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Knowledge or Wisdom?

Posted on Friday, August 16, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

What you see when you look around is knowledge; what you see when you close your eyes is wisdom. Situational awareness, as we say, is important – not least for survival. But good judgment, rooted in understanding unseen things, makes us whole, or so we wish. 

These days, digital widgets, virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and layer-on-layer of machine learning, seem all the rage, things we must have, but they are not wise.

So, what is this wisdom, why does it matter, where do we go for it?  Good questions. It is the “long and winding road,” product of pain sought, lessons learned. Maybe it is mistakes made, humility in hurt, endurance when we could collapse, resilience facing the unimagined, not knowing yet hoping based on something deeper, curiosity in exhaustion, resilience in defeat.

Where does wisdom come from, if not living? Clearly from those who have lived before, converted hay to gold, written things worth reading, Helen Keller, Elie Weisel, Mother Theresa, a hundred saints, those who cared enough to convey how you spin gold from hay.

Even in politics, we find the wisest go to the Bible. Why? No volume contains more suffering and learning, more living and teaching, more loss, and more redemption when needed.

Do not trust me, for mine is just one opinion, but look at those who went there for strength, hope, and answers, then ask yourself if they found them. In our nation, Washington, Adams, Madison, and Lincoln, were those who led the Revolutionary War, and Civil War, and prevailed in two World Wars.

Wrote Theodore Roosevelt, who ended a pre-world war, the Russo-Japanese, linked two oceans with the Panama Canal, beat oppressive monopolies, saved kids from child labor, sailed the Great White Fleet, discovered rivers, explored Africa and wrote more than 30 books. He said: “A thorough knowledge of the Bible .. is worth more than a college education.”

Wrote Ronald Reagan, who squared away a nation, then the world, stabilized our economy, restored pride in ideals, brought evil to its knees, and quickened our pace: “Within the covers of the Bible …are the answers for all the problems men face.”

So, in an era of impatience and unkindness, envy and pride, when dishonoring others is a national pastime, anger is hard to hide, hope sounds like weakness, and love gets laughed at; when we think we are permanent, what does the Bible have to say?

Too much lies between those covers, but a peek gives a glimpse at the difference, how most of us live versus how we could, a look under the proverbial hood. Corinthians is a good start.

Are we wise with our knowledge, or just quick with a retort; are we headed somewhere important, or drifting? What are we forgetting that we might find? How about stuff we forget?

“Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, and it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.” How far away from that? For me, a long way.

Daily my eyes focus on news, alert to situational awareness, and try to make sense of senseless things, but that knowledge does little for wisdom. This is why, on occasion, I go to where TR and Reagan directed – and never am disappointed I did. “Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you,” proclaims Proverbs. Some days, I close my eyes and wish for the depth I am missing.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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2 months ago

RBC, the Bible is the instructions on how we are to live our lives on His Creation. As you stated, the Bible contains knowledge, truth, hope, peace, chastisement and judgement. It shows the history of the early times of this creation. It shows how man can easily fall into sin but also has the Hope when we follow Lord Jesus. It is our free will that gets us into trouble and God has given and showed us the Way out. Bring God and Jesus into our daily lives as He wants to be a part. There are still tests and failures, but God won’t give us more than we can handle.
Have a good weekend.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 months ago

There is no self help book or guide book that could replace or duplicate the Bible.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
2 months ago

The quality of wisdom ,combined with moral strength and courage ,I do believe is what Christ encouraged in his teachings.And the addition of Faith to bring together a way of life that is based on reverence for God. The story of the calming of the storm on the Sea of Galilee by Christ comes to mind to emphasize the importance of Faith in order for courage and other good qualities to follow. A story I just recently learned about is an example of. wisdom and courage combined .It is about Susanna Bolling in 1781 in Virginia ,she was 16 at the time British General. Cornwallis and British army units occupied City Point ,Virginia , her hometown . Susanna overheard a conversation General Cornwallis was having with other officers about a plan to capture General Lafayette who was 10 miles away. Acting on her own at night, she first rowed a canoe across the Appomattox River to borrow a neighbor’s horse then rode 10 miles to warn Lafayette of the plan Cornwallis had. Lafayette escaped , was not captured — because of the wisdom and courage of Susanna Bolling ,a 16 year old girl from Virginia with initiative ,courage and wisdom.

Dwight McCullough
Dwight McCullough
2 months ago

Thank you SIR! wonderful!

2 months ago

How timely an article is this. We have allowed whole generations to grow into adulthood with the assumption that there is only data. Wisdom is too often deemed to be unwarranted or prejudiced judgement. We oldsters know in our bone marrow that absent discernment, disaster is sure to follow. I risked being seen as an irrelevant old codger by my young and some have taken that road but it’s absolutely worth it for the ones who listened. I always started with minor and major mistakes. The former is buying the wrong car, the latter the wrong spouse. The consequences range from a few years of regret to a lifetime of anguish.

2 months ago

The Ten commandments is a summation of the Bible, and The Constitution of the United States IS an emulation of those Ten Commandments in recognition of the God-given natural unalienable rights of People. In a world of severe indoctrination in hate, immorality and deviates, love is a rare commodity to which hate is the opposite: unforgiving, impatient, untruthful, dishonest, and worst of all is not preserving or hopeful, but fully destructive—this IS the current condition of this country’s Deep State government. Vote Accordingly.

Steve Colin Zeigler
Steve Colin Zeigler
2 months ago

God gifted Soloman wisdom. He is the source. Light plus knowledge equals intelligence. Food for thought.

M. Angermiller
M. Angermiller
2 months ago

Thank you, Sir, for the reminder and the challenge! His Word is a sure guard.

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