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Kamala Practices Socialism Distancing

Posted on Tuesday, November 3, 2020
by Outside Contributor

KamalaMore than a million people have watched Senator Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) try to laugh her way through one of the most serious questions of this election. Would she bring her “socialist or progressive perspective” to the White House? In the “60 Minutes” interview that’s making plenty of voters queasy, Harris’s face freezes in stunned surprise before she cackles like she’d been asked the most ridiculous thing in the world. But is it? Not according to her own Twitter account, where — two days before the election — she shared her Marxist vision for America.

The post, which carries more than its share of risk, was a surprising move. After months of deflecting questions about his running mate’s extremism, Joe Biden will now have to spend the last 24 hours before the election explaining why Senator Harris is preaching “equity” over equality.” In the cartoon she shares on her feed, two men — one white and one black — are at the foot of the mountain. Only the white man can reach the rope and begins climbing. “Equality suggests, ‘Oh, everyone should get the same amount,'” Harris says in narration. “The problem with that [is], not everybody’s starting out at the same place.” She talks about the government giving everyone the same resources and support (read: redistribution of wealth) so that people can be on equal footing.

The backlash was almost immediate. “Sounds just like Karl Marx,” Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) argued. “A century of history has shown where that path leads. We all embrace equal opportunity, but government-enforced equality of outcomes is Marxist,” she insists. Congressman and former Navy SEAL Dan Crenshaw agreed, warning that this was “the false promise of the Left in one minute… They leave out the part where equity must be enforced with unequal — and tyrannical — treatment.”

For Joe Biden, who’s been trying to tamp down concerns about Senator Bernie Sanders’s (I-Vt.) influence on his campaign, this latest post is a disaster. In a townhall last week, even NBC allowed the former vice president to be asked about the Democrats’ push for socialism. “Do I look like a socialist?” Biden fired back. “Look, I’m the guy that ran against the socialist,” he argued — without acknowledging the very uncomfortable reality that his own platform was co-written by Sanders and included the most radical policies ever embraced by a modern party. He, like the rest of Democratic headquarters, is obviously praying no one reads it.

Even Harris’s smile faded when “60 Minutes” anchor Norah O’Donnell reminded her, “You’re considered the most liberal United States senator.” Harris shrugged, suggesting that Mike Pence had made up that label at the debate stage. To her credit, O’Donnell pushed back. “Well, actually,” she said, through Harris’s nervous laughter, “the nonpartisan GovTrack has rated you as the most liberal senator. You supported the Green New Deal. You supported Medicare for All. You’ve supported legalizing marijuana.” As Brad Polumbo points out on NRO, “Whether she embraces the label “socialist” or not, Harris’s stated agenda and Senate record both reveal her to be positioned a long way to the Left on matters of economic policy.” And if Joe Biden is elected, she is one step away from running the country — and it’s a smaller step than people want to believe.

As Donald Trump said in the final debate, it isn’t just Harris pushing these agendas. Joe Biden has moved so far to the Left that he might as well be in another zip code from the Obama years. “He wants socialized medicine,” the president warned. And it doesn’t matter if he says it or not. “His vice president… wants it even more. Bernie Sanders wants it. The Democrats want it. You’re going to have socialized medicine.” Don’t trust what he says, Trump warned. Trust his platform. Trust his running mate’s voting record. Neither of them, I guarantee, will strike you as funny.

For election resources that cut through the media’s noise, get the facts at Share the links of the Trump Accomplishmentsthe party platforms; the presidentialSenate, and gubernatorial voter guides; and so much more! Just because you’ve voted doesn’t meant you’re done influencing the outcome! Make sure your friends and church family have the tools they need to vote their biblical values!

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Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

Dems think we the People are stupid & buy the same gags theyve done since 1965,
Maybe some buy it, Many DONT
Its Just Games.
Only serious for Power & politics & we lose

4 years ago

Two things to think about before you vote if you haven’t yet.
Every preconceived utopia required a police state to keep it going.
The word Utopia translates as No Place.

Trump/Pence and Republicans all up and down the ticket.

4 years ago

She’s nothing for a communist terrorist and IS NOT a legal American citizen since neither parent was a citizen when IT WAS HATCHED

Concerned Republican
Concerned Republican
4 years ago

I continue to have an extremely difficult time understanding how and why ANYONE would vote for Biden/Harris. Biden has no clue what office he is running for, who he is to his grandchild, what team he likes, who he is running against and who Kamala’s spouse is – he has fumbled more times on national tv, how on earth can he handle himself with such an important role? Kamala is a pure evil, socialist, liar and I am not even sure if she practices any type of faith. Already, the Democrats are cheating at the Philadelphia poll sites by hanging Biden-Harris signs at the front door. I don’t get it, why can’t people see how bad this is going to be for he country, if Biden is elected. We all know, if Biden is elected, he will be deemed incompetent and Harris or Pelosi will be the next president. That simply can not happen!! I’ve been praying for our President and our country; please, we need all of your prayers. If 3 or more pray in HIS name, he WILL hear our prayers (HE always hears our prayers). Please everyone, pray for a miracle to overcome the cheating of the Democrats!!!

Roseann Riddle
Roseann Riddle
4 years ago

It seems only fair to cut the rope in half and hand each climber his or her half.

Glenn Lego
Glenn Lego
4 years ago

Regardless of what you point out to some people, their minds are like concrete, all mixed up and permanently set. And they refuse to be confused with the facts. Some people refuse to vote at all. They refuse to be under anyone’s shadow. If they don’t like America’s political system, why do they continue to live here? I am wondering if I wasted my time going to the Vietnam War supposedly to defend people like that!

4 years ago

I have some respect for Biden. Harris is VERY dangerous, evil and with her socialistic stance, if elected will be pushed on Biden. We will be in sad shape for years to come.

David Tompos
David Tompos
4 years ago

All great republics face the situation the USA is in now. It is up to the voters to decide what path we take. Praying that the election is free from fraud and “Chicago-style” shenanigans.

4 years ago

America as we know it will be forever gone if the left ever get enough power, it scares the HELL out of me to think about the demise of our form of government and our freedoms.
I have decided that 3:00 o’clock eastern time, that’s 1:00 MT to give thanks to Lord Jesus and God that they give the American people the power and wisdom to make the right decision for America. Please join me !!!!!

4 years ago

Any distance between Harris and me is excellent!

Josephine pooley
Josephine pooley
4 years ago

Keep putting the truth out there AMAC!

Alfred Blum
Alfred Blum
4 years ago

I saw her on 60 minutes this proved to me that she is a Marxist.

David Spade
David Spade
4 years ago

The Marxists will deny that label until the end. They want to give people everything to make everyone equal. It just doesn’t happen that way. It is confiscation of wealth and then redistribution to those folks who are deemed to have the least. Where is the incentive for able-bodied folks to work for a bigger piece of the pie? That is not what made this the land of opportunity!

4 years ago

I’m with the author up to a point. “Make sure your friends and church family have the tools they need to vote their biblical values!” Okay, fine. But don’t ignore the influence of those of us who don’t pray or attend church. We can exercise common sense and want most of the same things that believers want.

I hate to bring it up again. But I know too many who think conservatives are anti-science and use religion to justify their political viewpoints. There’s more to it than that. Above all, the Constitution protects the right to freely practice the religion of choice, including the choice to not believe in God.

Elections come down to a choice between 2 main parties. If the Republican (or Conservative) party is to broaden its appeal, it will need to cast a wider net.

4 years ago

How in the world have “we” allowed “her” to be part of the Democratic ticket…Biden must have “known” her background…and He…a supposed Catholic…chose “her” to be his running mate!! He MUST be out of his mind!! I know, I would NEVER vote for him with “HER” as his running mate…and no one else should either!! Dear Lord, Save America…If you have not voted yet….VOTE TRUMP!!

Donald G Nichols
Donald G Nichols
4 years ago

I grew up in a strong Democrat Area of our Country.I see over time what it has become.I still believe that if you have the basics of life and understand what work is we all can make it.Today it is all about giving money away to get votes.Back in my day a five dollar bill would buy your vote and they knew who you voted for.This is one of the reasons I am an independent with no voice.The reasons for our money problem is we threw it at all problem areas and now we have none.I know where we are headed and there is no chance to repair it because we are not an Independent country any longer.I still believe in our Constitution and I know that it will be gone when we are totally broke.

4 years ago

Remember when you vote RED means “Reject Every Democrat” !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

4 years ago

She gave an oath. She lied taking it. She lies still. Biden lives for himself and in 47 years in Washington has been against our constitution and good governance. He has always been a bad actor. The democratic party are and supports marxists .They are liers. Power and corruption is their God. Slavery is their game and agenda. Make no mistake you, your family and children are at great great risk.

Phil Hammersley
Phil Hammersley
4 years ago

And, of course, they can preach “equity” but it never happens! Kruschev, Gorbachev, Castro, Madero all became millionaires while their people became poorer and poorer!

Ed J
Ed J
4 years ago

Most Demsheviks and their supporters, toadies, minions and adherents will be both oblivious to and tone deaf when it comes to truly understanding how radically out of sync the current Democratic Party is with American values. Why? First, they are truly unaware that the Democratic Party has been hijacked and completely compromised by the radical Marxist/socialist political left. The Democratic Party of just a few years ago no longer exists. Second, and more importantly, many folks are either unwilling, unable or uninterested in putting in the effort needed to become informed citizens. With the collusion of the lamestream media, many citizens exist in an information black hole consisting mostly of propaganda and biased presentations that omit facts and skew the presentation of information resulting in misleading (and often false) context. In the political arena, critical thinking is conspicuous by its almost universal absence. The Demshevik Party has become the Pied Piper of Destruction for America as we know it.

Linda K
Linda K
4 years ago

Like Forrest Gump said, stupid is as stupid does. If you’re stupid enough to believe a liberal, then you’ll probably vote for one.

4 years ago

I used to vote a split ticket. I would examine the people running check out the issues and if I liked it, regardless of party, you’d get my vote. I ended up voting for Democrats back in the day sometimes

But now Its simply impossible to do so. The risk is too high. You don’t get on the Democrat ticket unless you are 100% in agreement with ALL OF IT. They have a dictators control on the party. You won’t get on the ticket unless you pass all the marxist litmus tests.

It’s a shame. Such a lack of diversity.

I voted in NC today a complete full Republican ticket. I simply cannot risk anything else. I’d like to dream that this is just a long con of the Establishment Democratic party to purge thier party of the progs by having them reveal themselves blatantly and unabashedly and therefore the absolute sound bashing they are going to get will to day will clearly be understood as a complete and utter repudiation of everything they stand for. Its after all their platform and Harris is who they are running.

But I doubt it.

J Mlr
J Mlr
4 years ago

Harris is pedaling a false narrative and her analogy just does not hold up. You cannot have equal outcomes, freedom and liberty at the same time, as equal outcomes makes both freedom and liberty impossible. What we can and should be able to provide all Americans is equal “opportunity” and that is all anyone should need. As with anything in life there will be those who have different skill and ability sets as well as the motivation to succeed. Those are what determine outcomes, maybe a little bit of luck, but luck comes from being prepared to take advantage of it when it comes. Harris wants people to believe that utopia is possible and they can make everyone equal happen. Human nature though proves otherwise and what will happen is those that are in charge and those that are not will have vastly different equal outcomes and those who are not in charge will not enjoy theirs equally. The Constitution when properly followed gives the individual the responsibility and the opportunity to live their life to the best of their ability, and that is how it should be.
Trump 2020

Tim Behne
Tim Behne
4 years ago

My biggest regret in this campaign is that I never got to meet biden. If that moron invited me to “step outside” I’d have gone.

4 years ago

A Great day for America , President Trump in a LANDSLIDE!

4 years ago

Does her statement on everyone equal include herself? Of course it doesn’t. She has a socialist and communist background so if it walks like a duck and talks like a duck. I just pray we don’t have so many brain dead and hateful people that vote for her and Biden. I don’t see how anyone would want what they are advocating.

Allan Brem
Allan Brem
4 years ago

We either can’t or won’t have discussions on the same level.

4 years ago

Harris is evil. Her look and attitude is worse than Hillary. Smug, arrogant and nasty, egotistical and hateful Pray is all I can say. She does not belong in our country as a leader for sure. I have never seen such horrible choices for candidates.

4 years ago

Pray for America and VOTE. America has been to a full scale revival and it has been refreshing. I can’t hear that song often enough: I’m proud to be an American where at least I know I am free.

Jim D.
Jim D.
4 years ago

Amazing how she couldn’t get more than 2% of the vote in the primaries and was one of the first candidates to drop out but now – possibly – can be just one step from the most powerful office in the world. This cant happen!

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
4 years ago

Go Trump Go!!

Christina Williams
Christina Williams
4 years ago

I get your magazine and have for years, so does my son and many of my relatives and friends BECAUSE OF ME. I am a true advocate for your organization. I already voted a straight Republican ticket. I Love TRUMP and donated , not a lot, but to many republicans in the last year. I have been praying. The Left is nuts and their plans are Bad and evil

Robert Rodine
Robert Rodine
4 years ago

I am very troubled by those on the extreme left who refuse to acknowledge the extreme nature of their positions. Senator Harris cannot be placed in a position with the Presidency where she could very well be Constitutionally seated in that chair. This nation has never accepted that sort of extremist in high office, and we should not even consider it now. She completely destroys whatever credibility the Former Vice President might have, if any.

Art A
Art A
4 years ago


Ed J
Ed J
4 years ago

Kamala Harris is a disaster looking for a place to happen. If she is ever elected to an office of real power, we can look forward to the total dismantling of America as we know it. What we will end up with will make Hell look like the Garden of Eden by comparison.

Harris has more dark and dangerous faces than Medusa has serpents coming out of her head, among them:  Madame Chameleon (an existential threat to America), Charter Member of and Champion Spokesperson for the 180º Club (i.e., whatever position she espouses or embraces, the exact opposite is usually true), Madame Amorality (or Immorality – take your pick), Madame Radical, Madame Blind Ambition in concert with Ethical Bankruptcy, the Great Perfidious One, the Great Pretender, the Great Opportunistic Phony, the CaliMexico Loser, the Snarky One, the Great Whiner, the ultimate Madame Fakeness, ad nauseum (just choose as many as you want).

4 years ago

Trump has been able to put three new judges on Supreme Court & he has bragged about that. So why did he bash the Supreme Court decision so many times yesterday ruling on Pennsylvania vote counting?? If he does not agree he attacks court rulings, and to me it just shows that the Supreme Court makes rulings based on legal laws (and better than puppet of whoever is POTUS). Very disappointed in Trump bashing Supreme Court, which just adds fire to election results & his followers.

4 years ago

As some have already said, the outcome is in God’s hands. I have voted for Pres. Trump. However, God is the one who “raises kings and deposes kings”. Daniel 2:20-21. As many predictions of last times are transpiring, the rapture could occur at any time. The people who will be raptured will be the church. Who is the church? It is anyone trusting Christ Jesus to be their Savior. If you haven’t, simply ask in the quiet of your mind for Him to save you. He loves everyone, but if you don’t want Him, He won’t force you. The church is not mentioned after the first few chapters of Revelation, so we know it has been removed. We simply don’t know how much longer God will put up with people who don’t want His way and laws.

4 years ago

Most everybody has seen the video on news of Trump supporters surrounding Democrat bus on highway in Texas. Had to have been traumatic for people on bus. But worse part is Trump & Rubio both made fun of this episode (even tho FBI says will investigate). These two made comments that show they back intimidation , bullying, and breaking the law. Do not goad people to violent acts.

4 years ago

Now, to comment on todays article: The cartoon video from Kamala Harris is a waste of time & makes her look bad & not presidential material.

4 years ago

Felix: I agree with you all the way, I believe that this nation has been blessed from the start . But , the last 30-years America has been wandering from its roots & We need to heed warning signs from God. No matter who is elected, I will accept that is who God wants to lead us to the right path.

Elaine Thie
Elaine Thie
4 years ago

All of this has been known for months. It’s too late to bring it out today. Suppresion of information is in the socialist/communist playbook. If they win today we are in for a world we never thought would come to America.

4 years ago

What has happened to America: This has to be the first time in history that riots might happen after election & that a fence is being built around the White House & businesses are closing & boarding up windows in preparation. What has America become to react in ways that our parents brought us up not to do. Fence at WH really bothers me — that is our Nation’s Capitol & the symbol of freedom for +200 years.

4 years ago

Kamala Harris was raised in Canada. She has changed her accent in two different cities in the South. Saw it on The Five. Faked it in recent rallies to sound like those attending. What an insult to their intelligence. She acts as if she will fit in if she fakes her accent. She has been in California since she was in her twenties. What an evil liar.

Matthew Gabor
Matthew Gabor
4 years ago

It amazes me that people will spend a lot of time researching a product before they buy it but have little or no interest in Politics. As others have mentioned here they are brainwashed by Fake News and by word of mouth by others.This is outright laziness! Yes it takes work each day to keep informed on every candidate and issue but America is worth all the effort! God Bless America

Dr Scott
Dr Scott
4 years ago

She is a Marxist socialist communist.
There’s no doubt in my mind that is true.
Tell me, after all this time, research on your own about the candidates, and listening or reading exactly what they said about what they will do or want to do, is there any doubts in your mind?
Trump is not a socialist Marxist communist Revolutionary dictator. He’s a Free and Fair Trade guy. He’s done his best to turn us back to the Constitutional Republican government our country is supposed to be.
Joe Biden is a patsy. He’s a wolf in democrat party lingo. 47 years of experience and what he’s done to make America better only enriched himself and his family or friends. I want nothing to do with him and his running mate.
From the beginning of Biden’s campaign, his profile and demeanor were a perfect fit for an old man version of Beavis and Butthead cartoon. Watch for yourself and tell me if you don’t see him like that.

God help us Lord. Our nation cannot allow these criminal people to run our nation, our military, our business, ever again. Corrupt, evil, and compromised by evil entities that mean harm to us ?? Americans. Media News supports all of them, and that makes no sense. We need You God. Please help us God. In Jesus name we pray.

Larry W
Larry W
4 years ago

What a surprise !!! A Democrat telling you a lie? Didn’t President Obama say one thing and do another for 8 years. They think all they have to do is smile and everyone will buy into it. And the scary part is that a lot of people still DO !!!

John Wesley
John Wesley
4 years ago

America has forsaken GOD and I think we should read our Bibles to see how that is going to work out.

trump and the drug and opioid epidemic
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