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How Did We Forget “Never Again”?

Posted on Monday, November 27, 2023
by Dr. Sebastian Gorka
April 12, 1945 - Dwight D. Eisenhower walks around a cluster of bodies of prisoners who were left lying where slain at Ohrdruf

It was shocking because it was undeniable. 

There had, of course, been countless massacres before throughout history, genocidal rampages from ancient times through to the modern age. From Genghis Khan’s destruction to the mass murder of Armenians in the early 20th century. But the Jewish Holocaust was different. Why? 

Well, first it occurred in the context of World War. It wasn’t one government, or one marauding warlord killing hundreds or thousands in a faraway land where no journalist or intrepid explorer would see it and then report upon it to the World. 

No, the Shoa, as the Jewish community refers to it, occurred in the midst of a global conflict with millions of combatants deployed from countries as diverse at Japan and Poland. 

At the same time, it is a genocide that occurred after the modern media was well and truly established. From the technology of the telegraphic wire to live radio reporting and the movie theater newsreel. And once the Allies won, and the Third Reich was in rubble, those journalists and photographers were invited by the victors to document all the horrors of the death camps of Auschwitz, Treblinka, Birkenau, and on, and on, in large part thanks to the foresight of Supreme Allied Commander, and future President Dwight D. Eisenhower, who ordered: 

“Get it all on record now – get the films – get the witnesses, because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened.” 

Additionally, this industrial-scale murder of more than 6 million human, men, women, and children, wasn’t simply a consequence of a local conflict, innocents slaughtered because they happened to be on the “wrong side” of a war. The extermination of the Jewish people was a core strategic goal of the National Socialist German Workers, or Nazi Party. The murder of millions, because of their religious and ethnic identity, was Hitler’s “Final Solution” for an Aryan Europe. 

But the good guys, America and the Allies, won. Hitler, the pathetic little Austrian corporal with the risible mustache took the coward’s route, committed suicide himself and had his corpse and his poisoned newlywed bride’s body burnt by his lackies in a shell-scrape. And then all the horrors of the camps were documented on Eisenhower’s orders, and then the details of how innocent naked families were killed in Zyklon-B gas chambers disguised as shower blocks were detailed at the Nuremberg Trials of surviving Nazi leaders. 

By the time that was over there was no question about what happened at Hitler’s death camps. Millions murdered in the name of National Socialism and ethnic purity, and soon a new motto was born: “Never Again!” 

In the decades since the war, as a new Israeli state was established, proud Jews vowed “Never Again.” As did all of their allies, friends, and all decent people of the civilized world. But then October 7th happened. 

In the 50 plus days since more than 1,400 men, women and children were massacred, babies roasted alive, rave attendees kidnapped, raped, and murdered, what did the “decent” world do? Some of us told the truth. Others, many others, ripped down the posters of the kidnapped children, saying none of it ever happened. Others, included elected politicians, rallied on behalf of Hamas and screamed “From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be Free!” Meaning, from the Jordan to the Mediterranean, there will be no Jews. Genocide chanted on the streets of Western capitals by 100,000’s of free people on the side of savage terrorists. Some, even chanting the chilling “Gas the Jews!” 

So, what happened to “never again”? 

Why did Eisenhower do what he did at the end of the war? Let’s listen to his words

“I visited every nook and cranny of the camp because I felt it my duty to be in a position from then on to testify at firsthand about these things in case there ever grew up at home the belief or assumption that `the stories of Nazi brutality were just propaganda.’” 

It seems that was not enough. 

How many will have to be killed for “Near Again!” to actually mean “NEVER again?” 

Sebastian Gorka Ph.D. is host of SALEM Radio’s AMERICA First and The Gorka Reality Check on NEWSMAX TV. A former Strategist to President Donald Trump, he is a member of the National Security Education Board of the Pentagon. His latest book is The War for America’s Soul. Follow him on his SubStack page and website.  

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1 year ago


What DON’T you understand? . . . These MUSLIMS have vowed to Kill and Annilate the Jewish Race! They are brutally slaughtering women and children, many of which are Americans! Why is it that the Israelis are forced to trade 3 Hamas Terrorist Fighters for every 1 Jewish Hostage? I realize that the relatives of the Hostages would agree to this exchange but I don’t! . . . For EVERY ISRAELI WOMAN that is raped, I would CASTRATE A HAMAS TERRORIST FIGHTER! . . .
Brutal? . . . Yes, but I believe Necessary!
PLUS, These ANIMALS have sworn to do the same to Christians! And Lying, Jackass Joe Biden, the Presidential Imposter, HAS OPENED OUR BORDERS TO HOW MANY OF THESE MUSLIM TERRORISTS? . . . It’s just a MATTER OF TIME when these “ANIMALS” WILL STRIKE US HERE IN THE AMERICAN HOMELAND!

Lying, Jackass Joe Biden NEEDS TO BE HELD RESPONSIBLE Should This Happen!

anna hubert
anna hubert
1 year ago

After the tragedy there was a trial in Norinberg where orchestrators of inhumanity were dealt with Until there is such a trial dealing with communists atrocities and communism is dealt with same way as nazism again will continue to happen It is the poisonous vile doctrine Lets not pretend that Islam is the religion of peace and brotherly love It’s a pure venom

David Millikan
David Millikan
1 year ago

Excellent article. Part of the reason is that TRUE History is NOT taught in schools anymore thanks to the Department of DUHMACATION. It makes it easier for democrats to lie and feed FAKE narratives so they can act like they care.
If you pay attention you see how Dictator Beijing biden has ignored the TRUTH and has NO GUTS to stand up against such atrocities.
At the same time Dictator Beijing biden says the United States can fund 2 WARS with OUR tax dollars while OUR COUNTRY is in shambles because of him and Obama who are both COWARDS.
This would NEVER happened with President Trump running things. Especially after President Trump accomplished the Greatest thing in the Middle East with the Abraham Accords.
There would NOT be Americans being attacked and killed here either because of Hamas and the other Terrorist groups that Dictator Beijing biden took off the Terrorist list and let walk across our borders.
In short, these atrocities should have NEVER happened.

Rob citizenship
Rob citizenship
1 year ago

Very important article Sebastian , it should be appreciated by everyone who values truth, freedom, — a better world and a respect for the will of God. Education systems have much to do with the matter of people either not knowing about or not caring about the crimes of the Nazi evil in the 1930’s and 1940’s. A corrupt culture is another factor that has a large number of people detached from moral thinking. When music, films, humor are corrupted – by corrupted I mean for example films that disregard truth , that promote a decadent outlook on life, music that has to do with Satan worship, and humor that is crude, obscene, vulgar – all of those contribute to a way of thinking that is just plain wrong. And it is an open door for evil to enter. Things can be better in regard the kind of music, films and humor that make up the culture. Music ,films and humor can and should be all about being respectful , and being uplifting , and caring for the good of society. Language that is respectful, that does not use crude, obscene,vulgar words and expressions is healthier in all ways – it promotes good, positive ,intelligent thoughts and that is at the foundation of a society that will know what ” Never Again ” means and will value the ideals of Faith, Family and Freedom.

1 year ago

Wake up America! With the open boarder and all the military age males streaming across, we are next to have another 911 or October 7, on our land, be prepared!

Paul W
Paul W
1 year ago

“Never again”, which was nearly 80 years ago, being forgotten is sadly no surprise. “Never forget” is largely forgotten; and that was a mere 22 years ago. Why? There are a ton of reasons but it all basically boils down to the fact that a narcissist’s mind is very easily controlled by a society that pushes “me, me, me” and the western world has been raising a h3lluva lot of narcissists.

Barrett Smith
Barrett Smith
1 year ago

Islam does not tolerate any other religion or belief other that in itself. What they do to the Jews will be done to you next unless you conform.

Phillip Nagle
Phillip Nagle
1 year ago

It happens when the allies of the vile murders in the mass media, and that certainly includes CNN, BBC and MSNBC, change the narrative from the atrocities of Hamas to the plight of the people of Gaza, who support Hamas and whose government is Hamas.

1 year ago

Ask your local high school and/or all the way up to major universities WTF have they been teaching in the schools. This Hama is good stuff has been taught so that this could happen again. Breaks My Heart…

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

College Indoc

1 year ago

This will not happen anytime soon. As long as our world leaders are Hitler impersonators nothing will change. They have a plan to depopulate the world and the COVID spread was the beginning. The vaccin does the rest, with the fake climate change to kill us with chemical foods. Otherwise the climate will kill us might as well hurry it along a bit. The lies that have been told since O became president not only here but all over the world, the New World Order. We are still believing that our leaders are people that care. That went out the window after WW II. They right away got together to formulate a new plan. The one they developed was genius. Let loose a virus on the world scare the people and they will do the rest. Extra deaths are rampant and birth rate is down everywhere. And we have all done it to ourselves. Not a bullet fired. And what is happening in the Middle East has been taught at the universities for years and the Muslims have never believed that 6 million people were killed. They don’t believe now that 1400 Jews were killed on Oct. 7. Just like ole Joe says nothing to see at the border for the border is secure. Only 7 million illegals have so far entered our country from 160+ countries. Ole Joe is playing the same game in the Middle East. Plays both sides. And still we have sheep blindly following ole Joe or O. I don’t think Joe is in charge. Look at the senators and house members that have dual passports. Why is that?

1 year ago

Progressive Socio Fascist Democrats in charge of our educational system systematically indoctrinating our children to hate.

Bob Olden
Bob Olden
1 year ago

There is a grimly just way in which history is NOT repeating itself. Well equipped, well trained Israeli soldiers are clearing out the Hamas rat holes and many of the rats who will NEVER AGAIN inflict hideous suffering on Israeli citizens! If they had been able to fight during WW2 like they can now, Hitler might have disappeared much sooner.
God willing, Hamas will be eradicated and the Iranian leaders will be punished for what they have done.

Nancy Ryan
Nancy Ryan
1 year ago

My thoughts on this are: How can people do this to each other? How can a person kill another person? We are all created in the image of God and God loves each and every one of us more than we could ever describe or understand. “Thou Shalt Not Kill” is the 5th Commandment. People who kill others are barbarians – they really are not human. They have become some lower life that only cares about self and controlling others. They belong to Satan – who is the murderer, the liar, the hater of God. And make no mistake about it – abortion is also murder. How can a mother reach so low in morality as to murder her own child? Oh, there are many excuses. But that is all they are – excuses. Excuses to do what a person wants to do without any interference whatsoever to gain what they want. Complete, and utter selfishness. May God have mercy on the souls of all murderers.

Maxine Elizabeth Gorman
Maxine Elizabeth Gorman
1 year ago

How quickly we forget…. 🙁 Hamas has to be completely obliterated…there is no option….

Robin F
Robin F
1 year ago

Sadly, this is more than just the public education systems fault. I have been watching the media for the past few years and what I have seen is more than just a little disturbing. We must do something to hold the liberal media accountable for the lies they have pushed. This is more than just seeing something from a different perspective. There have been outright lies and manipulation of information and facts. Money from trillionaires have bought the ideas that are being pushed on society. Money from these same trillionaires have bought the elections and eliminated our right to choose our own leaders. Trillionaires have an unfair advantage over the citizens’ rights. They wish to destroy our system of Government and change it to authoritarian and dictatorship. This is real and has happened. Yet too many are frogs in a pot of water that has increased in temperature to the point of death. Death of the society we once knew. This is much more than a corrupt education system which is only a symptom of the real problem.

1 year ago

Never again! Same thing after 9-11. Within weeks after it occurred liberals were taking the terrorists side and concerned about America’s response. Americans have very short memories and lack the intestinal fortitude to protect themselves. Israel has that fortitude to do what is necessary if the rest of the world would shut up and let them destroy Hamas. Meanwhile we are vulnerable to an attack that will make 9-11 pale in comparison. Tens or hundreds of thousands could die and Biden keeps allowing terrorists to freely walk into our country. Amazing how short our memory is.

1 year ago

Thank you so much for a well written and truthful article. You are so clear and correct. In a relatively small space you have explained everything. With God’s help and a great army, we will defeat our inhuman enemies and give them a lesson in what it means to be a human being.

Tim Terry
Tim Terry
1 year ago

Good article of remembrance sir. The reasonS you ask – the corrupt cowardly press, the Godless demoncRATic CONstruct party, n the indoctrination stations disguised as schooling in US!

1 year ago

How easy it is to forget? Seems very easy since American Jews vote in majority for Democrats who fund Iran and other terror organizations. Hard to define the hatred of others causing them to vote for those supporting the very people’s committing these crimes.

1 year ago

I retired as an elementary school educator 14 years ago. I was one of several conservative teachers at the school in which I worked. I worked hard for my students to learn history which is a subject that gets the back burner, if that. History is a subject that the communists in our government want obliterated so they can move on with their dirty deeds as they fill our youth with frankly, crap. I’m glad I retired because there is no way I would have gone along with all the queer agenda that is being pushed on students today.

1 year ago

Yes, and then multiplied by the universities that know better but give in to pander to their student and donors, bought and paid for by Arb propaganda. The MSM has blood on their hands as well, refusing to report truth, details, facts via their sins of omission and commission, kneeling to their corporate bosses whose quest for money and power has never been interrupted by morals or values. We live in angry troubled times because our mediocre “leaders” have few, if any, principles that go beyond their own lust for money and power.

Joe Cool
Joe Cool
1 year ago

The triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing, and allow evil to exist. What has changed? Apparently nothing! Marxist education has removed our history from our past.

1 year ago

I am disturbed by the palestinian (lower case) support we are seeing in the aftermath of Oct 7th. I know the Israeli’s are no angels, I know there’s dirt on them, there’s dirt on everyone. But the palestinians were offered their own country twice in the past and they declined to accept. So….there is no palestinian language, there is no palestinian country, there is no palestinian currency or economy, no palestinian government. They turned it down so they have no one to blame but themselves for not having a country. So how do all these half brain dead hamas freaks justify jumping on the protesting bandwagon for a murdering cause that surprise attacks civilians and children? It would be like seeing protests in the streets on Dec 8,1941 supporting the Japanese (upper case). Convince me I’m wrong.

1 year ago

Why should we not be shocked that “Never Again” became a forgotten phrase and in many cases passe’; the attacks on 11 Sept 2001 led to “Never Forget” but many have and claim it was all a set up perpetrated by the Bush administration or entirely faked. Conspiracy theorists are coming out of the woodwork like roaches claiming 9/11, the US landing on the moon, more recent historical events were ginned up by the government for some obscure purpose.
Sorry but we should not be surprised there are many today, young and old who fail to remember history. As Santayana said, “Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it”. Those who deny history will be doomed also.

1 year ago

Would that we had a man like Eisenhower in the highest office again. And the vast majority of informed Americans hold political sway.

1 year ago

Not only do we forget that they are trying to destroy the Jewish race but they want to destroy everyone of every race who is not Muslim and in their belief system. Everyone. And those are the very same people who are holding up the signs to promote the Jewish eradication. When they are through eradicating the Jewish population they’re coming for the you. And we are too blind and two ignorant to understand that. I could say that is the tragedy of the situation. But that is not it the tragedy is it people are being raised ignorant and will not listen.

Steve Harmon
Steve Harmon
1 year ago

So well put, thank you.

1 year ago

And it will happen again and again and again. Look who most everyone in the world votes for. Be it Communists, Religious leaders, Socialist, Democrats, Republicans, Kings and Queens,.Mullahs, ETC. I hope that I croak before that happens again. I am 69 years old. Very cynical ain’t I? CHRIS

Delmar 'DEL'
Delmar 'DEL'
1 year ago

‘NEVER AGAIN’ SHOULD MEAN EXACTLY THAT – ‘NEVER AGAIN’! How did we get to this point? A carefully planned scenario by socialists, Woke movement thru and in conjunction with a deliberately designed educational system of denial of the history of NAZI atrocities. Add to that the complete disrespect for ALL human life from the moment of conception to Natural death.

1 year ago

my son asked about it in school years ago the teachers just looked at him with disgust and said it never happened. i had relatives that were in the camp only one survived. i had to set him straight, but i can still see the “i’m not sure” in his eyes. youth has to be taught from the get-go about what is true and factual. never thought this would happen. as was said Never Again.

1 year ago

I think the Band of Brothers TV show showed the attitude of the German people during those horrific days. Especially those that lived close to the death camps. 6 million Jews and 5 million “undesirables” were tortured and exterminated at those evil camps. But the horror began 10 years earlier. Wholesale slaughter of those “not Aryan” were witnessed by others and little word got out to the rest of the world. Most of the Muslim’s in the middle east deny the Holocaust ever happened. Eisenhower’s prophetic words.

1 year ago

It is time for our schools to teach what happened in the holocaust can happen again if we allow antisemitism in society. Who will be targeted next after the Jews, Christians, Americans? We need our children to be informed at a young age. Colleges today are encouraging radical ideas in the name of political education.

1 year ago

Not all have forgotten…you need compassion to be understanding as to what our history has been through..and BLM want to complain..look at this!

betty harrison
betty harrison
1 year ago

my brother was 2nd man threw the gate of one of Hitlers camps. It haunted him the rest of his life. He died at 91

1 year ago

“Get it all on record now – get the films – get the witnesses, because somewhere down the road of history some bastard will get up and say that this never happened.”  It’s interesting to note that a good man and honorable man, General Eisenhower, called holocaust denier’s, “bastards”!

Word of Truth
Word of Truth
1 year ago

After 911, the slogan was Never Forget. Apparently it has been forgotten. The terrorists who follow the knuckle-dragging Satanic religion that was at the heart of this attack and the recent attack on Israel are allowed run roughshod in the U.S. including the education institutions (aka indoctrination camps). But we shouldn’t be surprised. The Bible says it will get worse but there is hope. In the end evil loses.

John Davis
John Davis
1 year ago

First let me say, I am not antisemitic. I have lived long enough to see several events of genocide, Cambodia, China all over Africa, why is it we are only one we are asked to “not forget” is the holocaust that happened in Germany. I have never seen Jewish people going to help others that are being killed. I would like for this to have never happened but in the future, I would like people and nations stand up for all persons involved in genocide.

Michael Phillips
Michael Phillips
1 year ago

My Dad was stationed in Bad Aibling 1956/59, i was just 4 y/o remember a bad smell,as a child thought „ they must be burning bodies there, I asked my Mother years later why I would have such a thought, she told me in 1958 your dad took us to Dachau and you could still smell the stench of death in the camp in 58! I connected the two smells together, smell is one of the strongest senses to your memories! The Big Red one!????

Nancy Ryan
Nancy Ryan
1 year ago

I agree. However, the most important part of education is educating everyone about the God who created all of us. If everyone was taught about God, His Commandments, His love for all of his children (the entire human race) and that God has no divisions, only people do, I think there would be less of this. Because the world belongs to satan, there will always be sin, however, knowing about God does lessen the amoral life that so many today live; even apparently good people live amoral lives. Therein lies the problem. It will not end until the Second Coming of Christ.

Terrell Kerr
Terrell Kerr
1 year ago

I have a Jewish friend in Knoxville, Tn who was in Israel last year. He was on the street in front of his old apt. A rocket was coming from the east and Moses said to himself, I’m not moving. About that time a defense rocket came over his head and took out the rocket. October 7 has been going on for years.

1 year ago

“Never again” is just words. They cannot stand on their own. There has to be commitment behind them. And the commitment is not there.
The hatred of Jews, because they are Jews, will always exist. Because it originated with a different species altogether. Angels who hate God will hate Jews for all of human history.
It will happen again.

1 year ago

It’s interesting that general E. called future holocaust denier’s basttards.

1 year ago

Not all is kosher in Isreal. Netenyahu is in his Third time as Prime Minister and the third time he has been charged with corruption. He was so desperate to save his ass he tried to eleminate the Supreme court of Isreal. When that failed what saves his butt? A war against the Palistinines. The fact has been down played, but there was intelligence reports which were ignored. Now Netenyahu and his defence minister Gallant ( the Himmler nd Eichmen) of Isreal are on a mission to obliterate not only Hamas but all of Gaza. They are guilty of war crimes and so are the animals who attacked civilans in Isreal.
Two wrongs don’t equal right and innocents on both side suffer!!!!
Correction to the omission inGorka’s article. Yes Hitler killed 6 million jews in his camps
but he also killed over 6 million Christians, Gypses and others. The Jews always seem
to forget that fact. Hitler was an equal opportunity HATER !!!

1 year ago

The extermination of the Palestinian people is a core strategic goal of the Israeli government. The murder of millions, because of their religious and ethnic identity, is Benjamin Netanyahu’s “Final Solution” for a Jewish homeland. From the Jordan to the Mediterranean, there will be no Palestinians, How many will have to be killed for “Near Again!” to actually mean “NEVER again?” Every last Palestinian.

1 year ago

Dr. Gorka and how do you feel about those Palestinians murdered bi IDF- 3 times as many as Kazhars turned Jews murdered by Hamas? Do you not think they qualify for “never again” as well, or only “Jews”?…As a Hypocratic oath taker – if not as a Christian – you should remain neutral and condemn equally unexcusable taking of human life on both sides of Hamas-Israel conflict..

1 year ago

In my opinion, the human race needs to be extinct. Reference Nazis, Communists, Socialist, Faciest, Democrats, Republicans, Dictators, Kings and Queen, ETC. Sooner better than later. Let’s see if AMAC censoring will let this reply post. CHRIS

John Shipway
John Shipway
1 year ago

Perhaps the current Israeli leadership would be served well as they annihilate the civilian population of Gaza to also follow the “never again” practice. I mean some 5000 blown to bit children? That is Judaism? Its not its Zionism which is as despicable as was Nazism.
Evil currently reigns in the state of Israel whether the bloated war whore Mr. Gorka wants to address it or not. Look at the few non censored videos snuck past IDF mind controllers. The Israeli military primarily their air forces are slaughtering non combatants by the literal tractor trailer load DAILY

John Shipway
John Shipway
1 year ago

Oh……..I see the “decapitated babies” lie has been removed from the prescribed narrative. Strangely the huge number of raped women remains though there is no evidence whatsoever of a single rape by either side
We are always being lied to and we cannot be expected to believe anything coming from the government nor their media lackeys until the lies stop.

John Shipway
John Shipway
1 year ago

It might be time to ask the Zionists in Israel (and yep there is a big difference between Judaism and Zionism), what about that “never again” line.
Netanyahu is overseeing the 5th Reich and a brand new Holocaust of his own design. How else to explain the slaughter of 8000 and growing children in the name of “self defense”?
Every dead resident of Gaza leaves behind families full of future anti Israelis. The world must demand a two state solution it has already codified.

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