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Joe Biden, The Man

Posted on Wednesday, August 2, 2023
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

News – not political but personal – ripped the wires. Joe Biden, after denying the existence of his four-year-old granddaughter Navy, born of a mother whom his son Hunter got pregnant, abandoned, denied, sued, and vilified – admitted the obvious: he has a seventh grandchild. The question was never legal or political, just about honesty and love. He showed neither. 

This one fact tells you all you need to know about the man. He is a dishonest, cold heart – so cold he could abstract his granddaughter out of existence, cancel, disown her, did not care.

Joe Biden’s identity is found in many places – a lifetime of blind ambition and unconscionable takedowns in the Senate of good people, from Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas to countless other earnest souls. He gladly, glibly nobbled them, thought power was everything.

In 1988, as a candidate, he cravenly stole whole speeches from foreign politicians, including the British Labor leader Neil Kinnock. When caught, he blamed others, denied the obvious, waved his Senate power, and stiff-armed investigators. 

Caught plagiarizing in law school, a fact – together with grades – that nearly denied him graduation, he blamed others, denied the obvious, and in 1988 again pretended it did not happen.

Serving as vice president, according to those often with him, such as former CIA Director and Obama Defense Secretary Robert Gates, Joe Biden was not just self-serving, unintelligent, bombastic, and imperious – just confirmed by current staff – but invariably wrong.

More biting, as facts pile up, he was greedy, calculating, and breathtakingly dishonest, to the point of criminality – apparently violating laws such as 18 USC 201 and RICO, to illegally profit from a vast criminal enterprise, taking foreign money from multiple countries for official acts.

As this sinks into the public conscience, washing over people who have wanted to think better of him, imagined him just a bumbling, befuddled Joe, not a crook – we get the grandchild denial.

Beyond mounting evidence of official crookedness, growing in legal and political import, we now see the true nature of this man in one unabashed, cold-hearted act – intentionally inflicting profound emotional distress child and mother, his own grandchild no less.

For a moment, ask yourself: What kind of heartlessness does that require? What coldness possesses someone to do that? What self-serving, truth-denying, upside-down priorities? Where is the love?

Ask yourself, too: If this man is running the country, what does that say about why he does what he does, what he fears, cannot handle, his personal cowardice, lack of concern for real people, and profound selfishness? Then, think harder:  If it tells us these things, who else does it tell?

On a basic level, Biden serves a good purpose – reminding us of timeless truths, like the Bible’s “trust not in princes,” and Walter Scott’s caution about “tangled webs” and those who deceive.

As a matter of heart, Joe Biden is a living symbol of the heartlessness we should most wish to avoid in leaders – arrogance, well-cloaked dishonesty, greed, disregard for laws, and lack of heart.

Others may like him, forgive him, and imagine disowning your grandchild is part of what it takes to hold power; if that is the price of power, have none of it. St. Matthew wrote: “Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these, my brothers, you did it to me.”

When you think about how this administration has increased the load on little souls, it breaks the heart. Their policies confuse, dishearten, embarrass, indulge, diminish, endanger privacy, disown girls’ identities, hurt families, disparage and punish those of faith, and promote drug abuse, alienation, suicide, trafficking, and crime. Do they care?

A few added words from Mathew come to mind: “Whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin…it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.” Words worth pondering, no?

Perhaps the best reflection on Joe Biden’s denial of his grandchild comes from the philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, “I’m not upset that you lied to me; I’m upset that from now on I cannot believe you.” Then again, many expected nothing less. That is Joe Biden, the man.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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1 year ago

Joe Biden is not a man. He is a grifter, thief, liar, denier, terrible father, unChristian, sick sad sorry excuse for a human being. Real men don’t act like this.

1 year ago

After reading this all I can say is it does not speak highly of the people who voted for him. God help us if he gets reelected.

1 year ago

RBC: This is a wonderful summation of the shadow of a man we must call our president. I remember how hateful he was during Clarence Thomas’ confirmation hearing. He’s absolute evil. It’s unfortunate the mainstream media continues to cover for him and all his lies. Is it any wonder his offspring are lacking moral compasses? Thank you for writing this column. I wish some major news outlet would publish it also. God bless you.

1 year ago

He’s a PERFECT EXAMPLE of Today’s so-called Democratic Party Leadership expressing COMMUNIST POLICIES! Jack*ss Joe Biden LIES EVERYTIME HE OPENS HIS MOUTH TO SPEAK! I will NEVER BELIEVE that he “won” the Presidentcy honestly!

1 year ago

You framed it well. You know how my heart aches for children who are forgotten or tossed aside. There is no greater sin in my book. Every sunrise seems to bring more and more darkness. Bottom line, Joe Biden, and unfortunately, many of our other leaders on Capitol Hill, simply lack integrity. It seems to be a rare quality today. But, Churchill articulated it very simply: “With integrity nothing else counts. Without integrity nothing else counts.” I will not give up hope that there is a leader somewhere in our future who lives and breathes integrity.

Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan
1 year ago

Right on, he is the epitome of a weak man and traitor to our country!

1 year ago

Said with real passion and absolute truth. He is now a sad, old man and still trying to control everyone and everything. What a meeting he will eventually have with Jesus -as Jesus looks deep into his soul, at which point there will be no one else to blame, just self.

1 year ago

Dear RBC, all who write here and the world:
I salute all those who have tried to maintain their love of this country, fought and died for this country, and are able to look back with pride for their helping children and adults here and overseas! I have been so bold as to call biden a “dirty old pervert” in my other writings to answer people who have been so right and have written here. Yes I who was born in the mid west and went west to CA for my university many years ago taking my values with me that I had learned from my parents and from my growing up in the mid west. Thank you RBC for saying all that I am thinking to say about this poor excuse for a man.
ALL my life I have looked at others for what is in their hearts and souls and not about whether they were brown, black or purple and today “woke” or transgender or gay or whatever. I have never liked LIARS and this has been what biden has based his life on lying to the AMERICAN PEOPLE all his life. But he has lied to himself most of all about his capabilities, grand daughter Navy, his son Hunter who is beyond HELP and everyone else in his family. I feel his wife and anyone else pulling his strings should be held responsible for anything that happens to this country! I SHALL NEVER CALL HIM MY PRESIDENT and at 83+ years I resent that he is so greedy and in love with his god POWER that he seeks to destroy this country rather than encourage those who have worked hard all their lives have saved and now see everything they have done go up in smoke!
I can speak here because I have given my entire life to those adults and children who have been categorized by the so called leaders on the left as un-useful and in the olden days were called “handicapped”. Now we have to pay for others who come in over the borders of our country and only seek to take and NOT TO GIVE! This insanity must stop now and I hope I shall be around in 2024 for the election and see all these “useless idiots” get their “just due”. Thank you Mr. Charles for restoring my faith in humanity and really getting to the crux of the matter.
Sincerely, Carol

John Bass
John Bass
1 year ago

Well said, and thought provoking.
God save the USA.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
1 year ago

Is there even ONE Biden who is an honest person? Hunter is a dopehead and crook, the daughter is a nympho (after showering with her dad). “Dr.” Jill was banging Joe while still married to husband #1, Joe’s brothers are both in on the fraud, and I think Joe’s sister was in on it, too. Beau (RIP) may have been the ONLY Biden with any redeeming value!

1 year ago

He is the perfect man to usher in the globalists agenda.

1 year ago


Paul W
Paul W
1 year ago

Not one single redeeming quality as a human being. NOT ONE! I can’t find it in my heart to pity him during his extremely obvious decline…not even a little bit. He, like MANY in the current federal government (and the left in general), is evil personified. He should never be permitted to just ride off into the sunset with his saddlebags laden with loot. Ill-gotten loot at that. The fact that he is currently nothing more than a demented puppet, a useful idiot, is completely irrelevant!

1 year ago

Joe is indeed without conscience, morals or ethics. A poor role model for his children, or anyone else’s. Young Navy would be better off if he ignores her, otherwise he will just use her. I have many step grandchildren about whom I care as much as my natural grandchildren. As a former teacher, I know it is possible to love anyone’s children.

1 year ago


Joe McHugh
Joe McHugh
1 year ago

The good news about this evil man is that he is no longer able to inflict his wicked goals on the American people. Joe Biden simply lacks the cognizance that he once had. He only serves as being a figurehead for the Democrat Party.
All of the ill gotten wealth that he and his son amassed over the years while he was in “public service”, will provide no benefit now. …… Well, he will be well cared for in a nursing home for those suffering from dementia, not that he will notice it.
How is it that of the 82-million votes counted for criminal Joe Biden in 2020, few to none bother to defend the empty-head now? They don’t even bother to say that Joe is as mentally alert as he always was. How sad is it that it has taken his obvious dementia to reduce his criminal tendencies? At some point his care takers will wheel the drooling Joe out onto the sun deck to get sunlight in the afternoons. ………. Not that he will notice.

A. Birney
A. Birney
1 year ago

Thank you, Robert Charles, for your well written and accurate summation of this man. It is my sincere hope and daily prayer to my Lord Jesus Christ that this man and all his kind of politician are voted out of office in 2024.
Others may disagree with the conclusion I have reached: that is their choice. I continue to work toward strengthening our country, helping to uphold the rule of law, our Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

1 year ago

I wouldn’t want anything to do with that POS for a grandfather. I’d be embarrassed to have people even think I knew any of that shi**y family.

1 year ago

I believe that most of the people I know well would abhor someone who would deny the existence of a grandchild, whatever the circumstances of the child’s conception. Liberals seem to support the concept that any child conceived in a situation similar to Navy should be mercifully (for everyone but the child) aborted. An embarrassing problem solved, so to speak. Biden’s history of cheating, lying, denying and blaming others is well documented. That being said, there are people who would disown a friend with Biden’s character, who will vote for him if he is the nominee for the Democratic Party just because they have always voted Democrat. As a nation, it seems we no longer believe in meritocracy, excellence or common sense. Franklin questioned our ability to keep our republic, and I’m afraid we will succeed in losing it.

1 year ago


1 year ago

Heartbreaking that the youth of today don’t have leaders that can be admired and looked up to with respect . The world used to look to the USA as a democracy of freedom and liberty . Hard seeing that right now with the weaponizing of the police state for the sake of politics.

1 year ago

Biteme Joey has just been crucified by Robert and hung out to dry. He is a demented old liar and a crook. He is guilty of treason for selling out his country. He needs tone removed from the presidency by impeachment or the vote of the people. He needs to be sent to prison for the rest of his life. His family members need to be held accountable also. The current administration needs to be purged and people like Harris, Wray, Garland, Jack Smith etc., need to be sent to jail too! God help us if we don’t remove these evil monsters ASAP! Dennis

1 year ago

And there is an entire party of grifters out there that will look you straight in the eye and say he is a great president!

Joe H.
Joe H.
1 year ago

I’m 79, studied politics and history in college, and obviously have lived through many years of observing our political system at all levels. I am totally dismayed at how someone of this low caliber gets the highest office in the land, to say nothing about how he became and remained a Senator for 50 years. Are the American voters this stupid? i used to think that wasn’t the case, but now—I’m inclined to believe it. Lincoln was right—our destruction can only come from within.

1 year ago

Too bad voters did not know “the man” for what he truly has been! When I saw the video of him fighting against black students n white schools I knew right away. He calls everyone he doesn’t like a racist but he’s the biggest offender of this! A nasty man who has been eagerly destroying America and so proud of himself. I pray that the voters won’t give him any more rope to hang us!

DeeDee Lockard
DeeDee Lockard
1 year ago

I haven’t read anything this honest in a long time. Praise God someone found the nerve to honestly describe Biden for who he really is.

1 year ago

If there’s a hell he will be sitting on the right side of the Devil and all his followers will be
at his feet………

Betty Z
Betty Z
1 year ago

How heartless to destroy the unborn, deny those born into your family, and sell those found to be alone because of evil intent!

1 year ago

His picture should be under the definition of a Narcissist in the dictionary. He is a male but he is not a man. Real man don’t do what he’s done.

Charles Kyle Brown
Charles Kyle Brown
1 year ago

All I want to know is when Biden going to be arrested?
Illegally handling of Top Security documents stored in his garage prior to being elected to the White House?
When is congress going to do their job?

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

Man is not what would describe him

Timothy Michael
Timothy Michael
1 year ago

When the whole influence peddling scheme is exposed, Joe Biden will be proven to be a traitor. My fondest desire is to see him escorted from the White House in handcuffs and to be sentenced to prison for the remainder of his miserable life.

R.S. Helms
R.S. Helms
1 year ago

Joe, is all of the things listed, however, he is not actually president, the Shadow President, Obama, is still calling the shots, and Joe? is just a figurehead, a scapegoat for Obama and his ilk.

1 year ago

Joe Biden is a Politician. And a Fake….Vote for Uncle Joe….Pervy Joe is more like it.

Melvin Kleinschmidt
Melvin Kleinschmidt
1 year ago


1 year ago

When we see how callous and unfeeling he is toward his own granddaughter, we can see why he’s inured to the horrible trafficking taking place at the border. He’s not even related to those people, so what should he care? Or the fentanyl and other horrible drugs like tranq being distributed all over the country in the guise of other drugs…the numbers of dead pile up, but old bumbling Joe ignores it like it doesn’t exist. Miserable excuse for a President.

1 year ago

Robert you said it so well. A friend of mine in Europe asked me just today, do you think ole Joe is sweating after Devon Archer and the whistleblowers testimony? I told her ole Joe sweating? No not him, he has ice in his veins. Anybody that has been lying and blaming his mistakes onto others for years and is still at it, does not worry, the man has no conscious and no soul.

1 year ago

The Main Stream Press covering for this man and his family is just as big of crime as O.J. Biden’s crime family. At some point in time all these people that lie and cover up on the nightly news will have to pay for these crimes of telling untruths to the American people. It also speaks volumes about Barrack Obama picking this man to be his vice president, TWICE. President Trump was right on about draining the swamp, he did under estimate the depth of how bad it really was. Who of us could have dreamed how bad it really was. God Bless America.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

The Clintons grifted using contributions to their “Foundation” and Bill’s speaking fees. Joe’s not as clever. He uses a POS son who sells the Biden name through shell-LLCs and over-priced spit “art”. The fact he’s getting away with it is testimony to our biased, partisan media: they’d rather keep a grifter in office than TRUMP. Their excuse: they’re “saving Democracy”!

1 year ago

Joe Biden keeps saying what is obviously not true and anyone who takes what he claims at face value does not look at evidence. But it is his character that is revolting. What he is speaks so loud that the world can’t hear what he says.

1 year ago

Pray for our country. He will bring us down. While I truly think he’s on puppet strings of all the leftists that are actually running the country, he is the perfect puppet for them–no brains, no integrity, just a waste of human being who is only for himself. He should never have gotten this far–his unscrupulous actions were known before he became a candidate. He is the one who should be indicted for all his law breaking he has done.

james carlyle
james carlyle
1 year ago

Mr Biden has never been qualified of a US Government office.

Jimmy P
Jimmy P
1 year ago

I can’t wait to vote for a president WHO DOESN’T NEED THE MONEY!!!

1 year ago

Stunning insight – great writing, Robert.

Tim Terry
Tim Terry
1 year ago

Thank you for this SPOT ON expose-ure of this Godless male minion. He reps the Romans 1 demoncRATic party today as well as anyone. SINISTER, his words and walk depicted over decades. Those that vote for this party are culpable n demonstrate depraved indifference. Shameful ????

Don Wong
Don Wong
1 year ago

Why is someone allowed to remain in a position for what 30-40 years+.All these years hurting and destroying people and things set in place to help people ( SSA Insurance to name something) and no politician on either side does anything to push him out. His character is not a new development this has been him, always. Now at the pinnacle of his power, and every one knows he is selling this country to known enemies of this countries way of life. Stupid little statements are just being made of this families corrupt activity. If find it insulting and pathetic, weak and scared

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

GOD will have a place for him. Kyle L.

Irene Cousineau
Irene Cousineau
1 year ago

There is a special place in HELL for him and his cronies!! Beware followers, you do not want to follow him to where he is going!

kevin o'dell
kevin o'dell
1 year ago

I have not seen any new news accounts of bill clintons forgotten illigimate son from a black woman. There has hardly been any reporting on this “ignored child” of bill clinton. Not to excuse joe biden of his own disgusting heartless denial of his 7th grandchild, but, bill clinton is ignoring his own son from an illicit affair. We can’t just bash joe biden without also condemning bill clintons failure to own up to his having TWO children which he has never recognized, and the leftist media, including Fox News, all ignore.

1 year ago

Remember that Joe also lied about the accident that took his first wife and daughter. He claimed for years that a “drunk” driver killed them. The truth is that the driver was not drunk and that his wife pulled in front of a truck that could not stop. The truck driver’s daughter begged Biden for years to stop pushing the “drunk driver” story. What a POS!

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