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Four Stolen Elections: The Vulnerabilities of Absentee and Mail-In Ballots

Posted on Monday, August 10, 2020
by Outside Contributor

ballotsAll 50 states have bans on electioneering in and near polling places. By contrast, there are no prohibitions on electioneering in voters’ homes—which is what happens all too often with absentee ballots and voting by mail. This makes voters vulnerable to intimidation and unlawful “assistance,” as well as pressure by candidates, campaign staffers, political party activists, and political consultants—all of whom have a stake in the outcome of the election—to vote in the campaign’s interests, not their own. Absentee ballots are also more vulnerable to being misdirected, stolen, forged, and altered. This Legal Memorandum details four cases studies of election fraud committed through absentee and mail-in voting.

Key Takeaways:

1. Universal absentee or mail-in voting leaves America’s electoral system vulnerable to fraud, forgery, coercion, and voter intimidation.
2. Uncovering instances of voter fraud is difficult, and those who commit fraud are often able to get away without repercussions.
3. Preventing voter fraud is crucial for protecting election integrity, ensuring public confidence in the election system, and maintaining a stable democratic republic.

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4 years ago

Mail-in voter fraud IS very real and especially in cities and states that are run by Progressively Communist Democrats. Of course finding out about 6 months after an election is way too late. This election more than ever is probably the most important one in our country’s history. The voters must decide to keep our country’s traditions and freedoms or forever suffer under the servitude of Socialism/Communism. One has only to look at the citizens of those types of countries and then you know why the ALL WANT TO COME HERE. But people are stupid and many lack common sense and can’t think for themselves. Hopefully now that the leadership of the Progressively Communist Democratic Party finally revealing themselves as Marxist/Communists, people now realize that if they elect these Jackasses they will suffer forever and if they don’t vote them out then they will deserve their and their future generations of offspring will suffer the greed and loss of freedoms probably forever unless won by bloodshed. We’ll just have to see but nevertheless expect that these loonies will riot over losing!

Mary Whitby
Mary Whitby
4 years ago

Alaska has had optional “vote by mail” for a few years with no problems.

R.J. from Arizona
R.J. from Arizona
4 years ago

If anyone has concerns about election fraud, look what’s happening in Belarus at this time.

Dr Timothy-Allen Albertson
Dr Timothy-Allen Albertson
4 years ago

Democrats steal votes. Its congenital for them.

Paul W
Paul W
4 years ago

I predict that sans a blowout victory by one candidate or the other, the results of numerous elections in November won’t be officially determined for months.The election integrity has been compromised so badly that it now poses a very large and real threat to the nation.

4 years ago

Even with fraud votes from Democrat scams, I believe Trump should get elected by majority. I really believe most people are afraid to voice their support of our President because of the Left bully tactics intimidating conservatives but the silent majority Of Republicans and Independents will cast ballots for Trump/Pence. Unfortunately I worry about the other scheme Democrats have done in the past which could cause a problem – that is them “finding boxes of votes suddenly that need to be added to the totals”. And of course those “found” ballots will vote D. Is there anything that can be done to prevent this type of fraud?

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
4 years ago

Reforms for voting:
ID shown: drivers lisc etc.
QR codes on ballott
Scan QR code pre sending out
Same Day Count polling place: Vote & vote counted same day
Computers count votes
Mail in ballots have QR code & count When recieved.
No QR code, No Vote.
Vet USPS personnel

Brenda Appleton
Brenda Appleton
4 years ago

He that does NOT know history is bound to repeat it. That is why the young ones lean toward socialsm. They don’t know socialism is only the front room of communism. Please tell them or introduce them to people who came here from communist countries!

4 years ago

If American voters want to lose control of their elections, voting by mail is the ticket! Mail in ballots will open the door to many different avenues of corruption. Democrat communists will win every time! New methods of cheating will be baked into the cake. Verification, missing ballots, late ballots, ballots changing hands many times, dead people voting, dead cats voting, on and on it goes. The doors will be wide open for cheating! Voters need to vote with ID required and in the voting booth!

David Spade
David Spade
4 years ago

Great information with the detail attached. It is preposterous to think that a mass mailing of ballots is every going to be viable alternative to voting at a poling place. We all know that, and so do the people who are continuing to push this issue. Those that are yelling the loudest are the ones who have a big stake in manipulating election outcomes. Fortunately I live in Indiana where election protocols are firmly established, and absolutely confined to the counties where voting takes place. I will have an opportunity to vote absentee this year due to a near term physical limitation, but I am fully confident in the county government to process and count my vote properly.

Mike D
Mike D
4 years ago

If I can go to the grocery store, I can go to the polls. Same rules can apply.

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

We are in the middle of a Communist Revolution!!  Become a Counter-Revolutionary!  Stand-up for America!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Communism (i.e. Marxism), Socialism, and Democracy result in NO PRIVATE OWNERSHIP!!!!!  A TRUE REPUBLIC means RESPONSIBLE PRIVATE OWNERSHIP!!!!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

We must restore law and order!  It must start with making OUR Government Accountable to the People!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

Bill Brown
Bill Brown
4 years ago

Demand Antifa and all Marxist Groups be prosecuted!!  Take-back OUR Country!!!  Stand-up for America!!!!  Remove Every Democrat!!!!!

4 years ago

I have a disease that has mostly kept me at home during Covid 19. But you can bet I’m going to the polls to vote in person. My state required mail in voting in the Primary. I completed my ballot and drove it to the Board of Elections. I wasn’t trusting my ballot to the postal service. Mail in voting is for Dems to steal this election. If our country is turned over to the Dems. We as Republicans will never win again. They will fix it to be so. FACT.

Ed J
Ed J
4 years ago

Nothing surprising here. The old joke (unfortunately) of “Vote early, and vote often!” is alive and well. The fact that the Demsheviks are rabidly pushing for universal absentee balloting for all elections everywhere is prima facie evidence of their desire to win elections by any means and without regard for our nation’s electoral integrity.
Here in ☭alifornia, the Demsheviks have already successfully hijacked the election process. In yesteryear, each party would submit its slate of candidates to the electorate in the primary. Then the “winners” of each party’s slate would move forward to the general election under their party’s banner for the electorate to choose from. Not any more … the rules were changed so that only the two top vote getters for each elective office (regardless of party affiliation) will advance from the primary to the general election. Well, DUH! Since alifornia is heavily Demshevik, almost ALL the candidates in the general election are Demsheviks. I am then forced to “choose” from one of these two, even though I do not want to vote for either. And often, I deem neither of the two candidates presented as qualified for the job. The net result is that the Demsheviks have already legally disenfranchised millions of ☭alifornia voters and the situation here will only get worse with universal mail-in ballot laws.

Allan Brem
Allan Brem
4 years ago

The Heritage Foundation tracks Voter Fraud and reports on cases that have been filed and gone through the courts. They report the penalties imposed and in most cases they are very lenient, sometimes fraud charges are dropped in deals for other charges. The mailing out of ballots automatically adds a real problem. Then then problem is magnified by those being mailed fraudulently.

4 years ago

If anyone believes that a mail in ballot is going to be processed quickly and FAIRLY has fallen down the rabbit hole head first! The dems have been stuffing ballot boxes for decades…LBJ was notorious for doing it. They do it because they get by with it and this mail in scheme is just another tactic to steal another election. The ONLY way to have a FAIR election is to have voter ID, NO early voting and to GO to the polls IN PERSON…employers can not keep you from going to the polls and voting! DO it the RIGHT WAY, the HONEST way and people who can not get to the polls because of some disability can get an absentee ballot as do the Military. We have made it too easy for those who are NOT honest or just too lazy to get up and go to the polls like they should. In all my voting years, I have NEVER cast an early ballot! I have always gone TO the polls in person with my voter registration card in hand and an ID. There is no real excuse for not voting in the manner in which it is meant to be done.
With this election, we need to MAKE SURE all our I’s are dotted and T’s crossed…our country and our LIVES count on it!!!

4 years ago

And the gelded “Republicans” do nothing about it. Sad to say, but Mr Trump pays lip service about it, but he’s done nothing either. He’s voting on an absentee ballot from Florida. Time to lead by example, sir. Talk is worthless.

4 years ago

Your first 6 words you wrote sum it all up.

Brenda Blunt
Brenda Blunt
4 years ago

Lord help us all.

s walker
s walker
4 years ago

I have written and email to our Senators here in Arkansas telling them No mail in Voting.. I am guessing it didn’t do any good. So I will say this… Anyone can see the Comments on Social Media about our President and Joe Biden. There is No way Biden is in the lead.. Numbers don’t lie.. They are trying to get people to believe Biden is in the lead in hopes of getting more Voters interested in him.. Just like they did with Hillary.. So I Hope and Pray there is someone making sure the votes are accurate. Wasn’t there a story once about the overseas Service men that voted and somehow their votes got lost? We will lose this Country if we lose this President. Why that is so hard for people to see is beyond me.. Vote Red all across the board so we can Finally put an end to the corruption that has been going on for a long time… God is in Control.. I am Praying Daily!!!

4 years ago

We can stand inline for everything else we should be able to stand in line to exercise our right to vote. Democrats’ are only wanting mail in so they can cheat. That is the only possible way they could win.

4 years ago

The Democrats know they are going to lose this November. They want to cheat. It’s that simple. The secondary goal is to cast doubt on the election results, judge shop, be able to make claims Biden actually won when he didn’t, so they can claim that Trump isn’t leaving office after he “lost” the election. That’s why they are pushing that absurd narrative now, they are conditioning people (mostly on the left) to beleive that Trump is an illegitimate president and they can continue and even ramp up their anti-American “resist” movement. The Democrats (the party, not run of the mill liberal Democrat individuals) have crossed the line from “loyal opposition” to straight up anti-American. There has always been a red streak in the Democrat party, but now that defines it.

If you hate The United States of America, vote for Democrats.

Terry S
Terry S
4 years ago

FRAUD AND MOR FRAUD!!! They can drive to their grocery store, box stores, liquor store, fast food, etc. THEY CAN DRIVE THEIR ASSES TO POLLING LOCATIONS!

4 years ago

Well, if the Democrats win by cheating and if they come up with even one crooked vote then they should just give the election to Trump and I bet they would learn a lesson in a hurry. I never saw such evil actions to get POWER. Vote all those Democrats OUT.

The OLD Warhorse
The OLD Warhorse
4 years ago

My first experience with Democrat voter fraud was way back in the late 80’s when Loretta Sanchez defeated B-1 Bob Dornan for congress in Orange County, CA. Of course, the Republican Party refused to support Bob when he wanted to challenge the vote so, of course, she prevailed. It was pretty obvious that there was some unusual circumstances involved. The little corner of the district that was located in Santa Ana, a predominantly Hispanic area had more votes cast than the population. NOT just more than the registered voters, MORE than The POPULATION, but the party refused to challenge. Took me awhile to get over that one.

4 years ago

A recent example of a vote-harvesting scheme using absentee ballots was perpetrated by the previous incumbent mayor of the small town where I live. It is about an hour from the Va. state capitol.  This was a vote for the mayor and entire town council. The ex mayor’s mistake was hand carrying the 50 or so questionable absentee ballots to the registrar’s office in a batch. The rules specify that each must be separately returned by mail. And absentee ballots are usually rare in this small community. The clerk noticed that all but a couple were marked identically and several signatures looked questionable. And she found at least one from a voter who she knew was dead. Nevertheless, the ballots were returned to the mayor with instructions they must be mailed in individually to be legal. The mayor would have won without these fraudulent votes, but the competing candidate filed a complaint anyway and it went to court and by then she had sufficient evidence to prove that many were fraudulent.

However, this example was not listed in the Heritage Foundation’s fraud list because Richmond’s infamous attorney (and now state senator), Joe Morrissey, traveled to the sticks to get a fellow Democrat acquitted. It should have been an open and shut case, but Joe got him off on a technicality.

However, by the next election the whole town knew what happened and he lost the next election in a landslide. Even his fellow democrats voted him out. He tried again two years later and once again failed to win.

4 years ago

I believe in voting on election day only unless you are to be on a vacation and not at home. I am an election judge for a lot of years and I would sometimes vote absentee ballot only because I didn’t want to take myself away from my job. I always have voted on election day as long as I have been able to vote. We don’t need early voting either. If you are not enough of a Patriot or concerned citizen to vote on election day, except if it is an emergency, then take up residency in another country.

4 years ago

Trump admitted that yesterday why he is against funding the USPS with bill. What a blackmail move & he has never had to live paycheck to paycheck. Some people get meds for 90-days in mail cuz it saves them money & some of the older generation still pays by mail. Trump is going to hurt a lot of people by cutting back the postal service, that has been around since Pony Express days. This has served America well & if you got a letter from home in WWII it was like being in heaven.

4 years ago

AARP came out today against Trump payroll tax deferral. What is AMAC stand on this issure??? Like or no like ????? This will become a big issue at the polls in November.

4 years ago

First time in history, that POTUS is bashing USA elections & that we are fraudulent. Tell the world this ??? Nice poker hand?? Think someone is getting a little paranoid or wants chaos of election

4 years ago

All I know is the democrats are pushing extremely hard to force mail in voting, that tells me everything!
It’s just like ” follow the money” ,politicians always find a way to help themselves NOT American Citizens.
The Exception is President Trump.
God help us all if democrats get elected, Goodbye America!

William Archibald
William Archibald
4 years ago

Does anyone have the stats on how many people caught ANY virus while voting in person in the past, without the precautions we take today?

As mentioned previously, if you can safely shop while adhering to recommended safe practices then you can certainly vote in person.

Clearly, the communist dems think that everyone is stupid! Let’s show them how “stupid “ we are by keeping President Trump in the White House this November!

Glen Mckinney
Glen Mckinney
4 years ago

they missed a election. Washinton state governor 2008. they kept counting votes from King co until ROSSI lost

4 years ago

like the 2018 election in California their were 7 Republicans’ that were declared winner that night and by morning all lost.

Jane CA
Jane CA
4 years ago

Talk about voting fraud, I would like to see my yeah/nay register in the comments section !! Right now your site is broken!

Danny Estridge
Danny Estridge
4 years ago

I’m sorry Guys, but I HAVE to do absentee ballots since I got hurt. I have no choice, can’t walk that far and can’t stand in a line for more than 2-3 minutes. I spent 20 years in the military waiting to vote because I felt I served at what you wanted, now I vote every chance I get, now with what I’ve read, well I’ll still vote for the most qualified, but if your gonna rip me off, at least buy me a dinner, I ain’t that rich and if your gonna screw me again now, might as well get something out of it.
It’s really a shame that this country has fallen so far from being a Beacon of Hope to a POS 3rd rate country. And while I’m at it, everybody in “Congress” needs to be voted out of office, not helping the people they supposed to serve, and they are lucky to wipe their a$$ with our money, instead of staying in session and helping the people that pay their salary’s and all the perks they get, while not doing anything for us, they people that hired them. People are starving, losing any shelter they had and for what? Not even going into health care, they don’t deserve their jobs, regardless of which party. These are such easy fixes if they weren’t such pig whores for their districts. So stupid, this is the time to come together and they leave on “vacation”. I wish I had as many vacations as they have.
Sorry, just sayin’ after 20 years in the military, if you can’t do the job, get out and let anyone else try. That’s why I like term limits, friggin’ people like Peolsi has been mummified too long to deal with today.
Again, sorry, it just pi$$e$ me off, there’s no reason for this B$.

4 years ago

I live in a state where vote by mail has been in place for more than two decades. Elections in this state are carried out each cycle with little fanfare. Nothing sellacious happens. It’s boring. Vote by Mail is not Absentee Voting. Please let there be no mistake, absentee voting is voting while one is living somewhere else. The President and First Lady engage in Absentee Voting. Vote by Mail is simply filling in a ballot from where one lives and mailing it in.
All of the information touting election fraud and conspiracy is without reference and fake. It is grounded in nothing and equals nothing. It is symbolism lacking substance and is no more real than The Man in the Moon.

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