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Hunter Pardon Another Broken Promise from Crooked Joe Biden

Posted on Monday, December 2, 2024
by Shane Harris

Joe Biden has thrown off the mask in the final days of his presidency – it’s now all about self-interest and abuse of power, plain and simple.

The president officially announced on Sunday that he has pardoned his son, Hunter, following convictions in two separate federal cases earlier this year. In doing so, along with yet again breaking explicit, repeated promises to the American people, Biden also unintentionally confirmed the legitimacy of House Republicans’ impeachment inquiry and highlighted the rank corruption that has defined his tenure.

Just a few months ago, Joe Biden unequivocally told David Muir of ABC News that he had “ruled out” a pardon for Hunter amid the then-ongoing investigations. On multiple occasions after that, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre likewise said that Biden would not pardon Hunter, often acting annoyed with reporters for even asking the question.

Despite these repeated assurances, the fact that Hunter ultimately did receive a presidential pardon from his father is altogether unsurprising. From his many false statements that he had no knowledge of Hunter’s business dealings to the lie that he never met with the foreign business executives funneling his family millions of dollars, Joe Biden has already made clear that his dishonesty knows no bounds when it comes to his deeply troubled son.

With his legacy in tatters, his popularity in the tank, and his time as the most powerful man in the world coming to an end, what did Joe Biden have to lose by swooping in to save Hunter from decades in federal prison and millions of dollars in fines? (For those unfamiliar, the younger Biden was convicted by a jury on three felony counts related to his purchase and possession of a firearm while addicted to drugs, and had pleaded guilty on nine tax-related charges. He faced up to 17 years in prison on the tax charges and 25 years on the gun charges.)

What is somewhat shocking, however, is the scope of the pardon and the specific language Biden used to justify it.

“From the day I took office, I said I would not interfere with the Justice Department’s decision-making, and I kept my word even as I have watched my son being selectively, and unfairly, prosecuted,” Biden’s statement on the pardon reads. “The charges in his cases came about only after several of my political opponents in Congress instigated them to attack me and oppose my election.”

“A carefully negotiated plea deal, agreed to by the Department of Justice, unraveled in the court room.” the statement continues. “Had the plea deal held, it would have been a fair, reasonable resolution of Hunter’s cases.”

Perhaps never in history has a president so shamelessly used White House letterhead to attempt to rewrite history. The “plea deal” Biden references was a sweetheart deal Biden’s own DOJ offered to Hunter that would have let him off with no prison time while granting him broad immunity from any other crimes he may have committed. That deal was so egregious it was rejected by the judge in the case – an exceedingly rare occurrence that reflects just how lenient the deal was.

Far from being prosecuted “selectively and unfairly,” the better interpretation of events is that Biden’s DOJ was doing everything it could to let the president’s son escape any accountability for his crimes.

To cap things off, Biden called his son’s convictions a “miscarriage of justice” – even though the president himself has now directly and intentionally overturned the decision of a jury to grant immunity to his son.

Moreover, the language of the pardon does not just cover the crimes Hunter Biden has been charged with. It also covers any crimes he “may have committed” going all the way back to January 1, 2014.

That date is notably right around when Hunter Biden and his business associates began raking in millions of dollars from Ukrainian energy company Burisma (while Joe Biden was still vice president) despite having no knowledge or experience in the field. As several commentators have already pointed out on X, pardoning Hunter for all crimes he committed during this period could be interpreted as Biden acknowledging that more crimes were indeed committed. Accordingly, Biden is attempting to insulate himself and his family from future investigations and criminal prosecutions.

As House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan noted, Biden’s pardon of his son also undermines Democrats’ claims that there was “nothing” to Republicans’ impeachment inquiry. “If that’s the case,” Jordan asked, “why did Joe Biden just issue Hunter Biden a pardon for the very things we were inquiring about?”

But perhaps the most incredible aspect of Biden’s pardon is just how tone-deaf it sounds following four years of Democrats waging open lawfare against Donald Trump. While Biden accuses his “political opponents” of “instigating” the investigations into Hunter to “oppose my election,” that is precisely what Alvin Bragg, Fani Willis, and Biden’s own DOJ have done to Trump – except with far less evidence than was brought against Hunter.

“No reasonable person who looks at the facts of Hunter’s cases can reach any other conclusion than Hunter was singled out only because he is my son,” Biden also says. That statement is, of course, laughable on its face – the infamous laptop that Hunter left at a Delaware repair shop contained photo and text message evidence of Hunter committing the very crimes he was convicted of. President’s son or not, he documented everything needed to justify launching an investigation and then left that evidence in a public place.

A more accurate statement, however, is that no reasonable person who looks at the facts of Trump’s case could reach any other conclusion than that Trump was singled out because he was Democrats’ top political opponent.

While Hunter Biden’s cases were widely publicized because he is the president’s son, anyone who did what Hunter did – and documented himself doing – would be facing similar charges. Biden used all his influence to get Hunter a lighter sentence for his crimes. When that didn’t work, he just issued him a full pardon.

Meanwhile, Alvin Bragg had to invent a “novel legal theory” to justify prosecuting Trump, and Democrats had to go to Manhattan to find a jury willing to convict the president-elect on the flimsiest of charges. If Trump had not been running to be president this year, his “crimes” would not be considered crimes at all.

The Hunter Biden pardon is an ignominious part of the final chapter of Biden’s tenure. But it is nonetheless right in line with what Americans have come to expect from this presidency.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on X @shaneharris513.

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John A Bird
John A Bird
3 months ago

We all know that Joe and Hunter are 2 sleazy corrupt snakes who lie, cheat, and steal their way to financial freedom. Much like a mob boss in today’s world. Problem is half our nation think it’s OK. We’ve become a banana republic and it’s a long road out of this filth.

Mike Stevens
Mike Stevens
3 months ago

I wonder if it’s legally possible to suspend Bidens Presidential salary for the remainder of his life? We should not reward liars for lying.

Uncle Bruce
Uncle Bruce
3 months ago

Joe Biden has been a liar his entire political career. I’ve known who and what he is for that long. Why anyone in Delaware would vote for this clown, especially black people, is beyond me. It’s all well documented in the many film clips he has been in throughout his “career”.

3 months ago

I never knew that a pardon could cover crimes that have yet to be discovered. Seems a bit odd to include that language unless Joe has intimate knowledge of everything illegal both he and his son has been involved in.
And make no mistake, Biden is doing this to protect himself. Once actual prosecutors start digging into more of Hunter’s past activities, Joe knows he will be undeniably linked into those crimes and the depth of Joe’s criminal involvement will become public knowledge.

3 months ago

We all knew Biden would pardon Hunter, no matter what he said to the contrary. There is no way Hunter or any of the rest of the Biden family would ever see the inside of a federal prison cell. The only question was when the pardon would happen. I’m sure Old Joe will issue a sweeping pardon for not only himself but the rest of his family right before he strolls out the door in January. Thus, ensuring he and his brood can spend the rest of their remaining years sunning themselves on a beach as they enjoy the millions in bribes they collected for selling out the country to various foreign entities.

Personally, I thought Old Joe would do Hunter’s pardon either right before Christmas or the night before he left the White House. That Old Joe instead decided to give the middle finger to the American people as he was heading out on the last official overseas junket of his presidency (another huge waste of taxpayer dollars), with an over-the-top explanation as to why he issued the pardon, is just typical Biden. Fifty plus years of lying and self-serving graft at the public’s expense.

William Hollingsworth
William Hollingsworth
3 months ago

I thought “No one is above the law.”

Leslie Jones
Leslie Jones
3 months ago

Biden a liar! Who knew?

lawrence greenberg
lawrence greenberg
3 months ago

No one should be surprised at this final despicable act (at least we need to hope this is the final act) by this incredibly dishonest administration, the most corrupt, criminal, treasonous, and incompetent administration this nation has ever had to endure.
May they all rot in hell.

Kim b
Kim b
3 months ago

That’s just one conviction. Once trump in office he will pursue treason, espionage, tax evasion just to name a few. Daddy will be tried right beside him.

3 months ago

The breadth the pardon cannot be a surprise to anyone. Don Joe, the face of the Biden Family Crime Syndicate, has issued a pardon to the Bag Man of the Biden Family Crime Syndicate.

Barrett T Smith
Barrett T Smith
3 months ago

Not only did Biden pardon hunter, but joe also pardoned him for any and all crimes committed in the last 10 years in case we discover more.

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 months ago

Joe Biden will go down in history as the most corrupt President ever when, I believe, the truth is finally revealed that our Ukrainian involvement, and hundreds of billions in military aid and the threat of global escalation, is Binden being blackmailed over Hunter’s Barista dealings and family financial gain through his sons illegal business deals. The next time you hear a Democrat refer to “nobody is above the law” or how a rich, white man needs to “pay a fair share”… LAUGH in their face!

3 months ago

Joe Biden is a crook, and a traitor to our country. Everything this Obama puppet did was Anti-American in nature.

He is the biggest p-o-s in the history of our country. He made Jimmy Carter the 2nd worst President of our country.

Go back to Delaware and rot you maggot!

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
3 months ago

DOJ offered Hunter a quite similar plea deal until a sharp judge read the fine print! Did ANYONE believe the Liar-in-Chief when he repeatedly promised NOT to pardon his dope-addled boy? Now, an honest DOJ next year can’t get Hunter to roll over on DADDY!
This is all par for the course for the party of Schitt, Goldman, Raskin, etc.

3 months ago

Biden is a two-faced liar.

Calvin McGuirt
Calvin McGuirt
3 months ago

What a POS

3 months ago

hunter has no one to blame for his sordid, disgusting addiction life. he’s a pig

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
3 months ago

If Donald Trump had pardoned any one of his kids, the democrats and the corporate media would scream bloody murder.

Paula Frazier
Paula Frazier
3 months ago

We, of course, knew that he would pardon Hunter regardless of the ‘promise’ he made earlier. He has protected him at every turn.

Nancy J Reece
Nancy J Reece
3 months ago

And is anyone surprised?!?! Nothing has been the truth from the start of Joe’s presidency! What a failure! And good riddance! Possibly the worst president in our history sans Carter…

John Bass
John Bass
3 months ago

We all knew this was going to happen regardless of what Brandon said. This is further proof the swamp needs to be drained and Trump was the right choice.

3 months ago

This move by Biden should be no surprise. We all knew he was a liar. What is really bad here is the fact that his son actually admitted to the crimes he committed as well as a jury having found him guilty. How do you pardon an individual who confessed. Now, after careful planning by the Biden Crime Family he won’t even find these charges on his record. How can we as a country allow a blatant loophole like this to remain on the books.
At the end of the day, the timing and the dates being included in this pardon shows that Joe knows his son is guilty of even more than what is already known. As Americans the only thing we can hope for is that with this knowledge the investigations continue into the rest of the family…especially Joe.

3 months ago

Could you expect anything less from the Biden Crime Family? Only surprise is that he waited this long. Criminals protect their own. All those Democrat Criminals are the same kind of scum.

Dale T
Dale T
3 months ago

It will be short lived, he will screw up again and daddy won’t be able to save him.

James O.
James O.
3 months ago

Well there is a special long home for these kind of people when they die. Revelation 21:8, “all liars shall have their part in the lake that burneth with fire and brimstone.” and there is no white lie, or its politics, a lie is a lie, no classification or category.

3 months ago

Liar, liar, pants on fire…

3 months ago

another politician that wont go to jail for his crimes

Summer Sands
Summer Sands
3 months ago

Talk about a conflict of interest. This can’t be legal. The entire biden family needs to be investigated and the criminals thrown in jail. This is just outrageous.

3 months ago

I wonder if pardoning Hunter means the new administration uncovering the money paid for influence will continue to be in the dark. I think he would (or Jill would) not want any further revelations to lead to Joe.

3 months ago

Two things the current “administration” has perfected – broken promises and never-ending lies.

3 months ago

I knew he would pardon his son. He lies about everything. Now get him to release the J6’rs who have been framed by him.

Judith Gregory
Judith Gregory
3 months ago

UNBELIEVABLE!!!! Who ever believed anything Joe ever said, anyway? I know the Congress or Senate cannot do anything to reverse that decision. Don’t ‘”We the People” have anything to say about it? Well, I for one am totally against it and want the White House to know. Disgusting and disgraceful.

Orion Bennett
Orion Bennett
3 months ago

What? A democrat president LIED? “I had no sexual relations with that girl!” … “If you like your healthcare, you can keep your healthcare!” ….. say it isn’t so ….! And I am fully aware that there are countless Republican politicians who too, have lied …. but it kind of seems like a theme for democrat Presidents …..

3 months ago

Don’t forget the millions of students who took out loans and were pardoned by Biden.Biden corrupted these borrowers by telling them that promises,even in writing,don’t need to be kept.What a way to start them out on their lives.

3 months ago

Too bad Biden can’t pardon himself! Time to put “The Big Guy” on trial.

3 months ago

You can ALWAYS tell when a Democrat is lying—- their liips are moving.

3 months ago

This is my shocked face! Anyone expect different from the Biden Crime Family? They are as crooked as all the other families belonging to the DNC Organized Crime Syndicate like the Obamas, and the Clintons.

Emily Watson
Emily Watson
3 months ago

It’s just not when it comes to Hunter that Joe’s dishonesty knows no bounds.

3 months ago

So, what else is new?

David Nelson
David Nelson
3 months ago

Bad move, Joe.

Jacqueline King
Jacqueline King
3 months ago

Why am I not surprised

anna hubert
anna hubert
3 months ago

Surely no one took his blather seriously and no one is shocked. Law does not touch denizen of DC. Only garbage and basket of deplorables and Trump and all connected to him.

3 months ago

IT IS ONLY THE FIRST SHOW ACT 1. 2nd action to come in the next round .

3 months ago


3 months ago

I assume this removes any 5th amendment claims by Hunter if subpoena to testify.

Say it ain't so Joe
Say it ain't so Joe
3 months ago

Another surprise is that he didn’t include Hunter’s associates in the pardon, which would include the big guy…

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
3 months ago

why am I not surprised?

Judith Gregory
Judith Gregory
3 months ago

p.s. I think Biden did that just a slap in Trump’s face, so-to-speak!!!!

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 months ago

The Swamp for the Swamp Kiss my ring time

3 months ago

Didn’t we all know this?? Even as he said it wouldn’t happen? But, let’s face it, if we had the power to do that for our children, wouldn’t we do it?

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