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Joe Biden’s Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Transgender Easter Fiasco

Posted on Wednesday, April 3, 2024
by Outside Contributor
Biden smiling and clapping

Joe Biden, the “devout” Catholic who resides at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, issued a proclamation on Good Friday, the day Christians remember Jesus’ death on the cross before his Resurrection three days later on Easter Sunday.

Biden chose Good Friday to publicly announce that he would designate the following Sunday as an important day in American life. The day would commemorate the dying of an old self and the beginning of a new kind of identity.

Yet this religious quasi-resurrection did not involve Jesus, but people who claim that their “gender identity” overrides their biological sex. Biden did not mark Good Friday or Easter Sunday in his proclamation, rather he marked “Transgender Day of Visibility.

“Transgender Americans are part of the fabric of our Nation,” Biden declared. “They deserve, and are entitled to, the same rights and freedoms as every other American, including the most fundamental freedom to be their true selves.”

Of course, Biden did not admit that this freedom for transgender people “to be their true selves” amounts to stifling everyone else’s freedom to call a spade a spade, along with parents’ freedom to protect their children from an ideology that will leave them stunted, scarred, and infertile.

Indeed, Biden took the opportunity to condemn those who dare dissent from the orthodoxy of his new state religion.

“But extremists are proposing hundreds of hateful laws that target and terrify transgender kids and their families—silencing teachers; banning books; and even threatening parents, doctors, and nurses with prison for helping parents get care for their children,” the president said in the proclamation.

Note the subversion: Parents are not trying to silence teachers or ban books; they’re fighting to get pornographic materials out of school libraries and to protect their children from the lie that a boy can become a girl and vice versa. Biden calls these efforts “hateful,” but he describes life-altering drugs that put kids on a path to permanently mutilating their bodies as “care.”

It’s no accident that Biden—or whoever drafted this proclamation for him—left any mention of Good Friday or Easter out of the proclamation. His statements in that document operate out of an entirely different worldview than that of traditional Christianity.

Christianity preaches the gospel: that all of us are sinful and need redemption, that Jesus died on the cross to pay the penalty and reconcile us to God, and that he rose from the dead to show his divinity and to give us hope for our ultimate resurrection. The Catholic Church to which Biden belongs preaches this gospel.

Yet gender ideology promises its own weaker version of the gospel: that society is sinful and needs to repent of hating transgender people, that people who identify as transgender can reject their biological sex and be accepted for “who they are” in the gender identity opposite their sex, and that “gender-affirming care” and societal acceptance will give transgender people the well-being they deserve.

Demonizing and silencing opponents is a fundamental part of this project, because the transgender gospel calls on all society not just to accept transgender identity but to celebrate it.

Traditional Christianity poses a problem for this because the Bible teaches that God made humans male and female, and neither the scriptures nor Catholic tradition condones the idea that a person can reject his or her biological sex and become a member of the opposite sex.

For these and other reasons, Republicans attacked Biden’s proclamation on Good Friday. House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., said the White House “betrayed the central tenet of Easter—which is the Resurrection of Jesus Christ.”

“Banning sacred truth and tradition—while at the same time proclaiming Easter Sunday as ‘Transgender Day’—is outrageous and abhorrent,” Johnson said, referring to a ban on religious art during the traditional White House Easter Egg Roll. (Both the White House and an organization involved in the Easter event that banned religious imagery said the rules prohibiting religious imagery at the White House Easter Egg Roll go back decades.)

“This is what Biden cares about and who he caters to,” Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, posted on X with a screenshot of the president’s proclamation. “He is devaluing Easter and elevating trans recognition. Downright shameful and despicable.”

“We call on Joe Biden’s failing campaign and White House to issue an apology to the millions of Catholics and Christians across America who believe tomorrow is for one celebration only—the resurrection of Jesus Christ,” Trump campaign press secretary Karoline Leavitt said in a written statement Saturday.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre sought to dispel “misinformation” about the proclamation. She noted that Easter Sunday “happened to coincide with Transgender Visibility Day.” Biden has commemorated Transgender Day of Visibility on March 31 since 2021, Jean-Pierre said, while the date of Easter Sunday varies each year according to a lunar calendar.

“As a Christian who celebrates Easter with family, President Biden stands for bringing people together and upholding the dignity and freedoms of every American,” she added.

Speaking to reporters Monday, Biden appeared to deny marking Easter Sunday as Transgender Day of Visibility, however.

According to Jacqui Heinrich, a White House correspondent for Fox News, another reporter asked Biden: “Speaker Johnson called it outrageous that Easter Sunday was Transgender Day of Visibility, what do you say to Speaker Johnson?”

“He’s thoroughly uninformed,” Biden responded.

“Uninformed how?” the reporter asked.

“I didn’t do that,” Biden replied.

Johnson responded by posting a screenshot of Biden’s proclamation and asking, “This you, Joe Biden?”

Biden has marked Transgender Day of Visibility each year since 2021, but that doesn’t excuse his decision to issue his proclamation for it on Good Friday without noting either Good Friday or Easter Sunday in the proclamation.

Despite Jean-Pierre’s insistence that Biden can celebrate Transgender Day of Visibility and Easter on the same day, the unfortunate timing of Biden’s proclamation only highlighted the inherent tension between transgender orthodoxy and traditional Christianity. The president’s own proclamation also included condemnations of the Christians who refuse to celebrate transgender identity, as if their opposition were rooted in “hate.”

The true scandal isn’t that the transgender holiday happened to line up with Easter, but that the White House is trumpeting the pseudo-religious holiday in the first place and using it as an excuse to demonize those who disagree.

The coincidental timing only emphasizes how Biden is dividing Americans on this issue, drawing attention to something Christians should have been following for years.

Tyler O’Neil is managing editor of The Daily Signal and the author of “Making Hate Pay: The Corruption of the Southern Poverty Law Center.”

Reprinted with Permission from Daily Signal – By Tyler O’Neil

The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of AMAC or AMAC Action.

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5 months ago

Pres. Biden’s message to this country shows how far the Evil one is leading the nation away from the Truth of the Word. Until the nation repents and goes back to the True Word of God, judgement and chastisement will continue.

5 months ago

There are only two types of man that would diss Christianity on Easter Sunday. An idiot or an evil non Christian.

Lover of God and America!
Lover of God and America!
5 months ago

Unfortunately demented Biden doesn’t seem to know what’s being done in his name….. he shouldn’t even be president, and Kamala shouldn’t be VP – they are both sick….

5 months ago

If we have to honor one more gay pride day or trans month there are not enough days or months in the year. Why put out a proclamation at all about trans visibility. Why do we have to accept this but the trans don’t have to accept our Easter celebration. Little by little they are winning the war against religion and we have to accept Satan’s religion. We are being ruled by a Satanic Cult. Ole Joe says I didn’t do that. Oh I am sure he didn’t. Deep state put out the proclamation without telling him. Are you Woke dems waking up? You are being bamboozled every day and twice on Sunday.

William Hodge
William Hodge
5 months ago

Obiden had to do it. He’s trans too as he is a “sniffer”. He’s the most dangerous and despicable politician of our time.

5 months ago

The evil is not just one man, the evil is all Democrats and their evil ways!
Biden and his evil followers want to destroy America and all religions, he is the devil himself!

5 months ago

Biden’s Priest needs to call him out on the red carpet and tell Mr. Biden what God says about sexual immorality. If Mr. Biden’s Priest does not intervene, he is denying the very purpose of his ordination. The stupidity of and hatred for Christianity by Biden couldn’t be more obvious. Mr. Biden, if I were you, I would be repenting and asking God for forgiveness real soon. You already have one foot in the grave.

Ron St.Martin
Ron St.Martin
5 months ago

1st once these medical procedures are done there is no reversing these changes, the biggest of these is no children will be born to these people. 2nd the mental and emotional effects on these people once grown will be devastating because they will still be the same person. Physical looks will be changed, but their minds will still be the same! The real reason this is being pushed is billionaires and their puppets are pushing Population control through sterilization, abortion, and other means! Gates, Soros, Zuckerberg and others are buying farmland, water rights, etc throughout the world. Our elected officials have been bought off and are now trying to silence citizens while encouraging and facilitating false information to keep us divided!

5 months ago

This country has been straying from its Judeo-Christian values for decades, in part by caving to demands of atheists and gays/lesbians. Joebama’s proclamation to desecrate Good Friday and Resurrection Day is the nail in the coffin.

5 months ago

The Democrats’ war on Christianity is not new, but one has to wonder how they could so blatantly throw this much shade on the most sacred of Christian days during an election year.

Linda Meyer
Linda Meyer
5 months ago

There is so much evil in our government.

Jim Staples
Jim Staples
5 months ago

Change the Trans Visibility Day date to Joe Biden birthday. Problem solved

Gene Wilson
Gene Wilson
5 months ago

Biden could have moved the Transgender Day to Monday, just like Memorial Day, Labor Day, Presidents’ Day and other days are moved for convenience. Why didn’t he do this?

5 months ago

He is pious Catholic. Didn’t you know? They don’t come more pious than him, may be Pelosi or Kerry.

Scott R L
Scott R L
5 months ago

‘ Joe Biden, the “devout” Catholic ‘
Him and Pope Francis.

5 months ago

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ, Easter Sunday, is The Most Holy of Christian days.
The Resurrection is the beginning of the Christian Faith marking the death of Christ to our death in sin, the Resurrection and 40 days later the Ascension to our own resurrection and ascension to heaven upon our death.
There is nothing more blessed, nothing more holy, than the Resurrection.
This is beyond blasphemy, this is treason. This is war on God from the Master of Evil.
Pray for the vulnerable fallen under this horrific shadow of sin.

5 months ago

The act of a total braindead scumbag.

5 months ago

Joseph Biden is a traitor. He has not complied with his oath of office. He has permitted an illegal invasion of the United States, not protecting its sovereignty and disrespecting and endangering all of its citizens’ health and welfare. What needs to be uncovered is just who, which cabal, is actually running this country. Is it Obama and other of his Marxist ilk? Is it some other combination which includes a good portion of the deep state? Whatever it is, we, as citizens, not subjects, need to be prepared to fight for our God-given, inalienable rights as are supposed to be protected in the Constitution and enshrined in the Declaration of Independence. Is is time to exercise the second paragraph of the Declaration.

5 months ago

Joe is only doing what Soros and company tell him to do. BUT, he is complicit in these outrageous behaviors because he actually believes he knows what is best for us. IF our country can survive until the election and vote this idiot out, hopefully Donald Trump can get us back on track. I really do hate Biden and his cheesy smile.

5 months ago

Sounds like he forgot what they told him to say…heaven knows, he couldn’t think it up on his own!!

5 months ago

We can’t discuss this man’s ignorance it has no bounds and you better not say how much further can the stupidity go because he will show you. You can’t even talk about your automobile Transmissions as a tranny anymore they will hunt you down and kill you for that discretion. It’s so ridiculous and you know and I can’t say I find it funny but it is shall we say extremely noticeable about at least two things you hardly hear about women who identify as men becoming pedophiles and committing sexually deviant attacks on young male kids. And I have not yet found any kind of publicized account where a female transgender wants to compete in sports as a male. I’m sure there’s some that can compete team wise and there have been females who can compete on mixed teams in are as good as a lot of them male competitors but you hardly ever see female transgenders wanting to compete one on one as a male in the Olympic sports. Oh well I guess I shouldn’t quit ranting they probably won’t print this anyway. We’ll just have to wait and see how more crazy things O’biden comes out with.

5 months ago

Joe Biden and Democrats – always on the wrong side of everything!!! They are perfectly happy with all of this deviate behavior and are happy to help the children of America to become part of the deviate behavior scene indoctrinated into the Democrat way!! It’s disgusting and won’t do our country any good!! But for you, Joe Biden, to basically make fun of the religious importance of that day and you decide to poke your finger in the eyes of millions of Americans!!!! Shame on you especially since you claim to be a strong Catholic!! You are a hypocrite to your party, your religion, your country and your people!!!

Joe McHugh
Joe McHugh
5 months ago

Why is anyone surprised that Joe Biden ignored Easter Sunday? Joe is only a puppet for obama. You know the Muslim who considers all Christens to be infidels that should be treated as being sub humans.
Any article that reports on the behavior of Joe Biden will be dismissed by the liberals, and will further outrage the non-liberals. As an individual, Biden has deepened the divide between those who support socialism,and those who still regard the Constitution and the Bill of Rights to be the guiding charters of the America that the Founding Fathers bequeathed to their progeny, (us).
The only founder that the Democrat Party idolizes is Karl Marx. Though they would deny this, liberals follow the ideals found in the Communist Manifesto. What really divides Americans is the path to socialism that the Democrats are taking all of us down. The democrats are nothing if not masters of deceit.
I’ll say it right now, liberals, progressives, Marxists and communists are all peas in the same socialist pod. All such people see nothing wrong with taking from those who willingly work and giving to those who would not.

5 months ago

After everyone sees Bidum do it on National TV, he says “I didn’t do it”. Other times he blames Trump when we all know, it was Bidum did it, not Trump. I can hardly wait for Trump to be back in the WH, to clean things up and turn the World right side up again!

David Millikan
David Millikan
5 months ago

Dictator Beijing biden is the MOST DISGUSTING LOSER besides obama to ever be in the WH followed by clinton.
Each one of them has bowed down to Communist China and their heathen ways.
Their actions speak volumes.

5 months ago

The ONLY reason for a politician to PANDER to 2% to 4% of the population is they are part of the 2% to 4%. They can repent accept Christ, follow his word and save their soul or continue their lifestyle and burn in the lake of fire. Not my words, but the words of Jesus Christ.

5 months ago

At his age you would think Biden would be more careful about disreguarding God, considering he’ll be explaining himself one day.

Sean Rickman
Sean Rickman
5 months ago

Every time this joey entity”flaps it’s jaw”we see more problems for AMERICA.If I was interviewed and asked what is the biggest problem that our country faced today,the answer would be a resounding,DEMOC RATS.Every state,every decision,every executive order by DEMOC RATS have caused problems for AMERICA,it’s citizens and the world,wake up AMERICA,it may be too late.

5 months ago

Christian Visibility Day is coming.

5 months ago

He’s no more a ‘devout Catholic’ than Satan. He thinks abortion is okay and now it’s okay to say God made a mistake in a persons gender so it’s alright to change? The man is going to Hell.

Earle B
Earle B
5 months ago

I am surprised there is not a category to cover these so-called Roman Catholics named ‘CINO’ – Catholic in name only. Throwing aside a major Christian celebration like Easter, for whatever reason, is definitely careless, sinful (e.g., WAS he lying about it?), especially considering Biden’s often confirming he is a Catholic. In accord with a commenter on FOX, what if it was a Muslim holiday, or another religion? What would he have done – would he have proudly admitted it? I find it difficult to believe ‘I didn’t do that’ Someone on his staff could have (‘should have.’ ‘DID?’) reminded him of a REAL Holiday he should have ‘visibility’ on, since he is Catholic. Attorney Hur made a good, if deficient point in his assessment of his interviewee. As a Christian, I try to follow Romans 13 and pray for those in authority – but with the frequency, it is difficult. However, with all the lies and not following the law (illegal immigration, etc.) or issues like abortion, crime, the wanton destruction of bodies to effect change (trans), – I keep praying for God to pour out His Spirit on this nation. I am grateful for Christians like Speaker Johnson, and for those admitting the problems in our country. to call out these things, and hopefully to get action taken. Whether they want to listen or not, those considering trans really need more REAL help, NOT just “visible” recognition of a destructive procedure that can hurtfully disrupt normal bodily processes. Trans (like many others) need the right kind of counselling, God’s work in their lives to give them hope, support, etc. Regardless, GOD is still all powerful, and those of us who trust Him, need to be His witness. Luke 24, v 50-53

5 months ago

Many of these Amac comments about President Biden seem to depict him as a willful, viable and consequential change agent… though he appears to be little more than a parasitic, empty-headed and incoherent meat puppet who mistakes “resurrection” for a type of birthing technique. At times, he seems like more of an inanimate fixture. Somebody please check for a pulse on this parasite.

Bacon Nivison
Bacon Nivison
5 months ago

Peddo-Joe is one of Satan’s angels. All of this is no surprise, it’s his job!

Jim McDowell
Jim McDowell
5 months ago

The President of the world’s only superpower is a sick man. He is married to trailer trash.

5 months ago

The Joe Biden/Barrack Obama agenda is morally bankrupt. We have lost a generation to the idiocy of these teachings. Basic biology and proven science indicates that there are only two sexes, male & female. Every other made up concept that boys can be girls and vice versa are mental illnesses. As in most far left agendas just follow the money. If a man wants to become a woman let him pay for it himself. There are many doctors pushing these overtly expensive operations and chemical changes using taxpayer money to enrich themselves. End the taxpayer subsidization and see how fast this all ends.

5 months ago

The trans-favorable side of this issue tries to draw the defense that this day of visibility has been honored since 2009. If the issue is to be defended or denounced based on precedence, then Easter has been in existence for at least 2000 years!

5 months ago


5 months ago

I have already come to the conclusion that Joe Biden sits at the right hand of the Devil. He might even be the Devil himself — the Anti-Christ!

Denise Boland
Denise Boland
5 months ago

Catholic in his mind only. And apparently doesn’t read the bible.

5 months ago

I voted that it shouldn’t have outshined Easter. This is a Christian country (or at least it used to be) it’s not a transgendered anything. God never makes a mistake, but we are to celebrate a persons mental illness.

BillBoy Baggins
BillBoy Baggins
5 months ago

Why doesn’t the Catholic Church excommunicate Biden?

5 months ago

“They deserve, and are entitled to, the same rights and freedoms as every other American, including the most fundamental freedom to be their true selves.” Really?? They already have these rights. If you are delusional and think you are a ground squirrel that is your right. But everyone else should also have the right to not be forced to play along with your delusion. They (Biden and company) are trying to force everyone else to play along with the delusional. What happened to our rights to not be a party to this madness?

5 months ago

Democrats, what did you expect?

anna hubert
anna hubert
5 months ago

What ever he does can’t be worse than the fact that he is a president Nothing can outdo that

Joe Mason
Joe Mason
5 months ago

What more do you expect from a pedophile pervert like Biden? He’s a scum of the Earth. May God strike him dead. God bless president Trump. God country and guns. Long live the Constitution of the United states. ????????????????????????????????????????????????

5 months ago

The real meaning of LGBTQ…
Lets Get Biden To Quit

5 months ago

Proclaiming Easter Sunday as transgender day was a despicable thing to do. Blasphemous!! A slap in the face to all Christians in the country. Probably muslim Obama’s idea. Remember this election day and vote this idiot out.

G Morgan
G Morgan
5 months ago

Joe Biden is NO Catholic .

5 months ago

I say, have the normal population keep procreating to overwhelm the mentally disturbed until they will eventually be phased out of existence. Two males or two females cannot reproduce, thus ending the problem once the disease is banished from the face of the Earth.

5 months ago

Why is the word “hate: so one-sided? If the word “hate” is used correctly towards Conservatives, why is the exact same word not applicable towards Liberals?

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