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Georgia State Farm Arena Footage Shows Poll Workers Staying Behind, Pulling Out Suitcases With Ballots

Posted on Wednesday, December 2, 2020
by Outside Contributor
A woman is seen carrying a suitcase allegedly filled with ballots without poll challenger supervision on the night of Nov. 3, 2020. (NTD screenshot)

President Donald Trump’s legal team on Thursday presented surveillance footage to a Georgia State Legislature hearing that appears to show election ballot-counting workers kicking out poll observers late at night on Election Day before pulling out suitcases allegedly filled with ballots.

A woman who identified herself as Jackie Pick, a lawyer who is assisting with their legal case, said the team received video footage from State Farm Arena’s vote-tabulation center in Fulton County, Georgia. The team said that GOP poll watchers were not allowed to watch the counting process in the poll center.

But, according to Pick, an unusual occurrence took place later in the evening at around 10 p.m. ET. A woman—described as a blonde woman with braids—told workers to stop counting and told everyone to go home.

“Everyone clears out, including the Republican observers and the press, but four people stay behind and continue counting and tabulating well into the night,” Pick said. They counted unobserved until about 1 a.m.

Pick said that video footage shows Fulton County election workers waiting at their scanning areas until GOP poll watchers and reporters left the room before they started “scanning ballots,” ostensibly without any observation. Pick noted that it contravenes state and county law.

At 11 p.m., once everyone is gone, the workers are seen “pulling ballots out from underneath a table.” She asked if it’s normal to “store suitcases of ballots under a table cloth?” Pick said after reviewing footage that it’s not a normal procedure.

It’s not clear if election workers knew they were being recorded on camera.

The lawyer further alleged that the same woman with the blonde hair and braids, presumably the manager, had placed the table there earlier. It’s not clear where those ballots came from, and it’s not clear when the suitcases of thousands of ballots were placed under the table.

Witnesses have sworn in affidavits that the counting continued until the early morning hours, Trump’s team said.

A woman is seen carrying a suitcase allegedly filled with ballots without poll challenger supervision on the night of Nov. 3, 2020. (NTD screenshot)
A woman is seen carrying a suitcase allegedly filled with ballots without poll challenger supervision on the night of Nov. 3, 2020. (NTD screenshot)
(NTD Screenshot)


“Why are they counting them when the place is cleared out with no witnesses?” Pick said.

She argued that based on the number of ballots there, it is “beyond the margin of victory” in the presidential race. It’s because three scanners—which can carry out several thousand ballot processes per hour—were working several hours that night. This process, she said, “goes on, and on, and on” until the early morning hours.

President Donald Trump said on Twitter that the video is significant evidence showing voter fraud.

Trump wrote: “Wow! Blockbuster testimony taking place right now in Georgia. Ballot stuffing by Dems when Republicans were forced to leave the large counting room. Plenty more coming, but this alone leads to an easy win of the State!”

In the hearing, it was noted that officials cleared out State Farm Arena on Election Night due to an alleged pipe break. Pick and other members of Trump’s team said it’s not clear whether this was the reason why poll workers and members of the press were kicked out.

Fulton County officials haven’t responded to a request for comment about the team’s claims or the video.

In early November, a Fulton County spokeswoman told Epoch Times that they were “not aware of direction given to any observers to leave.”

However, Georgia Republican Party Chair David Shafer said Fulton County officials “falsely announced that the counting of ballots would stop at 10:30 p.m.”

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The Freezing Senior
The Freezing Senior
3 years ago

And yet the FAKE NEWS MSM cry and lie:
“There is no evidence of wide spread voter fraud” and “where’s your proof – put up or shut up”.
A well known Commie from the last century once said “It’s not who gets the most votes, it’s who counts the votes”.

We stand with you, POTUS – never give up !

3 years ago

So now we are beginning to see the truth. The fact is that this has probably gone on in this country for decades. But never has there
been an organized effort to show it. Just another of a million firsts for Trump. This election was run by criminals. We can pretend it
didn’t happen or acknowledge that it did. Again, as always, its not up to any person in our “government” but its up to us. Understand that
government employees are extremely limited people. They are the bottom strata of our society.

John S.
John S.
3 years ago

Spread the word. Do not vote in Georgia! Boycott the vote!

3 years ago

What are you talking about? … The Fake News Media says that We the People are just sore losers and we’re just “fabricating” false claims!

The audacity of the Progressively Communist Democrats is so blatantly obvious that they can even state these lies with a straight face is amazing! But that just shows you how stupid they think the average American person is. I’m sure that Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts has been threatened and intimidated by these extreme left bullies to not accept the overwhelming evidence to review this case before the court. And if not, President Trump should demand that they do or he will not step down as President until they do because the 74 million American People who voted for him DESERVE to see truth and Justice served!

We the People should not accept anything less!!!

3 years ago

What bothers me most with the Republican Party is that THEY DON’T REFER TO THE DEMOCRATS AS THE COMMUNISTS THAT THEY REALLY ARE!

David B.
David B.
3 years ago

These corrupt “poll workers” need to go to prison. This is a treasonous act. I want to see that woman with the long blond braids hanging by her braids! So sick of this in-your-face tactics by the nasty Dimms.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Will this impact Jan 5th race or will GA fix this & note they pull out ballots after GOP observers leave.

No set time for observers.
Use Go Pro CCTV
UV & watermark ballots
UV code color per state IE NM is turquoise
Computers scan ballots CANT change ballots
AI tabulates ballots
Observers rotate hours
Computers account ballots 1X, can resubmit for count
Vet election officials.
Automate process & reduce labor
Dbase for signatures to ID ballots.
NO late ballots
NO pre signed ballots
Same Day Count for In person voting
Scrap Debates Comm
Update FEC.

Silver Streak
Silver Streak
3 years ago

I have come to the conclusion that if all these people who perpetrated this fraud were charged and sent to prison, it would cut WAY DOWN on the fraud in future elections. We now have pictures of some of these people – why can’t they be prosecuted?

jona mendal
jona mendal
3 years ago

This is a worthless picture- all blurry, shows nothing as any proof. Get some real proof.

Lou Magyar
Lou Magyar
3 years ago

this is sickening

3 years ago

Make me ashamed to live in Georgia and sad that one party is so desperate for power that they will stoop to this level. Lock and Load it’s going to get nasty.

Morris Hewitt
Morris Hewitt
3 years ago

Where is FBI on this and the Justice Dept. They are in the tank for the deep state. Trump needs to rid of them now and replace with an Sidney.

Paul W
Paul W
3 years ago

Before the election I posted repeatedly on this site, linkedin (until I was kicked off) and Parler that voter fraud was going to be at an ALL-TIME high. I certainly wasn’t alone. Admittedly, I had no idea just how bad it would be. The mass mailing of ballots to virtually every address in many states seems to be the catastrophe that we all knew it would be. Every way to cheat and tamper in this election was used. I believe that using dominion was the method of choice, but when it became apparent that DJT was winning the swing states in far larger numbers than they anticipated, they had to revert to sloppy paper ballot fraud using many methods. This clearly highlights one of those methods. There is NO REASONABLE OR LOGICAL explanation for what occurred in this scenario. The dims have forced the president’s hand. NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND. Desperate times call for desperate measures, as the saying goes. dims and leftists caused the desperate times with their attempted coup; now the president has been forced into taking, what it appears it may be, desperate measures. Not to sound childish, BUT, the dims started this. ALL OF THIS. Hopefully the president and his team will finish it…whatever it takes! The country and the integrity of its elections are at stake…and free and fair elections ARE EVERYTHING!

Rick J.
Rick J.
3 years ago

With the candidates the democrats offered the only way they could win is to cheat

Delwin Hyatt
Delwin Hyatt
3 years ago

are you going to believe the democrats or YOUR LYING EYES,——–MY EYES TELL ME CHEAT / FRAUD.

3 years ago

… um, there were MORE than 74 million citizens who voted for Trump. The ‘vote fraud committing’ people deleted Trump votes, destroyed Trump votes, flipped Trump votes to Biden, overweighted Biden vote count (gave each vote >1 ) and underweighted Trump vote count (gave each vote <1) in the system, added fake/illegal ballots for Biden. Yeh, Trump got much, much MORE than 74 million votes and Biden got much, much LESS than the media is reporting. Biden got less than Obama and Hillary. Biden did not campaign.

Martin B
Martin B
3 years ago

These poll worker conspirators are just the bottom rung of the ladder that extends up to the top of the Democrat party, the wealthy globalist families, the fake news media, the social media, and the U.N. and WHO. ALL involved need to be hunted down, including complicit secretaries of state, activist judges, members of elections departments, legislatures, and governors.

3 years ago

Those guys better take and pack some clothes in the suitcases and prepare to take a trip to a jail.

3 years ago

Hey AG Barr, is this video EVIDENCE enough to prove voter fraud? Do your damn job NOW!

3 years ago

If Trump retains the presidency, i think he should go a no holds barred enforcement of justice. These people from Biden on down to poll workers should be prosecuted with any and every crime committed. This was an attempt to take our rights and democracy away. Maximize penalties, going back to Hillary and Obama. We need to show no mercy to convince anyone not to go there again.

Josephine pooley
Josephine pooley
3 years ago

Keep the evidence coming! Blatant fraud and cheating! They will fall!

Matthew Gabor
Matthew Gabor
3 years ago

This absolutely incenses me! Stephen Russell posted an excellent plan for preventing voter fraud! How can AG Barr ignore all this evidence? He probably figures he is out of a job in January so why do anything! I wonder if CNN and MSLSD will show this video footage? I do not care how long these investigations take to get justice we have to keep praying and fighting for America! Remember in the Good Old Days what countries did to spies? We need to bring back Public Executions to anyone involved! We would then see who is willing to lose their life for a Socialist Country!

3 years ago

When are the Justice Dept/ and the FBI going to open up their blinders and realize this election was as crooked as Dementia Joe Biden and his son Hunter who should be in jail today// Joe Biden is a rat in the city of mice known as Washington DC// There were 75 million people who knew better on election night and TRUMP was ahead, but the next morning the crooks in aprrox. 10 states changed the results// This is never going away//PERIOD

Gregory Barber
Gregory Barber
3 years ago

It is all part of the plan. We do not take our right to vote seriously enough, many do not vote. The Government has taken over home mortgages, wants to take over health care and guarantee income, and needs to take over voting, too. Time for Universal Voting! Voting Rights for the Dead! 100% of the population votes, all for one candidate. Well, it works in Russia?! 😉

GO TRUMP! Don’t particularly like your personality, highly approve of your results [except I want to see more bureaucrats fired!]

artem kivorkiyan
artem kivorkiyan
3 years ago

Besides talking about it, what can we the people do to stop the theft of this election? Half the country is oblivious to what is happening. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES CAN THIS BE ALLOWED TO HAPPEN!!!!!!! If it does, WE’RE FINISHED as a country. I’m ready, willing, and able to do what it takes!! Can someone please speak out on what we can do????

Country Boy West
Country Boy West
3 years ago

Unfortunately the GOP folds to everything the Demonic-rats demand. They should be ashamed for not standing up against corruption taking place the spineless wimps. ONE irregularity within a voting election needs to examined! Trump had been trying to get the mail-in ballots stopped due to potential corruption before the election started. He should of started on that mission a couple years ago. Mail in ballots hadn’t been a big issue in the past, but the devil vessels of corruption take something ok or good and makes it an avenue of corruption. In person voting with current ID should be a safe way, but if demonic-rats tell the GOP to go home, it worries me they would tuck tail and mosey on home.

I suggested to a couple of legislatures but fell on deaf ears to do the election completely over. Election to be in person with current ID (Far cheaper than hiring attorneys and going through court battles with crooked judges like Roberts). Only seniors unable to drive, handicap or disabled individuals, military personnel or CURRENT employees working over-seas can do mail-in voting. All others required to vote in person, NO EXCEPTIONS OR EXCUSES.

If voter and election fraud is determined and ANY PERSON privy to an attempt to the attempt to overthrow the USA, they should be incarcerated to life imprisonment or capital punishment. This is a deplorable act of treason and into days climate of weaponry and enemies, once America is weakened or internally overthrown, you can beat your boots the next step is being turned over to or overthrown by another world power. Are you serious about becoming a next historical victim as the 1942-43 Jewish Holocaust?

The USA best turn back to God’s covering (2 Chron. 7:14) and return to a foundational reason of this country eventually becoming a nation was to freedom of religion and escaping tyrannical oppressive leadership.

3 years ago

is the & dept. of justice and f,b,i, as well as all law enforcement ordered on STAND DOWN? SEEMS SO !

3 years ago

WHOA! I had not seen this! Could this have gone on in other states? Those folks should all be subpoenaed and someone needs to go to jail!

Patty Ann
Patty Ann
3 years ago

It would be great if there were proof rather than alleged !

John Wesley
John Wesley
3 years ago

WHY? If there are so many of us, why are we always outnumbered? (Except for Trump Rallies.)

3 years ago

Our country has been bought and paid for by corrupt Democratic officials, High Tech Big Money and Foreign countries with vested interests in America. Fraud is fraud. Where is the FBI, and AG. The evidence is right in front of their face. I have also heard the voting booths are suspect like they were set up to be in the 2016 election-but seemed to fail get HC elected. I don’t care if it is one vote different. There should be another Presidential vote which is closely monitored by both parties after all their is the future of America at stake. Oh how can this be done-it has never been done before right. Is that what a lot of you are saying. America put a man on the moon in 1969 I believe we can figure it out. Even the corrupt Gov. Cuomo of NY who flaunts his arrogance and violation of laws has passed a voting For the people illegal voting practice- What people, When-The Gov just can’t violate his own state voting laws. He among the others Hypocrite Democratic officials should be thrown out of office better yet out of our wonderful country after they serve a lengthy jail sentence. They are crooks. Biden is no different since it is proven he and his family is in bed with China. Make no mistake these hypocrites have no regard for our Great Country and Constitution. Are you ready to hand over the keys to the Kingdom-I am not

Gunny Joe
Gunny Joe
3 years ago

I have watched elected officials from key states, squirm, worm, and badger honest people at their hearings! We know the truth now, of what was suspected all along. The commies in the dem party have robbed every one of us of our vote. For every mutual counted vote, every illegal voter, and all the dead people that voted, not counting that the Demon vote machines was rigged and has been all along, your and my vote was canceled! I know what should should be done, but what can we do when the elected officials will not do their job?
In my estimation President Trump is doing more than has ever been done to stop this, than any person ever has but he is but one person with the world against him.
Some body help him and us, give me something to run with and I will join in, I have already gave more money than ever before but it don’t seem to work. The RNC is setting on their collective thumbs, don’t trust them.
JUST PLAIN FLUSTRATED, but I did learn how to fight like a VC and still remember that real well, still got my Grandfather’s pitch fork to get the means to fight like a VC!!

3 years ago

What do We do about it???

Dorothy Minkema
Dorothy Minkema
3 years ago

trump 2020

Dorothy M
Dorothy M
3 years ago

Just because all these crooks come out and say fraud is rare and there is no evidence of fraud, does not mean there was no fraud. Why do Trump supporters have to spend hours and hours and big bucks to prove there was fraud??? No one on the Democrats’ side has shown any proof to discount the evidence Trump’s team has!!! I’ll tell you why: it’s because of corruption and gaslighting by the Democrats (AND some Republicans who are just looking out for their own butts). It will be very interesting to see what happens if the honest state legislators are able to assign the electoral ballots to Trump, as they should be. The numbers are overwhelming. I just hope they do the right thing. If they don’t, this country is in more trouble than during the Civil War…

Myra Burris-Tillen
Myra Burris-Tillen
3 years ago

This country is founded on the premise that America is the land of the FREE and the home of the BRAVE! The Whistle Blowers are all are showing their BRAVENESS by coming forth and suffering through the Bullying and Threats from the people who what to destroy America. I want them all to know that WE THE PEOPLE who appreciate and love our FREEDOMS; are extremely grateful for what they are sacrificing and doing for America. They are warriors for our country and should be lauded as such! They and their families are being threatened with harm and sometimes death. Their bravery is akin to our Soldiers who offer their lives to serve in the military. AMERICA is watching! You are our front line defense; protecting our Constitutional rights to Freedom here at home. Keep the Faith and know how much we are counting on you!! We cannot Thank you enough for your service to this country!!!

3 years ago

Voter FRAUD and FAKE news. We can’t win. President Trump WON a second term; yes he did, but the democrats are so dishonest they will do anything. The DEMs hate the American tax payer and voter. They will do anything to stay in POWER.

Nero Wolfe
Nero Wolfe
3 years ago

This revelation is more than enough for the Supreme Court to declare this election null and void and set a date for a new election. An election with no mail in ballots, in person voting with sufficient ID, no computer software to “direct” the results, no magic pens, poll workers to watch “everything” and when the polls close no more counting of ballots. Finely the arrest of the Demo rats who perpetrated this theft and the abolish met of the democrat/communist party.

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
3 years ago

Further proof that Biden should NOT be President!!

Robert H. Karandjeff
Robert H. Karandjeff
3 years ago


3 years ago

There was no evidence of a water pipe break that night, according to public records. It was just an excuse to clear the room.

3 years ago

I saw an article in the 1990’s that said 70% of high school students admitted to cheating. These people are all over the country in various positions. That leaves only about 30% willing to stand by truth. After seeing the high ups in the FBI, CIA, congress, etc. willing to lie and cheat during the impeachment promotion, I’m not sure the country has a chance for an honest election or anything else that requires honesty.

3 years ago

I think I had questions. Now I have some answers. Part of the “insurance policy.”

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

Constitutionally, in States where “Mail-In Ballots” were allowed by any court’s decree or by a government official, they are invalid!!  By our Constitution, only each State’s Legislature can make the rules on how Federal Elections are conducted in their State.  State and/or Federal Courts can invalidate for equal treatment and/or send back for revision what a State Legislature has done but they CANNOT implement/decree how the processes may/can be done!!!  Election results have been changed in at least 5 States by “Mail-In Ballots”.  If the US Supreme Court upholds our Constitution, none of such “Mail-In Ballots” are legal/valid!!!  The DemocRats/Communists hope Americans will remain silent!!!  Join the Trump Movement – The American Revolution 2.0!!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!!!  Stand-up for Our Republic!!!!  Remove Every DemocRat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

Too much talk and too little action by the so called Republicans. Anyone who claims there is no proof of Fraud is a LIAR!!  No one is TAKING ACTION on the ONE valid and factual Constitutional Issue!! !!  Re Mark Levin, none of the “Batch Mail-In Ballots” are valid!!  TAKE THIS ONE FACT to the U.S. Supreme Court and the Election is OVER – Trump WINS!!! DO IT NOW!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
3 years ago

Write and/or Petition the U.S. Supreme Court!  They need to hear the true Vox Americana!!  Make absolutely sure all nine of them know in detail that we are fed-up with the lies, deceit, and FRAUD!!!  The 2020 Federal Election is a travesty and a CRIME against AMERICA!!!!!

3 years ago

This behavior shown in these videos by these poll workers (whom I am going to assume are the full time year-round workers)shows a definite plan of action already pre-arranged between those specific workers. These types of poll workers for the BOE fall into a special class of employees (I am figuring they have the same type of classification as a government worker but those jobs don’t advertise job openings and only these employees get to work the early voting days. That shortage of poll workers claimed by all BOEs was in reference to poll workers to work the long hours on Election Day. Lots of people sign up to take the 2 classes for working the polls but only a limited number actually agree to work Election Days as they don’t want to work the long hours, plus these “full time workers” are handling the phones for problems. I can tell by the way these workers’ movement they were no strangers to doing this activity and none of them were newly hired to do this work. In fact, most workers who work on the polls on Election Day itself, ever get asked to help count absentee ballots or help re-count the paper ballots in the voting machine because they don’t have administrative access to the voting machines’ program. I for one will not let scenes like this get covered up.

Pamela S. S.
Pamela S. S.
3 years ago

Now, Lets make sure all of these people are arrested !!!

Danny Estridge
Danny Estridge
3 years ago

No offense, but this doesn’t seem like a co-ordinated attack. I think, for once, everybody worked on their own. No names deciding who’s in charge because they don’t like the guy. There is no mass fraud, this idiots did it by themselves. Everybody knows which states mattered all the managers had to do was enlist 3-4 workers to do it, who felt the same way they did. So easy ballot stuffing. I have physical issues so I prefer to vote absentee. I don’t want people seeing me the way I am now. But worse comes to worse, I’ll vote in person, hope they don’t mind me laying on a floor, I still refuse to use a wheelchair.
This has to be brought before the SCOTUS, they are a higher pay grade than me and should know more and know what’s right and what to do, and as usual, they’ll vote 5-4 for review.
Just can’t believe Americans would stoop this low, heck I don’t like tRump either, but he got results. I could live with that for 4 more years, after that, I’d have to vote to scale back some of his stuff. But to do this stuff illegally is flat out wrong and I didn’t spend 20 years of my life protecting these type of people while in the military.

Mary Beth Gingery
Mary Beth Gingery
3 years ago

The Dems are crooked as a dog’s hind leg. They will do anything to get President Trump out. Also, to many of our old Republicans are to afraid to stand up and tow the line. Biden and his son will never be prosecuted. The liberal news media are just as guilty as the coward republicans for not printing the truth. They are so afraid because our President does not play games and kiss the behind of politicians. He is all for America and the people!! I’m 76 year old female and i have never in my life been so ashamed of the republican party as i am now. No guts at all. Disgraceful

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