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House GOP Takes Stand for Cultural Common Sense

Posted on Monday, November 25, 2024
by Aaron Flanigan

Fresh off retaining their all-important majority, House Republicans are taking a critical stand against transgender ideology—a welcome sign that they are answering their mandate from voters and gearing up to wield their power on behalf of sound conservative principles and usher in a new era of cultural common sense in the face of left-wing gender insanity.

Although much of the national focus in recent weeks has been centered on President-elect Donald Trump’s Cabinet picks and policy agenda for his first 100 days in office, on Capitol Hill, GOP representatives are engaged in a quiet—but crucially important—battle against Democrats on transgender bathroom policies.

The controversy began with the election of Sarah McBride (D-DE), born Tim McBride, the first biological male to publicly identify as a female ever elected to serve in the U.S. Congress. Following McBride’s victory, Congresswoman Nancy Mace (R-SC) promptly introduced a resolution to prohibit all men—regardless of how they dress or “identify”—from using women’s bathrooms at the U.S. Capitol.

“Sarah McBride doesn’t get a say. I mean, this is a biological man,” Mace said to reporters earlier this week, insisting that McBride “does not belong in women’s spaces, women’s bathrooms, locker rooms, changing rooms, period, full stop.”

“I’m the first woman to graduate from the Citadel, the Military College of South Carolina. If some guy in a skirt came by and said, ‘No, that’s my achievement,’ I’m going to be there and standing in the way and saying, ‘Hell no,’” Mace continued. “I’m not going to allow men to erase women or women’s rights.”

Mace later introduced federal legislation to preserve women’s spaces on federal property. The bill, titled the “Protecting Women’s Private Spaces Act,” would prohibit all individuals from using single-sex facilities that do not correspond with their God-given sex as determined by biology.

House Speaker Mike Johnson quickly rallied behind her, instituting a formal ban on “transgender”-identifying individuals using bathrooms that do not align with their sex. “All single-sex facilities in the Capitol and House Office Buildings—such as restrooms, changing rooms, and locker rooms—are reserved for individuals of that biological sex,” Johnson said in a statement. “It is important to note that each Member office has its own private restroom, and unisex restrooms are available throughout the Capitol.”

“Women deserve women’s only spaces,” he concluded.

Predictably, following Johnson’s and Mace’s reaffirmation of this basic civilizational principle, the Democrat Party and corporate media flew into a fit of hysteria.

“This is not just bigotry, this is just plain bullying,” said Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY). The Washington Post slammed Republicans for “setting a trap” on the issue and engaging in “unprompted cruelty” against transgender-identifying individuals. Teen Vogue claimed that Republicans are “openly obsessing over trans people.”

Moreover, Democrat House Leader Hakeem Jeffries rebuked Republicans for honing in on the issue at the expense of other national problems he deemed to be more pressing: “This is your priority?” he asked. Even McBride himself lamented the rule as a way to “distract from the real issues facing this country.”

Though Democrats like Jeffries—and even some centrist Republicans—are all too eager to dismiss the battle over gender ideology as a “distraction” from other political topics, in reality, our culture’s willingness to recognize—and uphold—natural sex and gender distinctions is of paramount civilizational importance. While no conservative of good will ever seeks to inflict undue “cruelty” against individuals suffering from gender dysphoria or other delusions about their own biology, America has a moral duty and a cultural imperative to defend these elementary facts of nature—because any society that cannot recognize sex differences is not worthy, or perhaps even capable, of republican self-government.

Female-only—as well as male-only—spaces remain indispensable to an America that champions strong families, healthy communities, and human flourishing. As Republicans prepare to formally take control of the House of Representatives, the U.S. Senate, and the White House just weeks from now, conservative leaders and those who surround them must not deviate from this elementary fact.

Thanks to the courage of figures like Speaker Johnson and Congresswoman Mace this week, Americans have every reason to be optimistic.

Aaron Flanigan is the pen name of a writer in Washington, D.C.

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Mark Lancaster
Mark Lancaster
3 months ago

I’m so tired of AOC and her ilk. Begone!

3 months ago

It’s about time.

3 months ago

aoc always the idiot.

Jimmy Donohue
Jimmy Donohue
3 months ago

Wow, common sense maybe becoming common again! About time we took the lessons of Mr. Rogers to heart. lookup the boys will be boys/girls will be girls song 😉

3 months ago

i pasted a sentence from this article (see at the end of my comment). This sums it up and is so critical to the well being of America. I applaud all those taking a stand against this evil [some] in our government have been pushing on us.
“any society that cannot recognize sex differences is not worthy, or perhaps even capable, of republican self-government.”

wendy r
wendy r
3 months ago

Taking America back, one step at a time. Thank you!

3 months ago

The Democrats are still determined to look like perpetual idiots to the voters of this country. And they still are too abysmally stupid to even realize it! But as long as they keep ruining their own brand I’m happy to watch them still go at it!

3 months ago

A distraction ? More like a perversion.

Philip Seth Hammersley
Philip Seth Hammersley
3 months ago

Sandy Cortez says calling a man a man is “bullying.” I say that a biological man being allowed to ogle and compete against women is bullying! How is it that one mentally-ill person can override the rights of a group of women? What’s with the voters of Delaware? Electing a slow-witted and corrupt senator repeatedly was bad enough but now they send a mentally-ill “woman” to Congress.

3 months ago

The whole transgender movement has taken up everything the past 4 years. Gender pronouns were implemented everywhere. If not followed you could be arrested. There are 2 genders male and female. If there are people who want to be another gender than so be it, but this should not be accepted to go so far as change gender in legislative bills and laws. This was on the ballot here in Colorado. At what cost? To change she he to what? Which gender would be used that the rainbow/trans community have come up with. All of them? Just a few? Is that helping anyone. It is just more tyranny to hold power over the majority by exploiting the trans. They are not advocating for you it is a power play to keep the people under their control. Only the people spoke up. The dems haven’t gotten the memo. There are 435 representatives in the house. 1 trans. These 434 have to abide by the trans demands. While there is no problem at all. Every member has their own private bathroom. Women’s bathrooms are for women men’s room for men. The trans cannot demand to be accepted in the ladies room as a biological man. Period. They have unisex bathrooms they can use. Which is totally a farce. Because all these minority genders have to say I am a woman and they are allowed access to women’s spaces. Stop it. This whole transgender movement is a control plan. They don’t care about these people. The dems use them in a cultural war to control the population. And this last election showed the people rejected their plan. But they ignore the will of the people and they keep pushing trans. They have their agenda to morally corrupt the country. Trans are their pawn in all of this. Where are the 320,000 children that came alone across the border. The human trafficking is doing well under Biden Harris. Pedophilia is rampant in America and Europe. If they would pay as much attention to these than they do to the trans. Those children would be alive.

Johnnie Kelley
Johnnie Kelley
3 months ago

This is NEITHER bigotry NOR bullying. What IS bigotry and bullying is a miniscule minority attempting to PUSH ITS RELIGION ONTO THE MAJORITY!

Buddy Eoc
Buddy Eoc
3 months ago

Thank God for Common Sense combined with Courage. This is a slippery slope that leads to the destruction of the family as we know it and as God intended it to be- Mom Dad children Boys and Girls. Stop.
If the recent election proved anything it is that we are sick and tired of the woke trans- agenda. By allowing Transgender use of bathroom facilities in our nation’s capital what we are really saying is elections don’t count and neither does the opinion of those who said No and voted against it.
Thank you Speaker Johnson for standing up against this nonsense and awful attempt of the destruction of the Family.

3 months ago

Thank God!

Thomas Wuthrich
Thomas Wuthrich
3 months ago

I’m sure no none will object if AOC wants to share her personal bathroom with Rep McBride.

3 months ago

Call out & publish the Republicans who want to sit in the fence in this & other conservative issues. Time to really know who to GET RID OF in 2 years.

Rick M.
Rick M.
3 months ago

If those in Congress can ban the “confused” from the “wrong” bathroom, at the federal level, they better get on the ball, so that by Jan 21, 2025, the ban of the “confused” is country-wide! Don’t tell me y’all can’t do it! FIX THIS PROBLEM!

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
3 months ago

If “identifying as” makes you one, I identify as TAX-FREE… sorry IRS! If calling yourself a “woman” because you had surgery to look like one works, call me a SOVEREIGN CITIZEN…

3 months ago

I REALLY want to hear about a slew of burly men, identifying as women, to watch for and wait until OAC and ALL the other female, Left-wing lunatic politicians head to a bathroom, locker room, or even better, a shower stall and then these ‘trans’ rush in there and take care of their business, and shower with them. (OAC would probably LOVE THAT).
And where is NOW, or ANY of these liberal fema-nazi groups that used to SCREAM, MARCH IN PROTEST, AND DEFEND BIOLOGICAL WOMEN’S RIGHTS? Answer: Crickets and The Sound of Silence.
ABSOLUTELY SHAMEFUL. They ALL have caved into the delusional, perverted, and mentally ill crowd. They are nothing more than COWARDLY HYPOCRITES!!!
The Dems preach ‘they’ are the party for women’s rights. REALITY CHECK – The Dems DON’T GIVE A DAMN ABOUT BIOLOGICAL WOMEN’S RIGHTS!!!

Susan Webster
Susan Webster
3 months ago

Totally gives the lie to democrats being the party of science only the party of deception

Susan Webster
Susan Webster
3 months ago

In any sane universe a human born with male chromosomes/anatomy would not be encouraged nor tolerated to pretend he is otherwise. Apparently no longer a sane universe. I cannot imagine visiting the area where this person would be elected as a representative.

3 months ago

The same people who can’t tell what a woman is are trying to tell you who can go where?

3 months ago

When Arnold Schwarzenegger was CA governor he called the Democrats “girly men.” How prophetic!!!

3 months ago

There is no such thing as transgender. Any farm kid can tell you that changing the gender of an animal can’t be done. If a bull or a stallion is neutered, it doesn’t become a female, called a heifer or a filly. It doesn’t acquire the ability to perform the tasks of a female such as to give birth or produce milk. It becomes a neutered male, called a steer or a gelding. As for humans, there are only failed surgeries, failed hormone treatments and wishful thinking by sports cheats and those who would rather have been born as the opposite gender. The treatments are elective, 100% unsuccessful and must never be covered by insurance or by the taxpayers.

Dr. Timothy Cremeens
Dr. Timothy Cremeens
3 months ago

Here! Here! It’s about time somebody stood up and said the Emperor is wearing the wrong clothes! I just hope that American conservatives do not waffle and keep the momentum going! J.D. Vance 2028.

3 months ago

Jeffries is wrong, this is a “real issue.” It’s like the broken windows method of policing. Take care of the small issues and the bigger ones will fall in line.

3 months ago

Democrat elites are all about creating identity groups that can be used to divide the population into unique groups, each with a unique gripe. Communists did the same kind of thing with landowners vs. non-land owners, workers vs. those who exploited workers, etc. The goal is to create a single party nation that operates like China, North Korea, Cuba and Venezuela, i.e. nations that don’t have millions of “migrants” trying to illegally enter their territory.

3 months ago

Your Birth Certificate says it all: If born a male you are a male & if you are born female you are a female. This is so simple in my opinion & stop the ruination of women sports and records set by a genuine female. Quit treating American women the way that Sharia law does & stand up for our American high standards of equality.

3 months ago

All I can say is thank God for the return of sanity!

3 months ago

What’s next AOC? Putting urinals in the ladies restrooms so “he” can stand up instead of going into the stall and peeing sitting down, or worse, peeing on the seat while waiving the thing he wants to get rid of?

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
3 months ago

I have questioned for years whether common sense existed in DC.

3 months ago

So if their rejection of a man in their bathroom works….then it had better work for the whole country!!!!! They seem to have been rather silent as individuals struggled to fight this issue for several years. If now, that they’re confronted with it, they are allowed to refuse this man the use of the ladies restroom… a pure precedent will be set!

3 months ago

That’s going to be a major dust up! That goes against everything the Democrats believe in. They will come out strongly against that expect major pushback against common sense

Elizabeth Cheever
Elizabeth Cheever
3 months ago

It never ceases to amaze me how Democrats pout! Acting like spoiled brats, they publically display behaviors that are so childish and typically of young children throwing temper tantrums…”if you don’t play our way, we are going to take our toys and go home”! Their leadership and policies are such that perhaps instead of blaming outwardly they all ought to get full length mirrors and take a good look at the reflections that look back at them…point the fingers at the one in the mirror!

3 months ago

God made two genders; male and female. No matter what a person believes, whether they cut off or add on, you will remain the gender you were born with. Period. End of story.

Judy Ross
Judy Ross
3 months ago

Each congressperson has his/her own bathroom. There are bathrooms that can be used by either sex available. There is NO reason a man has to use a women’s locker room/bath/shower room. And there is no reason a woman should enter men’s private areas, either. As if this sanity needs to be mentioned? It tells you just how crazy the liberals are. AND…. AOC stepped in “it” again.

3 months ago

Often we see the terminology “sex assigned at birth”. This is an erroneous terminology and we must get rid of it. Sex is determined at conception and recognized at birth (sometimes sooner). I fear the left is going to recognize this as a terminology they can make us of and soon parents will be allowed to assign the sex of their choosing to their children at birth.

3 months ago


3 months ago

I applaud their efforts, but at the same time it is really SAD that it’s needed. as Barb said, the following words from Aron’s article say it ALL!!!! “any society that cannot recognize sex differences is not worthy, or perhaps even capable, of republican self-government”. — I am also sending to my “Representatives” in the House & Senate.

3 months ago

Does AOC use female only facilities or does she walk the walk and use man only facilities? Do as you preach or shut up!

Bob Olden
Bob Olden
3 months ago

I’m so angry! I want to pretend that I’m a parrot and the government should provide me with a special cage! What a bunch of bullies they are! I’m going to start a protest movement for parrots’ rights. How dare they discriminate against parrots!!

3 months ago

Truth or fantasy… I choose truth.

Judy Nugent
Judy Nugent
3 months ago

“A Boy is a Boy and a Girl is a Girl”–Mister Rogers

3 months ago

There are 2 genders male and female. If there are people who want to be another gender than so be it, and their pronoun should be “IT”!

3 months ago

Need to get headed back to return to having all men’s and all woman organizations AKA all male boys clubs and all women girl scouts ..etc..etc . Such twisted legal rulings in the last 40 years with so many law students akin to being mentally confused ; by the time they get their license they are unable to believe their own eyes and realize there are simply two genders and each deserve the respect to be able to honor there given relative strengths .

3 months ago

It is a distraction, a planned, simple minded, and dumb distraction to allow these naysayers conduct their hidden BS that has brought the United States to a lower place. Once you naysayers are gone, improvement will mushroom.
The loud mouth Democrats – House/Senate members – who condemn Republicans are worng, THEY are worried of losing their gravy train, SHOULD THEY, NOT BE REELECTED and a disgrace as an American [NOT].
Abnd president Trump should sue Jack Smith and others for their biggotry and bias.

3 months ago

We are SO PROUD of our Repub. Leaders taking the LEAD in preserving our Republic! I LOVED that one sentence that identified ‘...individuals suffering from gender dysphoria or other delusions about their own biology...’ (i.e. Mental Illnesses), and that ‘…America has a moral duty and cultural imperative to DEFEND these elementary FACTs of nature.’ How RIGHT that is! And saying that ‘…ANY Society that cannot [even] RECOGNIZE SEXUAL DIFFERENCES is not WORTHY or even CAPABLE of being SELF-GOVERNING!’ Truer words were never spoken! Basically,if you can’t even ‘define’ what a woman is, what every Baby knows instinctively, then you have no right to think you can Lead anyone! The days of Insanity are ending, and the days of Common Sense are returning to Center Stage. And America is rejoicing!
Male and Female are ‘defined’ by their DNA, along with a few other things, including natural Testosterone and other Hormone levels, as even the Olympic Committee knows (or used to know) – Not by ‘what clothes they’re wearing’, or ‘what pronouns they use’!

Catharine Noel-Repetski
Catharine Noel-Repetski
3 months ago

AOC once again Demonstrates Why There Should Be IQ Tests For Congress.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 months ago

Damn RINOs & Never Trunpers Block progress for the DC Estd

3 months ago

Totally agree with Nancy Mace and her bill. Sadly, there are some in this world who do in fact identify with a different gender. It’s an affliction IMO. I know of someone and that person is a much happier individual since the change. His life is a blessing for his family and his bride to be. That said, he carries on his life without any offensive, in your face, ridiculous antics…he is hard working, respectful, and has male characteristics but female sensitivity and empathy. It’s actually an amazing combination. The transformation occurred after much soul searching by the person and his parent followed by professional therapy and counseling. Who are we to deny this person happiness. What’s the old adage…casting the first stone??? It’s just that some do this “identifying” to grab attention and use it as an excuse. I am extremely conservative but since this meeting and knowing this individual, I am very sympathetic.

Joyce Wood
Joyce Wood
3 months ago

Protecting women’s rights is vital for our society. Women deserve a safe place for private matters. Anything contrary puts women at the mercy of chauvinistic men. Thank you Congresswoman Mace and Speaker Johnson!

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