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House Passes SAVE Act, Bill to Stop Illegal Aliens From Voting and Safeguard Elections

Posted on Thursday, July 11, 2024
by Shane Harris

By a vote of 221-198, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 8281, the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, late Wednesday evening. This comprehensive piece of legislation is aimed at addressing the urgent threat of noncitizens voting in federal elections and takes concrete steps to better ensure election integrity.

Specifically, the SAVE Act amends the National Voter Registration Act to require states to obtain documentary proof of U.S. citizenship and identity when registering an individual to vote in a federal election. Currently, various loopholes in federal and state election laws could allow noncitizens to obtain easy illegal access to the ballot.

The SAVE Act also requires states to establish a program to remove non-citizens from their existing voter rolls and empowers citizens to bring civil suits against election officials that fail to uphold proof of citizenship requirements for federal elections. These provisions will crucially be in place before this November’s election, helping guard against irregularities and questions about election integrity that could undermine voter confidence in the outcome this fall.

Passage of the SAVE Act comes following a nationwide AMAC Action outreach campaign from AMAC members urging their representatives to vote “yes” on this bill. Prior to passage, AMAC Action President Bob Carlstrom called the SAVE Act “vitally important to protect the sanctity of our elections, particularly with the influx of people that have entered our country illegally.”

AMAC members played a vital role in rallying support for this legislation, sending more than 19,000 messages to their elected officials. House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) also directly shouted out AMAC in a media briefing prior to passage the bill, thanking members for supporting the legislation.

Notably, five House Democrats crossed the aisle to vote for this common-sense bill. While Americans are deeply divided on almost every issue, the SAVE Act reaffirms one thing that still has broad bipartisan agreement among the public – the foundational principle that only U.S. citizens should be able to vote in U.S. elections.

Nonetheless, 198 House Democrats still voted against the bill, making clear their support for noncitizens voting. As Speaker Johnson said in a statement, “now the American people know where every member of Congress stands on this critically important issue. House Republicans believe that only Americans should vote in American elections. House Democrats have now proven they believe that illegal aliens should vote in American elections.”

President Biden has also threatened to veto the bill should it come to his desk for signature, aligning himself with the House Democrats who voted against the bill.

Since President Biden took office, at least 10 million individuals have illegally crossed into the United States, creating an unprecedented threat to election integrity. By some estimates, as many as 27 percent of these illegal aliens are registered to vote – creating a potential pool of more than 2.7 million voters who could alter the outcome of this November’s contests for the White House and control of Congress.

In recent months, various news stories have highlighted the severity of the threat of noncitizens voting – and even raised the alarming possibility that some left-wing groups are actively working to provide noncitizens access to the ballot box.

In April, for instance, photos surfaced on social media of flyers being distributed to U.S.-bound migrants in Mexico urging them to vote for Joe Biden – underscoring just how serious the threat is. Under the provisions of a 2021 Biden Executive Order, U.S. Marshals are also now required to provide everyone in their custody voter registration information – including illegal aliens.

As AMAC Newsline has previously reported, 14 states don’t require a photo ID to actually cast a ballot, in addition to not requiring an ID to register to vote. 28 states, including Michigan, Georgia, and North Carolina, allow voters to use a student ID, which do not indicate if someone is a citizen. At least 19 other states and the District of Columbia have also passed bills allowing non-citizens to obtain driver’s licenses. A growing number of cities, including Washington D.C., now even allow illegal aliens to vote in local elections.

The SAVE Act now heads to the Senate. Although Senate Democrat leaders have indicated their intention to kill the bill, conservatives remain hopeful that enough Democrats will work with Republicans to deliver an important win for American democracy.

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Jimmy Page
Jimmy Page
2 months ago

PLAIN AND SIMPLE! Anyone who doesn’t vote in favor of this bill, should NOT permitted to hold a federal elected office … because they do NOT believe in the sanctity of federal election process.

Ray Doyle LFP, WA
Ray Doyle LFP, WA
2 months ago

voting against this bill just confirms democrat voter fraud.

2 months ago

Simple: If a democrat in the senate votes against this bill, it will indicate they are Unamerican and a Socialist. Vote the bast___s out!

Lawrence Greenberg
Lawrence Greenberg
2 months ago

The Democrat-controlled Senate will never pass it.
The Democrats know that if they can’t cheat, they will never again “win” an election.

2 months ago

We shouldn’t have to create bills like this!

2 months ago

chuck shummer will kill this in the senate, also I think every bill interduced all who voted should be made public, so we all know how they are voting, for the party or for the american citizens.

Lawrence Greenberg
Lawrence Greenberg
2 months ago

If you go back in history for 100+ years, you will find that the Communists follow the same game plan everywhere. Never able to win a majority of popular/voter support through legitimate means and processes, they lie, cheat, steal, and kill their opponents. They engage in fraud, they foment coups, and they start revolutions. And once they attain power by illegitimate means, they alter the system to ensure no one can ever again challenge them, while at the same time persecuting and destroying their opponents. It has happened in many countries, and for those who are too blind to see reality, I will point out that it has been going on here in the good old USA since November 2020 (i.e., using lawfare to go after their opponents).

anna hubert
anna hubert
2 months ago

What good is the law if it is not enforced?

2 months ago

Why wouldn’t everyone want this?

2 months ago

Anyone that still believes the Demonrats are for “Democracy” please step forward. I would like to get a photo of just plain stupid. A darn “rock” knows that these losers hate our Country and citizens. These commies will never stop until they are defeated. Please vote this November 2024, it will be your last time.

2 months ago

Don’t be so happy or glad! This has to go through a hostile Senate who can kill or sit on it and if passed, a hostile puppet President. This will not stop or alter the election process this coming November with the states that are supporting the corruption of the voting process.

Summer Sands
Summer Sands
2 months ago

Anyone who voted against this SAVE Act needs to be outed so they can be voted out of office or recalled. This is ridiculous! Anyone holding office who would not support measures to ensure our election integrity doesn’t deserve to be in office.

2 months ago

Democrats are socialists in sheep’s clothing. The Save act is of utmost importance for voters integrity to keep America First!

John Bass
John Bass
2 months ago

Big deal…I think their all in it together. We get our hopes up because they pass this bill but the Senate, controlled by the Democrats will never pass it. So now what?

I’m thinking it’s just a big game for all those who want to enrich themselves and to hell with what’s best for the country and the rest of us…now tell me I’m wrong.

2 months ago

198 traitor scum voted against this in the house. I agree with others posting that this will die in the senate, and Joebama said he won’t sign it into law if by some miracle the senate passes the bill. This is pathetic.

2 months ago

Now what is AMAC going to do to put pressure on the Democrat controlled Senate to get this bill passed and then sent to Old Joe for it being signed into law?

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
2 months ago

Add this election integrity bill to the long list of bills Chick Schumer and the democrats will not allow to become law. All the more reason to vote Trump for president and to give the republicans majorities in the House and the Senate. Democrats will never support this bill or any other election integrity bill because to do so will rob them of power.

R Anthony Botti
R Anthony Botti
2 months ago

Since the Democrats are going to do everything in their power to see illegals vote, why don’t we try to make their scheme backfire on them by politically converting illegals with literature showing them why voting Republican makes better sense EVEN FOR THEM?
For any illegal whose criminality doesn’t go beyond illegally crossing the border, the GOP’s fortes – safe neighbourhoods, economic prosperity and Quality of Life – are every bit as applicable as for the rest of the country

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
2 months ago

Oh praise God! Because we know Democrats would never break any federal or state election laws, right?

Lucius Severus Pertinax
Lucius Severus Pertinax
2 months ago

If Illegal Aliens voting is as “rare” an occurrence as the Dems SAY it is, what’s the problem with banning it? After all, Securities Fraud is a “rare” occurence; the overwhelming majority of people never even get the CHANCE to commit it, and yet, people DO get sent to prison for securities fraud, all the same.

Jimmy P
Jimmy P
2 months ago

The Democrats had 198 votes AGAINST????? Tell me how the Democrats are not truly the Enemy Within in this country???

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
2 months ago

Victory Hooray

Nancy Hildebrandt
Nancy Hildebrandt
2 months ago

Is there any AMAC mechanism to facilitate us membes sending out blasts to our respective senators? I think them knowing we’ll be aware of how they voted would perhaps make a few cross over.

sergio Pastor
sergio Pastor
2 months ago

 Anyone who voted against this SAVE ACT needs to be ousted so they can be voted out of office or recalled. This is ridiculous! I am a Latino Democrat than there are in our governmental political people elected that do not represent the constitution of this country …we the people must fire all those 198 democrats that did not support the SAVE ACT bill and I am a Latino DEMOCRAT but patriotic Americans must be supporting the laws of the country FIRST by people who love the country…. This is ridiculous! Anyone holding office that would not support measures to ensure our election integrity doesn’t deserve to be in the office by allowing to illegals to vote even if they cannot find their asses in this country

Judith Gregory
Judith Gregory
2 months ago

Anyone voting against this bill apparently doesn’t know or is against what our Constitution is all about! Sheesh! It’s about time someone is going to do something about following our Constitution which says non-US CITIZENS cannot vote, (except in SOME states LOCAL elections ONLY).
That sounds clear to me. Non0citizens CANNOT vote in the general elections. Period, end of discussion!

2 months ago

Very useful article that clearly shows the lack of leadership among our “President” and House Democrats, who choose to hand our most valuable rights and benefits out like party favors to people who are here illegally, just to empower themselves politically.
They do not care about their job responsibilities, the oaths they took, our sovereignty, or the citizenship of hard working Americans who have built this country. They only care about buying their votes, and growing their personal influence and wealth, by way of transactions that enrich themselves by cheating the citizens that they were elected to serve.

2 months ago


2 months ago

You need to create a list of every representative who voted NO to the H.R. 8281, the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act. Then, ask your readers to send letters to them, letting them know that the people in their states will be given their names to account for their NO vote H.R. 8281, which will be a NO vote for their reelection. Then send the results to the Denocrates in the Senate! Having any person who is not an American citizen vote in any election in America should be illegal and a Consitional violation!Print their names so everyone will know who not to re-elect in 2024, 2025, 2026, 2027, and 2028, which should clean house.

Susan M Dieter-Martin
Susan M Dieter-Martin
2 months ago

Democrats do not want fair elections they could care less about America, Americans or Democracy. They are Socialists Who hate everthing this country was founded on , thier policy objectives are to destroy the greatest nation in the world.

2 months ago

Senate Democrat leaders have indicated their intension’s to kill the bill or Biden threating to veto the bill, tells it all.

2 months ago

for a law to make sense and be effective it has to be enforceable and law endorcement has to be given the tools and authority to do so.
We have laws that prohibit a convicted felon and if a person is going to buy a gun he has ti undergo a background check to ensure that a felon can not buy a gun and if a police officer encounters a gun during a search of a person he can check whether the person has a record or not , its just common sense !
Non citizens are not allowed to vote by law but yet there is no vehicle to check whether a person who registers to vote or cast a ballot actually is a citizen or not making the law unenforceable !
The SAVE act therefore is a important law that complements existing laws

2 months ago

for the last time, NON-CITIZENS CANNOT VOTE!

Frank Yantosca
Frank Yantosca
2 months ago

ANY US citizen who votes against this bill is Anti American and should not be able to hold public office at any level in any state. Can’t we agree this has gone way way too far? Like the other guy said, we shouldn’t have to have a vote on something like this. If you’re Anti American go somewhere else. How did we ever get to this level.

15 days ago

How stupid is it for anyone, especially in our government, to think it is ok for illegals to vote in our election. They don’t even know what they are voting for but who they think they can get the most out of.

Geri Haddix
Geri Haddix
1 month ago

We, the citizens of the United States, need to petition our senators and representatives to past this bill. It’s critical that this bill passes…how can we stop them from killing this bill. PETITION, raise your voice make it heard. We know illegals are being registered.. What go is it if we don’t have laws and enforce them? Contact your senators today!!! Share this!!!

AK Hart
AK Hart
2 months ago

VERIFY. Nothing in the executive order allows noncitizens to vote … The executive order clearly states that the executive order only protects the right to vote ‘for all Americans who are legally entitled to participate in elections.’ Noncitizens, even green card holders, are not allowed to vote in national elections. Further, no president can issue an executive order allowing noncitizens to vote. That is because Congress banned noncitizens from voting in federal elections through the Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act of 1996. Only Congress can change the law to allow noncitizens to vote in federal elections, and even that would probably require a constitutional amendment, as it did to allow women to vote.

Patrick Purnell
Patrick Purnell
2 months ago

Illegal’s Voting is an issue but not the end goal. What the biggest issue here is the Democrats want to take over the Electoral College. Electoral College has the Final Say as to who is the President of the United States. That is why they are moving all these Illegal’s to different States. See Below:
The process is described in Article II of the U.S. Constitution. The number of electoral votes a state has equals its number of Senators (2) plus its number of Representatives in the House of Representatives, the latter being dependent on the Census’s reported population.
Population counts include Illegal immigrates!
We need to ask Congress to Change The Federal Census to exclude Illegal immigrates. We need deportation of all Illegal immigrates.

2 months ago

It isn’t about illegals voting. It’s about expanding the number of voter registrations that Dems can use to pad the ballot count in the deep hours of the night.

Dale Valenti
Dale Valenti
2 months ago

This Senate will never vote on the bill.

Dave M.
Dave M.
2 months ago

If it’s on the internet it can be hacked, it is not 100% secure

winston bela
winston bela
2 months ago

The number one reason to add another 10 million illegals into this country and to finance them once here is to have their votes. Prove me wrong.

Charles Patrick
Charles Patrick
2 months ago

With it being doubtful the senate will pass the bill, and Joe already saying he will veto, this only proves the corrupt democrat party will not allow legal voting. My biggest concern is that the fix is already in and they have enough illegal voters lined up for the steal. Time is running out. We have to get this passed in some manner. As corrupt as DC is we need to concentrate on first getting the attorney general indicted then the dominos will start falling. Anyone that voted against taking action against him should be exposed for the treasonous rats they are and get them all voted out of office.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
2 months ago

It is about time someone has the brains to do something right for a change since Biden never will do nothing to make this country safe, next start deporting a lot of the illegals back to there countries.

I think I will
I think I will
2 months ago

If Mike Howell is here. Tell him those furries Will beat him worse then his daddy did at age 6 lol

2 months ago

Thank You, Thank you, Thank you!

Lover of America and GOD!
Lover of America and GOD!
2 months ago

I tried to sign the SAVE ACT the other day, and kept getting “so many people are signing right now – try again” Well I tried and Tried and kept getting the same message…..

2 months ago

very nice i dislike browns

2 months ago

very nice i hate browns!

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