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Five Unnerving Stories About Terry McAuliffe

Posted on Wednesday, October 20, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive – By Seamus Brennan


If recent polling indicates anything about the current state of the Virginia gubernatorial race, it’s that many Virginians don’t need any more reasons to oppose Democrat candidate Terry McAuliffe than they already have. Between his covert support for Critical Race Theory, discreet plans to abolish the suburbs, advocacy for abortion-on-demand, and other radical policies, it has become increasingly clear that McAuliffe’s alliance with the far-left wing of his party is, at the very least, alarming to the people of the Commonwealth of Virginia.

But McAuliffe’s utter lack of political appeal does not end there: for decades, Terry McAuliffe has been engaged in a persistent pattern of shady political practices, sketchy business dealings, and strange personal behaviors. Here are just five of the most prominent examples that Virginians should not forget when they head to the ballot box.

McAuliffe Was A Bag Man for the Clinton Money Machine

As the co-chairman of President Bill Clinton’s 1996 reelection campaign, McAuliffe was involved in several fundraising scandals that led even the Democrat-friendly New York Times to chastise him as “a walking symbol of the wretched excess of the Clinton years.” McAuliffe was reportedly involved in a scheme to allow “major financial supporters be treated to time with President Clinton at breakfasts, lunches, coffees, morning jogs, or golf”—including so-called “overnights” in the Lincoln Bedroom. Some Democrats were appalled by the sale of access to the White House for fundraising purposes. Republican Chairman Dan Burton of the House Committee on Government Reform and Oversight said the arrangement amounted to selling “access to places like the Lincoln bedroom for political contributions.” In total, Clinton’s team hosted more than 100 “coffees” and 49 “overnights” at the White House, which together raised more than $30 million for Clinton’s reelection efforts.

McAuliffe Helped Chinese Nationals Acquire U.S. Visas in Return for Investments in his Company

Following his unsuccessful first bid for the Governor’s Mansion in 2009, McAuliffe founded GreenTech, an electric car manufacturer through which he would use his political connections to solicit investments from the United States federal government, the Commonwealth of Virginia, and Chinese nationals. GreenTech, along with Gulf Coast Funds Management (led by Hillary Clinton’s late brother Anthony Rodham), drew in $7.5 million in investments, which in turn allowed Chinese nationals to secure U.S. visas—a ploy derided as a “visas-for-sale scheme” with potentially grave “national security implications.” McAuliffe and Rodham went on to lobby then-Secretary of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano to grant visas to Chinese investors who met the EB-5 threshold of $500,000. A 30-minute film detailing the scandal was released by Citizens United.

McAuliffe Was Investigated by the FBI for Possible Illegal Campaign Contributions & Donated Nearly $500,000 to Disgraced Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe’s Wife’s Campaign At a Time When McCabe was Investigating McAuliffe Political Patron Hillary Clinton

In 2016, the FBI opened an investigation into whether then-Governor McAuliffe accepted illegal campaign contributions from American companies owned by Wang Wenliang, a Chinese billionaire and politician. Though McAuliffe at first denied ever meeting Wenliang, he later conceded that they had in fact crossed paths: “They say he may have come to the inaugural, not sure. We may have had him over for a cup of coffee with the Secretary of Agriculture,” he said. Wenliang attended a 2013 fundraiser for the Clinton Foundation, for which McAuliffe at one point served on the board of directors, and later donated $2 million to the organization.

Also in 2016, as reported by the Wall Street Journal, McAuliffe’s PAC “gave nearly $500,000 to the election campaign of” Democrat Jill McCabe, a former candidate for the Virginia state senate and husband of then-FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, “who later helped oversee the investigation into Mrs. Clinton’s email use.” This appearance of impropriety led the Justice Department to investigate whether McCabe should have recused himself from the Clinton email server investigation.

McAuliffe Used Insider Connections to Cash Out His Shares of a Company Before It Crashed

When Global Crossing’s stock peaked in 1999—two years after McAuliffe had invested $100,000 in the fiber-optic company—he immediately sold his shares and walked away with an $8 million profit. As PolitiFact put it, “McAuliffe made a fantastic profit through an insider deal that allowed him to buy Global Crossing stock before it was offered to the public.” In 2002, however, the group’s stock plummeted and the company went into bankruptcy, causing more than 3,000 employees to lose their jobs. In a 2013 ad, one former Global Crossing employee said she “lost all [her] severance, lost all the money in [her] 401k,” while another said she “got walked out” and that her “career was over.”

This pattern of unseemly business dealings continued with McAuliffe’s involvement with Telergy, a Syracuse-based company he joined in 1999 as a member of its Board of Directors. According to The Roanoke Times, “[at] McAuliffe’s urging, Global Crossing invested $40 million in Telergy,” for which the firm later paid McAuliffe “$1.2 million for his help in raising money for the company.” Yet, two years later, just weeks after McAuliffe had resigned from the board, Telergy “was forced to lay off 150 employees without giving them any severance pay.” Months later, Telergy was bankrupt.

McAuliffe Left His Wife Behind on the Day of His Child’s Birth—Twice

According to McAuliffe’s 2008 memoir, he left his wife in the hospital as she was giving birth to their daughter Sarah to attend a party thrown by the Washington Post – a move that raises questions among Republicans, Democrats, and feminists. If that decision wasn’t troubling enough, McAuliffe also admitted to leaving his wife and newborn son Justin in the car so he could stop into a fundraising dinner for “maybe fifteen minutes.” “I felt bad for Dorothy,” he wrote, “but it was a million bucks for the Democratic Party.”

By now, many Virginians likely know better than to lend their support to a candidate who has openly established himself as a self-serving and unprincipled political operator who will do or say anything to achieve or maintain political power. Terry McAuliffe’s career is embodied by ‘the swamp’—a truth that is becoming clearer and clearer as his campaign and his image continue to falter.

The McAuliffe campaign and other Democrats are reportedly in a serious state of worry and panic as McAuliffe’s Republican opponent Glenn Youngkin continues to surge in polls. But it is McAuliffe himself—not Youngkin—who may prove to be the campaign’s greatest enemy.

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Catherine Tripp
Catherine Tripp
3 years ago

He will probably be re-elected, the communist that fixed the last election will fix this one.

3 years ago

If Virginians re-elect this weirdo, they deserve everything they get!!

Paul W
Paul W
3 years ago

The only thing in this article that I disagree with is the assertion that terry-boy, “Donated Nearly $500,000 to Disgraced Former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe’s Wife’s Campaign At a Time When McCabe was Investigating McAuliffe Political Patron Hillary Clinton.
Neither mccabe, nor anyone else at the fbi was “investigating” that treasonous serpent…hellary.

3 years ago

I’d say he is on the list for a trip south of Fla.

anna hubert
anna hubert
3 years ago

That hr id opportunistic corrupted parasite is not shocking that he is still in business is

3 years ago

If Virginians re-elect this governor, they just want a well-known politician and have no other standard. This implies a complete breakdown of education in Virginia.

3 years ago

Patriots, We must pray daily that God will not allow this evil serpent to succeed.
Virginians, you must turn out in vast numbers to counteract this despicable creep.

Roger E Kassebaum
Roger E Kassebaum
3 years ago

Sick individual, no need him in office

3 years ago

“Anyone this administration supports is untrustworthy…I don’t believe a word he says…he showed his true colors right away….surprised his poll numbers are as high as they are…we are praying that the right person wins…but God may have other plans”…

3 years ago

Since Jackass Joe and Governor Newsom “won” their elections, without voter reform you can forget McAuliffe “losing” this election! . . . It’s just Common Sense!

Eddie Van Halen
Eddie Van Halen
3 years ago

The FBI / KGB is nothing more than the political arm of the ( D ) communist party. It’s RULERS have been snakes and demons since the days of J. Edgar the cross-dresser. With the age of the internet now in full force, states can interface their law enforcement / each other AND INTERPOL. Why Trump did not ALSO fire Chris Wray is beyond me. And think of all the hundreds of millions we can save w/o them. Oh yeah, same goes for the weapon grabbing ATF. Both need to be defunded and abolished.

3 years ago

With the previous 2016 election of Donald John Trump, as much corruption as has been discovered in the Democrat Party was gratefully thrown in our collective faces throughout his term as President. As a result completely of their own doing, this is why the Democrats are chomping at the bit and why they’re so obsessed with DJT. He was not a ‘Swamp Creature’ he was, and is just your regular bs talking and sometimes unscrupulous businessman. The President Of The United States Of America, Donald Trump, exposed the Deep State swamp creatures for what they are. So, with this said, we learned that the Democrats, in order to stay in Power, have been undermining our election system mostly in Democrat run states for at least a decade. I seriously believe that guys like McAuliffe were placed into their positions by Deep State actors. How on earth could there be ‘millions’ of brain matter deficient people in this country who would vote for imbiciles like what we have on the entire West Coast? I just really don’t believe there are…there are quite a few mindless individuals out there, but not in mass as nearly half the voting population. If these Marxist demons pass that 3.2 Trillion dollar anti-American Marxist agenda supporting bill, we are done as a free society in this country! I know God has this, and praying through His mercy we will be saved either from this collective evil running rampant in our country, or preparing us for His return to take us home to be with our Lord forever. God help us!

J. Farley
J. Farley
3 years ago

Terry (McAwful) McAuliffe is nothing short of a rich socialist who will do whatever it takes too gain power, that’s not news, what will be news is if the citizens of Verginia have the backbone to NOT VOTE for this dirtbag, Clinton confidant, my guess is that they are so into WOKE and Socialism that they won’t be able to restrain themselves and will rush to the ballot box to make him Verginia’s own little God, Verginia’s stupidity will be Americas lose.
On another note, I just heard that Sen. Joe Manchin has said that if he doesn’t get his way he will leave the Democrat Party, while I am not a Joe Manchin fan by any stretch of the imagination, he can change my mind and if he is the true Conservative that he claims to be and changes Parties and votes to support the 2nd Amendment, and freedom of Religion and Freedom of the Press, I will give him a BIG THUMBS UP, that might be putting more faith in him than he deserves, but, we all can change.

3 years ago

This guy is a total jerk. Like a typical liberal, he’s totally antiAmerican and obviously against family since he would leave his wife one the day his child was born. He must think 1 million dollars for the demoncrats is more important than family. What a complete Cad.

3 years ago

Sounds ripe for a trip to the Spa.

3 years ago

Despite all of this and what has been going on, I will be shocked if Virginia still doesn’t elect him. Based on the past election in Virginia, and the close proximity to Washington, D.C., not to mention the recent failed recall in California of Governor Newsom, I can’t be hopeful when it comes to Democrats.

Philip Hammersley
Philip Hammersley
3 years ago

His one statement about parents having no say in their children’s education SHOULD be enough to sink him, but you can bet the Marxist NEA/AFT are pumping millions into his coffers! They hate the truth and oppose REAL education!

Bruce N Baker
Bruce N Baker
3 years ago

I will be very surprised if the people of Virginia are smart enough to get rid of him. They have gone for some very dubious decisions which are appalling.

David Spade
David Spade
3 years ago

When you look in the dictionary for the word scumbag, you see the picture of McAuliffe. He steers so far left, he walks in circles. This self agrandizing Marxist is the worst that the Democrats could ever put on the ballot in Virginia. This would be a great year to put him out to pasture.

3 years ago

McAuliffe just another dirty politician. A liar, a cheat, and on and on but the Dems keep voting for him. WHY?????????????

3 years ago

Just a typical Democrat. He is dirty as they come but as long as he is a Democrat his indiscretions are swept under the rug and made out to be just rumor. If this troll is elected Governor of Virginia then those foolish idiots deserve everything they get. When are people going to stop voting for the name of a party and instead for the person. This man is a disgusting corrupt carpetbagger and should be tarred and feathered and run out of town. Remember his is the worm that says, quote “parents should not be allowed to have a say in what their children are taught in the schools”. The parents are exactly the ones who should have a say in what is taught to their children. Also is it not McAuliffe who advocates the teaching of Critical Race Theory? This man is one unadulterated scumbag

Todd Wagner
Todd Wagner
3 years ago

Anyone still voting Democrat needs to find a socialist or communist country that needs more useful idiots and move out of this great country.

3 years ago

So, shall the repub. who is running against this smuck shinning the light on all these items. Hope so.
Time to get dirty, drag out the skeletons in his closet….show people the truth, with documentations and push hard…..again and again. If McAulffie gets re-elected, it will send the signal that the repubs. are not on target, not playing their A-game, and no better than the dems. they claim to be against. It’s time for the bare knuckle fight Virginia…..If the repub. wins, it’s a signal that the dems. can be taken down and hard, and sets the stage for upcoming election battles……don’t blow this people.

3 years ago

And yet…. many Democrats exhibit symptoms of insanity by voting the same way over and over again. And they apparently expect different results. But what they are getting is a massive swing to the far left socialist/communist/fascist crowd.

Nobody’s Business
Nobody’s Business
3 years ago

Won’t matter, Democrats get sexually stimulated when they vote for criminals. Doesn’t matter how corrupt they are, Democrats vote for Democrats regardless, shows how stupid they are. I will not associate with my Democrat friends anymore because if you are fine with criminals you are a criminal yourself!

3 years ago

Let the games begin.

3 years ago

Will these facts / past history be available to ALL PEOPLE who will be voting? Perhaps if the voters know what the people they are choosing from have done in the past, they might vote more intelligently. We can hope!

Jesse Tiede
Jesse Tiede
3 years ago

The guy’s a snake, and always will be…

Alphia Hardin
Alphia Hardin
3 years ago

Across the U.S.A., we have watched as Virginians have been abused by lawless, shady Democrats, and this guy is one of the worse bullies. Why would anyone vote to elect a known crook and bully? If they don’t want the mistreatment to continue — or worsen — they will wise up and dump this guy.

Patty Hanson
Patty Hanson
3 years ago

There will always be those voters who will not choose to become informed about the facts prior to casting their vote. They just go down their ballot looking for and marking all of the “D’s”.

Bob Ewalt
Bob Ewalt
3 years ago

Copy editing needed. Napolitano was not Secretary of DHS, which didn’t exist then. The Chinese billionaire’s family name is Wang.

3 years ago

Has the Clintonista and his supporting Bolshevik main stream media started using the Hillary Russia lie yet about his opponent or is that only good once ? Guess we will see how many Bolshevik voters live in Virginia.

3 years ago

The one who pressured the DHS employees to approve the GreenTech Center was Mayorkas. I have copies somewhere of their internal memos. We sued GreenTech for infringing on our technology we developed with China.

3 years ago

“unnerving stories”…..yes they are yet more stories spewed by democrats. Clearly written as a democrat propaganda hit piece. LOL!

George Kamburoff
George Kamburoff
3 years ago

The Democrats gave us Social Security, Unemployment Insurance, Medicare and the other benefits. Why are you letting yourselves be FOOLED by these hateful conservatives?

George Kamburoff
George Kamburoff
3 years ago

Republicans are trying to take away your healthcare!!
They are lying to you right now.

3 years ago

Democrats have been destroying this nation for decades – Biden among them. KKK Clan = democrats; Planned Parenthood = democrats. Removing Black fathers from their homes with never-kept promises of caring for their families – democrats. Election fraud above and beyond = democrats; pompous and narcissistic attitudes towards others (lower humans) = democrats.

3 years ago

No Offense Virginia but how the heck and did he get elected in the first place?
Con artist at his best and bottom line crook at his worst.

Gen. Patton
Gen. Patton
3 years ago

What a world-class scumbag in every way possible. WAKEUP VIRGINIA

Gen. Patton
Gen. Patton
3 years ago

Is George Kamberoff the dumbest man on earth? Read his comments below. No wonder he is a Socialist Demorat

3 years ago

Another failure in the commie Dem party. Praying for your loss. Wake up Va.

3 years ago

Fortunately, he has (D) after his name, which is all that he needs in VA.

John Inskeep
John Inskeep
3 years ago

This guy is criminal to the bone ! Liborats will just steal the election though , so what’s the answer ?

3 years ago

He is obviously a less than reputable person at best. He should not be in any public office but, rather in prison or deported to his favorite country, China where his alliegence truly lies.

3 years ago

Won’t matter a tinker’s dam. The election is rigged and the Dems hold the riggers. McAuliffe may not get elected by the voters, but he is a shoe-in, since election machines can flip votes and election laws are routinely ignored—especially in blue states. It’s funny about Virginia being blue. I lived in that state when I was younger, and it was extremely conservative. Probably still would be if elections were not so corrupt.

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