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It’s Called Independence Day for a Reason!

Posted on Friday, April 14, 2023
by Outside Contributor

By, Barbara Zakszewski

God Bless the United States of America on our Nation’s Independence Day, which happens to be on July 4th. We Celebrate INDEPENDENCE DAY, not the 4th of July! It’s important we don’t let  Liberal progressives shame us into saying only Happy 4th of July while allowing Independence Day to be sacrificed on the Altar of Political Correctness and Appeasement.

In the weeks and months preceding July 4, 1776, our Founding Fathers decided they’d had enough of the King of England’s crushing and tyrannical rule from across the Ocean, and the atrocities visited upon them. A summary of these reasons can be boiled down thus: The King behaved as a Tyrant, imposing unjust laws, taxing without appropriate representation, obstructing justice, and the forced quartering of troops among the colonies. It was only after all other avenues of remedy had been exhausted that these people took the unprecedented step of declaring their Independence and absolved all allegiance to the Crown of Britain. Fifty-five men, representing the 13 colonies “mutually pledged to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our Sacred Honor” and on July 4th, 1776 signed the Declaration of Independence via Action of the Second Continental Congress. The Declaration of Independence was viewed by Great Britain as an act of Treason. And thus, an Exceptional Nation was born.

These fifty-five men recognized that all Men are created equal, and endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights: Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and that government derives its just Powers from the Consent of the Governed. That is, WE THE PEOPLE are the government. We are not ruled by monarchs or dictators, but by representatives of OUR own choosing.

How many can say they have read the Declaration of Independence and understood its meaning? How many of our children and grandchildren have read or had the Declaration read to them? Are children being taught this in our Schools anymore? Not really, instead, liberal progressives are indoctrinating our children that America was and is an imperialistic nation; that the Founding Fathers were nothing more than paternalistic, white slave owners. The false narrative of Project 1619, that America was and is inherently evil and must be destroyed and then rebuilt into some kind of Marxist “utopia” where everyone joins hands and sings  “Imagine” all day is dangerous. In a Marxist regime, NO ONE is free or equal. All freedoms will be destroyed and we will have nothing. Don’t believe it. Read “1984” to see what happens when Marxism is taken to its illogical conclusion. That is why we must be willing to stand up to these accusations and attacks.

President Calvin Coolidge stated on the 150th Anniversary of the Declaration that the principles of America’s founding are timeless. Our Founding Fathers recognized appeasement to an enemy incurs only the further WRATH of that enemy. We need to find OUR fighting Spirit, we need to recover our Love of Nation and our belief in the Exceptionalism of America! We need to take it upon ourselves to teach ourselves, our children, and our grandchildren all about our Founding Documents and what they meant so that we know what we are fighting for.

On this, our Nation’s Independence, we need to understand and appreciate why it is an honor to be an American Citizen, and we also need to understand the rights and responsibilities of being an American Citizen. Legal Immigrants, who come to our Country legally, and follow all the prescribed steps; who learn English; who learn our Nation’s founding principles and learn about our founding documents, including our Declaration of Independence understand this and preserve in their quest to become a Citizen of the most exceptional nation on Earth, almost seem to appreciate America more than most of us, her Citizens. STOP  taking America for granted! STOP calling  America evil; appreciate and LEARN from our history, ALL of our History instead of destroying it. Educators need to stop teaching our children that America is evil and needs to be destroyed. As Congressman Crenshaw stated: “The mob wants to erase the American dream”; consequently our history, our principles, our vision.

Do yourself a favor these next couple of days. READ THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE. Yes, the language is a bit antiquated, but read it anyways. Read it to your children and grandchildren too. Learn the REAL history of our Nation’s founding. Be PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN AND BE READY TO DEFEND HER against the forces of evil at our work within. ENJOY THIS INDEPENDENCE DAY!

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Barb Zakszewski
Barb Zakszewski
1 year ago

Thank you for reading this article. Our nation is in so much trouble right now. I read the declaration every independence day to remind myself of how close we are to losing our nation. I carry a pocket size declaration and the constitution with me at all times.

1 year ago

So the document should have read at the time All White Men are created equal.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
1 year ago

Great article Barb, your writing about the importance of the Declaration at this time is appreciated . In 1961 ,at age eleven visited Independence Hall with my Mom and Dad, and the Declaration has been a major influence in my life ever since then. The inspiration the Declaration of Independence has had in the world has been remarkable . The soul and spirit of the United States of America, all of the honorable ideas that had root in what took place in Philadelphia in 1776 need to be remembered .
Well Done ! Respect for history, respect for truth, respect for liberty , all connected in what you wrote and it is praiseworthy for sure.

1 year ago

So all men are created equal? Except non whites and women.

1 year ago

love this article!!! So true and definitely what we grew up learning and knowing. I do want our schools to continue to teach the true history of this country and just how incredible and unique it is and how lucky we are to live here and how important it is for us to support and protect this country and keep true to our Declaration of Independence, our Bill of Rights and our Constitution.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
1 year ago

The comment invader(s) on this site are very wrong. The topic here is ” It’s Called Independence Day for a Reason.”
During the past several hours very inappropriate, offensive, disrespectful comments have been made by the comment invader(s) . Those of us who have expressed our opinion on this topic have exercised our freedom of speech properly without being offensive, disrespectful, or writing inappropriate comments. Those of us who believe in the values of Honor, Honesty, Integrity, Courage and Loyalty, we are in the right and we are not going to be intimidated by any of the vile comments made by the comment invade(s). May God guide and protect the United States of America, and let the principles in the Declaration of Independence prevail over any threat to Truth and Liberty.


David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Excellent article.
“AMERICA BELONGS TO ‘WE THE PEOPLE.’ It does not belong to Congress. It doesn’t belong to special interest groups. It does not belong to the courts. It belongs to
‘We the People’…”
-Founding Father JOHN JAY
“If we are to guard against ignorance and remain free, it is the responsibility of every American to be informed.”
“Where there is no law, there is no liberty.”
-Founding Father BENJAMIN RUSH
“A Nation of well informed men who have been taught to know and prize the rights which God has given them cannot be enslaved. It is in the region of ignorance that tyranny begins.”
These are part of the reasons that makes INDEPENDENCE DAY

1 year ago

wonderful article. Couldn’t agree more! Thank you. I so wish our children were still being taught these basics and studying the true history and documents like we did when we were young.

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