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Ich Bin Taiwanese (I Am Taiwanese)

Posted on Monday, December 27, 2021
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

ich binSometimes history calls to us – and should listen.  In 1963, President John F. Kennedy went to West Berlin, entrapped by East Germany and Soviet domination.  Reagan would later challenge the Soviets to “tear down” the Berlin Wall.  In 1963, Kennedy defended freedom, saying “Ich bin ein Berliner!”  Biden owes Taiwan that pledge.

Kennedy’s meaning was clear. Beyond German words, he added: “All free men, wherever they may live, are citizens of Berlin, and therefore, as a free man, I take pride in the words “Ich bin ein Berliner!” In short, we stand with you, for you, and will not back down to oppression.

Put differently, when freedom anywhere is threatened, intimidated, staunched, or stolen from free people – when free lives are eclipsed by communism – it is stolen from all of us.  Kennedy – and Reagan – were clear about what they believed, and what they would not tolerate.

They would not tolerate the summary trouncing of freedom. Power does not translate to legitimacy. Might and manhandling does not equal right. It never has and does not now.

Historically, no nation on the face of our planet – or history of nations – has more fervently stood for freedom, defended it when threatened, turned back forces of oppression with resolve and determination – fascist or communist – than America.

There is only one America.  20th Century Germans knew it. Those who doubted it, learned in World Wars I and II.  Soviets knew it. Those who doubted it looked back from a dust heap. Today, the Chinese question whether we are still who we were.

Truth is, since a nation is Her People, we are. The nation is not government. The nation is the People.  We are as we have always been, insufficiently focused, disunited on social policy, perhaps more disgruntled and intolerant of differences, but we love our freedoms.

We also have in us, a legacy.  That legacy is understood – around the world.  Having been in 50 nations, I have never been to one that did not understand America was different, profoundly so.

When we pledge to defend an ally, when we say freedom matters, when we resolve to stand firm against systematic and ideological oppression, not permit the expansion of inhumanity, and in particular not indulge communist adventurism, we mean it.

We do not win every battle, but in the long game, the battle for truth and individual liberties, siding with free peoples, our position has never been ambiguous. Kennedy was in Berlin to make clear – we stand with free peoples, even when they are taunted, battered, isolated, and threatened.

Indeed, what he was saying was, we stand with them especially at that time. In peril’s path, when belligerents intimidate, coerce, cudgel, condemn, and aim to subjugate free peoples, America has their back.  Our allies are our allies, and never more than when they are under fire.

So, if Biden were half the man he talks of being, if he were willing to take the reins from his Secretaries of State and Defense, willing to take a page from Kennedy and Reagan, this would be his moment – arguably his finest moment.

With resolve and no stumbling, clear eyes and no doubt, he would look into the camera in a major international address – directed straight at China and their communist leaders, coincidentally at Russia, Iran, North Korea and aggressors anywhere – and speak as Kennedy.

In effect, he needs to say “Ich bin Taiwanese” – I am Taiwanese – or in very few words, in Taiwanese or English, build on the legacy that is ours, America’s.  He needs to say, without equivocation, that freedom will be defended, free nations will not be overrun.

In a soundbite, “All free men, wherever they may live, are Taiwanese.” The echo of that speech would be deafening, resonance unforgettable, and effect arresting. If we mean what we say, respect who we are, honor the liberty of those who honor liberty, we must stand with Taiwan.

Sometimes history calls to us, and we should listen.

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3 years ago

Nice article RBC, however Pres. Biden is no Kennedy or Reagan. He has already shown his hand since taking office that he does not have a clue on how to lead a nation firmly. He is just a puppet being used by those who wish to destroy the integrity of our nation. This is definitely a time for a wake up call but very few will realize it.

3 years ago

This was very amusing. Do you honestly think Biden is going to do anything you have suggested in this article? I mean seriously. We’re more likely to see Biden stumbling out to the podium in the White House sometime after the Olympics have concluded and China has re-taken Taiwan telling the American people that he has spoken with his good friend President Xi. That he has been assured by his good friend President Xi that human rights will be respected in Taiwan and that everything will continue to be business as usial with respect to the world’s access to the semiconductor chips manufactured by Taiwan. Both will be lies of course as China as lied the same way about the fate of Hong Kong, Tibet and the slave labor concentration camps, but none the less that is what the speech will consist of. Then Biden will end his speech and refuse to take any questions from the White House press corp as he shuffles away.

3 years ago

Enjoyed the article and just maybe one of the useless democrats will have an attack of conscience???
Not holding my breath though.

3 years ago

Good luck,

3 years ago

Biden will just threaten some financial sanctions which will mean nothing. I am afraid the U.S. is heading for world war or annihilation. But at least there are no mean tweets.

Rich Skulina
Rich Skulina
3 years ago

“Ich bin ein Berliner” translates to “I am a jelly filled donut”.
What President Kennedy should have said is “Ich bin Berliner”.
German people found the President’s remark rather amusing.

3 years ago

Folks from Biden’s own party have said that he’s been on the wrong side of every policy decision for his entire career! So don’t hold your breath!

3 years ago

Maybe Biden should be speaking to BLM,
ATIFTA and some members of Congress.
Icy bin American.

Robert Littlejohn
Robert Littlejohn
3 years ago

I find that our current occupant of the White House does NOT have the backbone of President Donald J. Trump. Love him or hate him for his “mean tweets (I loved his tweets),” he got the job done and did what he was sent to do.China, Russia, and North Korea KNEW that Trump meant what he said, because he backed it up with his actions! I’ll take Trump’s tweets and his America First policy over Biden – ANY DAY!

3 years ago

I find that our current occupant of the White House does NOT have the backbone of President Donald J. Trump. Love him or hate him for his “mean tweets (I loved his tweets),” he got the job done and did what he was sent to do.China, Russia, and North Korea KNEW that Trump meant what he said, because he backed it up with his actions! I’ll take Trump’s tweets and his America First policy over Biden – ANY DAY!

3 years ago

,,¡Ich bin ein Berliner!” means “I am a jelly-filled donut!” Kennedy should have said, ,,¡Ich bin Berliner!”

3 years ago

,,Ich bin taiwanisch.” would be the proper term in german.

Gary carter
Gary carter
3 years ago

He is a bought out shell

3 years ago

Is SEATO still in effect?

3 years ago

“Ich bin Taiwanese” Fat chance that will ever be said or even considered by this phony administration.

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