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Hunter Biden’s Business Associates Helped Chinese Tycoons Meet With Obama White House Officials, Emails Show

Posted on Tuesday, October 20, 2020
by Outside Contributor

chineseHunter Biden’s business associates helped secure meetings between Chinese tycoons and high-level Obama-era White House officials in 2011, according to emails obtained by author Peter Schweizer and seen by The Epoch Times.

Biden’s then-business associates Devon Archer and Bevan Cooney facilitated a group of Chinese business and political elites from the exclusive China Entrepreneur Club (CEC) to visit the White House and meet with administration officials in November 2011 during their trip to the United States, the emails showed.

The Chinese delegation met with then-Vice President Joe Biden during this trip, according to a document on CEC’s website.

An email also suggested that Archer had communicated with Hunter Biden about setting up the White House meeting for the group.

Hunter Biden’s business dealings in China and Ukraine have come under close scrutiny as his father runs for the presidential office. The younger Biden recently also attracted scrutiny for his alleged business deals with Chinese executives at an oil conglomerate that has ties to the Chinese military, as detailed in emails obtained by the New York Post and a Senate report.

Cooney is serving a prison sentence for his role in a 2016 scheme to defraud an American Indian tribe. He authorized Schweizer, author of the 2018 book “Secret Empires,” access to his email account and publication of the emails, the outlet stated. Schweizer first published the findings from these emails in a Breitbart report. These emails are separate from the tranche obtained by the NY Post.

Archer was also convicted in the same 2016 case and is currently awaiting sentencing. He and Hunter Biden were partners in Rosemont Seneca Bohai, an asset management firm. They also both joined the board of Burisma Holdings, a Ukrainian energy firm, in 2014.

On Nov. 5, 2011, Archer was forwarded an email from a business contact, Gary Fears. The email contained a request for help from Mohamed A. Khashoggi, apparently an intermediary for CEC, who sought to secure a visit to the White House and meetings with administration officials. He said the business club had sent meeting invitations to several members of the Obama administration and lawmakers but hadn’t heard back from them.

“A tour of the white house and a meeting with a member of the chief of staff’s office and John Kerry would be great,” Khashoggi wrote.

“If we can set up meetings with Rominy [sic] or non elected officials might be easier,” he added. “Not sure if one has to be registered to do this,” apparently a reference to registration under the Foreign Agents Registration Act.

Khashoggi described the group’s “mandate is to let the US know that the Chinese ‘private sector’ is ready and willing to invest in America.”

“I think it is a soft diplomacy play that could be very effective,” Khashoggi continued, adding that it would give Hunter Biden’s business partners “good access to [the Chinese] for any deal in the future.”

The CEC, which has been referred to as the “billionaire’s club,” is composed of China’s top business leaders, as well as economists and diplomats. At the time, it had 50 members including Liu Chuanzhi, its then-chairman and founder of computer giant Lenovo, Jack Ma, founder of e-commerce giant Alibaba Group, and Wu Jianmin, a prominent Chinese diplomat.

The income of 44 CEC members totaled more than 1.5 trillion yuan ($224 billion) and accounted for roughly 4 percent of China’s gross domestic product, the email stated.

“This is China Inc.,” Khashoggi wrote of the club.

On Nov. 11, 2011, Fears followed up with Archer in an email asking how a meeting with Khashoggi went. Fears also asked Archer to tell Hunter Biden to call him.

Archer replied, “Hunter is traveling in the UAE for the week with royalty so probably next week before he will be back in pocket.”

In a later reply, Archer wrote, “Couldn’t confirm this with Hunter on the line but we got him his meeting at the WH Monday for the Chinese folks.”

On Nov. 14, 2011, the day of the Chinese delegation meeting, Cooney emailed Fears saying, “Archer got the Chinese guys all taken care of in DC.”

White House visitor logs show that a delegation of about 30 people from CEC visited the White House that day, and was hosted by Jeff Zients, then-deputy director of the Office of Management and Budget.

While the logs don’t show a meeting with then-Vice President Biden, a CEC document containing member biographies indicates the delegation met with him, Under Secretary Robert Hormats, former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, and Gen. Colin Powell during the 2011 trip.

The meetings with Hormats, Albright, and Powell are listed in an itinerary for the trip. The itinerary also lists a meeting with then-Commerce Secretary John E. Bryson.

Schweizer told Fox News on Oct. 17 that the emails, as well as others that haven’t been released, showed “a wide net of using the Biden name, using access to the White House,” with “Hunter serving as the pipeline to the administration as means to help their clients and gain clients.”

“The names that come up in this are the Chinese, the Russians, the Ukrainians, the Kazakhs,” Schweizer added. “It’s a veritable United Nations of corruption. And what it demonstrates is that Joe Biden, as vice president of the United States, was a center point.”

The Biden campaign and Fears didn’t immediately respond to a request by The Epoch Times for comment. Khashoggi and Archer couldn’t be reached for comment.

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4 years ago

Notice how a lot of Hunter Biden’s business associates all seem to be heading for jail or are already there? Yet Hunter is walking around free, rich and flaunting his untouchable status as Biden’s son. The FBI has had Hunter’s laptop for nearly a year and done nothing with it. The DOJ doesn’t seem terribly interested in finding out why the FBI is just sitting on it. It took the small computer shop owner, who kept getting the runaround for six months after turning the laptop over to the FBI to contact Rudy’s office to provide the backup copy of the hard drive to start to get any action going. Hunter’s lawyer was actually stupid enough to call Rudy and request “his client’s laptop back”. Still crickets from the FBI and the DOJ.

The the New York Post begins running stories on the contents of Hunter’s laptop that show how the payoffs to Joe Biden and his family are made and then divvied up. Still no action or interest from the FBI or the DOJ. However, all the social media companies get together the suspend the accounts of anyone trying to get the news out there. The response by the FBI and DOJ to what now amounts to election interference by the social media companies? You guess it…ZERO!

Finally the DNI comes out and states that the Hunter Biden laptop and its data is NOT a Russian dis-information campaign unlike what lying Adam Schiff is once again running around the Capitol claiming. Does any of this make the MSM news outlets? Nope. No interest in anything that might negatively reflect on their candidate Joe Biden and his agenda.

So excuse me if I don’t get all excited over an article that calls for the Bidens to come clean and address the decades long history of corruption. Joe Biden and his family has been making millions upon millions off of Joe selling his office for quite a while. Neither our DOJ or FBI seem terribly interested in pursuing any of it. At least none of those in the senior leadership of both organizations. I’m sure the rank and file folks would be happy to investigate all of this further, but they won’t be given the chance. The swamp protects its own.

GT Patriot
GT Patriot
4 years ago

PaulE’s comments are correct. Biden will never have to explain his extortion even though his account of it is recorded. Neither will his
son or Hillary have to explain her deletion of 35,000 incriminating emails. Also, we will never hear much from John Durham either. He
has been on the job for almost 2 years and has revealed nothing. Also, we will always allow a lacky like Meuller to try to contort the truth
so that an outsider (Trump) is hung. Also, we will always impeach a president who is trying to get to the bottom of a fraud
scheme by one of the top swampsters (Biden). Also, we will never require the media to clean up their propoganda act. Also, we will never
condemn the violence committed by thug groups such as MS13, antifa, BLM, KKK and other hate groups. Thats who we are. Lets face it.
Insurmountable forces will never allow these crimes to stop. Our president wants to but he has no help. WE are all guilty. Lose our country?
It was lost when we elected Lyndon Johnson in 1964.

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