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Free Health Insurance For Migrants Is Lunacy

Posted on Tuesday, January 2, 2024
by Outside Contributor
health insurance papers and pen

Across the globe, millions of people are on the move, defying borders and violating laws to escape poor countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America, and break into rich countries. The United States is their No. 1 destination.

The U.S. needs a strategy to limit the burden on Americans and protect our quality of life. Instead, the Democratic Party merely virtue signals, saying, “Welcome, take whatever we have.”

As of Jan. 1, California is offering Medi-Cal to approximately 760,000 undocumented migrants of all ages.

California’s health care system is already strained, with long emergency room wait times and a dire nurse shortage. A shortage of beds and mental health facilities prevents municipalities from moving the thousands of drug-addicted homeless people off the streets and into treatment. The state faces a staggering $68 billion deficit.

Yet the Left opts to spend money on migrants instead of on California’s own, showing utter disregard for the health care of local residents.

The California Republican Party warns that adding 760,000 undocumented people to the state’s health insurance rolls will exacerbate “access problems.” In short, Californians will wait longer and settle for less care.

Don’t think this lunacy is limited to one state. Oregon, New York, Connecticut, Rhode Island, Maine, Vermont, Illinois, Washington state and Massachusetts already cover migrants in specific age categories, and left-wing lawmakers are pushing to expand the coverage to all ages. New York lawmakers came close in June, but ended the legislative term without passing it.

In blue state after blue state, Democrats are pushing to give migrants taxpayer-funded health coverage. It’s a knife in the back of hardworking Americans who struggle to pay medical bills. It will also doom this nation to a never-ending flood of strangers seeking government handouts.

Connecticut’s Democratic-controlled legislature has gone off the deep end, offering “Baby Bonds,” or taxpayer-funded savings accounts, for every child — including children of migrants in the country illegally — whose birth is covered by the state’s HUSKY public insurance program, even if their migrant parents arrived just days before the birth. Nest eggs courtesy of the taxpayer, for the express purpose of “closing the wealth gap.”

The Democratic Party’s zeal to provide migrants with free health insurance is extreme, compared with what is occurring around the globe, even in socialist-leaning countries.

In June, the Biden administration made the U.S. one of only a few first-world countries to sign on to the Rabat Declaration, sponsored by the United Nations, which declares that all migrants should have access to a country’s national health insurance programs. Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, Norway, Sweden and several other European countries that receive large numbers of migrants did not sign.

Even socialist countries like Norway are strictly limiting migrants to emergency care only, no comprehensive health insurance. French President Emmanuel Macron’s government is reassessing whether it can provide health benefits to migrants.

These countries see what the Democratic Party in the U.S. refuses to admit: that free health care is a magnet.

Contrary to Vice President Kamala Harris’ blather, the flood of migrants across the southern border is not due to “root causes” the United States can ameliorate with diplomacy and foreign aid. It’s a worldwide phenomenon. Many European and Scandinavian countries are adjusting their policies to protect their own residents from undue burdens. The U.S. is simply surrendering.

Offering health insurance also invites an influx of sick people from countries that cannot provide care. Venezuela’s health care system has collapsed. Hospitals there lack 80% to 90% of essential medicines, a situation that is pushing the sick and their families to flee. Neighboring Brazil is reporting the reappearance of communicable infections such as tuberculosis, hepatitis A, whooping cough, diphtheria and measles because of the influx of Venezuelans needing care. Expect similar problems in the U.S.

Open borders, free meals and hotel rooms, and promises of free health coverage produce predictable results. Migration across the U.S. southern border set yet another record in December.

As Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) commented on Newsom’s health policy, “Nothing is free, the California taxpayers have to pay for it.” She added, “It’s treason. No other way to say it.”

At the least, it’s a betrayal.

Betsy McCaughey is a former lieutenant governor of New York and chairman of the Committee to Reduce Infection Deaths. Follow her on Twitter @Betsy_McCaughey. To find out more about Betsy McCaughey and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website.


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9 months ago

I wish the Republicans would find a backbone and vigorously start charging Biden with treason. All his policies are subverting this country’s safety.

9 months ago

It’s a great deal for the illegal aliens and the Democrat politicians trashing our country day-by-day. It is of course a horrible deal for the vast majority of American citizens and taxpayer, who will be supporting a new, permanent underclass for the benefit of the Democrat Party for decades to come. If you take a look at what the financial outlays have been in the various states just since Biden flung open our borders to anyone who wants to wander in, cradle to grave support of the illegals is fast approaching one of the top 5 financial outlays at the federal, state and local levels. All of which will necessitate higher taxes from taxpayers as we will receive less in terms of services.

The Democrats gets a fresh, new base of very pliable and under-educated or wholly illiterate people fully dependent on the Democrat Party. So, America’s socialist party will be ensured of a permanent voting majority and unilateral control of the federal government going forward, if the 2024 elections go as the Democrats have already mapped out. You know one of the top agenda items for the Democrat controlled Congress in January of 2025 (the Democrats have already changed enough state district voting maps to flip the House and McConnell will do his best to keep the Republicans in the minority in the Senate in 2025) will be a sweeping amnesty for all 50 million illegals that will be in this country by that time. Which is why the Democrats are just doing as they wish with the southern border and no one in Biden’s administration is sweating about retaining their positions. A fast path to automatic citizenship and of course the right to vote being part of any “comprehensive immigration reform” package that they will have either Old Joe or whomever the designated Democrat is that they install in the Oval Office sign ASAP.

It’s truly amazing the Democrat Party was able to trash our country so completely, with little to no real resistance for the American people. Most nations fall due to war or natural disasters that overwhelm the system. We’ve fallen through lack of will to fight back against those that are openly trashing the country every single day. This will make an interesting chapter in some future history book, if the world socialist regime still permits any real history books to still be written. That of course is doubtful though, as book burnings and erasing history before the regime’s rise to power are the normal course of action.

9 months ago

It’s just not bad enough yet for the people of this country to figure out what this is really about, and that it’s not sustainable. Let me explain it to you, clowns that don’t get it. It’s about potential votes for the democrats at not only my expense but also for you idiots that keep voting these clowns into office. They don’t care about you. They care about staying in power at all costs. Vote these people out of office and take your states back.

Denise Murray
Denise Murray
9 months ago

THEY ARE NOT MIGRANTS!!! They are illegals, known terrorists per law and border guards, they’re sex traffickers, drug dealers, child traffickers, criminals, enemies of this nation…there might be a few who maybe want to live here and contribute, they’re outnumbered a million to one…big whoop! Once upon a time in an America far away we had immigration laws, becoming citizen laws, one was required to learn about our nation’s history, its Founders, its uniqueness, what was expected of them as citizens. They pledged Allegiance to our Flag, promised to honor our laws, to assimilate and on and on. Who closed Ellis Island? The gateway to a new life! Why do we have a bloated “government”, ATF, FBI who’s jobs now appear to be more to intimidate citizens and jail them…where did our once Constitutional Republic go? Why is our once proud American eagle sitting on the ground, no longer able to fly…
Why the hell haven’t more Americans been sounding the alarm before now? If you’re not on a list…why not? Oh, yeah, I am and have been for years….just to get that out of the way. When Clinton was in office he presided over the murders of almost 86 AMERICAN men, women and children! And the “media” cheered on for 51 days essentially saying they had it coming! I don’t care if it was 30 years ago…why did a supposed “president” get away with mass murder and be elected to a second term?? Maybe this was the beginning of the end for this once Constitutional Republic.
America is being bled to death by self serving bloated politicians on both sides….it will get worse…anyone remember AOC…once a bartender now making laws….her remark; “We should put those conservatives in “re-education camps”…sound familiar? Heil.

David Millikan
David Millikan
9 months ago

Excellent article. More burden on American taxpayers thanks to Dictator Beijing biden’s Illegal Alien Terrorist Invasion. How many State Constitution and Federal laws being broken including the U.S. Constitution and National Security laws so the Fascist democrats can get that Illegal Alien Terrorist Invasion vote (Illegally Vote)? How much more of crime, corruption, espionage and treason are YOU the American legal citizens going to keep allowing? How long are YOU going to keep working paying taxes for the Illegal Alien Terrorist Invasion and do Nothing while OUR citizens do without?
They are here in the United States ILLEGALLY. What part of ILLEGALLY do YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?

Denise Murray
Denise Murray
9 months ago

Oh, sorry, one last thing…Patrick Henry once said: “When a nation forgets it’s God, tyrants soon forge it’s chains.” Seems a lot of churches have either closed all over the country or have become the “church of what’s happening now”… with few exceptions.

9 months ago

The names of the folks who approved free heath care for migrants should be made public.

9 months ago

Democrat Pandering (Bribery) to fullfill the Obama/Biden Vison of a Sh*thole Country.

9 months ago

They’re talking about social security running out and now they want to give illegal immigrants health coverage. Where are they getting the money from?! Social Security and taxpayers. Taxpayers should be up in arms about what’s going on with all these illegal immigrants coming into our country. As Betty Ford (I think) said “Just say no.” I know she was talking about, I believe drugs, but it sure applies to this situation. Just send them back to where they came from. Who knows what people are coming in under the guise of “Illegal alien.” They could be terrorists. Someone got on me and said our country was made up of immigrants. But those immigrants are not like the ones coming here now.

9 months ago

Reality: many Americans and especially Veterans will not receive even comparable health care. Says all that needs to be said about America at this point in time.

9 months ago

In the meantime my 70 year old wife is struggling because we can’t afford the medication she needs for Hep C.

9 months ago

I am going to stop watching the news. Too often, I do not recognize the country I live in; things are too different and scary. Our politicians appear to be useless and self-serving.

anna hubert
anna hubert
9 months ago

Where will they go to be treated who will be treating them and how if there is no way to communicate and no facilities or providers Only God knows what gifts they are bringing and their kids to the schools

9 months ago

This is all part of the plan as outlined by Cloward & Piven. They wrote a book that is a how-to book for converting a country into a socialist/communist form of government. One of the steps in their recipe calls for the overwhelming of government support systems with unbridled immigration that will eventually bankrupt America. Any support provided to these illegal invaders by the government isn’t free; it is paid for by American taxpayers as there is no such thing as free. The American people need to wake up to the undeniable fact that America has become a single party (Democrat Party) dictatorship that has been fostered by such devices as Executive Orders that continue to be used by Presidents, Governors and Mayors. Another step in the Cloward/Piven recipe calls for the disarming of the civilian population. If and when that should happen, the “useless eaters” among us will be marched off to FEMA camps for “processing.” And if you’re not a multi-millionaire or better yet, a billionaire, or have a skill critical for maintaining infrastructure, you’re considered a “useless eater” by the elites who are behind this evil scheme. What is happening under our very noses has been planned for decades with the ultimate goal of creating the New World Order in which the elites will own and control everything.

9 months ago

What could be the one reason why the Democrat Party desperately needs, supports, endorses and encourages unlimited illegal immigration into this country and have the American Taxpayer subsidize the enormous costs to their own detriment? Political Power. They have totally lost their once large base of voters due to their anti-American policies. These former Democrats have either joined the Republican Party or have become Independents. They cannot get their radical agenda passed through legislation and have relied on the liberal courts to rule in their favor on controversial subjects. They simply must “import” new voters into the country and make them dependent on government services in order to rebuild their diminished voter base. Let the Blue States go bankrupt as they subsidize these foreigners over American citizens and forbid the federal government from bailing them out.

gary litch
gary litch
9 months ago

Disgusting !

9 months ago

It’s treason it’s a betrayal and it is a plan to kill off American citizens. The migrants illegally here is over 50 million. Ole Joe loves foreign countries and hates America. Migrants who are sick, who are criminals are the pawns in their scheme. Think if Newsom would become president. What he has done to the taxpayers in California he is going to do to all American taxpayers. Democracy has effectively died under ole Joe, and blames Trump for it. Signing the UN resolution that migrants get free health insurance over the citizens of a country says it all. None of these people are looking for asylum. They are looking for riches. And the dems are looking for people they can manipulate. We tax payers have to go. What better way than to bring illnesses and killers into this country to kill us off. Like I have been saying we are being ruled by Satan to create a tyrannical country. The blacks think slavery was bad. There is no comparison what they have planned for America.

9 months ago

Californias free illegal healthcare is great for Texas. Texas needs to start running ads on Telemundo letting the illegals know about the free healthcare in California, then offer them bus passes to California.

9 months ago

Another nail in California’s coffin.

9 months ago

Citizens don’t even get free health care, why should the illegals get it?? Medical insurance is taken out of my social security check before I see it….that I worked all my life for and yet they come up here ‘welcomed by Butthead Biden and liberal idiots’ and get free everything. Close the damn border and deport all the illegals.

Ruth Williams
Ruth Williams
9 months ago

Read the article. Interesting one. So much hate between both parties. I don’t know why we are giving health care to the people that came through the border illegally, and will get free health care. The politicians forgot about their citizens. Veterans are homeless. We have people living in their vehicles and still make it to work, but cannot afford housing. And, in New York, they are letting them get free housing. I don’t get it. We pay taxes and we starting to pay more. Its all for the illegals. Sad. Our country is not what it used to be. We have protestors blocking highways. They should go to those countries and protest over there. They take United States for granted. I no longer listen to the politicians,

9 months ago

Senior LEGAL Citizens don’t receive FREE Healthcare, it’s time EVERY marxist democrat politician is remove from office and their taxpayer funded Healthcare and pensions are ended!!!
ANY one of these representatives who allows this idiocy,stupidity and fiscal failure is included!
What the hell is going on in America today. THROW THESE LOSERS OUT

9 months ago

they are just that ILLEGALS why are we wasting our money on them, biden and his ilk should be made to pay for them. i didn’t vote for biden i voted for Trump who is a patriot of American people – yeah even the haters – he should let them rot! it’s a disgrace and they should all go back

9 months ago

This is how Democrats want to gather voters! Be the biggest Santa Claus and ensnare these folks to government dependency at the expense of everyone else, cuz all those who don’t kiss the Democrats backside need to be punished. Then once they have all these people slaves of the STATE, Democrats will give amnesty to them so they can vote and then make sure they vote blue or all their goodies, they have come to depend on will disappear!!! This is what Obama wanted when he said he was going to change America! DISCUSTING!!!!

John Riley
John Riley
9 months ago

I say again, your vote is your voice use it wisely.

9 months ago

I am 72 and worked very hard my whole life. I now get social security of which I have to pay Medicare out of that. I also have to pay for supplemental insurance to cover what Medicare doesn’t pay. Illegals are making more money than me and have never worked a day. Somehow I don’t think they will be paying taxes on that money either. I also don’t have Medicaid which pays for everything so if I have to go to the doctor or hospital, I still have to make payments. I am so sick of them giving everything for votes. I am sure they did the big Jan 6 people being locked up for no reason to see if it would make Americans that care about this country not stand up and fight. Guess what their plan worked. But we are about to lose our country. My guess is before they get out of office they will give all illegals the right to vote. Since we obviously have no representation anymore because of all the corruption of Congress, we shouldn’t have to pay our taxes. Does anyone know of a way that could be done? They should refuse to raise the debt limit until the border is actually closed and people are being thrown out. And no illegals should get any benefits.

9 months ago

Illegal aliens NOT migrants!!

Bob Olden
Bob Olden
9 months ago

It’s not enough to be a voter. Every patriotic American must be an activist, looking for ways to influence uneducated voters, monitor voting processes, canvass precincts, and try to grab media attention to promote our platforms. We have to become visible as much as possible in demonstrations, town hall meetings, and school board meetings, writing letters to congress and posting to social media. We can’t get comfortable expecting others to do these things!

zoe frost
zoe frost
9 months ago

Commiefornia…the most traitorous, anti-Americans, anti-Constitution, pro-ILLEGALS, pro-CRIMINALS run state in the union. The expletives are on board the big money grab hoax “climate change” disaster…hard to ignore the destruction of the already fragile power grid with brown and blackouts becoming more frequent as more actual power producing sources are taken offline. That they’ve been deliberately destroying the water supply, too, makes you wonder what kind of brain atrophy chemicals have been added to what little water they have, since residents appear to be oblivious to the insanity…I’d say don’t drink the tap water in Commirfornia, but it’s obviously too late.

9 months ago

2 Words….

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
9 months ago

Democrats should be quite familiar with the 25th Amendment. So should we!

9 months ago

I wish people would realize this is happening because they have turned their backs on God. He is the creator of the universe and everything in it, and if people don’t want Him or His ways, He is allowing satan to have control. This is all predicted 2-3 thousand years ago. It is going to happen. There will be a horrible time of tribulation, then Christ will reclaim the world. The only way to escape this is by asking Christ Jesus to be your Savior. He, who is one with the Father and Holy Spirit loves every one and doesn’t want to deny heaven to anyone, but you have to want Him. He knocks at the door, you have to open it.

9 months ago

Free health care paid by taxes collected from undocumented and illegal aliens does not go very far. Quarantine and health care crisis care then jobs overseas would pay them the most. Getting aliens onto tax rolls quickly helps then citizenship maybe if there is a legal way. Breaking the law by trespassing is deadly. Those coming in groups seem to have lots of money why?

9 months ago

This is due to the Socialist Democrats hidden agenda! They want to allow illegals to vote! This is totally illegal but the Socialist Democrats don’t care as long they have total control and to destroy our country!

Robert Chase
Robert Chase
9 months ago

This should be a national issue. No illegal immigrant should receive free health insurance while there are citizens who have no insurance. The LEFT plan seems to be destroying our country financially. The illegal immigrants will resort to taking what they need. Are we prepared for that?

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
9 months ago

If they give them free health care they better give all of us free health care time to get a better government that care about the voters of this country time to impeach the president on down.

Robin W Boyd
Robin W Boyd
9 months ago

Since government now controls and benefits from the medical and insurance industries, the more illegal immigrants being provided benefits means the more government health agencies can justify taking more tax dollars provided by American workers. Everything government has taken control of is based on those in government scamming tax dollars. This scam provides politicians with government agency funding, personal enhancement of finances and more power to control more aspects of the lives of American citizens. We would not buy a used vehicle from most of our politicians, yet we allow them to scam US out of tax dollars. Why?

9 months ago

and yet Newsome keeps his job, go figure

8 months ago

Obamacare was supposed to be national healthcare but it was mandated and many people don’t like being told that they “have to” just about anything – oh, like EV’s!! But Obamacare wasn’t free!!! Nothing is free!!! Someone ends up paying!!!
For California to give “free” healthcare to illegals is inviting all illegals to move towards California!! I guess that’s one way to get the population back up after so many have left due to Newsom policies and crime and filth and needles and feces on the streets!! But the ones who are leaving aren’t the poor ones – they are the wealthy which will affect California’s tax base and now Gavin wants to give free healthcare while charging his citizens for healthcare – that makes NO sense!!!!

8 months ago

Aw come on man! It’s only tax payer money, or the play money that we print. We will never run out of free money to help all the illegal people of the earth. Help Joey out here and vote him in again.

8 months ago

Illegal immigrants get free healthcare, free housing, free education for their kids, Medicare, Medicaid while American citizen seniors are forced to live well below the poverty level, cannot afford healthcare and must decide between food or life essential medications. And While American veterans, families with kids and other single people live on the streets, under bridges or in tents. It has been reported the amount of money that the Biden administration sent to Ukraine cold have purchased a house for every homeless person and family in America. Where are Biden’s priorities?

8 months ago

Oh come on these poor migrants deserve all the free sh*t we could possibly think of to give them .they traveled so far and suffered so much
Forget about our own homeless ,our veterans who bravely and unselfishly served and protected our country and the hard working families in this country who have to work 2 or 3 jobs to struggle to provide for their families . No let’s give away as much as possible to these poor deserving migrants.

8 months ago

Free anything for illegals is lunacy, other than a buss ride back to the border.

8 months ago

Hmm. I commented earlier, naming names, of two Congressmen listed an an article I read a day or two ago. Why has my comment not posted? McCaul and Crenshaw made incredible money trading and Crenshaw was quoted as saying, “, I make $180,000 a year here so how else can I build wealth”? Let’s see if f this posts.

8 months ago

Far too many in Congress are too busy feathering their own financial nests to actually do the job to which they were elected. Two of our Texas Congressional reps ( Crenshaw and Michael McCaul) are listed as top market traders. Have made unbelievable money while serving on committees where they have information and thus, advantage. Crenshaw was quoted as saying, “:I only make $180,000 a year here so how am I supposed to build wealth for myself”? Too disgusting for words-

9 months ago

It is time that we correct the misinformation in our newspapers and news media! When the printed page and tv commentator calls the influx of “migrants” we need to stand up and let them know their terminology is incorrect and people are criminally entering our country. They are not here by invitation as most legal immigrants applied and then allowed to enter the USA. No wonder our young people do not understand what is truly going on.
Perhaps we should all flood our Congress daily with our letters of frustration! Their is a need to cancel the President’s Executive orders and hold him accountable for not protecting our borders!
When Obama was President the “DHS spent 3.4 million dollars on border fences and had built 640 miles of fences and barriers as part of the Secure Border Initiative”. In May 2011 Obama stated that the wall was “basically complete” with 649 miles of 651 planned miles of barrier constructed. Obama was not truthful in his statement because he left the funding our border barrier out of his 2010 budget proposal and his opinion was that the wall was effective and would not continue to build the wall. In 2018 Congress passed $1.3 trillion spending bill, with $1.6 billion allocated for a border wall but fell short of the Trump’s request.
Our Congress is responsible of not holding the Biden administration wasting taxpayers funding and selling the materials that had been purchased by the taxpayers and then selling (by the current administration) at a loss and not complete the proposed building the border wall.
All of the above information is on the internet and I am not a journalist, but I do remember when some of this was being bantered back and forth, if I can learn of the legal decisions, why on earth is not being told to the us that taxes are wrongfully being wasted? Perhaps fiscal responsibility needs to be implemented by reducing paychecks to replace the wasted funds.

Pat R
Pat R
9 months ago

The title of this article is 100% right on. Biden and his administration are lunatics. Add to that description all Dems who voted him in.
It truly is all about total control, and they’re giving away our country to ostensibly gain that control forever. But guess what? It won’t take long before their own fight over Who controls occurs. Then everyone of those who Thought they would be the one controlling, will themselves be subjugated.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
9 months ago

Only for CA alas Chap 7 state then

AZ Nancy
AZ Nancy
8 months ago

Guess we will see a huge tax increase this year. Put them in clean up jobs and jobs Americans do not want to do and make them earn the heath care. It is hard enough to try and get our own Dr appt…we get 3 months wait to be seen. I have given up on my primary care doc and go to an urgent care to be seen the same day I call. Don’t take my money!!! I worked 26 years to get my retired mil. benefits. If they want food…scrub the dishes….want a room = scrub floors and paint wall and on and on. As long a s we keep taking them the less there country will do for those left behind’ Make them get on a waiting list to come here and it..we do not say come and hey keep coming…send them back after they get on the waiting list …and we send them a letter of welcome.. they want our benefits then they will half to earn them….NOT take trm from us!

8 months ago

Maybe the useful idiots voting in this country will wake up before it is too late. I won’t hold my breath. 90% of the illegals coming to this country are fighting age single males and they are not coming to assimilate according to Michael Yon. They are coming to take what is yours and will kill you to get it. Our government is funding our demise.

Governor Tim Walz giving a speech at a Podium in September 2024 Disasters USA Government home page under magnifying glass.
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