Accounts of Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report on President Joe Biden’s mishandling of classified documents have largely focused in on the glaring evidence of Joe Biden’s cognitive decline. But while these revelations are indeed damning, and many conservatives have seen Hur’s larger effort as a whitewash, there’s another subtle yet clear warning that should not be missed: Hur’s acknowledgement of the growing threat of left-wing jury nullification.
Hur’s report, which was commissioned and released by Biden’s own Department of Justice to look into the boxes of classified documents found in Biden’s Delaware garage and in a closet at the Penn Biden Center, characterizes the president as a “sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.”
The report then goes on to detail several major details of Biden’s life which the president could not recall, including information like when his son, Beau, died, and when he was vice president.
These revelations indeed provide shocking new evidence of Biden’s dismal mental capacities. But while the report does not recommend any charges, it certainly does not clear Biden of crimes. Rather, Hur concludes that Biden “willfully retained and disclosed classified materials after his vice presidency when he was a private citizen”—including material containing “issues of national security and foreign policy implicating sensitive intelligence sources and methods”.
Why no charges then? Among other things, Hur states, Biden “is someone for whom many jurors will want to identify reasonable doubt.”
Reasons for this could, of course, could include the political bias of Washington, D.C. jurors, the vast majority of whom would likely support Biden in the coming presidential election.
Hur is most likely correct in his assumption that a jury in Washington, D.C.—one of the bluest cities in the nation that Biden won by an astounding margin of 87 points in 2020—would acquit Biden no matter what.
In fact, the investigation into Biden’s mishandling of classified documents marks at least the second time in recent years an important investigation into Democrat misconduct has hit a brick wall of Democrat bias in the court system.
Michael Sussman, who was charged with lying to the FBI about his representation of the Hillary Clinton campaign when presenting agents with fabricated information pertaining to the Russian collusion hoax, was acquitted by a jury despite overwhelming evidence of his guilt.
Following the verdict, the jury foreman claimed that Sussman shouldn’t have faced prosecution because “There are bigger things that affect the nation than a possible lie to the FBI.”
Just months later, Igor Danchenko—another fixture of the Russia Hoax charged with lying to the FBI about information related to the now-debunked Steele Dossier—was similarly found not guilty in what appeared to be an open-and-shut legal case.
By all indications, these verdicts were the latest examples of the phenomenon known as “jury nullification,” which occurs when a jury votes to convict or acquit despite overwhelming evidence pointing to the opposite conclusion.
In recent years, it has become apparent that jury nullification makes it virtually impossible to hold a prominent Democrat accountable in a political case in Washington D.C.
As Special Counsel John Durham wrote in his report released in May 2023 detailing the origins of the Russiagate investigation, “juries can bring strongly held views to the courtroom in criminal trials involving political subject matters, and those views can, in turn, affect the likelihood of obtaining a conviction, separate and apart from the strength of the actual evidence and despite a court’s best efforts to empanel a fair and impartial jury.”
Hur’s refusal to recommend charges against Biden also evokes former FBI Director James Comey’s unwillingness in 2016 to bring charges against Hillary Clinton for her use of a personal email server as Secretary of State, even despite her clear implication in criminal activity.
The virtual guarantee that Democrats will be acquitted in politically sensitive cases in Washington stands in sharp contrast to left-wing prosecutors’ legal warfare against former President Donald Trump, who is now facing up to 700 years in federal prison based on obviously politically motivated legal charges, and on February 16 was ordered to pay an absurd $355 million penalty in a New York civil case which legal experts have slammed as ridiculous.
Meanwhile, Joe Biden and his Democrat allies can rest assured that politically sympathetic juries will let them off the hook entirely, no matter how egregious their violations of the law may be.
After all, avenues for potential criminal prosecution of Biden extend far beyond his mishandling of classified materials. Throughout his career, the Biden family has controlled more than 20 shell companies, with which it has raked in tens of millions of dollars.
As president, Biden has overseen a massive government-orchestrated censorship campaign, relentlessly attempted to jail his political opponents (from Trump to pro-life activist Mark Houck to parents voicing concerns about their children’s education), and deliberately launched a foreign invasion of America’s borders.
Nonetheless, Biden—and other likeminded political figures who engage in similar behavior—have no reason to fear, because they know that rank-and-file Democrat voters selected for juries would sanction their conduct and proudly refuse to deal them any legal consequences.
The repercussions of this dynamic could be lasting and severe. Under this pretext, Democrats can engage in wild abuses of power knowing that juries will dutifully vote to clear them of any wrongdoing.
This pattern of automatic Democrat acquittal poses an existential threat to the rule of law, equal justice, and the survival of American democracy itself.
For the time being, the task of holding Biden and other Democrats accountable for their flagrant violations of the law rests in the hands of congressional Republicans. Though conservative voters have reason to be hopeful—from the Biden impeachment inquiry to House Republicans’ recent impeachment of Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas—there remains a long way to go in restoring equal justice under the law. Every American should hope that Republicans will seize that opportunity.
Aaron Flanigan is the pen name of a writer in Washington, D.C.
Is it not possible to change the venue to a less biased area simply to allow this criminal an opportunity for jail time?
Defense attorneys frequently petition for this, why not a prosecuter??
The answer is the corrupt, immoral marxist democrat party cheats,lies and obfuscates to serve their anti American aims.
These TRAITORS must be removed and prosecuted.
President Trump is Our Countries ONLY hope, he has the spirit,conviction and Country at heart.
EVERY marxist democrat, rino and bureaucrat who breaks the law, violates the constitution or goes along with these criminal, anti American actions – MUST GO NOW!
DAMN these traitors!
We are now reaping removal of Judeo-Christian morals from schools in the 60’s.
Relativism at its finest will destroy America.
Therefore, why make anymore laws if we ignore the ones we have?
As far as the classified documents go, convene a Military Court to try Biden instead of a civilian court.
The issue discussed of weather The Puppet Biden is old, cognitive,etc., etc., is just another smoke screen by the true forces of Marxism in this Country.
Racism, white-supremacy, Trump’s trials, and on and on and on; is to distract, confuse and divide the American people so that they don’t realize that we are in the middle of a civil war being wedged by the Obamass, George Soros and many, many others in the shadows that are Marxist to the core and have been quietly and judiciously working for years to destroy this Nation from within, as their “leader” Joseph Stalin once said.
I personally know what Marxism is and does to a nation; the misery, despair, injustice and death, unless you obey and follow their Marxist religions doctrine to the letter. To them it is a RELIGION.
Death to Marxism and all Marxists!!!!!
There was a successful coup and now there is a police state run by criminals
who cannot be removed by voting, law or force. Elections are now fake at the
highest levels. The national debt is a leading indicator measuring the growth of big
government controlling serfs.
Well, if Biden is a “sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory”, then he is obviously not up to executing his responsibilities as POTUS. That means it is PAST TIME to use the 25th Amendment of the Constitution to remove him from office!
On the flip side of this is that the jury will render a guilty verdict with no evidence if they see the person on trial as their enemy A white person with a black jury doesn’t have a pray of a fair trial. And, most well-educated people do not serve on a jury. Those seats go to the lower educated who can be manipulated by their “feelings”. Even the judges don’t give a fair trial for the most part now. The judicial system is broken and needs a full purging before it can be fixed.
Biden might be befuddled now, but was he when he was VP and left? So that question makes their justification/excuse, for what he did then, null and void.
This would appear to be a topic that should be addressed at a future Convention Of States. Trials of prominent DC power players should automatically be moved out of DC to a state that is neither heavily Red or Blue.
An appropriate amendment to the constitution could be fashioned at a Convention of States should we ever be lucky enough to succeed in getting one called.
I will never vote for any democrat in any position ever again. Even for a school board or unpaid position. democrats are just too sleazy.
This is a serious issue that must be addressed. Stacking a jury itself is illegal but unfortunately political leanings must not be the basis for whether a juror is fit to serve on a jury. I’ve heard my democrat friends as they defend an accusation of wrong doing against a fellow democrat while supporting the prosecution of a person for personal beliefs counter to theirs. They by their actions and beliefs support legal actions based upon political ideology and not criminal actions. This article hits the nail right on the head. We can no longer expect true justice if juries no longer can differentiate between guilt and innocents based upon their beliefs. These juries are typical of totalitarian governments, there is no critical thinking that bestows careful consideration of facts or alleged actions. They simply deliberate upon political affiliation. If you’re not a democrat then you must be guilty, if you are a democrat your ever guilty, you are innocent.
I’m not being pessimistic; merely realistic. Far too much has been allowed to go unchallenged by many groups…not the least of which is the feckless and essentially complicit g.o.p.. Our constitutional recourses to effect change have all but been eliminated. Elections are heavily rigged as is the court/ “justice” system. The United States of America as a constitutional republic is, for the most part, a thing of the past. Little by little it is being relegated to the annals of history. It pains me to say it, but the only recourse we seem to have is a red state secession. We have unquestionably reached, and possibly surpassed the level of complete political and ideological polarity that existed in the early 1860s. If not a national divorce, we will live in police state tyranny. I can now see it no other way.
PS Just as the article states, immediately after Hur released his report, a confidant of mine told me the same thing; Hur knew he had no chance of getting a conviction in dc. That is the pathetic situation we are living in.
Take back our country America Nov. 2024 vote for Trump, AMERICA FIRST!
There once was a joke about the economy’s being so bad the Mafia laid off six judges. Now it’s the Democrats,..and now it’s not funny!
Why can’t charges against dems be filed in red states? Fight fire with fire?
This is nothing new. There were famous cases in the old democratic south where murder by white on black was gotten away with because no jury would convict. Fast forward to the oj simpson trial where the situation was reversed. This will go on at least until Rs drop the pose of piety and go bare knuckles with the dems. Why dont they fight? Possibly because they’re there to make their fortune and that involves playing ball with the other side.
Remember OJ? He was as guilty as sin, but was let off by a biased jury! He only killed two white people, after all. Why find him guilty? Threse corrupt Commie prosecutors “judge shop.” they know who the Biden and Obama appointees are and know they don’t give a **** about the Constitution!
The DOJ is trying to give Joey a get out of jail free card. He’s even screwing that up. He should be prosecuted. He was of sound mind when he illegally removed these Documents from Washington DC.
Vote for Biden. Sharp enough to lead the nation, too befuddled to ever be convicted of anything in court!
Anyone who votes for Biben and the democrats has sh.t for brains!
“This pattern of automatic Democrat acquittal poses an existential threat to the rule of law, equal justice, and the survival of American Republic itself”. I replaced a word in this quote to make it more accurate.
As long as there are still people willing to accept ole Joe as a great leader nothing will change. No matter what the dems do what ole Joe does what his son does. The MSM will portray them as wonderful people. And make Trump and his supporters terrorists. All because of the elites in the WEF that want to globalize the wereld and reduce the population. And this can only work by dividing the people and by dictators. The pandemic did not kill enough and a new one much more deadly is in the works. They even have a vaccin ready when it comes. You know for the elite. They will like they did last time ban the use of medicine already available. That is why there are still millions dying from the vaccin now and will in the future. Those people that serve on a jury are these so called woke that never will see the wrong the dems and ole Joe is doing to the United States of America and its citizens. Vote them out from the city level to the White House. Only then will this country be saved. If there are still people enamored with a demented leader I am afraid we will have to move elsewhere. Because under the dems we are no longer free. Mandate after mandate. Did you here about the plan in the works in England. The govt tells you sell your house the migrants need a place to live. For now it is a threat pretty soon it will be reality and you will be standing in the street and de migrants are living in your house. Years ago we said this already and we were called complot thinkers. 15 minute cities is here already. They are talking about it quietly. But it is being created behind the scenes. One day you wake up and we are living in this 15 minute city. They got us. So much for being called a complot thinker. It has all come true. Just follow ole Joe, he has not done one thing for the citizens but get us into debt so deep we never going to climb out of it. But you woke people keep voting for the dems but don’t come crying later and say I didn’t know. The Germans said that too after WWII. They had seen the destruction and inflation by Hitler in the 30’s but like the woke now they marched beside Hitler. You all know what is going on. We are not the America from a century ago or not even 50 years ago. We are in an age of total change from a Republic to Communism or even a Dictatorship. How many people in Europe held memorials for Navalny. People want to live free. And we are losing our freedom every day bit by bit. And only we the people can stop all this. But does everyone agree? Does everyone see what is coming?
We have to remember that everything on this earth has an end. Communism ended in Eastern Europe, WWII, WWI etc. , and there is always a period of enlightenment . So let us have a hope that this darkness will pass .
If Biden wins re-election, maybe they’ll finally get that Ctair-lift installed on Air Force One’s gangway.
another example of a useless coward making mindless comments – grow up
As long as the left controls their sheep and keeps indoctrinating more in the education system, this bias and destruction of our country will continue.
Insults are the weapons of those who have no argument and know it Weakness and insecurity go hand in hand
You are pathetic. What are you in Junior High School?
They have been doing this for hundreds of years. How many Klan members were acquitted by democrats in the 1960’s.
America’s TWO TIERED justice system. Must we all join the DemonRat party to escape being railroaded?
True conservatives of the GOP have to regain the Senate as well as retain the House and Presidency in order for any true justice to be seen. And even with total GOP majority, no change will occur until the engrained non-elected bureaucrats are identified and fired (not transferred), and benefits limited. The fact Fauci was allowed to reap full retirement benefits after the Covid hoax or debacle is prime reason changes need to be made for any employee who gets outside financial or other benefits from their position in government.
So, what can be done to fight this phenomena? Does anyone have any jurisdiction over this ridiculous means of “WINNING”? Sounds like we really do need to get the swamp cleaned out and the Convention of States can not come fast enough.
One more reason why D.C. as a residential area should be eliminated. It was never intended to be, or to function as, a quasi-state. Regarding Federal cases to be tried in D.C., since it is the national seat of government, juries should be selected from registered voters around the nation. Hey, I’d serve on a jury in D.C. for an expenses-paid trip to the nation’s capital.
This wasn’t jury nullification. This was a corrupt partisan prosecutor who chose to protect Biden rather than live up to the oath he took. He decided for a jury instead of allowing justice to run its course. Shame on his betrayal of his country and oath.
The court is not a substitute for legislation.
“sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory.” Two out of four ain’t bad. He is not sympathetic nor well-meaning.
This jury nullification problem is an egregious one. It won’t have an easy fix, given the number of people in Washington who owe their livelihoods to the government. Even electing more Republicans may not help, although it’s a start. How can the culture of a whole city be changed!
Justice Chinese style
Please keep such crude comments to your self.
Whats most disturbing is that the nation appears content to live with this travesty. Everybody shows up every day and pays taxes just like normal. If the public is not enraged to action at least in the voting booth, all of this noise is useless.
And we still live with the FISA court system which was duped ( or allowed itself to be duped) many times during Russia Collusion. This travesty proved that FISA is not reliable and should be disbanded. I dont mean “tweaked”. Yet its still here. Why ?
‘Twold seem that the “democrats” are the latest version of the Klan…oh, wait! They are the ones who formed it! Makes sense.
Both Trump and Biden judcial proceedings dramatically demonstrate how an improper venue can give only injustice. Find a deep-blue urban venue and a particular outcome is guaranteed, regardless of evidenc or lack thereof. Futton Ct, Georgia and Manhattan are two blatant and shamefu examples.
While I don’t like communities being so strictly left-wing, I am quite in favor of jury nullification as an option to jurors. Free citizens often have better insights than professional jurists and lawyers.
No more than talking is with Joe’s undersized shriveled soft penis in your mouth. Maybe try a little prostate massage? You have the technique down!
It is really sad to see how America’s morals have fallen, far below the past. Many may still remember when we could trust those who were counting the votes. It didn’t matter which party they had voted for, they counted every vote regardless. Today Dimocraps will change laws to let illegal immigrants vote, add illegal “drop boxes” and machines that can be manipulated even remotely or whatever is necessary to put lying crooks, like Bidum in office and keep him there.
The article does not describe Juring Nullification. It describes a corrupt judicial system and a Republic that has lost its virtue. Jury Nullification is a legal principle that has been suppressed by the corrupt judicials.
Simply put, Jury Nullification is the right of a juror to judge not only the proposed crime, but also the validity and morality and correctness of the law under which the individual is being charged. If a juror truly believes that the law is invalid, immoral, or incorrec, they can vote not to convict.
If you want to know what’s Jury Nullification , truly is there is an organization called Fully Informed Jury Association. Or FIJA.
The use of the term in this article is a corrupted definition of a legal right of free citizens to protect itself from corrupt laws and judicial systems. Please do some research on the subject.
God bless America.
Typical of the non-substantive oxygen wasting illiterate and mindless bile from another modern day self-loathing POS leftist parasite. Change your handle to “selfsodomizingsmith.” It’s totally you.
Speaking of ridiculous charges and penalties – didnt Trump pay a higher tax on those ‘highly inflated values” ?? Did they deduct any of that from the penalties? I dont know anybody that doesnt say their home is worth more than it is, including myself. I would want to sell for more but when the tax bill comes, I’ll grumble with the rest of the city.