Democrats at all levels of government have recently advocated and implemented an alarming number of radical ideas and policies across the nation.
It began with the emergence of so-called political correctness, and gathered steam with wokeism and its resulting “cancel culture,” in which traditional historical figures and American institutions came under attack with the support of political and cultural radicals abetted by the establishment media and the acquiescence of many on the liberal and progressive left.
But it especially accelerated in the pandemic period when many local officials, state governors, and figures in the federal executive branch took drastic actions, including widespread lockdowns and other individual and business restrictions, in the name of public health and safety.
Some of the latter policies initially made sense, and were generally accepted, but as so often happens, those with power over-reacted and over-reached, and in time the statistical and scientific justifications for many mandates proved to be in error, unclear, or misleading.
New extremes appeared in the form of movements to defund the police and the refusal by some urban officials to prosecute many crimes.
“Defund the police” soon provoked a huge negative reaction among urban voters, and was largely abandoned by Democrats. An apotheosis of this occurred very recently when a state Democrat Party official in Minnesota, an avid advocate of defunding the police, was carjacked and assaulted. She now has understandably reversed her position, and calls for increased police protection.
The latter phenomenon, the left’s aversion to punishing criminals, includes the unwillingness of local officials to prosecute blatant theft in retail stores in urban centers. This continues to plague San Francisco, Chicago, Seattle, Portland and other cities — with the inevitable result that stores, business services, offices, and corporations are closing their local operations and moving elsewhere — creating a retail crisis and also an inevitable exodus of residents from city centers.
A reaction to the edicts and policies of many educational institutions that exclude parental rights in controversial gender medical procedures has also provoked a growing voter reaction in recent school board elections across the country, especially where, as in California, it is now apparently illegal for parents to prevent medical procedures on their own underage children, and they even face losing custody if they don’t comply.
The left’s extremism has steadily grown. But it was in New Mexico, of all places, not in San Francisco or Chicago or Portland, where a public official recently went so far and so egregiously in an official act that virtually no one, including her own appointees and leaders of her political party, supported her. In fact, they largely denounced what she did.
Democrat New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham last week ordered a public health decree banning public carrying of guns in two major state counties, arguing that the U.S. Constitution and her oath to uphold it is not “absolute” — and that she has the power to overrule a constitutional right.
The response was immediate.
Every law enforcement official in the counties and state, all Democrats and some appointed by her, have repudiated her action and are refusing to abide by it. A federal judge, appointed by a Democrat president, promptly placed a hold on the order, declaring it obviously unconstitutional.
Because Governor Grisham’s ban on guns was for 30 days, the federal judge’s action, in effect, cancels it. Governor Grisham has responded to this remarkable and overwhelming public and official reaction by defiantly justifying her action. Her apparent motivation, to gain support from gun control advocates, has nonetheless totally backfired.
Previously thought to be a popular, generally moderate governor in a blue (Democrat) state, and in the second year of her first four-year term, with a distinguished New Mexico political surname, Lujan Grisham has probably ended a promising political career (she had been mentioned as a possible vice presidential choice). Now there are calls for her immediate impeachment.
But her political disaster reverberates beyond her native state. She has embarrassed the large and important national anti-gun movement. She has sobered Democrat and other officials everywhere, many of whom were perhaps considering actions that now would seem draconian and politically unwise.
Most importantly, she has focused attention on, and given a face to, the sort of extremism that might enable conservatives and moderates to rally to turn back the radical woke tide.
These Marxist left wing scum have gotten away with so much for so long, they don’t even try to hide their hate for the Constitution and this country. It is long past the time that We The People need to take back control of this country and bring sanity back. We are a third world s#!thole because of the freaks and liberals who managed to ruin us.
I do not believe that this woman took this action independently. The important thing to know here is who prompted her to take this action and what she was promised.
To paraphrase Ronald Reagan freedom is one generation from extinction. Governor Grisham is a prime example with her order trashing the Second Amendment with a stroke of a pen. When David Hogg, a strong anti-gun activist, denounces you, you really overstepped your bounds.
Anyone who has followed the various attempts to disarm us realize the left will try anything. It’s largely forgotten now but they were keen to ban small handguns in the 60s and 70s, then it was all handguns. In the 80s and 90s it was rifles they focused on. They’re like viruses. They mutate and adapt, but the goal is always the same- a disarmed citizenry. This governor is expendable as far as the left is concerned. Rest assured she confered with national level people before trying this.
Ever some Democrats are waking up to how extreme the Demonrats are becoming!
Here is a little history that everyone needs to come and understand, If you read the Constitution and try just a little bit to understand it, there is not one thing in the constitution that gives any governing body the right to alter the Constitution through legislation, not City Councils, Not, state Legislatures, Not the U.S. House or Senate and not Even the Supreme Court, Our Founding Fathers when they wrote the Constitution wrote an Iron clad document to protect our rights, from outside forces, the mechanism they created for amending the Constitution is through the implementation of Article 5, because if they are allowed to alter the 2nd amendment to the Constitution though legislation they can alter any part of the Constitution in the same manor.
You can take away or suspend the rights of an individual whose acts are so egregious that they cannot be trusted and only through due process,
I have heard that there are 40,000-gun laws on the books, by Cities, Counties, States and Federal Government in my view unless they have created them by means of Article 5 in my view, they are illegal.
God Bless America!
The lockdowns were a test case to see how they could control people. The governor of New Mexico got power hungry or she was ordered to do this as a test case. First amendment is already ignored by the dems. Second amendment is next. Only when it serves them like article 3 of the 14th amendment then they bring it out as a positive. This was a dangerous thing this governor did. We have to stop it before they slip more of these edicts passed us. Ole Joe and his minions have got to go. Thanks to the judge for reversing her edict.
One can only hope and pray that actions like this will wake up conservatives & moderates to stop this evil tide that the liberal left demoncrats, Soros, and many others are forcing into our country with the eventual control of the masses by a few elitists, leftists, Marxist filth that permeates all levels of our government.
WE MUST STOP THEM NOW NOW NOW by all means possible!!!!!!
The dummy thinks she is the Queen of New Mexico instead of the Governor. The Second Amendment is scared in the United States. Impeach the Queen
You bet this is a line that should have never been crossed, time to remove legal immunity from officials for violations of their oath of office, and hold them legally accountable for their actions, and proposing, or making unconstititional laws, or declarations, and “executive” decisions. We can no longer afford to ignore authoritarian, and tyrannical activity with an “aw, shucks, don’t do that again” attitude, waiting for the courts to decide that Rights are rights and not privileges, until they might end up with a left wing activist like NM’s governor. Time to put the teeth back into the oath of office, and the Constitution itself, ready to bite those who play lose and fast with the Constitution, or those who perjure themselves from day one, in their big fat, and sassy wannabe politician dictator behind, so they remember the consequences daily!
Anyone with common sense could have told you that these policies and the other philosophies being pushed by the liberal wing of the democrat party would be a disaster. Look at all the misery and waste of money these liberals have caused. Why are they still in office?
Government overreach will eventually lead to backlash, as it has here. Most people are tolerant of government, if not skeptical, but will rebel when needed. We need wholesale government reform, eliminating cabinet positions and appointees. I hope we get it.
After her Covid debacle and now this, she has been a no nothing, do nothing Governor of so long she needs to be replaced her and all of her democratic cohorts.They done nothing but destroy this state..
The reason Japan did not invade the US in WW2, because too many Americans have weapons, so if the 2nd amendment is done away we as.free country are SCREW, and only criminals will have weapons, but when a DEMOCRATE is elected they want to take away our freedom, WW3 is around the corner now with OPEN BORDERS the bad guys are here so, get ready stock up with ammo and guns, get rid of the anti American media CNN,MSMBC, ABC, CBS
Political correctness, wokeism, cancel culture, lockdown mandates and defund the police are ALL the day dreams of IDIOTS. None of these things pass the smell test. Anyone with a working brain should be vigorously opposing all these things. Remember what Reagan said? “The nine most terrifying words in the English language are ‘I’m from the government and I’m here to help.'”
Everyone who knows how should be using their brain and standing up against this onslaught of tyranny from the far left individuals embedded in our government. My apologies to the author of this article, but NONE of these policies initially made sense!
Perhaps we should thank Democrat New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham for having the arrogance and STUPIDITY to suspend the Bill of Rights. This action should wake up millions of Americans who have steadfastly refused to face the truth. The democrat party no longer exists. It has become the Communist Party of the USA and intends to destroy the U. S. Constitution and form a new government of tyranny and slavery of the population.
Yes, this Marxism movement is intent on destroying our country. I will do all I can to turn NM red.
Democrats almost never have policies that benefit working, contributing citizens. Yet, about half the US voters keep electing them….
I can’t fathom the concept of the oath to uphold the Constitution NOT being absolute. But then I don’t understand coddling criminals, nor the concept of giving school authorities control over a child’s healthcare to the exclusion of parental participation nor defining the mores of our founding fathers in context of current cultural values. I would like to require anyone who truly believes our Constitution needs to be scrapped and our nation redefined to be required to live for a year in some of the hellhole nations I have visited or can read about daily. Why our President is so supportive of China is beyond belief. Some of our pharmaceuticals have avalability problems because they or the raw materials are made in China. We’re being required to switch to EVs and the batteries or raw materials for them are made in, or controlled by China. Many of our Solar panels are made in China. Chinese companies are buying land here. The governor of Michigan thinks that a Chinese battery plant in her state is wonderful. Americans need to wake up. November 2024 is pivotal to saving the United States!
The Dems are basically a communist party now, and will not stop, are not willing or capable of reforming themselves. The turning point will only come when the legacy media stops protecting them. As our Founders said over and over, an independent press is essential to preserving the Republic, and right now we don’t have one.
s very simple...She does not even know that what she proposed IS against US Constitution. Don
t believe me? – Ask her how many amendments there are in the Constitution. She could not answer you….-But she is a cockamamie governor.Voter and his indifference put the monstrosities it the offices they now hold
So here’s an autocrat that is not working for the majority rule of the citizens!! She needs to be recalled and booted from office!!
These politicians must believe they will be in power forever or receive special dispensation when they leave office, and that the resulting dictatorships won’t affect them. The Democrats do need a lesson in the language of the 18th century and need to read the notes from the Senate debates on the Bill of Rights, especially September 9, 1789, when it voted not to insert the words ‘for the common defense’ next to the words ‘ bear arms’ knocks the ‘National Guard” issue on its butt.
NM Governor probably should be impeached. Hates America.
Pray, pray, Pray.Keep your eyes on God ,Trust him. He is in control.
NO, because the Overreach started immediately after Zombie Biden was sworn in. It continues to escalate as time marches on. What this idiot Governor of New Mexico did is just one more of many Unconstitutional moves intentionally made by the democrats to promote their Socialist Agenda and to remove our Constitution and our Rights. This was planned prior to the 2020 election which is why Biden and Harris were handpicked as puppets so Obama could get his third term and is the reason why they went through such elaborate lengths to rig the 2020 election. Face it, how could anyone believe a guy that cannot hold a conversation or even speak with a teleprompter, nor can he walk by himself without stumbling and falling in his face possibly make any decisions by himself. There’s no doubt in my mind that this was all planned prior to the 2020 election, that election was rigged, and Obama is running the country with George Soros being the finance minister of it all. So no, this isn’t the turning point. It’s just one more of the many overreaches moves by this regime and there will be many more to come before 2024 gets here.
WeThe People MUST PUSH BACK! If we stand against the unconstitutionality of these “leaders” and demand our rights be protected, there is NO AUTHORITY for their devious acts. God is angry with our inability to say NO. He doesn’t want us to “go along to get along”!
Unfortunately, gun control lobbyists will never understand criminal behavior. Veteran police, FBI, and other law enforcement agencies do, but the main pushers of gun bans and micro-control, never. If someone without issues, but with a gun, had been there to protect the kids at these schools or other venues, those parents might still have their kids. That precise scenario has played out several times also, but don’t hold your breath waiting to hear about it from the media. With criminals, it’s about the BEST WEAPON AVAILABLE to obtain that objective. No rifles, use a hand gun. No hand guns, use a knife. No knives, use a stick. No sticks, use a club. No clubs, use a brick, or a rock, or a truck, or fire, or chair, or rope or shoe lace or pencil. How about combining available chemicals found anywhere to make a bomb? Let’s ban all these things. Let’s ban shoes, glass bottles, aspirin, silverware, vehicles, matches, pipes, fertilizer, wow. (Heard of the “WAR ON DRUGS”? Wow, all the drugs just dried up when that went into effect, didn’t they? Can’t find a hit to save your life, can you?) Just spit-ballin’ here, but how about arming our police properly, then ACTUALLY PUNISHING THE CRIMINALS, ALL CRIMINALS (God, what am I thinking?) and maintaining a strong, self-sufficient well armed and law abiding general public?
Our founding fathers had crystal clear reasons formed from wisdom, knowledge and vast experience that is at least as relevant today than it was then. They put the second amendment “in stone” and right where it is for good reasons. They probably knew that non-critical thinkers who live in their unicorn and fairy dust worlds would someday try to convince others that it was no longer necessary for an armed public. Well, average wait time for the police is 10 to 18 minutes. How about we convince the criminal to play checkers until the police arrive?
A “public health issue” of her own doing by supporting the defunding of Police and Soft on Crime District Attorney’s, Democrat New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham last week ordered a public health decree banning public carrying of guns in two major state counties, arguing that the U.S. Constitution and her oath to uphold it is not “absolute” — and that she has the power to overrule a constitutional right.
The response was immediate.
Every law enforcement official in the counties and state, all Democrats and some appointed by her, have repudiated her action and are refusing to abide by it. A federal judge, appointed by a Democrat president, promptly placed a hold on the order, declaring it obviously unconstitutional.
The Leftists will stoop (no low is too low) to have unarmed peasant subjects rather than an armed and free citizenry.
This witch needs to be burned, both politically and socially, at the stake.
NM Governor response of “no right is absolute” should be on every GOP election poster.
Time to clean house and rid the US of these petty dictators.
I doubt Lujan Grisham’s overreach is a turning point because progressives NEVER LEARN when the courts tell them they can’t do certain things. If anything, they will continue violating the constitution and quite possible double down on said violations because they don’t like being told “no” for the simple reason that they like the power and control.
NO absolute power of our Constitution or her oath to uphold it? The voters of New Mexico must impeach this tyrant. All the folks that conceal carry must also refuse to comply with this communist. People, it’s past time to stand up against these Marxist tyrants! We don’t need any more democrat communists to destroy our country from within.
Left wing governor should be impeached. She hates America along with the rest of the demoncrats.
This is why we must soundly defeat the dem-o-rats in 2024.
If you give Democrats enough rope, they’ll hang themselves. The trick is to survive until their own hanging.
YES it sure is Big time
Another example why all lovers of freedom should join and actively support the National Rifle Association, the foremost organization in the fight to defend the 2nd Amendment against the tyranny of government overreach.
I had been strongly considering retiring to N.M. for the weather, natural beauty and lower real estate costs. Subsequent to the governors recent actions, New Mexico has now been crossed off of the list.Won’t relocate to a state populated by Marxist voters who would elect a fascist such as Michelle Grisham.
Blatant power grab that screams anti-Constitution, anti-laws, anti-democratic process. And just plain dumb!
Well Thank Heaven someone shut her down. Stupid woman!
Well, New Mexico, you voted for her and now you have what you wanted!
Well, New Mexico, you got what you voted for.
This is no turning point. The left will continue to push the envelope for as long as they can get away with it. A “turning point” will be very clear; that will be when prominant people lose their positions, jobs, receive huge fines and or get imprisoned for these kinds of actions, and that stops happening to people excercising their constitutional rights.
she needs to be put in prison for violating million s of people civil rights. she is much worse than the KKK in 1930. well she is a democrat so she is a member of the kkk.
The jury is still out on what affect the Grisham Act will have going forward but lets hope the Grisham Act puts the nail in the coffin wacky Leftist extremism for awhile.
By all appearances, this is an attempt to develop another unconstitutional precedent by the Left
Overreacting, over reach, unconstitutional marxist democrat party out of control!
This democrat actually claimed her oath of office is invalid because she as all knowing all seeing decided she could do this.
Another who’s merely a employee of the Free American Citizens who pay her livelihood!
…”arguing that the U.S. Constitution and her oath to uphold it is not “absolute” — and that she has the power to overrule a constitutional right”…
This is the goal of EVERY socialist/communist to just do away with all those messy and inconvenient individual rights. This chick was just a little too soon.
About 15 years ago, we were called right wing paranoids for accusing them then of what they do openly now. I may not be able to stop them from enacting new “laws” but I don’t have to comply with them. I can’t stop them from coming after them but I don’t have to turn them in.
STOP making the excuse that these are only “radicals” in the Democrat(sic) Party. NO!! They are ALL Progressive-Socialists, who are only taking advantage of the opportunity (sadly)given to them to implement their agenda. An agenda which is totally sound and reasonable, if you’re on a mission to “fundamentally transform” America.
These people are every decent America-loving citizen’s enemy. Yes, enemy! They regard you as such, and you’re a fool if you don’t acknowledge the fact and respond appropriately. Unless they are all weeded-out from our governments, schools, agencies, corporations, etc., we will continuously suffer & struggle from their toxic influence.
I’ve talked myself blue in the face about this, but too many Still fail to see the truth.