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Finally, CEOs with the Guts to Stand Up to the Left-Wing Mob

Posted on Monday, May 3, 2021
by AMAC Newsline

AMAC Exclusive

CEOAs companies from Coca-Cola and Delta Airlines to Apple and Amazon trip over each other to issue the quickest and loudest statements attesting fealty to liberal causes, a few sober CEOs are finding the courage to stand up and say, “ENOUGH.” They’re declaring that they want political and social justice causes out of the workplace–and telling their “woke” employees that if they don’t like it, they can take a hike.

One of the most prominent business titans to buck the trend of “woke corporations” is Coinbase CEO, Brian Armstrong. Armstrong runs one of the hottest companies in the emerging cryptocurrency sector—basically unorganized digital currency that seeks to be an alternative to traditional cash currencies. Armstrong may have found the kryptonite against politics disturbing his business.

Before Coinbase went public last month–making him one of the richest men in America–he notified employees that “[w]e don’t advocate for any particular causes or candidates internally that are unrelated to our mission, because it is a distraction from our mission.”

Imagine a business focused on its business, not the latest hashtag on Twitter or nightly feature on CNN. Armstrong even offered employees who didn’t like the new policy a generous severance package if they chose to resign. At least 60 employees took his offer.

Armstrong’s stand makes business sense too. A survey in 2020 showed that 47 percent of respondents said the 2020 Presidential election had “impacted their ability to get work done.”

For many workers, getting politics out of the workplace is clearly a breath of fresh air that allows them to focus on their jobs.

But not everyone is applauding Armstrong. The notoriously left-wing CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, who flagrantly interfered in the 2020 election by leading the charge to censor the Hunter Biden story, lectured Armstrong about his role in society, saying that Coinbase’s no-politics policy “leaves people behind.” Of course, he didn’t spell out who or how exactly.

Dorsey’s predecessor at Twitter had even stronger feelings about the Coinbase CEO’s announcement, saying that people like Armstrong are “going to be the first people lined up against the wall and shot in the revolution.”

Such vicious rhetoric only proves Armstrong’s point. That is exactly the kind of needlessly obnoxious and inflammatory political grandstanding Armstrong is wisely steering his company away from.

Others are following suit now as well.  Jason Fried, the Founder and CEO of popular project management software Basecamp, just issued a new company-wide policy in a similar vein, saying that there will be “no more societal and political discussions on our company Basecamp account.” Astonishingly, a third of the company’s workers resigned from their jobs rather than focus on their jobs instead of politics.

What makes the actions by these two CEOs especially courageous is that they operate in the technology space, which is notorious for its open advocacy for not just liberal but often openly socialist candidates and policies.

In the age of cancel culture and employee protests, it is more important than ever for America’s business leaders to summon the integrity to stand up against constant pressure from protestors, rioters, and their own “woke” employees. We depend on America’s business community to produce breakthroughs, beat their global competitors, and create jobs for Americans–and they can’t do that if they throw themselves on every grenade in the culture war.

If two tech moguls can stay strong and refuse to bend the knee to the mob, so can millions of other businesses across America. It’s time for corporate America to butt out of the culture war for good.

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3 years ago

I agree. If you want to express your opinion that’s fine, not on company time. We need more people

Stephen Russell
Stephen Russell
3 years ago

Need more CEOs to take charge now, needed, A-Z
& fire woke employees
Hire Boomer Vets than OK PT FT.

Jay A.
Jay A.
3 years ago

Now if only the weak spine politicians on the right will stand up to the loony left with their “woke” agenda!

Trump Girl
Trump Girl
3 years ago

Bravo!!! We must support those business who are moving the heated conversation about political talk and “wokeness” out of the workplace where it doesn’t belong. It serves no other purpose to degrade and when it does so much needless harm to one side or another. I’ll boycott any company that chooses a woke mob over common sense policies and tolerance of all views.

Jesse F Tiede
Jesse F Tiede
3 years ago

It’s about damned time somebody grew a pair, and told these Liberal Progressive Socialists to pound sand…

Albertson Kathryn
Albertson Kathryn
3 years ago

I wish more companies, people, and news agencies would say enough…keep your opinions to yourself. It now appears that if you don’t agree, you have no voice.

David B.
David B.
3 years ago

So Dorsey’s predecessor said this guy will be the “first lined up against the wall to be shot in the revolution”? Careful- that firing squad can easily pivot. These idiots think they are immune to any backlash for their inflammatory rhetoric, if the S### ever does hit the fan, all bets are off.

Elizabeth Evans
Elizabeth Evans
3 years ago

Someone said, when you are young you are a democrat and when you grow up you become a republican… what your political affiliation is or isn’t does not belong in the work place! Politics are ruining families, friendships, our country! Our granddaughter goes to a Christian school because they don’t teach politics, they focus on education. Public schools quit teaching cursive and she is learning cursive in pre-K! I applaud CEO’s that have the courage to take a stand! So Dorsey’s numbers are down and they are losing money so I am thinking he has no room to enter this BUSINESS discussion!!!

Beverlie J Lee
Beverlie J Lee
3 years ago

When someone does something good and positive, share that newsworthy news, but it does NOT matter to the public how the “other side” (liberals) reacted. That is what is wrong with the good news, we hear the positives, and right behind that you tell how the “other side reacted”. I do not care; I want to see the positive news for a change. Fine, that you tell the “other side” reacted negatively, but that is of little importance; you spent waaay too much time sharing the “other” side response. Almost to the point, you took away the importance of the positive news!

3 years ago

I have a real hard time understanding how any business with the bottom line as their main objective would purposely anger half of the consumers in America because of their political bent. Making the decision to forbid political discussion on the company website is the right way to go. As for Basecamp loosing workers, they didn’t loose a thing because the people who quit were too self absorbed to be concentrating on their jobs in the first place.

I will endeavor to only do business with companies who have similar policies. Save your feelings for the social media and be very careful how you use the name of your employer.

Fairfield 59
Fairfield 59
3 years ago

I fully support the businesses who do not cave to Wokeness!

3 years ago

Yes more companies need to do the same as this gentlemen! I refuse to buy anything from Coke- Coca or Amazon and quite a few others like Kohl’s and Bed Bath & Beyond are off my list of places to shop!

3 years ago

There is a little saying I heard many years ago, that still runs true today.
When one point a finger at someone, accusing, THERE ARE THREE POINTING BACK AT THE ONE ACCUSING!.
SO, DEMONRATS, do not accuse anybody on the right of what YOU ARE DOING!!!

3 years ago

How refreshing! The loss of the “woke” employees was no loss at all, leading to a more efficiently run business. I applaud these two business CEOs for their integrity!!!

3 years ago

To the ones who left because of politics, they are part of the problem and good riddance if they don’t see how wrong the Dems, Biden and the left are. They are destroying everything good and replacing it with evil.

3 years ago

the comment about revolution and being shot GOES BOTH WAYS libtard

3 years ago

Many many kudos to Armstrong and Freid! This is just the beginning. Other smart business owners will follow too. In our little town we have fought against rank choice voting and won. There are more left handed ideas out there and we will fight those too. We are not business owners, but right-leaning general public who do this on their own time all while holding down full-time jobs, not instead of. This is what America is all about. We can multi-task without making the companies we work for paying us to do it. Thank you for bringing this to light!

3 years ago

What a refreshing and positive message from these companies! I never was a “follower” and respect a company that is a leader!

3 years ago

We need more business people to focus on business and promoting quality product. The ones who will fail are the “woke” ones, whatever that jibberish means.

Ron Howard
Ron Howard
3 years ago

While it is good that Brian Armstrong wants political and social justice out of the work place, and I wish more CEOs did, it is important to point out that while unorganized digital currency made him one of the richest men, unorganized digital currency (Bitcoin, etc.) is an extremely high risk currency with no safe guards and has cost many investors millions of dollars through fraud, and they have no avenue to recover the stolen loses. I hope that AMAC is not indorsing the investment in unorganized digital currency through this article. It should be pointed out that anyone planning to invest in unorganized cryptocurrency should do so only with funds that they can afford to lose. Epoch Times reported recently that many investors in cryptocurrency lost millions of dollars overnight to fraud, waking up the next morning wondering how this could have happened, and with no recourse, the money just gone.

3 years ago

I love the fact these men are standing up for their Companies. The ones that resigned or took the severance pay were likely trouble makers. They don’t need them around making way for more valuable employees.

Bill Beckham
Bill Beckham
3 years ago

You said a survey in 2020 but declined to say what survey or by who, which indicates to me that this is fake news, If you can’t cite the sources for others to follow, then it could all be made up

Frank J. Chiarelli
Frank J. Chiarelli
3 years ago

A drop or two in the bucket but who knows, maybe it’s the start of a renewed Pro-American cultural revolution & the survival of our beloved country that is slouching toward the corrupt abyss of totalitarianism while weak fellow countrymen bury their heads in the sand. The spirit of 1776 be with all Patriots. The sands of time are running out. Now is the time for all good men & women to come to the aid of their country. ???????? May God Bless America.

3 years ago

Wah, wah, wah. Dorsey is the one to be left behind, how much has twitter lost? 15%? Widdle widdle baby’s toys are being taken out of his play pen. WAH!

3 years ago

I’ve a suggestion, stop dealing with these big Corporations, they are the ones who’ve gotten filthy rich during all these Lock downs, and restrictions of freedoms. Many Millionaires have come about just over Mask alone. It’s sad that they were not people who really needed the $$ but the Ruling class who knew what was fixing to happen, had it all planned out. Mike Lindell said he lost mass amounts of money making mask no one wanted and his had to have an expiration stamped on them. Yet the Cheap $1 pleated ones sold in cellophane pkg. have no such dates and for sure no such information as to what type particles they block. None of these have been tested or regulated for safety, American’s have become so gullible and Foolish. My local Ace hardware No mask, no signs to stay 6 ft apart, if you want to come in mask so be it, if not that’s o.k. also. I’ve started doing most all my shopping at small Mom and Pop places and so glad I have. The service is way better, an no huge store to way around trying to find couple items. As for Coca Cola, never have liked stuff in plastic or Aluminum cans, prefer water, or cup of coffee. Don’t fly anymore no one to go see, or the money to pay to go on vacation. Not sure about that alternate spending, I go to Technocray. news (no space) site and thenewAmerican (Alex Newman is Great), and theAmericanReport .org, the conservative tree house and of course frankspeech site every even 7-8 depending on time zone to watch news you’ll get no place else. Other sites, for sure do not watch MSM at all local or national, it’s all pure Crap. That includes Newsmax Had awful article praising the Murderous, communist N. Mandela this past week, just pure shameful praising Clinton’s, their as awful as Fox.

3 years ago

Great, finally American companies with guts. We soo need more

Leonard Anthony Calderone
Leonard Anthony Calderone
3 years ago

I am boycotting all companies that follow Coke, Delta, and the left wing zealots. Their job to make and sell products, not make themselves America’s voice. That should be left to the voters.

3 years ago

Bravo for these CEOs standing up to cancel culture! We all need to do the same. Did anyone notice that the percentage of those who quit these jobs were a small percentage? The majority of employees value their jobs more than politics and I’m sure they are happy that their CEOs made it clear that it’s not welcome at work any more. Let peace rein at work.

3 years ago

Michelle Mauchem (not sure of the spelling) on Newsmax Saturday, had a guest who spoke to all the racism being thrown out at everyone who is white and made a suggestion that white people should counter the term racism by labeling everyone who self-righteously calls every white person a white supremacist racist without any evidence, by labeling them all as beings Anti- Whitest and call it Anti- Whiteism..

Paula Lehman
Paula Lehman
3 years ago

It is about time the leaders of corporations stood up to the leftist mob.I hope more have the courage to follow in their footsteps!

Myrna S Wade
Myrna S Wade
3 years ago

Two companies that tried to eliminate politics from work to get their labor force focused on work: While this effort is quite on point, everything we do contributes or detracts from our future. Even if we never speak on the topic or write about it, we stand on one side or the other of a huge abys.

3 years ago

Yes! What a breath of fresh air to hear of these two companies. I truly hope more companies will do that!

Ruth Hoskins
Ruth Hoskins
3 years ago

Hypocrisy times a trillion. Jack Dorsey has hurt so many people “leaving them behind,” as their business take a big hit by being censored. So happy to hear that a company stood up to the crazy Woke culture that hates American values and the freedom we stand for. Congratulations! Ruth

Larry T. Lanning
Larry T. Lanning
3 years ago

Conservative MUST vote with out cash. Not only, must we chose UNwoke companies when given a choice, we must seek to “do without” a particular item. I have a long history of drinking Diet Coke; however, today I drink either Diet Dr. Pepper, Diet Pepsi, Diet A&W Root Beer, sugar-free ice tea or water. The last time I went to my local Dairy Queen, they o nly had diet coke; thus, got a small cup of ice and added the drink which I had, but was hot. I will avoid every COKE product, assuming I have identified all of them.
Conservatives have great buying-power; we must use it to overcome the woke.

3 years ago

We need MORE CEOs like Armstrong with backbone to stand up against Communism and propaganda spewers. We should use our buying power to bolster and enrich conservative companies that aren’t out to destroy America from within with their racial leftist views and millions that fund violent groups like BLM and Antifa.

Ed J
Ed J
3 years ago

Kudos to those CEOs who set “right thinking” policies for their companies. Hopefully more CEOs will follow suit. I suspect that those employees who quit were reacting like cockroaches scattering back into the darkness when a bright light is turned on them. Their loyalties were NOT to the companies for which they worked, but were obviously elsewhere. The only comment to these “loser” employees who quit is “Don’t let the door hit you in the ass on your way out!”
The unfortunate part of this is that these “sewer rats” will find employment with some other woke sewer like organization where they will feel right at home and the stench of both will be about the same.

Dr. Larry Patterson
Dr. Larry Patterson
3 years ago

I applaud the business leadership these CEO’s are demonstrating. I for one, will not support businesses who engage in manipulative political and social tactics.

Ann Campbell
Ann Campbell
3 years ago

Thanks to you for reporting this…..and thanks to the two CEO’s mentioned in your article. Hopefully more CEO’s will follow suit…..the political climate has no place in corporate America. The left Wing Socialists/communists need to be shut down permanently. With so many big businesses bowing to their rhetoric… is a shame ! Coke and so many others need to grow some balls and stand strong for America and the country we all have loved.

3 years ago

Oh how soon the left forgets or tries to cover it up but remember senator Robert Byrd a full fledged Ku Klux Klan leader well a little over 10 years ago at his funeral biden gave his glowing eulogy while Pelosi gave adoring remarks both calling the high ranking klansman a Friend a Mentor a great American Patriot while HRC claims the man who called blacks mongrels the Heart and Soul of America even using the condemned Confederate flag on her campaign literature! This whole biden obama racism agenda game is racist period and why is it nobody on the left bothers to look at history the facts are everywhere Democrats fought to keep slavery they owned slaves were against abolishing slavery against civil rights even blacks owned black slaves themselves enough already whites are not the cause of racial problems look no further than the hypocritical modern day slave owning dems themselves who are race baiting angry agitating losers the left once again conveniently forgets America elected obama twice so much for this racist country!

Jeannie Huppert
Jeannie Huppert
3 years ago

God’s “paydays” are on their way: good to those who refuse to move away from God; BAD! to those who have acted & / or talked like devils.

Brenda Bluntdespi
Brenda Bluntdespi
3 years ago

Finally, business folks willing to take a stand! May others follow suit!

William Boylan
William Boylan
3 years ago

Coin Base has lost $100 per share since it opened, last month. I don’t see Basecamp listed as publicly traded. Not a criticism, just and observation.

3 years ago

Kudos, the 2 CEO’s who have tried to eliminate intolerable issues in the work place. A neutral ground is best for progress.

3 years ago

One has to commend these men of courage with the hope that other leaders in the business world will see the same need and respond accordingly……imagine if GM, Ford, Coca Cola, MLB, Target, Walmart, the NBA, Labor Unions, were to awaken to this action. While this may be far-fetched, we, who are dubbed “consumers” still have some power…….just don’t do business with them as far as possible. The “wallet” and stockholders carry weight. I’m not suggesting total boycotts, but if we all studied who we buy from, and spend our money on other options, and tell those who are not getting our business why we are do this….I think the message will reverberate. I for one do a little business as possible with the big box stores, choosing their competition as my source….and I write them and tell them. I have gotten some interesting responses…..even bribes of coupons and discounts to come back. Certainly, it costs me a bit more to do this, but cutting expenses and budgeting are less appealing if the people we patronize are neck-deep in the failure of our nation. Call me crazy, but in the end, I have found that my budget has not taken all that hard a hit……and some of these competitors acknowledge their appreciation with their own discounts and such… a thank you. I also write (and call) these same businesses telling them why I am doing what I do….and they appreciate it. Honestly, we can shout and cry and complain all day long, to little success…..when we put our money where our mouth is, things happen. D.P.

3 years ago

Glad to see some companies doing business instead of trying to ruin lives. Maybe those folks who left can get a job with Antifa, BLM or the democrats

3 years ago

Good to see some sanity going into this. Politics doesn’t belong in the workplace. Work does!

3 years ago

At last, some execs that do not suffer from “testicular atrophy”.

3 years ago

Why wouldn’t they quit…Now they can collect and hang out at home all day

3 years ago

I’m psyched to see these brave CEO’s cancel politics & “woke” culture from their organizations. Employees are hired to work hard! Politics do not belong in the workplace! Let’s see if other CEO’s with a backbone will follow suit!

3 years ago

About time someone had the courage to stand up to these thugs.

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