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How to Fix USAID

Posted on Tuesday, February 11, 2025
by AMAC, Robert B. Charles

Can the President close USAID by Executive Order (EO)? No, since the agency was reorganized in 1998 by statute, 22 USC 6601, requiring a similar act to close it. However, can he end the agency’s waste, fraud, and abuse by EO, then have Congress reorganize it in a Reconciliation Bill? Yes.

USAID is a unique animal, a $50 billion experiment in saving the world with projects that have – by and large – been pursued with little or no oversight, delivered inconsistent results, profited a handful of contractors by billions, and even produced results at odds with US national security.

The agency’s top ten recipient countries – Afghanistan, Syria, Congo, Somalia, South Sudan, Yemen, Nigeria, Ukraine, and Jordan – are shadowed by public corruption, rights abuses, and terrorism, and yet receive money through often unvetted, hard to trace subcontractors.

These subs, in turn, work for longtime USAID contractors, many on the agency dole for decades, taking in billions, while – in many cases – being fined tens of millions for law-breaking. The combination of hundreds of unreported violations is corroborated in dozens of IG reports.

The most recent IG report is illustrative, and showed up on January 23, 2025, after months of investigation. It details the hidden, arguably insidious, knowingly dishonest process by which USAID money goes to government and nongovernmental organizations, often just disappearing.

Worse, the report shows how patterns of criminal activity, long documented at places like UN agencies, from fraud and misuse of money to sexual exploitation, are often hidden or ignored.

Specifically, it shows three big areas of recent malfeasance, including “resistance from UN agencies and foreign-based nongovernmental organizations to sharing information with the Office of Inspector General about potential misconduct, “limitations on vetting of aid organizations for ties to designated terrorist organizations and known corrupt actors,” and “limitations in obtaining data about USAID-funded sub-awardees,” making accounting for their behavior impossible.

In more detail, the report shows “519 instances of potential misconduct” were not reported to the Inspector General despite specific, contractual obligations by government and nongovernmental entities to do so, with no consequences for the contractual and legal lapse.

Specifically, what USAID and contractors did not do was “enforce the requirement that UN agencies promptly report allegations of fraud or sexual exploitation and abuse directly to the Office of Inspector General.”

Likewise, there was a “failure of UN agencies to share investigative information with the Inspector General,” ranging broadly, but including associations “with Hamas,” potential “food diversion,” employment of those accused of “sexual assault” to “lead humanitarian efforts in Ukraine,” “mismanagement” of programs in “Yemen,” “recirculation of problematic UN staff through the aid sector,” including sexual predators, and failure of foreign-based NGOs to cooperate with information and an inability to sue them, to keep them accountable.

The list goes on, as does the string of prior damning reports. In short, USAID has long been a pool of contractors working for unaccountable, heavily funded employees. While the intent was good, USAID has become a weed garden. It must be realigned with US national security interests.

The best way to do that? President Trump should end the agency’s waste, fraud, and abuse by Executive Order, and have Congress reintegrate the core mission into the State, as part of Reconciliation.

Robert Charles is a former Assistant Secretary of State under Colin Powell, former Reagan and Bush 41 White House staffer, attorney, and naval intelligence officer (USNR). He wrote “Narcotics and Terrorism” (2003), “Eagles and Evergreens” (2018), and is National Spokesman for AMAC. Robert Charles has also just released an uplifting new book, “Cherish America: Stories of Courage, Character, and Kindness” (Tower Publishing, 2024).

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Crumm Peatry
Crumm Peatry
1 month ago

We are finding out even Alphonse Capone didn’t have the MOB money laundering abilities that the USAID criminals are using!

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
1 month ago

This writing about the USAID brings light to matters that should have been illuminated many years ago. The amount of money connected to this situation that has little or no oversight is comparable in some ways to some sort of science fiction, meaning a bit difficult to find realistic to grasp. A billion dollars here ,a billion dollars there , pretty soon we’re talking big money. And the ethical matters involved with this disappear of huge amounts of ” government aid funds”. Kind of makes 1930’s bank robber John Dillinger look like some of amateur petty thief by comparison It will be great if the matter is corrected through Reconciliation procedure described . Very good article RBC , Well Done! What you wrote – ” While the intent was good ,USAID has become a weed garden .” And since these weeds are not the kind that can be put in soup better to plant a new garden altogether — and make sure it is attended to properly.



Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
1 month ago

Corrections to comment written earlier today. One sentence should be – ” And the ethical matters involved with this disappearance of huge amounts of government aid funds.”. And another sentence should be – ” Kind of makes 1930’s bank robber. John Dillinger look like some sort of amateur petty thief by comparison .”

1 month ago

There’s only one way to fix USAid. Dismantle it and bury it, as the corrupt failed “experiment” it is.

1 month ago

And just think, it’s been OUR TAX DOLLARS funding this crap. It’s as insulting as our tax dollars going to putting ILLEGAL ALIENS ahead of homeless American veterans.

1 month ago

disband it would be the best way i think

1 month ago

Oh, and just another thought… we really need USAID or anything like it? Do we have other means of helping the needy that are already in place and working? Is re-inventing the wheel really what should be done? Just wondering….thanks for listening.

1 month ago

Thank you Robert Charles for once again providing us with insight and knowledge we otherwise would not have access to. We appreciate your efforts to inform us.
USAid really needs oversight and reconfiguration. I hope the Congress will step up to the plate.

1 month ago

The mere existence of this “program” is almost unbelievable. There should be a thorough money trail – scouring audit that shows where it all went, how, and who made the arrangements.

Summer Sands
Summer Sands
1 month ago

USAID has been a bastion of corruption, fraud, waste, and abuse, since the 1950s; maybe, even longer. My father told me stories about how he saw their packages being sold on store shelves when he was in the Army overseas. I’ve seen the remnants of their failed experiments rusting away in fields in India back in the 70s. This all angered me, but what has been exposed by DOGE makes me beyond angry. Our government is so unbelievably corrupt it isn’t even funny. This goes throughout every office. It’s criminal and no one has been brought to account for their crimes for more than 50-60 years. The truly sad part is that I don’t believe anyone will be brought to account for any of the crimes committed against the American Citizens. We constantly hear “No one is above the law,” yet these so-called “democrats” get away with everything, including murder. For all the law-breaking these individuals do, not a single one has been held accountable…from the very top to the bottom…WHY???

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 month ago

Remerge to State Dept
New policies
FUND whats needed vs other

Robert Chae
Robert Chae
1 month ago

How does this work since the courts have already stopped him from doing anything with USAID?

John Bass
John Bass
1 month ago

I’ve said for years we need to get rid of all foreign aid. Only give aid to those country’s where it will ultimately benefit the USA. I know many of you will say that’s cold hearted, what about the starving children in Africa? To that I say so what, only a small percentage of what is sent actually gets to where it was intended…if that. There must be a better way to where the money spent can be accounted for. Until then sorry, but the piggy bank is closed, you can call me a Nazi or perhaps even a threat to democracy.

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 month ago

Does not do any good only promotes dependence and provides employment for those in charge of it. Not taxpayer’s responsibility

1 month ago

USAID was started with a reasonable mandate and charter….but like so many agencies, it was turned into a scammers dream. All because congress did not do their job of oversight, which I think was on purpose. They looked the other way. So now we shut it down operationally, re-arrange it’s operation and while eliminating the fraud and corruption, re-set what was useful. The other option is to starve it out with de-funding and come up with a whole new animal designed against what happened to USAID. Don’t know if that’s possible (congress is still a bucket of snakes), but who can say if you don’t try. That’s my perspective….most likely lame in it’s approach…but that’s just me.

1 month ago

Take it down and hold the leaders, heads of groups in USAID, maybe even some of the smallest groups accountable for the mismanagement at best, outright theft and concealment at worst and then block all of them from ever working for any government agency or group in America forever. If these folks willfully profited from their giveaways, Gitmo still has some extra space / tents to take on additional people.

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