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Is Laken Riley’s Life Worth Less Than George Floyd’s?

Posted on Wednesday, March 13, 2024
by Outside Contributor
George Floyd and Laken Riley

George Floyd’s death during a police chokehold on May 25, 2020, ignited nationwide protests to reform police procedures. Referring to Floyd’s ordeal, former President Donald Trump said, “It doesn’t get any worse than that,” and within three weeks Trump signed an executive order establishing an abuse of force database and calling for improved police practices.

Fast-forward to Feb. 22, 2024, when Georgia nursing student Laken Riley was bludgeoned to death allegedly at the hands of an illegal migrant, Jose Ibarra, a member of the notorious Venezuelan gang Tren de Aragua. Democrats are accusing Republicans of trying to “score cheap political” points by demanding that migrants be vetted before being allowed in the U.S.

Kelly Girtz, Democratic mayor of Athens, Georgia, where Riley was killed, insists the focus should be on the individual perpetrator, not migrants. That’s ridiculous. Was the focus only on Derek Chauvin, the cop with his knee on Floyd’s neck?

Riley’s murder should ignite demand for rigorous vetting of migrants entering the U.S.

Riley is dead because the Biden administration lets anyone in and lies about it.

Ibarra was first arrested for illegally crossing into the U.S. in September 2022. But Customs and Border Protection kept him less than 24 hours before releasing him to go anywhere in the U.S. he chose. Zero vetting.

Internal Department of Homeland Security documents show Ibarra is a gang member. But former Border Patrol officers explain that the Biden administration wants “migrants out of our hands and out of our custody as fast as humanly possible.” No time to check records.

DHS claims that migrants admitted into the U.S. undergo “robust security vetting.”

That lie was exposed on Friday when a federal judge ruled on a lawsuit challenging the Biden administration’s airplane parole program, which allows 30,000 migrants per month from Nicaragua, Cuba, Haiti and Venezuela to fly into the U.S. The judge’s ruling set aside the lawsuit because the plaintiffs lacked standing. Even so, Judge Drew Tipton’s ruling is important because he pointed to evidence showing that any migrant who schedules an appointment using the CBP One app, buys a plane ticket, and arrives in the U.S. gets in. A staggering 98% are approved. A migrant would have to punch the Customs and Border Protection agent in the nose to have a problem.

Yet White House spokesperson Angelo Fernandez Hernandez doubled down on the standard lie Friday, again claiming migrants must “pass through a rigorous vetting process.”

The mainstream media shamelessly repeats that fiction. CNN said on Friday that migrants using the CBP One mobile app “are thoroughly vetted.” Laughable.

The lack of vetting, whether at the southern border or in President Joe Biden’s new CBP airport parole program, produces tragic consequences.

In January, Tammy Nobles testified before a House panel about the murder of her 20-year-old daughter Kayla Hamilton, who was allegedly raped and strangled to death with an electric cord by an illegal migrant robbing her of $6.

Nobles explained that all DHS “had to do was make one phone call to El Salvador to know he was an MS-13 gang member on the list.”

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who didn’t attend the House hearing, insisted afterward that American deaths at the hands of illegal migrants “should not be politicized.”

No one said that about Floyd’s death. Is Hamilton’s life also worth less than Floyd’s?

The Washington Post, USA Today, and other publications cite several studies, from the Cato Institute, Stanford University, and elsewhere, purporting to show immigrants have committed crimes at a lower rate than people born in the U.S. These studies assess data from several years, even decades, ago. Some don’t distinguish between legal and illegal immigrants. Most important, these studies ignore the new reality. Venezuela and El Salvador are emptying their prisons and sending their gang members to the United States, according to FBI sources. Americans need to be protected from these killers.

The issue facing Biden and his party is not whether to call Ibarra “illegal,” “undocumented” or a “newcomer.” The brutal truth is he’s a Tren de Aragua gang member. And he should have been stopped at the border before he killed Riley.

Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York and chairman of the Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths. Follow her on Twitter @Betsy_McCaughey. To find out more about Betsy McCaughey and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website.


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11 months ago

George Floyd was a punk who killed himself on fentanyl  but that’s what the communist Democrats and Black people wanna celebrate and call him a victim, even though what Derek Chauvin did with the knee over the neck with stupid and a stupid training rule of Minneapolis. The sentence that he received from the kangaroo Court was nothing more than racist appeasement and nothing more George Floyd doesn’t deserve to be celebrated for one single thing. 

11 months ago

The Biden administration is so crooked and corrupt, it’s a double standard between the republican and democratic partys. Biden needs to be impeached by both congress and the senate. America can’t survive if he stays in power.

11 months ago

Laken’s life will always be held in higher regard than that of George Floyd’s. She was a student nurse, someone wanting to dedicate her life to aiding the sick and injured. Floyd was a known criminal and drug abuser who had enough drugs in him to kill him before his encounter with the police. But the facts don’t matter to those wanting to promote a narrative to defund the police and allow all criminals back on the streets to further tear the country apart.

Vivian Kaczur
Vivian Kaczur
11 months ago

My daughter who was 24 was killed by a drunk illegal alien in 2006. He had been deported once and got back into the US. This is a never ending cycle unless real measures are taken.

11 months ago

Is the life of an innocent young woman worth more than a criminal meth head? You bet.

11 months ago

The world is better off without George Floyd and poorer with the loss of Laken Riley.

11 months ago

Biden is a lying, shiftless poor excuse for a human being and not fit to be President and allegedly protecting our citizens. What a travesty.

11 months ago

Of course, on the left, a black thugs life is worth a million young decent nursing students lives. Anyone decent, honest, wholesome, and moral is evil in the eyes of the lefties. If we do not rid ourselves of the Marxists that have taken over the Democrat party, we will not have a nation left.

11 months ago

George Floyd was NOT in a chokehold.

Joyce Carey
Joyce Carey
11 months ago

Yes. Laken Riley was killed by an illegal alien who should have never been free in America. He was prosecuted and set free by the Progressive left policies.

11 months ago

Ultimately, Laken Riley’s death was delivered by an irresponsible and dishonest little person named Joseph Biden, who knew and entirely disregarded the obvious dangers he invoked by his actions on Laken Riley, her family and friends, and all of the potential victims, and families of every victim, young or old, who will be affected by this person’s, illegal and politically motivated decisions.
He may hold a high office, but he is not a man.

Doug Craig
Doug Craig
11 months ago

Those who practice and support the Woke-Progressive-Social agenda in America cannot recognize crimes against anyone other than those included in their current narrative.

11 months ago

As long as the Media can sandbag the American People, there will be indoctrination of corruption and suppression of rights and freedom. George Floyd’s life and Laken Riley’s life were both valuable; the difference is George Floyd corrupted his for wrong and crime, Laken Riley enhanced hers and others by choosing to do good for others and herself. May she enjoy her consolation in Heaven, and may her family be consoled by justice being done to END illegal immigration permanently and hopefully that will include expulsion of all current illegals.

11 months ago

Laiken’s life is/was just as valuable as that of George Floyd’s. The problem is different in the two cases in that Mr. Floyd was described (as I recall the reports from the officers involved) was not necessarily in a sober state of mind and body. The officers were trying to subdue him in a heightened state of agitation. Miss Hamilton’s death could have been avoided if president biteme had not been so spiteful in his own life and overturning virtually every single thing that President Trump was able to get done in his first term in office. As far as I am concerned, president biteme and his administration, and his advisors including any and everyone who has been associated with this administration have this young lady’s blood on their hands and have to answer to God on the Great Judgement Day when we ALL have to meet our Maker and He will be the final judge. I am not going to suggest that President Trump when he takes office of The President of the United States of America ???????? in January of 2025 should have the biteme administration, family members, and any others who have been associated with this administration prosecuted to the point that President Trump has been persecuted for political reasons, only, but I will not have any negative thoughts about biteme and associates being tried for any and all crimes against the United States of America ????????. I am aware of only a few small amount of what has taken place, but it is enough to make a clear case of treason. I for one would like to see the right thing done in this particular case.

11 months ago

I’m not sure the country can make it to November without collapsing.
If The Biden administration is still in the WH in January, the country is FINISHED.

11 months ago

Stop calling them MIGRANTS. Why are you so stupid. Using the democrats deceptive language just allows them to obfuscate and hide from the real issue.
There is NOTHING MIGRATORY about them. They are ILLEGAL ALIENS breaking US law repeatedly without concern or remorse and with the full cooperation and financial support of the democrat party and the executive branch of the federal governemnt.
Stop being a pussy and tell it like it is. Otherwise you will never have ground to stand on to START to FIX it.
Sheesh, Amateur night.
Now to the point
To liberals of course she is worth less

  1. White girl (or close enough)
  2. College ( so rich whether she is or not does not matter)

So she is a colonial oppressor. Or any of a dozen other things ( to include completely made up things) that make her BAD. At least Double-plus bad.
Floyd as we know was a steady Democrat voter, ( even if he never voted) a well knoiwn and fine upstanding pillar of his ghetto and he was just about to turn his life around and send in those papers for a cure for cancer!
But the best thing now is he gets too vote at least twice and his(well deserved death) allowed the left to get together and organize their minions for maximized feigned outrage.
He is triple -plus good.
Do try to keep up.

anna hubert
anna hubert
11 months ago

Laken had a life and a future ahead of her Floyd was a life time criminal and a drug user It was only matter of time before he overdosed Who would dare to force the black community to face the reality of what it became under the democrat’s programs

Kris Turnbow
Kris Turnbow
11 months ago

Putting George Floyd‘s picture next to Laken Riley is a travesty in and of itself. She contributed nothing to the cause of her death while George Floyd made horrible decisions that contributed significantly to his death, meanwhile at the hands of police. These cases are nothing alike, and trying to compare them is a crime in itself.

anna hubert
anna hubert
11 months ago

Laken had a future ahead of her Floyd was a criminal and a junkie it was just a matter of time before the overdosed Left made him into a martyr and who would dare to say enough is enough and force the black community to face what it became under the democrat’s programs

11 months ago

The Obiden administration wants to replace all the Maga citizens with illegals. As soon as he is re-elected ole Joe will arrest all those that have ever voted for Trump, has supported him or has used his name in an email or even mentioned the Maga name. Like I am doing now. Let them come and get me an 84 year old great grandmother that was born way before any one in the deep state had experienced any hardship or discrimination. The dems with ole Joe resurrected racism, denied the existence of religion. And promoted criminality and sexual promiscuity and degradation against the white race. They want blind followers and if you don’t you are being persecuted. No thinking smart citizens in this country. The next pandemic will take care of them pesky White race Magas. I am worried about the generations after me. I am glad I am close at the end of my life. The future for my grandchildren looks bleak.

M. Forte
M. Forte
11 months ago

No way is it the same. You don’t see rioting and burning of property! Floyd was all and is “woke” driven by the George Soros types. Total BS. Add Laken to the list of Biden deaths.

11 months ago

Is Ashli Babbit’s life worth less than George Floyd’s?

11 months ago

just to clear up……there was no choke hold and Chauvin’s knee was on his shoulder area near his neck exactly like what was pictured in the police training manual. Big difference here is that Floyd died while in police custody,….. while Laken was out right murdered.

11 months ago

every time biden brings up his naturally dead son, we need to say ‘Laken Riley’. Don’t let him forget!

11 months ago

Is Laken Riley’s Life Worth Less Than George Floyd’s? Be sure to contact your local office of White Lives Matter to get the answer.

Papa John
Papa John
11 months ago

A bucket of spit is worth more than George Floyd.
impeach Biden today for failing his oath of office “to protect and defend the Constitution “

Paul Desillier
Paul Desillier
11 months ago

Good point. He was a criminal that died of an overdose and it got blamed on the police. Laken was an innocent nursing student killed by an illegal alien. Protesting in the streets happened only for one even though laws were broken in order for the incident to even occur resulting in her untimely death.

Edmund Joseph Ross
Edmund Joseph Ross
11 months ago

i agree with everything said here the problem is how do we fix this

Joe Bosse
Joe Bosse
11 months ago

Thank You for this article. I agree 100%. It should be treated just as nasty, and the people TO THE TOP need to be brought down. Maybe even shipped off to Guantanamo Bay.Maybe do the trials live on Pay per View, it would help eliminate the debt..:)

11 months ago

There is absolutely nothing good about Biden or his admin regime. They are contemptible and despicable people, devoid of ethics, principles or heart — and even worse== patriotism with the good of OUR nation in mind. The sooner they are all out, the safer and better our country…

11 months ago

sorry, laken just doesn’t fit their agenda. God Bless Laken!!!

11 months ago

Riley was studying to become a nurse. She was killed by a thug who should have been barred from the US. Floyd was a thug and drug addict. He was resisting arrest when he was murdered by a cop. Neither deserved the death they received. However we show strange ways of commemorating things. In NYC there is a memorial to George Floyd. In NYC the statue of Thomas Jefferson has been removed from City Hall. Liberal heroes can be thugs and liberal villains can author the Declaration of Independence. That’s what defines liberal values.

11 months ago

If Floyd hadn’t resisted arrest he just might still be alive!

11 months ago

I thought about this comparison awhile back.
It’s about time somebody wrote about this.
Thank you!

Gerald Goblirsch
Gerald Goblirsch
11 months ago

Great article

11 months ago

I do not morn the highly publicized death of George Floyd who was a known criminal with huge amounts of fentanyl and many other drugs in his body-‘-‘ proven by autopsy! However, the needless murder of Ms Rily is not acceptable at all in any circumstance!!!!!

11 months ago

Laken Riley, she will not be forgotten! There’s no question that she deserves justice above and beyond that of George Floyd. On March 2, 2024, Washington State Patrol Trooper, former EMT, Christopher Gadd 27 was investigating a DUI on I-5 in Marysville, WA when a Intoxicated Illegal Immigrant slammed into him and his patrol car killing him. Raul Benitez Santana, who is facing vehicular homicide and vehicular assault charges, is being held in Snohomish County Jail on $1 million bail. He admitted to drinking beer and smoking pot. He has 4 prior arrests, one for domestic violence. An immigration detainer was placed on Benitez Santana on March 4. A detainer is placed on arrested individuals when ICE has probable cause to believe they are removable non-citizens. Washington State Governor Jay Inslee welcomes all illegal immigrants. He spent 800 million dollars recently to house them in the State. Christopher Gadds father and sister are both in Law enforcement. He leaves behind a wife and 2 year old daughter.

Bacon Nivison
Bacon Nivison
11 months ago

There’s no comparison. Floyd was a criminal whose arresting officer is still in prison (Police State for sure!!!) Peddo-Joe should be in prison for literally breaking the law and traitoring the USA. The completely unnecessary and avoidable death of Laken Riley is one of uncountable blood stains on his hands. Such a damn shame that a bastion of evil, anti-freedom, rectums (the demonicrats), is allowed to exist, let alone hold actual power.

John Riley
John Riley
11 months ago

I don’t like comparing the value of one life against another, but I think more could have been done in preventing Laken’s death.

11 months ago

Once again they try and dodge responsibality by siteing numbers.
The Washington Post, USA Today, and other publications cite several studies, from the Cato Institute, Stanford University, and elsewhere, purporting to show immigrants have committed crimes at a lower rate than people born in the U.S.”
Ignoring the reality that it all could have been avoided by simply following the rules we have in place. This ‘Policy” crap has to come to an end! Enforce the laws or change them.

11 months ago

I agree with this article. George Floyd was pretty much a low life and only became this “martyr” because of what a stupid cop did to him.
Laken Riley was an upstanding member of society, helping people and living a decent life. Her life was worth at least as much and probably much more than George Floyd, but she’s not black so nobody will start a riot in her name.

Grace Andaverde
Grace Andaverde
11 months ago

For sure I would say that Kayla Hamilton’s & Laken Riley’s lives were very important especially compared to Floyd! He was a criminal, rapist, thief, & murderer. These two young ladies are forever lost & tragically stolen from them.

11 months ago

Joe Obiden and Mayorcas are traitors. Our country will never get over the crimes that the Obiden regime and DemonRats have committed.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
11 months ago

Let’s hope the killer of Laken Riley doesn’t go free like Kate Stienle’ did and Georgia justice takes a day off from prosecuting Trump to do real justice. I’m not surprised by the “ignore” button from the media but ut would be nice if UGA and UG women’s sport teams showed support: black arm band with initials or a prayer vigil, maybe?

11 months ago

Biden and his supporters are illegal aliens and should be imprisoned, they are just as bad as the MS13 gang

11 months ago

All lives are important even though there is no comparison here. Floyd had a rap sheet a mile long and the police deal with his type every day and still get blamed for problems. The problem is open borders and the slime that infests our congress on the left. How the democrats justify open borders is beyond me? Need more rational thinking and term limits in 2024.

11 months ago

Her life was worth so much more.Just an innocent young girl with a future who’s life was snuffed out.

11 months ago

This is on the democrats. They are trying to destroy this country. We need to get out and vote.

11 months ago

Floyd was a lowlife criminal ,he would never amount to anything. He was a POS .The ignorant left made a martyr out of him , Stupid, .Laken was college educated , working taxpayer , a beautiful young girl with a future in front of her .Where are all the city destroyers now.


11 months ago

It is so ridiculous how we celebrate criminals and dismiss real quality individuals. These criminals resist arrest and then when something bad happens to them all hell breaks loose. How about don’t get into trouble? Maybe don’t commit crimes?
And now an innocent girls life is ended and nobody gives a crap. This country is sick!

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