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IRS Whistleblower Alleges Biden DOJ Obstruction of Prosecution of Hunter Biden

Posted on Thursday, April 20, 2023
by The Association of Mature American Citizens

WASHINGTON, DC, Apr 20 – A senior supervisory IRS agent with a sterling work record on tax cases and acting as a whistleblower has reported to the Justice Department that federal prosecutors appointed by President Joe Biden have worked to block criminal tax charges against his son, Hunter Biden, even though this decorated agent believes that an indictment is warranted.  This evidence calls into question the forthrightness of Attorney General Merrick Garland’s recent testimony to Congress when he indicated that no political appointee could block the US Attorney for Delaware, a Trump appointee, from bringing criminal charges against Hunter Biden. Congress could soon become involved if House Committee chairmen believe the Biden administration is involved in criminal activity, including obstruction of justice. Please click this link to learn more about this breaking news from John Solomon of

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David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Excellent article.
Hunter is such a daddy’s boy. Sickening.

1 year ago

Anyone who doubts the direct or indirect interfering with the prosecution and shading Hunter Biden’s breaking of the law is either a compulsive believer in the DemocRat Party or a bit on the side of idiocy.

1 year ago

Disgusting that you have chosen your message moniker (“ronald reagan”) … it is a slimy trick to virtually grossly misrepresent the integrity of former POTUS Ronald Reagan. I guess your next ploy to denigrate former GOP President is to claim that Abe Lincoln was a racist!!!

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

On 3-9-23, Dictator Beijing biden signed Unconstitutional Executive Order 14067, and in Section 4 it states…Legal SURVEILLANCE of ALL U.S. Citizens, Complete CONTROL of ALL Bank Accounts and Purchases, and The Ability To Crush FREE SPEECH and SILENCE Opposing Voices.
Yet, the DOJ DOESN’T Prosecute Hunter biden for his crimes because of daddy’s interference. Which shows that Hunter is guilty.
If he wasn’t, then why is he hiding behind daddy?

Dennis Belotti
Dennis Belotti
1 year ago

The Biden crime family are deep in the quagmire of US Traitorism !
May the good Lord reward them richly for their deeds.
This life may very well be the the best heaven any of those miscreants can expect.

Joey Mize
Joey Mize
1 year ago

If some law enforcement agency ( other than the FBI ) does not get their hands on the Criminal H. Biden he may flee to a location where he cannot be extradited, LIKE CCP COUNTRY ! I can see this happening in a heartbeat. Have a late night Air force one trip to Hong Kong and he slips off into the fog on the tarmac never to be seen again. Yea I know maybe I read to many Tom Clancy Novels.
Anyone ever read ” SUM OF ALL FEARS ” it fits well with todays world. Or maybe ” RED STORM RISING “

James Thompson
James Thompson
1 year ago

Everyone knows already

1 year ago

Does that surprise anyone??

John Riley
John Riley
1 year ago

IRS will decline to prosecute. They will work a deal with IRS to admit guilt and pay a fine and fees with an NDA.

1 year ago

The Biden Administration and the Biden Crime Family Mafia has been committing criminal activity including prostitution and money laundering, along with setting up fake LLCs to do criminal businesses for many, many years – I, for one, think it’s about time this has all come out, and I’m waiting for Jesus to turn on the sirens of the Great Awakening and the Illumination, for when it will no longer be hidden, and the justice of the Holy One will be shown.

1 year ago

Bringing to light what we already know, or at least suspected. This will go no where, neither in the IRS, the courts, or the MSM. If this was even a vague idea about any one of the Trump kids, they would already be viewing the world from behind bars. Blind justice? Not on Biden’s watch.

Ron St. Martin
Ron St. Martin
1 year ago

How many impeachable offenses does Biden have to commit, before the House files impeachment against Biden?

Gabe Hanzeli
Gabe Hanzeli
1 year ago

it is called obstruction of justice and the biden administration is doing it on a whole bunch of crimes. that is why they can not let Trump and the republicans win. if the republican get power the democrats are going to prison.

1 year ago

Protect the witness and secure the evidence. This will be bigger than Watergate if it is investigated properly. It has been going on for a long time and it’s a family industry. Joe, Hunter and Joe’s brother are a good start.
The Bidens have been protected long enough

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Been blocking since day 1

1 year ago

The Big guy owns the justice system and uses it against his political enemies and protects himself and his family. Pray for the safety of this whistleblower.

Patriot Will
Patriot Will
1 year ago

Biden and his thugs are pure evil. Garland is so crooked that he should be rotting in prison. However, Biden and his fake Justice Department are all covering for each other, and the mainstream media makes sure that the apathetic, gullible public doesn’t get the objective news. It literally breaks my heart to see a bunch of gangsters shamelessly shredding our Constitution to pieces. If reason and ethics ever become part of the executive branch again, we are going to have so many documentaries and books about the Marxist Democrat traitors that people will be shaking their heads for decades asking themselves how could this have happened in the United States of America? Hopefully, we will get a second chance to once again have an ethical justice system that protects the patriots and punishes the criminals.

Steven Tapper
Steven Tapper
1 year ago

Just when I thought we couldn’t do worse than Eric Holder, Obama’s Attorney General, we now have Merrick Garland as Attorney General abusing his office for purely political reasons. Garland should be Impeached for his violation of his oath of office by weaponizing the so called “Justice Department”. The Justice Department should not be in the business of protecting crooked politicians or a political party. Hunter Biden should be treated like every other citizen and if it is found that he has tax issues than the IRS should be able to prosecute him for tax evasion. It has become obvious that we are no longer a nation governed by Law but rather political expedience.

1 year ago

Yah, let’s see if they do anything. Biden and the administration don’t care

1 year ago

No one will be charged for anything because republicans will not have the backbone to do no more than talk. This has happened in the past and democrats will not worry. The public will put this man back into off for another four years. WHAT A SHAME!

1 year ago

No matter more conciencias people speaking up, the current voting system with voting machines, multiple voting days, fair true election result can not be expected. In person, with ID, paper ballot, verifiable records in store, one day, voting anywhere in US true voting system needs to be created.

Whiz Wiiliams
Whiz Wiiliams
1 year ago

Well……Is Hillary under indictment yet?……….I guess that answers the Hunter question.

1 year ago

This too shall pass!

1 year ago

By the time we get around to charging Biden ( maybe 2030 when he is dead ?) there will be so many lawsuits against Trump that the 87,000 IRS new hires will be tiny compared to the new hires
the DOJ will need to prosecute Trump. They will claim, like Adams in NYC ” we just don’t have enough people to pursue Biden. All of of our people are after Trump”

Melissa elizabeth Phillips
Melissa elizabeth Phillips
1 year ago

Do you remember The House Judiciary Committee approved three articles of impeachment against Nixon for obstruction of justice, abuse of power, and contempt of Congress. With his complicity in the cover-up made public, and his political support completely eroded, Nixon resigned from office on August 9, 1974.Now Obiden is doing the same thing and his druggy Son.

1 year ago

Ain’t nothing going to happen. As Brandon said, “No body f***s with a Biden”.

1 year ago

My question : What is plan of Donald Trump & Marg Taylor Greene that they want to defund the FBI? What will happen to cases like Hunter? And Trump also wants to defund DOJ. Our founding fathers formed three branches of govt. so that Executive branch cannot make them do what party in White House wants them to do. The system has worked for +200 years so what is problem now?

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