary jib jab.

Rocky C Collins
Rocky C Collins
3 years ago

I’ve had this thought that the American people, you know, the ones that actually support this country’s government should have our very own lobbyists to represent us in Washington D.C. There’s just one issue that keeps coming up though, we already financially support these lazy and greedy libertines! We already pay for their livelihoods to represent us, their constituents! Lobbyists should be outlawed, the IRS should be abolished, the “BAR” should be outlawed & Lawyers should not be allowed to run for or obtain office. This would alleviate much of what ails us.

Orville Figgs
Orville Figgs
3 years ago

There are 2 video tapes of Pedo Joey bragging about extorting Ukraine with $1 billion. That should say it all.
Why does everyone forget those?

3 years ago

Started reading Laptop from Hell and only put it down for a few minutes to check my mail! It’s amazing how these people get away with everything, but us average Americans would be sitting in a jail cell right now!

3 years ago

We all know there needs to be a change. We also know that nothing will ever happen to Hunter Biden or anyone else it this corrupt administration until there is change. Only the American people can make that happen, and only when they get fed up with all the BS…God help us all until then.

3 years ago

The FBI belongs to the DemonRats, else, they would have put the Bidens in prison already. The FBI probably destroyed the laptop to save Joe and Hunter.

3 years ago

They all belong in prison for life. That includes all the big shots in the FBI FDA CDC fakebook twitter and on and on. These are my daily prayers

3 years ago

Everyone involved should be charged, prosecuted, and sentenced to prison, at the very least.

Ellis Darby
Ellis Darby
3 years ago

Paid for an order of this title at Books-A-Million on 11-30-21.
They continue to say it’s on backorder.

Bill T
Bill T
3 years ago

POTUS is a disaster and completely corrupt and compromised, not only is this the absolute worst administration our country has ever had (and it’s only year one) our adversaries are right now doing everything and anything they could have ever dreamed of and I’m sure they are, actually BIDEN is cooperating and helping them along . Our new WOKE military is the laughing stock of the world and a total disaster. Hunter Biden went from a paid off sleazy sneak to an highly accomplished ARTIST overnight? This country cannot withstand any more of this disaster of leadership without severe consequences. Yes corrupt elections do have consequences and there more than obvious right now. I could keep on going but I think by now this country understands our future is in harms way unless something changes ASAP.

3 years ago

I hope no one here is waiting for the GOP reps to do anything about any of this. Sure, they’ll go on Fox News and spout off, but nothing but crickets after their sound bites. Who is holding any of these disgusting poor excuses of human beings responsible. Besides this book, when was the last time you heard anyone other than FN actually even mention the laptop. For all intents and purposes, Cohan’s claim is accurate, the laptop doesn’t exist. We all keep waiting for the “midterms” or 2024, but what irreparable damage will be done by then? It might behove all of us to prepare for endings that are not as we hope they’d be. If unabashed history was still being taught, or if those out of school had any inclination to actually read, follow the path and similarities of the downfall of this country with the rise of National Socialism in Germany in the 1930s. Three more years is too long…….

3 years ago

Pelosi’s money came from all the inside information she gave to her corrupt financial husband.
That’s how they got so RICH. CORRUPT ! ! !

Ramona Brigmond
Ramona Brigmond
3 years ago

I will donate or join AMAC if you send it again by mail. I do not like donating on computer
Thanks for all you do.

3 years ago

It’s way past time to clean out FBI& DOJ as they are bought and controlled by corrupt big tech and deceptive and lying politicians. These people should have been arrested years ago!

Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform Rep. James Comer (R-KY) participates in a panel discussion at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) at the Gaylord National Resort Hotel And Convention Center on February 20, 2025 in Oxon Hill, Maryland.
Shiri, Ariel and Kfir Bibas, who are believed to have been killed while in captivity under the terror group Hamas in Gaza.
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