
Newsline , Society

Five Victims of the Deep State

Posted on Friday, December 29, 2023
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Aaron Flanigan

joe biden at the podium; the deep state

Despite the emerging mainstream media narrative that a second Trump term would be a “dictatorship” and the death knell for American democracy, it is in fact Democrats who, through their grip over legions of unelected federal bureaucrats and the approval of their allies in the media, have done the most to abuse power and undermine freedom and democracy in an effort to destroy their political opponents.

Here are five victims of the Deep State whose stories attest to the  authoritarian and anti-democratic nature of the modern left.

James O’Keefe

Among the more notable instances of the Deep State’s war on conservative Americans is the Biden administration’s targeting of James O’Keefe, conservative journalist and founder of Project Veritas.

In November 2021, the Biden FBI raided O’Keefe’s home and seized his cellphone, which had included confidential information and communications with his lawyers. Suspiciously, just days later, the New York Times published information extracted from his cellphone—establishing in the minds of countless ordinary Americans the clear possibility of media collusion with the Deep State and the weaponization of federal law enforcement against Americans citizens.

At the time of his arrest, O’Keefe had been investigating the diary of Ashley Biden, Joe Biden’s granddaughter—generating concern among even mainstream media outlets regarding the Biden administration’s treatment of conservative journalists.

Under O’Keefe’s leadership, Project Veritas had revealed droves of information related to COVID-19 vaccines, government corruption, and other issues—and his targeting by the Biden administration is almost certainly no coincidence.

Mark Houck

In an instance of the Deep State’s brazen anti-Christian streak, last fall the FBI sent a team of armed agents to raid the home of Mark Houck, a Catholic pro-life activist and father of seven in Pennsylvania. Houck was arrested and charged with violating the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances (FACE) Act – a law that is supposed to equally protect pro-life pregnancy centers and abortion clinics from harassment – stemming from an incident outside an abortion center last year.

As video evidence shows, Houck was praying the rosary outside a clinic with his son when a pro-abortion activist approached and verbally harassed them. Houck later explained how the abortion activist shouted expletives at his son, which prompted Houck to shove him to the ground. For this act, Houck faced 11 years in prison and a $350,000 fine.

Thankfully, Houck was acquitted by a jury earlier this year. But that did not do anything stop the impression that the Biden administration is deliberately targeting faithful Catholics and others who dissent against the political, social, and cultural views of the Deep State.

Lauren Handy & Pro-Life Activists

Not unlike the Mark Houck case, earlier this year a Washington, D.C. jury convicted five pro-life activists—Lauren Handy, Herb Geraghty, Heather Idoni, William Goodman, and John Hinshaw—of violations of the FACE Act in a move that some observers saw as an act of retaliation against the pro-life community following the June 2022 Dobbs decision, which returned the power to regulate abortion to the states.

The politicized nature of DOJ’s prosecution of these five pro-life activists was laid bare when the Biden administration did nothing as left-wing arsonists vandalized at least 88 crisis pregnancy centers in the months following the release of the Dobbs decision.

Though FBI and Biden administration officials have repeatedly attempted to reassure the American people that they are taking threats against churches and pro-life pregnancy centers seriously, those who defend the unborn remain skeptical.

Michael Flynn

In December 2017, former Trump U.S. National Security Advisor Michael Flynn pleaded guilty to making false statements to the FBI regarding his contact with the former Russian ambassador to the United States during the Trump presidential transition period as a part of the now thoroughly discredited Russiagate hoax. Evidence later revealed, however, that the DOJ withheld exculpatory evidence in Flynn’s case, and he withdrew his plea.

Flynn was ultimately pardoned by Trump in 2020, but that doesn’t change the fact that the Deep State apparently broke the law to try to lock up one of its political enemies.

“Never again should any family or individual be so viciously targeted, maligned, smeared, and threatened such has been the experience of my family and I. Not you and your loved ones, not me nor President Trump, our First Lady, and the Trump children,” Flynn wrote in a statement following his pardon.

“Stand with me today in renouncing this betrayal of trust that has burdened our nation and proclaim with one united voice across this land that we will never again allow the rightful power of the citizens of this country to be uprooted, undercut, usurped, or held hostage by a coup against our nation, a duly elected President or any future president of these United States.”

Carter Page

Like Flynn, Carter Page, a former foreign policy advisor to Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign, was a victim of the left’s Russiagate hoax. Under the secret orders  of James Comey, the FBI not only conducted electronic surveillance (including cellphone monitoring and searches of email accounts) against Page, but also “physical searches” targeting him, including “physical premises or personal property” and “overseas surveillance.”

Through its searches, the FBI collected confidential material belonging to the Trump campaign.

Page later stated that his “life was put at risk thanks to all the death threats I was getting then based on the fake news,” causing him to go “on the run and [change his] locations frequently to stay safe.” As Senators Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Ron Johnson (R-WI) noted, the FBI’s justification to obtain FISA warrants targeting Page was “riddled with significant flaws”—yet another confirmation of the jarring extent to which the Deep State will go to frame, discredit, and persecute those it perceives as political threats.

While there are likely too many Americans who have been unduly targeted and victimized by the Deep State to count, one thing is clear: until conservatives get serious about dismantling the administrative state and restoring government of, by, and for the people, unelected bureaucrats will continue to imperil Americans’ constitutionally guaranteed rights and freedoms.

Aaron Flanigan is the pen name of a writer in Washington, D.C.

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lawrence greenberg
lawrence greenberg
1 year ago

Here is a question I have been asking, without getting an answer, ever since this corrupt, criminal, treasonous, and illegitimate administration assumed power: Where do we go, to whom do we turn, for the administration of justice and enforcement of the law, when those whose duty and responsibility it is to administer justice and enforce the law (the AG and the DOJ) not only refuse to do their duty, but are themselves actively engaged in breaking the law? What do we do?

Robert Zuccaro
Robert Zuccaro
1 year ago

I’m watching on tv right now the discussion of record numbers of illegals crossing our borders as another “caravan” heads this way. Who are the victims of the Deep State? WE ALL ARE! so long as this treasonous political party is still in power.

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
1 year ago

Pres Trump
& we MAGA voters
Day 1
& J6 ers in Prison Now

Charlotte Mahin
Charlotte Mahin
1 year ago

Everyone living under this Marxist regime has been hurt to some extent by the “deep state”. The initial blow was the cheating in the 2020 election which put Biden in the White House! The people who are pulling his strings have taken over and are dictators like we have seen in Germany, China, Russia, etc. They have allowed thousands of people to die from drugs coming in from our border, they have allowed 8 million (at last count) illegal aliens enter our country with little vetting, they are wrecking our economy to further break down our society and they have invaded our schools and indoctrinated our kids for the last 30 years. We are now reaping the results and it is not good. Now they want to take Trump off the ballot which anyone with a brain knows they showing their plans for us. No more real elections because they will simply remove the candidates they see as a threat to their goal. The Constitution which they all took oaths to uphold is irrelevant to them and who can stop them? They own the DOJ!! There is NO justice in this country.

1 year ago

Drain the swamp.

1 year ago

One could literally list several thousand known victims, both individuals as well as organizations, of the so-called Deep State. Otherwise known as simply the administrative state for the last 40 years in and around Washington, D.C..

As for the conclusion of this arttcle, the author is indeed correct that the administrative state will continue to rack up many more victims in the future, as long as the conservative side of the American public continues to simply be content to allow this farce to continue with little, if any, real pushback. You’re not going to simpply wish the administrative state away or accomplish any great reforms of it without pushing back a lot harder and in a far more focused fashion than has been done to date. As long as our half of the country continues to tolerate the abusive and frequently illegal actions of the administrative state, nothing will change. It is ultimately up the people of the United States to reign in their own government, that has decided it is no longer accountable or answerable to the people that they once served. Until that dynamic changes, the list of victims of the administrative state will simply continue to grow.

1 year ago

All well and good that the Dep State is known to us, but what is the solution? We have a Republican Party that is neutered. All this about the FBI and DOJ comes out, and they still vote to build them a nice, new, bigger (than the Pentagon) headquarters outside DC.
My advice to anyone who is in contact with the FBI is not to speak a word except to ask for a lawyer. I would not trust them to take a comment on the weather and not turn it into an indictment. What they have done to these 5 and hundreds, if not thousands of others including President Trump, is treason. They took an oath to defend the Constitution, but by their words and actions have betrayed it.

1 year ago

A pox on Biden and his kin…

Jeannie Huppert
Jeannie Huppert
1 year ago

FAR more than 5! Like Stephen Russell says “j6 ers in Prison Now”; Roger Stone, & MANY others FALSELY accused, berated, jailed, searched, etc. by lying, cheating deep state who were in positions who WERE SUPPOSED TO PROTECT US! God WILL get them for that: wait & see: it IS coming!

1 year ago

The average American voter is a brain dead stooge. A Black Swan event is coming toward America like a run away freight train. And all the brain dead citizenry will scratch their heads and say, we should have seen this coming. The country is purposefully being dismantled by the beltway crooks.

Theresa Coughlin
Theresa Coughlin
1 year ago

The deep state actors who were involved in these atrocities need to permenently lose their jobs.

1 year ago

Regarding what do we do to change our country. There are so many predictions of end times in the bible, that are coming true. The bible predicts a time, the Tribulation, when there will be a one world government. Is there talk of that? A time when the leader, satan, will control the money of people who won’t worship him. Hearing anything about money control? The behavior of people being heinous. Read the news. Our only help is trusting God who so loved us he sent his son to pay for our sins. Yes, we’re all sinners. Ask Christ Jesus to save you, and you can quit worrying about the things we can’t control. The peace of God, which passes all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Timothy Blaney
Timothy Blaney
1 year ago

At this point I believe even some democrats are aware the deep state exist and that they are independent of politic affiliation and intend to bring socialism and communism to the United States of America. They will destroy anything in their way to achieve their goal.

Paul W
Paul W
1 year ago

6) The Constitution of the United States of America.

1 year ago

I would add Derrick Chauvin.

Casey C Matt
Casey C Matt
1 year ago

Folks, the Second Amendment was not put in place by the Founding Fathers to protect hunting rights. PLEASE look into the true potential purpose of codifying the Second Amendment as an inalienable right. That purpose is of course to protect the citizens against the possibility of a tyrannical government.
We have a tyrannical government. Now all we need is a patriotic citizenry willing to rid us of the scumbag elitists.

Robert Deighton
Robert Deighton
1 year ago

President Trump even admitted that he did not realize how deep the Deep State is He now knows the game and the players.. So many politicians, bureaucrats, operatives and media people are compromised that a mass exodus from DC. is expected. Lots of jobs for America First MAGA patriots, but only about one-half needed when the seriously bloated government agencies are purged.

1 year ago

Those are the 5 we know about. How about the average American that has been banned or censored on social media. That has been scared into taking the vaccin or suffer the consequences, like losing your job to being ostracized from society. Division has been the greatest damage ole Joe and deep state have done to America. Everything they accuse Trump off they are doing since ole Joe was installed in the White House. And they won’t stop. They want power forever.

1 year ago

America has crossed the Rubicon. There’s no coming back and I’m an optimist! Corruption is viral seeding itself at every level of our society and through a full saturation of local and national government. The hand that blesses is also the hand that slaps.

1 year ago

First, you MUST UNITE the Republican (Lackey/RINO) Party and Find the Courage and Fortitude to SAV AMERICA as the Radicalized Far Left Demoncrats Have to DESTROY AMERICA!!!! GET TO DOING REAL COMBAT WORK, NO GUTS, NO AMERICA!!!!! NO RINO’s ALLOWED!!!!!

1 year ago

I found this article honest, well thought and a clear explanation of exactly the threat against Freedom we’re facing from the marxist democrat party, MSM and unaccountable Washington bureaucracy.
My hope is that there are many American Citizens who FINALLY get the message and make it important to reject this destruction of OUR COUNTRY and stand up for Faith , Family and Freedom before its too late!
There is nothing wrong with taking care of your own, the American Citizens FIRST.

NIcholas Elder
NIcholas Elder
1 year ago

and the democrats suggest that electing Trump will end our democracy. The reality is that Biden and his henchmen already have usurped the constitution. Trump is going to restore our democrscy!

1 year ago

Republicans and conservatives in government need to stand up more against the liberals.The older useless politicians need to retire. They all need to support Donald Trump who is obviously being railroaded.

Jimmy P
Jimmy P
1 year ago

As soon as President Trump takes the oath of office for the second time, Mr. President, I implore you to FIRE EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 year ago

President Trump has been target #1 since before he was elected!
It continues today from these obama, soros marxist democrat traitors!
Time for America to stand up and say HELL NO!

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

Our only chance to save this country is to get Trump back in there and keep him there. Vote out as many Dems. as you can. Maby a coupe It’s gonna take a insurection like never been sen in the U. S. Jan.6 as nothing to what is gonna happen. Kyle L.

1 year ago

Regardless of your preference in a new president Trump is the strongest one by sheer virtue of his rallies whether he is proven or liked is a matter of opinion. He is clearly the people’s choice and it’s time to come together and stand for Trump

1 year ago

This is why it is critical that Donald Trump be the Republican nominee. He is willing to put his money where his mouth is.
Nikki Haley was inspired to run for president by …Hillary Clinton. For some people running a campaign is a path to prosperity.
We need to honor the man who was willing to put his prosperity on the line for us.

Tim Toroian
Tim Toroian
1 year ago

I’d say there are 300 million or so victims.

Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
Kyle Buy you some guns,and learn how to shoot
1 year ago

It’s bad. Kyle L.

1 year ago

We all are!

Robin W Boyd
Robin W Boyd
1 year ago

There are actually some 335 million victims of Deep State actions. That’s about how many U.S. citizens there are. Even those who support Progressive Democrats are eventually going to realize they too are victims of the Deep State. They won’t admit it, and they will blame others like President Trump. And that’s a major problem. Too many otherwise decent citizens who are more liberal minded than not allow themselves to constantly be deceived by hateful Progressives.

1 year ago

To quote what I saw on a shirt “our founding fathers would be shooting by now “.

1 year ago

I always said to stop a poison you have to kill it. Best way possible. Like they do!

Kathleen Vespa
Kathleen Vespa
1 year ago

And what can we Americans do to stop the corrupt, evil DOJ/ FBI from terrorizing conservative, law-abiding citizens.

1 year ago

remember congress works for us not the other way them out.thats how we get things your Congress rep in your state ask for that person to step down.get alot of people calling them day in and day out bug them as much as you want till it gets the job done.

1 year ago


1 year ago

The USA federal government and all the agencies, bureaus and departments not specifically called for in the 17 enumerated responsibilities in the Constitution make up the largest and most successful Organized Crime Syndicate in the whole world.
Only We the People can stop it. To do that I strongly suggest that all citizens who consider themselves conservative patriots to take a look a the website for Tactical Civics (one word) dot com. There is a plan that can bring this country back in line with the original intent of the U. S. Constitution. But it will take courage and the willingness to learn the civics lessons that have not been taught in our schools for about 150 years. First, we must establish a group in every county (or equivalent) in the USA. That group must have at least 1/2 of 1% of the county’s voting age citizens as members. Then they must learn the civics lessons our schools never taught. When that is done we all act at the same time to arrest and charge all the local politicians who are dishonest and have committed criminal acts.
The details are all revealed on the website. This is the best plan I have seen in decades of searching for a solution. It is Constitutional and Bible based and will give us back our country without going to war against our neighbors again.

Randall L. Beatty
Randall L. Beatty
1 year ago

The people of this country are the ones that are hurt the worse we vote what we think are good people to run this country and all they are out for is themselves they come away with big money in there pockets and the people have to take there lies time to clean house from that so called president on down and get better people in the White House that goes for both parties.

1 year ago

Thanks joey, absolute Dickhead

1 year ago

Soon this is coming to ALL Americans. Already, illegals, foreign nations they are working with, political elite, big bankers who run the world, environmentalists who are killing our country, and agendas which are killing our babies, children and the lives of all freedom loving patriots, are already being treated well, while struggling working AMERICANS are forced to pay for all of the above abuses. No one is safe anymore from the government…and that’s a pathetic scenario. I’m old enough to remember when the government and all the three-letter departments deserved to be respected. Not any more!!! Where there is EVIL, there WILL BE judgment, but it’s not going to be pretty until that time. God Help Us! But, wait, God DID completely bless America once and we pushed him out of everything.

Ben Franklin
Ben Franklin
1 year ago

Well, there is one hope, and it’s the Gov from Florida. But for some reason we seem to be picking the only guy in the world who already lost to Biden for president. So, there is a very smart DeSantis who knows how to wield government power for wins, or the “Kardashian” Trump who knows mainly how to Tweet to get attention.
It’s probably already too late, but Trumps nomination will be the death knell for America, and it won’t be the fault of Democrats this time.

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