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Iran Woke a Sleeping Giant

Posted on Monday, October 28, 2024
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

History is a profound teacher. Iran should pay attention. Israel’s first-ever interior attack on Iranian military targets, retaliating for Iran’s missile barrages and attempt on the Israeli Prime Minister’s life, is only the beginning. Iran misses how World War II started. They have awakened a sleeping giant.

Quick facts: On October 7, 2023, Hamas – a terror group supported by Iran – viciously attacked Israeli innocents. Israel responded by going into Gaza to uproot Hamas. Iran ramped up missile strikes throughout 2024, from Iranian-supported Hezbollah in Lebanon and Iran proper.

Most were knocked down by Israel’s air defenses and the US Navy. Iran then poured more missiles into Israel. Israel responded by killing top Hamas and Hezbollah leaders.

Iran then elevated the fight, putting missiles deep into Israel, Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, and Haifa, sending drones after the Israeli Prime Minister. Israel, never before deploying air assets to interior Iran, finally said, “Enough.” They sent 140 bombers into Iran, a “limited” strike on strictly military targets.

Now, this is where Iran should stop, and start restudying World War II. The Allied forces, resolved to stop Nazi German aggression, began in March 1940 with “limited” attacks on Nazi military targets.

The Allied goal, like Israel’s goal today, was not to destroy the adversary’s economy, and kill civilians or their leadership, but to stop German military attacks on innocent countries. Germany did not stop.

Because the Nazis continued to escalate, the Allies had no choice. The Germans, arrogant, undeterred, and filled with hate, hit Allied cities, killing innocents. So, the Allies expanded their target list, moving from military to economic targets. British bombers hit oil and industrial plants.

Still, the Germans did not stop, determined they could inflict greater damage. This widened and tightened Allied ranks, unifying global condemnation of Germany. Allies now hit German cities.

As the war progressed, American scientists raced for the “ultimate weapon,” something to end things swiftly. Securing victory in Europe, the Allies focused on Japan – which had attacked the US in December 1941, triggering our entry into the war, now refused unconditional surrender in 1945.

Both Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan had, themselves, misunderstood history. They believed they could combine and split the world, win a war of attrition, even on their own soil. They thought they could intimidate the West with “lightning warfare” (Blitzkrieg), suicide bombers (“kamikaze”), and a go-for-broke strategy that terrorized, demoralized, and outgunned the free West. They were wrong.

Reportedly, after Japan discovered US carriers were not at Pearl Harbor, or after the Doolittle Raiders daringly bombed Tokyo, Japanese Admiral Yamamoto said, “IN fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant, and fill him with a terrible resolve.”

Had Germany and Japan pulled back early in the war, before the US was fully engaged, their regimes – horrific as they were – might have survived through a negotiated peace. By escalating in the face of Allied resolve to stop their aggression, they sealed their own fates.

Iran is following the Nazi blueprint, initiating aggression, direct and indirect means to pursue an unjust war, believing escalation will – in time – produce capitulation, or allow military victory.

Now, as then, these assumptions are wrong. Israel, supported by the US, much like the WWII Allies,  will not capitulate to evil, not permit itself to be overwhelmed by Iranian conventional forces, or – now just like in 1945 – allow evil to acquire and use a nuclear weapon.

Iran misunderstands the stakes, resolve, power of moral compass, unity of the West when things become existential, and the self-defeating nature of escalation.

Just as in the 1940s, the target list will expand from conventional military targets to oil and economic infrastructure, from military to civilian targets, in time knocking out Iran’s uranium enrichment and nuclear potential, eventually hitting Iran’s leadership, likely to greater effect.

The point is simple:  For Israel, this fight is defensive, existential, and cannot be lost, it must be won. On what terms, for how long, what loss to Iran, with what consequences – are unanswered questions. The irony is, that Iran started this and can end it, or Israel will. Iran has awakened a sleeping (nuclear) giant.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC. Robert Charles has also just released an uplifting new book, “Cherish America: Stories of Courage, Character, and Kindness” (Tower Publishing, 2024).

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4 months ago

RBC, when one looks over history, the same cycle exists over and over again, Man has not learned the lessons from past failures. Nations begin warfare against their neighbors where there is a victor and loser. The victor dictates terms and then implements them. After a while, new leaders arise and begin the cycle again. A never-ending story. Remember that Islam is taught that the Jews are an enemy that is to be exterminated. Young Muslims are thoroughly indoctrinated through their schooling that all Jews and allies are the enemy and have to be eliminated. Until man can live in true peace without the influence of the Adversary, man will always be driven to conflict.

4 months ago

RBC, you are quite correct that history is a profound teacher. Whether people choose to listen and understand what history is telling us if of course another matter. Your article is excellent in laying out how, if one chooses to ignore history for either ignorance or political expediency, that one shouldn’t be surprised that the outcome of current events is dramatically different from what some of the major players envisioned.

In this case Iran erroneously assumed Israel would simply follow the pattern of most of the West has adopted over the last few decades and when attacked via its proxies or directly, would either try to appease the attacker or do nothing at all. The response from the United States, via the Biden administration, was certainly in-line with what Iran expected to the letter, because of our weak and incompetent current leadership. Israel on the other hand happened to be led by a clear-eyed and focused student of history, who understood the threat and responded accordingly. Knowing full well that appeasement only ultimately leads to more aggression from the aggressor force and the potential complete defeat of the nation trying to appease its way to peace. History has shown repeatedly that that strategy does not work out well for those choosing the appeasement route.

So now, the Supreme Ayatollah of Iran is being taught a valuable lesson in history himself. As his proxies in Gaza and Lebanon are being decimated and Iran is now being punished for each direct aggressive action that they have launched against Israel. Obviously, the Iranian Ayatollah thought he could count on the Biden administration, which is nothing more than a slightly re-packaged version of the Obama administration with just a few players moved around a bit, to persuade Israel to just back down and take whatever Iran and its proxies decided to dish out for the sake of what the current administration calls a “stable Middle East”. Fortunately, Israel is currently headed up by someone who understands why that would be both a short-term and long-term losing proposition. Again, very good article.

Rob citizenship--
Rob citizenship--
4 months ago

This article ” Iran Woke a Sleeping Giant ” puts the matter of the conflict between Israel and Iran in perspective. This understanding of what is going on in the middle East and why is of great importance on many levels and for many reasons . The synopsis of how the second world war escalated provides explanation of the Who, How , Why ,When , and Where the second world war developed and is vital to having an understanding of events unfolding today. To be at the ready, to be prepared for things that can happen that could turn the world into a very uncertain, bloody dangerous place is the right sensible outlook to have .In the spirit of peace through strength and keeping in mind that victory through strength should be understood at the same time. Let good prevail over evil – the watchword is Understanding ( having knowledge of what is going on – how and why. ). It would be a good idea if a merchant ship building program were to be started in the interest of defense, similar to the very successful Liberty ship building program in the 1940′ s. Important article RBC , much appreciated.

anna hubert
anna hubert
4 months ago

Lets all hope and pray that David will slay this Goliath

4 months ago

The people of Iran need to stop the IOTOLLa or what ever, the Republican Guard and return the Country of Iran to normal and participate in the world. End the takeover.

4 months ago

Terrific article. Explains the whole of WWII and today’s imbrolio between Iran and Israel and her allies in terms eveeyone can understand. Each day that passes without a dramatic pull-back by Iran brings the world that much closer to a nuclear WWIII. That is something that should scare the boots off of eveey man, woman, and child.

Summer Sands
Summer Sands
4 months ago

Arrogance is always the downfall of those who don’t learn from history.

4 months ago

Iran and it’s allies are no match for Israel & America when they will lose patience to stop Iran’s daily missile attacks on Israel. They won’t even know what hit them, and where it came from, because our nuclear subs are undetectable. I learned this from an old military officer who said the power of America is not on land, or sky but under the sea. Knowing some friends who served in subs, I believe him. So, no worry folks, we are safe, not unless our enemies want the world to end. Crazy leaders of our enemies are never open minded, and that’s what makes their ignorance dangerous for their people & their demise. May God bless them with wisdom before it is too late for them.

4 months ago

If I were an Iranian leader I’d be very careful flushing a toilet you are sitting on! The IDF is thorough and committed…

4 months ago

It’s a shame history repeats itself once again. In this instance Israel has to remove Irans ability to fund these atrocious. Remove Irans oil fields from the equation and take out Irans ability to manufacture nuclear materials. This may only be a stop gap for the present but will allow Israel some breathing’s room.

Joe McHugh
Joe McHugh
4 months ago

Robert Charles seems to misunderstand history regarding Iran. “Iran misunderstands the stakes, resolve, power of moral compass, unity of the West when things become existential, and the self-defeating nature of escalation.”
What Charles is alluding to is the current hostilities between Iran and Israel. It does not matter if Israel pounds the Iranian government into the desert sands this time around. Iran, and all Muslim countries have been at war with the infidels, (Western countries) since the seventh century and they will never stop waging this war as long as there are more generations of Muslims.
Iran uses the money it receives from oil sales to fund war when it has that means, and terrorism when it can’t. This is the Jihad that Mohammad instructed his followers to wage in order to bring the murderous cult of Islam to a position of world domination.
I’ll say it right now, there are approximately 1.6 billion Muslims on Earth. Unless every one of them are eliminated, the Jihad will continue on and on adinfinitum. Islam is incompatible with religions, and even those who have no religious beliefs.
Seems somewhat harsh? All Western societies have tried to negotiate with, accommodate and ” “get along” with the Muslims over the last 13-centuries. And these efforts have all proved to be futile. The only practical solution? I suggest that the Islam mentality be adjusted by the effects of a high speed piece of metal going right through the heads of every Muslim. The only reliably peaceful Muslim is a dead Muslim. Other than that the Muslims are fine people.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
4 months ago

Since he publicly stated Israei response limitations to oil and nuclear faculties afterwards, I’m sure they relied on Biden to keep Israel in check allowing for an attack to happen.

4 months ago

If the people of Iran do not stop this, takeout the fools pushing this, their Republican Guard and retake the country, Others will, Sick of the sick of mind and rabble.

4 months ago

Israel is 100% about strategy and results, including risk management and protecting their population above all else.
Iran’s bravado has cost them dearly, and will likely cost them (and innocent Iranian citizens) far more if they don’t change their posture.

4 months ago

I pray for the Peace of Israel, may there be a Hedge of Protection around the People of God for His love for His People never ceases.
Let God arise, let His enemies be scattered, let those who hate Him flee before Him Psalms 68

George Ruben Rivera Jr
George Ruben Rivera Jr
4 months ago

Unfortunately, the founding of Israel following WWII was done in the worst way possible, as if certain global interests sought Forever War. Peoples who had been living in the area were neighbors of every stripe, Christians, Jews and Muslims, with little to no strife. But the powers that be engaged in heinous acts, which begat retaliation, which caused further retaliation, ad nausea. Hopefully, the dynamic will change post November 5th.

Chris Baker
Chris Baker
4 months ago

I’d say bomb them back to the stone age if they don’t stop their war of aggression. But what they’re doing is exactly what the Quran tells them to do. They forget the verse in the Quran that says flat out that Allah is the most accomplished of liars. That makes Allah just another name for Satan and he wants evil to prevail.,_the_Best_Deceiver_(Qur%27an_3:54)

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