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Invisible Forces

Posted on Friday, February 24, 2023
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

The most powerful forces in the world are invisible. They guide us, constrain us, lift us, hold us together, hold things around us together, and leave us wondering – if we let them. You may think I am esoteric or irrelevant, but I am not. This is basic stuff yet worth recalling, because taking a look around – recalling what we do not see – is humbling, refreshing, oddly fortifying.  Just at thought.

Let me start big, then go small. Leaders in all times have thought they could control life, call the shots. They have called a few, but more are the shots they cannot call. Put aside the nettlesome daily issues, and come with me on a short journey into the universe.

Did you know that the entire world – indeed the whole universe, if you ask scientists – is held together by “four fundamental forces?” They are all invisible, yet quite real. Physicists call them the “strong force,” “weak force,” “electromagnetism” and “gravity.”

Funny too is how these forces work, yet how little we think about them. Gravity is the weakest, yet governs all we do. When we pour a cup of coffee, it does not fly around the room; when we turn on the shower, it does not blanket the ceiling; when we hang up our coat, it does not float, just wander off.

No king or president has ever been able to repeal the law of gravity, nor will any. We may test it, briefly defy it, try to marginalize or deny it, but no political power compares to gravity. We are bound to the earth, earth to the sun, planets to each other, each to all, all to one – rather like humanity.

Odd thing too, gravity’s range is infinite – the entire universe clinging to what cannot be seen, dependent on it, bound by it, much as humans forget they are bound to the species by powerful and invisible forces, a smile across cultures, tear on a cheek, music, musing, forces strong and weak.

Electromagnetism is another invisible definer of our lives, more important than politics, although politicians imagine they can ride the waves. Looking up at the night sky, you might see lightening or the aurora borealis, “dancing lights,” sun’s energy hitting earth’s magnetic field.

Closer to home, you put magnets on the refrigerator, use sticky tape, a compass, get an MRI, turn on a light, listen to the radio, get an x-ray, heat dinner in the microwave. We are swimming in electromagnetic radiation, yet see very little – a slice we call the visible spectrum.

As for those “weaker” and “stronger” (nuclear) forces, they have short range, are subatomic – although the weak force is stronger than gravity, strong force more powerful than the other three. All this invisible stuff, which we never think much about, is explained by “quantum theory” (really little stuff) and Einstein’s “general theory of relativity” (really big stuff). 

Yet in many ways, it is not explained – not any more than human nature can be explained. Those good at math, detection, and smart with telescopes, microscopes, and physics help us understand how these laws work, but even they are hard pressed to make sense of what eludes full definition.

After all, ask a scientist how Earth stays in orbit around the sun, not crashing into it, or how the moon circles our planet, never drifting away or landing in the dooryard – and they will talk to you about gravity.  But ask the next question – what is gravity? Why is gravity? From where does that mysterious thing you call gravity come? How does it really work? Why should it work? Why not otherwise? They will be hard pressed.

And this is the nub of the piece – and of peace. We spend so much time seeking to control what God has placed before us, as if that was our job – managing what predates us, will outlast us, in many ways involuntarily defines us, rather than pausing to ask if something else might be expected.

Sometimes, pausing to reflect on the power the invisible, light to love, stars above, wind in the pines, aurora borealis, sunrise, or sunset – just once – can change everything. It can be humbling, refreshing, oddly fortifying. Sometimes magnificence afar and close at hand, fingerprint or flickering star, wave’s shape, compass dial, gravity’s inscrutability, child’s smile – offers a new perspective.

Sometimes that is just what we need, the incalculable peace of forgetting the frenzy, catching the flow, wondering what is above and below, exchanging worry for wonder, exploring a point of light, remembering how much is beyond line-of-sight.

The most powerful forces are unseen, electromagnetic, gravitational, nuclear, but also empathy, curiosity, love, and slowing time, forsaking noise, indulging wonder, embracing a rhyme. What we see is a lot, what we do not is more. Just a thought.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC.

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2 years ago

Love it! Dr. Beale, you may be onto something! Keep working on that, might produce a Nobel Prize – in wokology! ????????????????????

2 years ago

Awesome, I have experienced a little bit of the unseen through leaving my body during meditation. As we say sometimes “Things aren’t always as they seem “ or in some cases not seen! What is amazing is our God is truly AWSOME. And I got to see some of the incredible invisible of that!!!

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
2 years ago

Your article on invisible forces is very encouraging for developing an understanding of the truly important things that we all experience. I believe that humor has a place in the category of invisible forces. Humor helps in many ways , and is just plain good for the spirit . Before making any other comment on the value of humor I would like to mention that I am referring to clean humor, that is respectful, uplifting and does not use crude , vulgar or obscene words or expressions. Between age 8 and 12 ( 1958 – 1962 ) I remember enjoying the ” Road to ” movies with Bob Hope, Bing Crosby and Dorothy Lamour , and how the adventures in those films at times included some danger, some risk, and how humor figured in finding a solution to any adverse situations ,so everything turned out O.K. for the characters played by Hope, Crosby and Lamour. The source for the following brief story is Irish comedian Hal Roach ( 1927 – 2012 ) Someone named Murphy goes to a doctor for a basic health check up , at the end of the examination the doctor says ” You are in fine health Murphy, the only suggestion I would make would be to get a bit more exercise, try walking about five miles a day and call me in ten days , to let me know how you are feeling.” Murphy does what the doctor suggested and ten days later calls the doctor and says ” I did what you suggested I’ ve been walking five miles each day for the past ten days, so now I’m fifty miles away from home, what do think I should do now ? ”
You wrote a fine article Mr. Charles, and in the fourth paragraph I pictured the coffee cup flying around a room and a coat floating off a hanger , could be a scene in a humorous film about gravity. Well, maybe.

2 years ago

That would make a great Babylon Bee article. Biden trys to ban gravity

Susan Walker
Susan Walker
2 years ago

RBC, this is one of your best and most important articles, in my humble opinion. As a recently retired teacher, I spent the majority of my years teaching my students how to think more critically, creatively, and how to become stronger problem solvers. Imagination and wonder are the highest forms of thinking. Our children are losing their sense of wonder. They cannot think critically, but it is not my fault as their teacher, as I never stopped trying and never will. There are many adults in their lives that are responsible for their lack of wonder and thinking. Parents need to spend more time with their children, outside in the natural world not in front of a screen, as they are our most precious commodities and they are well worth it.

In addition, I always encouraged my students to lead with love, compassion, empathy and kindness. If we would all practice that, our world would be a better place. It’s very simple and God would certainly applaud us all. We need less politics and more compassion and tolerance. Have a great weekend!

David Millikan
David Millikan
2 years ago

Excellent article.

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 years ago

Is there a force strong enough to blow up the green agenda?

John Bass
John Bass
2 years ago

I find it always does the mind, body and soul good to stop at times and smell the roses. I find great solitude in getting away for awhile and watching nature…i.e. birds, deer, whatever happens to be around at the moment.

2 years ago

How many children have gotten off their devises at night long enough to admire a full moon?

2 years ago

Great read, for as we are told all around us is fearfully and wonderfully made by our Creator, and He did it for us to find Him in the midst of it.

Sandra Bazant
Sandra Bazant
2 years ago


2 years ago

Love this – thank you!

2 years ago

Beautiful reminder! So many things in life are beyond our control and sometimes that is a good thing. Trust God. He is good and wants good for us.

Jeannie Huppert
Jeannie Huppert
2 years ago

With all the cool, wow things Robert Charles mentioned in this article, why did he NOT mention The One & Only True God Who Created all things mentioned, and more. God Is Awe-some! & WOW! & Loves each one; but we must communicate with Him His Ways–read His Holy Bible–in order to partake of the wondrous things He Has Offered us.

2 years ago

Great points. We are so fortunate that humans do not control much. We are merely
advanced ants without the organization skill.

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Trump meets with Zelensky of Ukraine in the oval office

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