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Kamala Harris Would Be the Most Anti-Catholic President in American History

Posted on Thursday, August 1, 2024
by Aaron Flanigan

In recent months, political operatives and interest groups on both sides of the aisle have been working quietly behind the scenes to win over one of the most crucial—yet also one of the most under-appreciated—voter demographics that will be key to winning the White House this November: American Catholics. But the apparent ascension of Kamala Harris to the top of her party’s ticket makes it even more unlikely that Democrats can make inroads with this group that has leaned right in recent cycles.

Much as he has throughout his political career, Joe Biden leaned heavily into his self-proclaimed devout Catholic faith during his 2020 presidential campaign. However, Biden has removed all doubt about his administration’s hostility toward believers and core tenets of the Catholic faith throughout his presidency – most notably through his outspoken support for abortion, his public celebration of radical transgender ideology, and his Department of Justice repeatedly targeting Catholics as “violent extremists.”

The Biden-Harris administration’s anti-Catholic bigotry was also seen with the nomination and appointment of Secretary of Health and Human Services Xavier Becerra, who infamously led progressives’ longstanding efforts to force the Little Sisters of the Poor, a Catholic religious order, to violate their religious precepts and pay for birth control.

Harris, as Biden’s vice president, owns this record as well – and has her own troubling history of anti-Catholic bias. As Catholics prepare to head to the polls this Election Day, they should be aware of precisely how dangerous a Harris presidency would be for their faith, their values, and their freedom to worship.

Among the most egregious examples of Harris’s anti-Catholic bigotry came during a 2018 Senate Judiciary Committee hearing, when then-Senator Harris strongly insinuated that American Catholics are not fit to serve as federal judges. When questioning Brian Buescher, a nominee to be a judge for the U.S. District Court for the District of Nebraska, Harris pointed to his membership in the Knights of Columbus, a Catholic fraternal and charitable organization, as problematic, condemning the organization’s (and the Church’s) mainstream Christian views as extremist.

“Since 1993, you have been a member of the Knights of Columbus, an all-male society comprised primarily of Catholic men,” Harris stated pointedly. “In 2016, Carl Anderson, leader of the Knights of Columbus, described abortion as ‘a legal regime that has resulted in more than 40 million deaths.’ Mr. Anderson went on to say that ‘abortion is the killing of the innocent on a massive scale.’ Were you aware that the Knights of Columbus opposed a woman’s right to choose when you joined the organization?”

Harris then went on to condemn the Church’s views on marriage. Many viewed her comments as essentially amounting to an overt and illegal religious test of a judicial nominee.

Harris’s blatantly anti-Catholic line of questioning elicited overwhelming backlash not only from Catholics, but from other Americans of faith and Harris’s colleagues in the U.S. Senate. Former Senator Orrin Hatch (R-UT), for instance, noted the “alarming” nature of the questioning, which showed that Democrats “are getting more and more comfortable with imposing religious tests on Federal judicial nominees.”

But Harris’s clear record of anti-Catholicism doesn’t stop there. In 2015, when she served as California’s Attorney General, Harris sponsored the so-called “FACT Act,” which legally required pregnancy care centers to advertise for free or low-cost abortion facilities in their waiting rooms. (Fortunately, the law was struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court in 2018).

In 2016, when a whistleblower revealed that Planned Parenthood was illegally trafficking organs and tissue from aborted infants, Harris outrageously ordered a raid on the whistleblower’s home to seize his evidence.

As a Senator, Harris also introduced the so-called “Do No Harm Act,” which would compel Catholic doctors to violate their sincerely held religious beliefs and perform abortions and transgender surgeries on patients. The legislation would also prevent religious groups like the Little Sisters of the Poor, as well as Catholic hospitals, schools, and charities, from operating until they disavowed their religious beliefs.

Harris is additionally an avid supporter of the so-called “Equality Act,” which would allow men to compete in women’s sports, force Catholic churches to host same-sex wedding receptions, force the closure of Catholic adoption and foster care programs, and strike a death blow to religious liberty all across the nation.

As her track record clearly shows, Kamala Harris stands as one of the most militantly anti-Catholic figures in the United States government, and a Harris presidency would pose existential dangers for the future of Catholicism in America. For both Catholics and every American who cares about religious liberty, the stakes in this election could not be higher.

Aaron Flanigan is the pen name of a writer in Washington, D.C.

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7 months ago

Again, VP Harris’s track record speaks for itself. If elected, the nation will go down the drain, never to return.

anna hubert
anna hubert
7 months ago

Anti Catholic anti Christian but definitely pro Islam Perfect qualification .Ask Obama

7 months ago

If Harris is installed as President we can all kiss America Goodbye forever.

7 months ago

The Democrat Party and the media should be ashamed of themselves, but I don’t think they’re capable of it. This is the best they can offer the country as a Democrat candidate. Her VP should be Alfred E Newman. She is beyond but stupid. I can show you in a Venn diagram. If I was the Democrat I would be furious with the elites. They have coronated a total loser and the media is pushing her to the top. Her record is so abysmal even the media cannot Defender.

James E Jones
James E Jones
7 months ago

Not only would she be the most anti-Catholic President, she already is and not only that. She will be the most anti-Christian and anti-Jewish President in history. Like Obama and Biden she will be the most pro-Palestinian and anti-Law enforcement President we have ever had – but she will be WORSE than Obama and Biden. BEWARE: If you vote for her, you are voting for a tool of Satan to take down America.

Guillermo Guzman
Guillermo Guzman
7 months ago

Kamelion Harris, is already bought and paid for.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
7 months ago

Oh, don’t worry! Along with every other “sudden conversion” of viewpoints on fracking, abortion, or law enforcement, I’m sure she’ll find conversion to “Jesus” as well. Maybe she can go “practice Catholicism” with Cat Lady Nancy?

Dan O'Neil
Dan O'Neil
7 months ago

Perhaps with Vice President Harris’ pre-abortion stance, along with her obvious hatred for Catholics, Catholic Charities should bow out of the illegal immigration assistance they’ve been providing since the Biden-Harris Administration began inviting and allowing illegal immigrants to cross the border and enter Americe back in 2021.

7 months ago

I hope that people wake up to what she really is but I don’t have much faith in American voters! ;-(

Robert Cohen
Robert Cohen
7 months ago

After 2020 I have no trust in our elections. Illegals will be voting. Govt. Agencies are illegally registering voters. Postal workers, their union leans left, meaning they can easily dispose of ballots. The deep state will not let Trump win.

Earle B
Earle B
7 months ago

After looking at numerous politicos over the years, I agree: “Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots?” For a couple of examples – how Nancy Pelosi made a big deal with a photo-op with the Pope, while openly supporting abortion and even shaming people for being Pro-Life? Even conveniently how the lap dog media ensures we hear about Joe Biden attending mass – yet he strongly supports massive abortion rights (as referred to in the story)? How he has remained quiet while the DOJ under him targets not only Christians but Catholics, as referred to in the story? Why do we miss these things? After four years of her ‘hanging out’ as ‘NOT being a “border czar”‘ and pretty much just modeling for the camera, she has not proven ‘value added.’ Maybe her party is relying on ‘short-term memory’ of the public? Suggestion: if she really wants to change things – NOW (before the election) she could see if she can have Joe start to reverse his most egregious ‘executive orders’ that have hamstrung American energy, the economy, etc. (please do not roll on the floor LAUGHING [that she would even think about changing anything].) Remember Jonathan Gruber – the ‘Obamacare Architect’ who literally called Americans stupid for allowing the passage of the ACA? (He did apologize later, but who remembers that – and yes, I had to look that up!) (ref: CBS News, “the New Republic,’ et al) Today, too much is put forward via MSM, interNet, etc. clamoring to put out either the “spin” or the TRUTH, to challenge and make people think. Harris was not even chosen by the people to replace Biden. Do not the parties have rules to cover these anomalies? Should they NOT have another canvassing of the people to find who they may really w ant as the Democratic candidate? I try to remember to keep our nation in prayer. Please pray for what is left of this country, and that The LORD would have mercy on us for a return to a strong secure nation in liberty, as I understand was envisioned by our founders – 2 Chronicles 7, v 14.

7 months ago

Tell me which SOCIALIST / MARXIST country Christians are treated with respect and fairly? Yet, if today’s current Democratic Party keeps power you’ll all find out!

7 months ago

The “black woman” is fueled by hate, not much else to discuss.

7 months ago


7 months ago

If Kamala is elected president It will be the End of The United States of America

7 months ago

The dems platform has no room nor tolerance for religion. They are dividing families with their vaccine mandates, their unrelenting attacks on Trump, defunding the police and attacking religion. They are for breaking up our culture our families so that the only support people still have is the dems and their Messiah in the White House. Their 2020 plan has reached closure by 2024 by making Kameltoe the leader of this Cabal. Everything is a plan. Don’t fall for it.

7 months ago

Anti Catholic, add Christians in general…having read about her “background” on conservative sites her life history should be questionable. She was a no-show on the border except going into El Paso that at the time was having zero problems, until the last few months. She is incapable of completing a sentence, an opportunist and who knows what else Kamala would do to further damage what’s left of this shattered Constitutional Republic. Biden has already done plenty of damage to this country at no doubt, the behest of his previous “president” who made it plain in his first two “books” his hatred of this Republic…now the “owner” of 3 multi-million dollar mansions, one in Martha’s Vineyard. Could be these were made possible by “George Soros” who about 2 or 3 months ago was saying he would like to move his operation to America…God forbid!!
This nation is in peril unlike any time in it’s history except in the beginning when England was determined to make it part of the King’s ownership…when they massed multiple ships off shore from New England and fired their cannons. China has a massive military, Russia has a massive military. When Trump was in office not a peep out of ether one of them. The only nation that would come to our aid, and they’re still fighting the Palestinians, is Israel…but I have no doubt they would come. We’ve lost this nation, and the only one with the backbone and ba***to take on the traitors glutting our government is Donald J. Trump. Love him or hate him, he’s no shrinking violent or spineless lefty.
I can’t help but wonder if, as what happened after Wm. Jefferson Clinton presided over the slaughter of 80 plus American citizens in Waco, Texas, that there are any Americans left who would fight for this nation. After that 51 day nightmare, Militias formed all over the nation from the east coast to at least the Rocky Mountains. Read an article that the dems were prepared to go after our firearms then but decided “it’s not the right time”. There was a citizen force of untold numbers ready to fight and die for this country…but they’re all 30 plus years older now. Is there anyone willing now? The left has declared war on our once Constitutional Republic, what now?
To quote one of our Founders who once described what this nation has now become: “When a nation forgets it’s God, tyrants soon forge it’s chains.”

7 months ago

Kamala winning the presidency will mean the end of religious freedom. Pray, people, pray!

Dr.Sam Adams
Dr.Sam Adams
7 months ago

Being anti-Catholic is not the only endearing quality Kamala Harris has, she is anti-Semitic, anti-white, and dislikes people who accomplish things without the aid of her beloved patron saint, Karl Marx.She is just another puppet for the Dark state counsel just like the Kenyan Obama who was placed in the White House and Joe the airhead Biden. We are well aware of how she got where she is!

7 months ago

Yet the mainstream media sweeps it all under the rug. Imagine if these were Trumps beliefs. There would be daily headlines.

Dave O'Neil
Dave O'Neil
7 months ago

Any and ALL CHRISTIANS should take a real hard look at her comments. She is threatening ALL of us.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
7 months ago

The list of reasons NOT to vote for Kamala Harris gets longer and longer every day.

7 months ago

This cackling Hyena would be the worst President in History, unseating Crocked Junkyard Joe.

7 months ago

Can this be posted, simply, on billbords across the country? I know they’re passe, but many people drive everywhere. Also, JD Vance is catholic, which may help counter the witch.

7 months ago

It is points like this that Trump should be accentuating at every rally and every paid political ad. The real problem heading into November is that a lot of women I know (all races),want a woman for president and she is as close as a woman can get right now. Southeast Michigan (home to a predominant Arab and black communities), consistently vote democrat and it will take a miracle (and a lot of advertising of how bad she will and has been) to swing this state. On another note: I have not heard anything from Pope Francis on her or bidumb either. He seemed to drop a lot of comments on Trump though. Thankfully mainstream Catholics do not share his apathy on abortion and the alphabet communities.

7 months ago

Kamala Harris is the most anti-religion person to run for office I have had the displeasure of witnessing. She has no regard for people of faith. I challenge anyone, anywhere to give me an example of something positive this woman has done in the past 3-1/2 years. Border Czar? Nope. I saw someone try to explain their love for Kamala by saying “Well she would be the first woman (of color) to be President.” Really? So you would choose a doctor to perform brain surgery on a loved one based on gender or skin color? I can’t speak for anyone else but I want the BEST person to be POTUS and it sure isn’t Kamala Mama.

7 months ago

We will be doomed as a nation if she is elected. Several weeks ago, the Democrat Party said she should be replaced on the Biden ticket. Now she is Cinderella and they are glorifying her. I’m not religious, but I am praying daily that she doesn’t become president.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
7 months ago

The harris/obama/biden/soros administration would basically eliminate the AMERICA that we have had and that worked well for the last two hundred plus years.Socialist,leftist,liberals do have a death wish for AMERICA and Patriots.

7 months ago

Say it like it is: Harris is not qualified to even stand as a candidate for the office of President the United States.

David Nelson
David Nelson
7 months ago

This person is a sad joke being thrown at the American people!
She is less than a Nothing.

Rodney Bish
Rodney Bish
7 months ago

If she hates the Jews so much…why did she marry one?

Jim R
Jim R
7 months ago

Because she can get away with it. Try that with Muslims ⚔

7 months ago

I sometimes think that when I post anything relating to an article from AMAC (whether from an AMAC staff member or a guest columnist), I am preaching to the choir, since most of the contributors who post comments are either AMAC members, or identify strongly with AMAC’s conservative views. How much of these articles and comments are going to those who do not identify with conservatism, yet might be persuaded to believe the conservative views and vote likewise. With that said, I cannot understand why many Catholics still support the Democrats and will vote for “Kackling Kamala.”

7 months ago

Trump needs to stay on topic on issues and hammer away at policy failures. If he doesn’t stop the personal comments on Harris, he will lose and so will our country. His handlers need to be brutally honest with him, despite the risk it may carry.

7 months ago

Within a day of her anointment, I heard and saw her giving a celebratory speech. First thing out of her mouth? “You don’t want a nationwide ban on abortions!” She went on to list several other items from the woke lib agenda. The crowd cheered…

7 months ago

World Atlas (as of 2024) says: 46.50 % of US is Protestant with the remaining religions (53.50%) scattered over 12 classifications; the largest of which is apparently, Roman Catholic 20.80%) with Muslim at less than 1% (.90%). If we lose our freedom we’ll know where to look. Please vote. It’s only a lost cause if you listen to the minority.

Jim M.
Jim M.
7 months ago

What she and the now Socialist Leftist Democrat Politicians are is Anti America. Which is the reason. We all must unite and vote against them all. VOTE.. VOTE.. VOTE..????????????????????America 1st Conservatism 2024 and Beyond. We have a nation to save.. ????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

7 months ago

This Catholic isn’t voting for her. I don’t vote dem anyway, and do not understand those that do (since we all know their stance on abortion and other questionable issues). I don’t give to Catholic Charities anymore since I found out the Church is as guilty as our government allowing illegals to flood the country, and cc sneaking them into the state in the dead of night.

7 months ago

I so pray that we could get this word to all the Blind democrats, some of whom are Catholic.
I have a St Vincent dePaul meeting tonight. Politics is most definitely not something ever discussed. We are a ministry of charity. “No active charity is foreign to the Society.” Our ministry includes helping that can be any person-to-person assistance that promote human dignity and integrity. The assistance is to All regardless of creed or color or gender or any of the other new segregating qualities pushed by the left.
As I stated, I have a St Vincent dePaul meeting tonight; and I will try to work-in this information. For the sake of the Church.

Stephen Greenwell
Stephen Greenwell
7 months ago

Kommie Harris is not only “anti-Catholic”, she is anti-Christian. She is hostile to many of the beliefs that doctrinally conservative Catholics and Protestants, esp. Evangelicals have in common, not just doctrines peculiar to Catholicism. Jew hatred is also a large piece of her values.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
7 months ago

Put Harris in the WHitehouse. After 6 months , 62% unenployment, 15 thousnd starved to death, 78% of the nation is hungrey, 12 thousand froze to deathy last winter cause the grid went down , and if anybody nask you about it stick out yo0ur chest and proclkaim ,it;s o k cause we got a woman ppr5esident. As a bonus she is 1/2 black. Kyle L.

7 months ago

She is an atheist.

Glenn Lego
Glenn Lego
6 months ago

As a Catholic myself, I can’t vote for anyone who is a democrat.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
7 months ago

the democrat prides itself as being tolerant and a big tent party. This proves otherwise. They are NOT a big tent party, and their “tolerance” only goes one way.

7 months ago

POS Kamala is anti-Christian period. She is Godless adulteress cheating her way to HELL. There are no redeeming to this blasphemous waste of oxygen tramp.

7 months ago

Sounds so diabolical her hate for life, for anyone Pro God , the Creator?
God Have Mercy on us, becoming or already a another Sodom and Gommorah.
And we know how that turned out.
We need to pray, fast, do penance,for the devil hates when we act as Our Lord did, when He fasted, prayed, and suffered for us
Prayers to the Holy Spirit to Guide us during this election.

7 months ago

Democrats are an existential threat to Democracy. They are on the path to becoming existential threats to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. Democrats, like Marxists are only interested in the pursuit of POWER over their minions.. I wonder how many Democrats will write-in Joe Biden for President in November to spite the tactics of the ELITES in their party? Oops! It’s not going to be a party… it’s a wake for the woke!

Darby O'Gill
Darby O'Gill
7 months ago

Indeed, she is quite a witch.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
7 months ago

= to Biden???

Charles M. Prignano
Charles M. Prignano
4 months ago



“A person who procures a completed ABORTION incurs a

latae sententiae excommunication.”

{of a broad judgment / automatic decision / done excommunication / excommunication as it is /

incurred as soon as the offense is committed and by reason of the offense itself / does not require an act excommunicating the person. Examples: Procuring a successful abortion, Apostasy from the faith, heresy, or schism}.



Automatic excommunication for ABORTION (CIC 1398) applies not only to the woman who has the abortion, but to “all those who commit this crime with knowledge of the penalty attached, and

[this] includes those accomplices without whose help the crime would not have been committed“

(Evangelium Vitae 62).



“Democrats are committed to protecting and advancing reproductive health, rights, and justice. We believe unequivocally, like the majority of Americans, that every woman should have access to quality reproductive health care services, including safe and legal ABORTION — regardless of where she lives, how much money she makes, or how she is insured.” 

+ Yours in Christ

Charles M. Prignano, Major, USAF, Retired
Former Assistant Professor, USAF Academy
Former Congressional Candidate, Illinois, 5th District
Former Knight of Columbus, 4th Degree Color Corps VIVAT IESUS!
Charter Member, Order Sons & Daughters of Italy in America
5916 Leather Dr., Colorado Springs, CO 80923-7521

SNAP and EBT Accepted here sign. SNAP and Food Stamps provide nutrition benefits for the budgets of disadvantaged families. Ft. Wayne - Circa November 2021: SNAP and EBT Accepted here sign.
Drug and medical costs - healthcare. Pills spilling out of a medicine cup onto hundred dollar bills, with a hundred dollar bill rolled up in a pill bottle, a concept showing the cost of healthcare.
WASHINGTON, DC - FEBRUARY 28: U.S. President Donald Trump takes a question from a reporter before boarding Marine One on the South Lawn of the White House on February 28, 2025 in Washington, DC. Trump spoke about his contentious Oval Office meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. (Photo by Andrew Harnik/Getty Images)
President Donald Trump and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky meet in the Oval Office at the White House on February 28, 2025 in Washington, DC. Trump and Zelensky are meeting today to negotiate a preliminary agreement on sharing Ukraine’s mineral resources that Trump says will allow America to recoup aid provided to Kyiv while supporting Ukraine’s economy.

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